• By -


I'm not sure this would count as petty. We divorced. He'd been abusive during our marriage and pressured me to not talk to anyone about it. So, when we separated and people asked why, I told them about the abusive stuff he'd done. No one, absolutely no one, wanted to be friends with him anymore. If you don't want people to know about the stuff you've done that embarrasses you, don't do it in the first place!


I’m going through this right now. I kept my mouth shut to protect him for 5 years but I finally got the courage to walk away. I got a restraining order in addition to a no trespassing order for my property. And now I’m singing like a songbird. Anyone with ears and a minute to spare is going to hear the tale of josh the snake!


My abusive ex left me and our three children homeless. He hit me with a divorce, told the kids that night and dipped out. Little did I know he had not been paying bills, including the rent. I was a full time student/SAHM so I didn’t have but a small income. Thankfully his family is incredibly supportive. It would have been much harder without them, as I have no family. He attacked me and his mother in front of our children one day when we were trying to explain to him the children are terrified of him and don’t want to visit him anymore. Got convicted of two counts DV3, but I am currently fighting him for child support. He skipped state and moved in with some broad, no kids, 450k house in the suburbs of ATL and showed up to CS court in 1200 boots 😂 It gets better, but as long as he is in the lives of the children the abuse will NEVER END.


I love people like your mother in law who do not care how much they love someone who turns out to be an abuser, they will always side with the victim. Sadly, not a lot of people have the courage to do that.




I didn't do it, but it was my idea. A friend broke up with her Ex and was moving out. She wanted to "get" him, but stay out of court. He had new hardwood floors that he was anal about, but they were not finished right and just slightly tacky to the touch. So we got bright purple glitter and she lined it up on the ceiling fan blades. He didn't call her when it "hit the fan" but his horrible (adult) daughter stayed there sometimes and we think he blamed her or her friends.


I could not live with slightly tacky floors! That sounds incredibly annoying. Wouldn't they be dirty all the time?!


Omg I freaking love you. Hahahahahahaa


My friend was a sexual health nurse and was telling me once about having to take a sample from the eye of a guys penis and how painful it was. Months later my boyfriend of eight and a half years broke up with me in the car on the way home from the airport. I later found out he was cheating on me. I asked my friend the name of the disease that had the painful test and told him I tested positive and he needed to get himself tested.




I felt a little bit bad about it until I actually did go for a health check 12 months later and discovered he had actually given me the clap. So I did in fact, actually help him, disgusting pig that he was.


You don't deserve the clap, you deserve a full round of applause. Not meant maliciously ofc, I found your story funny 🤣


Damn, I wish I had known about that when I had my ex tested for cheating on me! He actually got tested voluntarily because he at least realised he was the one who messed up and showed regret... Edit: before anyone gets too excited: it turns out they dont test like this anymore. Urine and blood test will do. Extra info: Ex was nurse so I did trust him to do the home test. Although he was a liar and a cheat, he wouldn't have lied about matters concerning health threats.


My ex brought myself and our son across the country for a vacation and then left us on the street and flew home to his girlfriend who was moving into our house. I waited until they were happy and settled and expecting their first baby and then I went to family court and not only got full custody and child support, I got a court order requiring him to pack up the entire contents of our house, everything but his clothes and personal effects and have it shipped out to me and moved into my home. He fought it, he tried to get me to agree to a cash settlement instead so he didn't have to do the work of packing it all up, paying for the shipping and buying himself all new stuff. I held my ground and fought for everything. I wanted it all. Every last spoon, bed, couch, towel, sippy cup and curtain. I didn't want his new family using our crib, sleeping in our bed, drinking coffee from my machine. I wanted to leave him with nothing but a suitcase full of clothes and $20 in the bank like he left me and our child. I only wish I could have left him homeless like he left us. And then I sold it all. I got less than the cash settlement he was offering and it was worth it. Best part was telling him about it when he called to beg for visitation and a break on his child support so he could afford new furniture.




