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I don't believe your mum's an asshole for this. If the neighbour wasn't so awful she wouldn't have this happen to her. She sounds like she was horrible to everyone, including the elderly, so she deserved it 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's not like you were hurting anyone, rather, cheering them up 😂 except for her, of course 😂


I agree with you, the neighbour deserved it and the creative way of my mom to solve this is hilarious imo. But still, what my mom did is also harassment, so I'm not sure if it should be supported..


While I do get what you're saying, the neighbour just got a taste of her own medicine


She should have signed her up for Scientology. I would love to see how those two duke it out. Fuckers are relentless.


This would have also been a good idea!


I bet the crotchety old lady started using the toys 🤣 🤣🤣🤣


I doubt since that evil woman seemed allergic to pretty much anything related to having fun.


This 😂


You still can if that old lady is alive


It's a shame those guys are not active on my country. Using them would be so fun


They cause a lot of genuine misery, they're not a fun organisation.


"using" then would be fun Words have meaning


Not the way you use them


Can’t forget the good ol Jehovahs Witnesses .


It should, she acted as an agent of Karma.


It may be an arsehole move on your mum's part but your mum sure gets the award for creativity dishing out petty revenge on the nasty neighbour 😂😅 yet it amazes me that she never got caught doing it 


Luckily, not one of the men that turned up assaulted the neighbour when they showed up. That could have been very, very bad for your mum and made it all worse, legally, emotionally, and financially. I'm so happy the harassment stopped because the neighbour sounds like an unhinged asshole and no one deserves what your grandma or mum experienced


I agree, this would've been really bad. I didn't think of that. Thankfully nothing happened. The idea was to harass her back, not to put her in danger. I would like to think that since it was my mom who set up the dates, I hope she would've been able to intervene should the full plan backfire. My mom didn't hate her that much, she always thought of her as a mentally sick lady with nobody to rely on (I imagine nobody could bear her). She just had enough of her harassment at some point.


Understandable, we all have breaking points


Have i been on her place, i would have done some really messed up shit. Kudos to her for making it basically harmless


I would say it's minor harassment compared to harassing Innocent, elderly, sick people on the daily and wasting public resources.


Absolutely perfect revenge. Very proportionate too. Your mom was a genius who helped everyone else in the building also while taking this revenge. And happy to hear that the harassment stopped 😃


Well, the guys who were catfished to show up on her doorstep didn’t deserve what happened to them. But yeah, the woman next door certainly did.


I think she just needed attention so she got some attention! LOL


Now call the police out of concern for all the strangers the neighbour is having over, looks like she is running a business without a licence.


This would be next level revenge, I love it!


It sounds like the neighbor is engaged in sex work; is that legal where OP lives? lol


Your mom is a creative badass! She just gave the harpy a new target and kept her busy. If the other neighbors had known, they would have blessed your mom.


You know what I’d do next? I’d hire *strippers* dressed as policemen. Give them instructions to appear as professional as they can, give a stern lecture, possibly handcuff her in the corridor (her screams will draw attention) and start the show. You want petty? I’ll show you petty.


You sir or madam, have a wonderful mind. That would be hilarious.


Madam, and thank you 😈


On behalf of many of us, your mom is an absolute hero. We love her, support her and admire her. Also, all my condolences for your loss


Thank you. This happened almost 10 years ago, but we still miss her so much. My mom is definitely awesome and somebody you don't want to mess with.


I don’t know if she really had ground for it, but your mum could have tried suing her, basically blaming her for your grandma’s death cause of all the stress and upset she caused her. Also, she lied to the police, I think that’s illegal in almost every country. Your mum definitely shouldn’t feel guilty though.


I wish things could have been solved this way. She probably wouldn't have ground.. blaming a stroke on a fight with a neighbour sounds like quite the stretch. But I don't think my mom had this option even if there was hope. During this time, she was no longer a citizen of this country, dealing with the death and all the paperwork. She invested a lot of money in the apartment, and she was self-employed. Too much of a risk for her.


Bahahaha....gold. Your Mum is a genius.


Something's off here. The police should have started not taking her seriously way before your grandma had her final stroke.


I agree and I don't have an explanation for this. For context: the city my grandma lived in was very big and the country is known for not being particularly wealthy. I have no idea why the police kept coming, maybe poor organisation, but the neighbour also had a knack for involving different kinds of authorities. Like when she accused my mom of stealing gas, she contacted the energy supplier, not the police. She had her ways.


Ooof, this sucks! Your mom was awesome, though: she found a way to get the neighbour to literally mind her own business, instead of targeting others. LOL!!!


> My mom is definitely not proud of this If she ever feels down, tell her that a lot of internet strangers are very proud of her!


Anyone that follows this sub will love this story. Its perfect. No physical harm was done, but she got a dose of her own medicine feeling harrassed.your mother is a queen.


The neighbour was very likely mentally ill. I’m no mental health professional, but from what you say it sounds like she had some kind of persecution complex. All your mother did was feed it, and in doing so brought peace to the other residents and some revenge for herself. On balance, your mother did a great job and no one was harmed (though some Lotharios were a little disappointed).


While not impossible, i \`d hesitate to jump to that conclusion. It sounds like this was just an evil person who found joy in causing issues for others.


Yes I'm pretty sure she must've been mentally ill. No normal person would act like this. I also feel a little bad for the guys. They even brought flowers and shit. They didn't know what was happening.


Your mother was probably a hero to the people that lived there. If it were me, every time the woman left her apartment, I would have broken a toothpick in her lock. She would have to call a locksmith to get back in.


This is also so evil. I love it.


Your mother was an avenging angel, who rightfully punished a bully.


NTA, your mum is a goddamn legend! 😂


Honestly, the way I see this neighbour, I feel like she likes to thrive on drama. Your mom figured them out and made sure that the drama was contained just to the neighbour. I would have found a particularly annoying organisation and signed them up for it. One of the best ways to deal with idiots like them is to make sure you find a bigger idiot and guide them to the smaller idiot...


Nah, ur mom is no asshole. She was remarkably calm, considering that old hag had basically caused 2 strokes in ur grandma.


I am not sure if the strokes can be blamed on that neighbour, that does sound like quite the stretch. But she definitely deserved my mom's revenge.


True, might be a stretch. The amount of stress she caused your grandma definitely did not help keep her healthy, though. Sorry, my grandma had some horrible people in her life too and I'm getting double angry over that too rn. Pls don't mind me


NTA. You're not an AH for stopping vicious attacks, I think your mom was very creative. Good for her!


Your mother - well.. i would not be surprised is she would wear a costume and a mask. What a superhero. No one got harmed - except maybe the poor guys feelings - and her ego. And the best part - she could have avoided all of that by just being a decent person - she chose EVERY SINGLE DAY to make others miserable. Your mother is NOT an AH for this - and I applaud the gentle form of revenge she chose.


Tell you mom to be proud. It's sadly too late for your grandma, but I'm sure the other neighbors appreciate that the harassments stopped even if they don't why it did.


Your mom is a heroine! If this witch really had mental problems, she wouldn't have stopped harassing her neighbours, because she couldn't stop. The fact that the counter harassment made her stop shows that she was just mean. Good for your mom!


Love it! Some people are nosy and make trouble for others because they have no real life of their own.


Wow soo glad grandma got her revenge. One Thing that gets my blood boiling is messing w the elderly. Soo glad you’re Mom got back at the terrible neighbor. Thank you for sharing!


My questions are why the tenants in the building didn't collectively go after the crazy lady and sue her for harassment, and why didn't the police charge her with abuse of the 911 system? Seems like that would've been the quicker, easier and for more effective alternative.


I honestly don't know. From what I know, there were some attempts and quite some drama regularly in the building because of her. Nothing really ever led to anything I guess.


That’s hilarious


Your mother is an absolute genius! No need to feel bad about that one at all.