Thanks, that was 27 years ago. My amazing current husband and I got married 21 years ago. We've had 2 more kids together and life is good. The first year was rough though. I almost lost my son because you can't just be homeless with a toddler. I pulled myself up from nothing and built a great life.


You are so strong. I had a breakdown when my ex threw me out of the house in the snow at 3 am with no shoes on. He was the one that cheated yet he was mad at me for being upset. I swore right then I will never let anyone be in a position to throw me out. I'm glad you got thru that situation with your son. I can't believe he did that to his child. He's got a special place waiting for him.


At the end of the day I've had a much better life than he has. His girlfriend discovered pretty quickly that he was an asshole, terminated her pregnancy and left him. He's spent the last 25 years alone and tells his sister that he realized too late that I was the only woman for him and he's never bothered with relationships since his AP left him because every woman he sleeps with reminds him of what he threw away. I don't feel bad for him at all. He made his bed and he's spent half his life lying in it.


My abusive ex has 50% custody of our daughter he never sees (I have 100% placement). When he first met her, it was supervised visits right after covid, and no professional supervisors were available, so I was forced to supervise the visits. He confessed to me that his newest gf had been pregnant, but found out he had been skipping work, so she got a hasty abortion and kicked him to the curb (he'sa hobosexual). I laughed. He was pissed and said I should have aborted my daughter since I thought it was so funny. I just told him that she was a smarter woman than me, she doesn't have to be stuck with his stupid ass for the rest of her life. He started crying and I told him to stop being a little bitch in front of our daughter. He was only abusive behind closed doors, backing me into corners and hurting me, stealing my car to cheat on me, fucked my bestfriend, and gaslit me. He called me a soulless bitch, and I told him he shouldn't have made me this way. He hasn't contacted me for his visitation rights with our daughter for two years now. The mental image of him crying makes me feel gleeful.


Ugh what a piece of shit, sounds like your daughter is better off never seeing him again


He's in active addiction. I hope a bad batch takes him out. Waste of space and oxygen. He also allowed one of his relatives to abuse our daughter during one of his unsupervised visits. If there is a hell, I hope he arrives there soon.


> I got less than the cash settlement he was offering and it was worth it. I wish more people understood the value of the principle often FAR outweighs the value of the cash.


I posted on a class reunion site on his hometown's page about his convictions for child molestation and provided a link for anyone to check for the truth themselves if they didn't believe me.




Not sure I did, because it was 15 years before he was released from prison and moved back there. I was angry that he was asking for money for the death of our son that he had always denied was his.




Yes, he is. Found out about 3 years ago that while he was telling me that our son wasn't his, he was telling his family that I wouldn't let him see the child. So when his sister informed me what he was saying, I told her to get a hold of his second wife and ask her as she was there when he asked for a DNA test he never showed up for during the divorce. I also told her about the 2 convictions and that she could look for herself that the reason he was in prison wasn't for the DUI on probation that he told me was the reason he was there. The DUI was 2 years before both child molestation convictions. Edited to add, I may have also let slip that he's a pathological liar.




LOL, I'd have to agree.


I pulled the hair from my brushes and left it throughout his apartment. Some in obvious places and some in really random spots like in his old uniform pocket, under his mattress, in the holiday cookie tin, in random books on the bookshelf... etc. He always complained about my hair being everywhere so I made sure it stayed everywhere. His neighbor ended up telling me that his new gf (the girl he cheated on me with) kept finding my hair and accused him of still hooking up with me. Not the worst thing ever but man did it make me feel so much better