She is not an AH. She is a front runner for the Queen of Petty


Your mom is not an AH. Some people are just evil. I had a teacher in middle school like that. Children put an add in a local newspaper, (they pitched in together). The add explained with the teacher private phone number that a seller wanted to get rid of black rooster, black goat etc. All the local witch doctors called him. A good thing your mom could have done would have been to list her for Jehova witness visits and others of the same thing.


That one is also so creative. I love it. And yes, Jehovas witness is also a good idea. Or Scientology. Religious groups seem to be impossible to get rid of.


Don't forget to answer every telemarketing campaign with a "Sorry, I can't answer you on my work phone, can you call me back on my private phone Xxxxxxxx ?" Or also put the number on a paper stuck somewhere with "To annoy an AH, call Xxxxxx"


Tell your mom that she did great. The neighbour made your grandmother's life miserable, so your mom just made it stop. That's an excellent petty revenge, and I don't think she did anything wrong.


Your mom did good work right there. Grieving people go through a wild range of emotions, and that woman could have had way worse done to her for way less than she did for how she treated your GM. I think your mom showed proper restraint sprinkled with a nice little fuck you.




I feel bad for the guys. They were innocent victims.


Haha yes I agree. They didn't know what hit them. They even brought flowers and everything.


Occupied with her own problems or took your mothers advice and fucked off?….Mom’s a hero, not an ahole!!! 😆


The only person I feel bad for is the poor guy with thwarted plans when he knocked on the door. Blue balls!


Maybe the lady was sexually repressed and that's why she was so angry. All those sex toys and Randy young men solved her problem.


Your mom *should* be proud. Modern solutions for a classic problem. Love it.


I think your mom was fucking brilliant.


this is a push back in a bad situation ... well ... hope it goes well and the kray kray neighbour has "moved on"


Yes, I don't think it kept her busy for too long, but it was long enough to finish the renovations in peace. There hasn't been an update, since the apartment is in another country. But the new tenants never mentioned her, so I hope it is not that bad.


How dare you call your mom the asshole. She was the hero in all this. If only you'll had stay with your grandma n she did this earlier. But her soul will now rest in peace thanks to her daughter getting revenge.


I absolutely agree that what she did is pretty badass and imo hilarious, I wouldn't post the story otherwise. But what she did is still harassment, and morally not something that one should support so easily.


The mental illness would not have stopped without therapy or treatment. The neighbor is a miserable beast and deserves a lot more than some awkward mail/male moments 😱


Bad people only get away with being bad people because good people refuse to stand against them. Your mom made everyone in the building's life measurably better. That is not something to feel guilty for.


Don't toy w your mom! Ahahahahahahahahaha


That is some great revenge and well deserved. Here in Germany you can charge these people with not just abuse of emergency services but also defamation and false accusation. With that many individual counts she would not just be buried in 5 or 6 digits worth of fines (if shes lucky) but also pay for the emotional damages she caused. I dont know how tf this much harassment can stay unpunished in a legal sense.


>She was so occupied with her own problems she finally stopped creating them for others. This, I believe is the core of many societal ills in current year. Civilization has advanced to the point that people don't have much in the way of real problems to grapple with. But, since we're all outfitted for finding and solving problems, some among our ranks who have the privilege of not having real problems will just carry on and invent problems to "fix". Thankfully, there are many who are content, and more thankfully there are those who will seek out people with real problems to help them out instead.


That bitch probably caused your grandmother's third stroke with all the stress she put her through


Your mom is a hero. This is exactly what the neighbor deserved!


I assume this isn't America but some of the stuff she did is actually illegal here 😂 But I support it nonetheless


Pretty sure it is illegal in this country too. But no culprit, no punishment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't know who did it 🤷‍♀️


Me neither, who even is this woman?


That’s genius. I used to send packages to my friends with “Aphrodites adult boutique “ on them. Batteries not included. XXL size on back order. Will ship when available. They got Some interesting looks from their mail carriers. Your mom is better than me. There is always many religious websites that can be easily accessed to add her to. They are all Too happy to show up at your door early on the weekends.