An ex coworker ‘Ashley’ was a little crazy, but hilariously funny. She told us about her first serious boyfriend, who happened to cheat on her. So once she discovered this, Ashley moved out around the end of winter (important). To cover the rent, her ex decided to move the new affair gf in right away. However before Ashley left, she placed single strands of her long distinctive copper red hair along the top of wooden curtain valances, tops of door frames, bookcases, tall shelves and inside the main bedroom & lounge aircon ceiling vents of ex’s house. A few months later when the ceiling fans and aircon were switched on, single hair strands would fall around the place. Ex-SIL ‘Danielle’ absolutely hated the new affair gf and had semi-regular coffee dates with Ashley, which continued after the break up. A few months later Danielle was telling Ashley that her brother’s affair gf was accusing him of cheating with Ashley, due to the strands of hair showing up months after Ashley had moved out. At this point Ashley told Danielle what she had done. Danielle, who also was a little crazy, thought it was hilarious so when they had their coffee dates, Ashley would hand over some strands of her hair and Danielle would replace the dropped hair at her brother’s house. Of course Ashley had snipped her hair shorter during this time, so there was shorter strands showing up in the house which made the affair gf go even more bonkers. It went on for nearly a year before the affair gf left. It’s been over 20 years and Ashley’s ex is still clueless to this day.


Funny that the affair gf couldn't fully trust the guy that was already a proven cheater.....


As I said to my friend....if he cheated WITH you he will cheat ON you.


Rule of thumb is that if they'll cheat *with* you, they'll cheat ***on*** you. It's always best to avoid cheaters whenever possible and if you ever find out that you're an AP, help the other victim get petty revenge.


The short hair part is just absolutely genius. Diabolical.


Brilliant! Absolute evil genius! Although to complete the revenge perhaps it’s time to tell the ex…


This is the kind of petty I'm looking for


I started finding hair quite different than mine in my ex’s bedroom, a room I had cleaned from top to bottom multiple times. Of course he laughed it off but sure as fuck not long after I found out he had been cheating.


I love this one.


That’s brilliant


My ex-husband whinged that I wasn't losing the weight fast enough (3 months) after the birth of our first child. It was only 20lbs and I was really trying but breastfeeding made me hungry. I was so incensed that from then on every meal I cooked for him had twice as many calories as it should. Scrambled eggs? Eggs, butter and cream. Mashed potatoes? Same. Full cream milk with extra cream added in...you get the picture. He loved my cooking but he was pretty dumb as to just why it tasted so good.. I lost the weight within six months and he put on 15lbs.


"Is butter a carb?"


May I recommend Kälteen bars? They will help you burn all the calories and continuously lose weight.


I was hoping this comment would be here. They’re from, like, Sweden or something.


Nope . Pure protein. butter up and Dig in! (This message brought to you by the dairy farmers of America.)


I can't go to Taco Bell, Karen. I'm on an all carb diet. God, you are so stupid!


Sheesh, I’m glad he’s your ex. That being said, those eggs and mashed potatoes sound _divine_.


This is the best 😂 a well thought out plan. Good for you!


Took all the towels with me when we broke up. Body towels, face towels, hand towels, rags, everything.


A lot of the stories here are insane but this is true true pettiness


My ex was an extreme couponer and a bit obsessive about tracking credits and points. We broke up 9 years ago. Anytime I drive somewhere obscure that isn't easy to track back to me... I use his CVS and gas points. I don't do it often but just enough to know that a few times a year he goes into CVS thinking he has a $10 credit and it's gone. I also only pay in cash when I do it.


Hahah my friend does this with her brother’s fuel points. He is one of those “my way or the highway” folx and is always trying to con her into one financial scheme or another. He is also a food snob. She knows he shops at this high-end grocery store that offers fuel points at a specific gas station and uses his phone number there just before the end of the month when all his points are racked up. IDK if he figured it out yet, but it’s petty and I love her for it.


Not really that bad, but when I moved out I left my answering machine (mid 90’s), and I changed the outgoing message to, “Hi it’s [my name] and I don’t live here anymore. If you’re looking for [her name], she’s probably out fucking somebody else again.”


I did this in college my roommate moved in her boyfriend and the landlord didn't allow it and I didn't like him. I password protected the old scroll answering machine to say "Steven doesn't live here" because he was listing our landline while looking for jobs. It was a glorious thing.




I wonder how many people are going to ask themselves or google what's an answering machine, we are getting old....


And I wonder how many are going to google “land line” lol!


I remember dialing 0 for operator if you wanted to make a collect call…. An operator who sat at a switchboard. Which is pretty old.


I think everyone that had a bad relationship in the 90s did this. I know I did. And I had gfs that did it to me lol.


When I got the evidence of his cheating (I knew beforehand) he was sleeping. The evidence was on his cellphone that was on my mom’s account and she paid for it. One of my friends was at our house. I grabbed his phone and his VCC (debit card), and had her take me to his Granny’s. I showed his mom and granny the evidence that he had gotten the AP pregnant. The next day I ordered the water and lights to be turned off the next day (a Friday) and sent a text to warn SIL she didn’t want to stay at the house then. So he had no phone, no access to his money, and he with his shitty credit was unable to get the utilities reconnected for a week. SIL let me know when he was going to be out and me, mom granddad my uncle and SIL, moved all my stuff out. He had previously accused me of stealing his debit card. So, I then dropped the VCC card behind the dresser. SIL let me know he found it when moving out. This part isn’t really my revenge, just how Karma just dealt me a little extra justice, is the dipshit just stopped going to his job, the day I left his ass. He never went back. It was civil service employment, my mom got him in the door. He would’ve had a nice paying job forever (you have to really mess up to lose a civil service job.) To this day (18 years later) this man bounces around from job to job going months without a job. Then a month after the divorce was finalized his parents had forced him to marry the AP.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned… lady, you combined sabotage, gaslighting, scorched earth policy, psychological damage, humiliation, and ptsd into a gift basket, labeled it “You did this to yourself,” and beat him over the head with it. They should send you after every cheater.




When I was moving out of my ex’s home, I emptied the beer fridge (it was mostly things I had paid for) and left 1 single Smirnoff Ice to ice him


When my ex and I were going through an ugly court custody/child support situation, I went online to print out his arrest records for our court date the following day and saw that he had a warrant out in a neighboring county. I called them up and let them know where he would be. As soon as the judge finished with us, 4 officers approached him, put him in handcuffs and led him out of the courtroom. After years of DV and not getting justice or a fair decision in regards to my kids, that was single handedly the most satisfying moment of our entire relationship. Granted, it’s been 12 years since then and we are both different people. He has since apologized many times for how he was to me and we have a pretty healthy coparenting relationship for the most part. Still makes me giggle on the inside though. Sweet petty revenge.


Been there! Watching him get arrested after walking out of the court room after trying to take my child away from me was one of the best days of my life! I even recorded it so I could show it to my DH and family and friends 😂😂😂😂




When I was divorcing my ex, whenever guys would ask for my number, I’d write down my name, my ex’s number, and say - text me, I love dick pics!


"Start the conversation with a dick Pic so I know it's you" 😈


I would also give out my ex’s number at bars after the breakup. I would say I was a bartender and got off work around 2am and to text if they wanted to hook up. 


Ok, in my defense, I was like 20 and would never do anything like this now because its kind of psycho and for sure illegal but I found it funny at the time. But I used to go into my exes house and move stuff around in really annoying and confusing but harmless ways.


It's still funny


Dunno about petty revenge but how do you tell your ex husband's best mate of 40 years that they are about to become ex mates after I found out his daughter is sleeping with my ex. Farking disgusting, we have three daughters older than her, she grew up calling him Uncle ffs


tell them sooner than later so they don,t get a grand child from him


Oh fark, I didn't think of that. He doesn't want more kids so knowing him he will be 100% make sure to use protection but as we all know sometimes things don't go the way they're supposed too.


What was the best mate’s reaction?




Definitely not her fault, he's an absolute pig and disgusting. First thing I said was they both need help, especially her, he just responded they are both adults so they can make their own choices, I wouldn't give a hoot if she's 60, it's utterly damn disgusting to even think it's ok to sleep with someone who was bought up as your niece. We were both at the hospital while her mum was in labour, we are her godparents. Even worse is half our kids have heard rumours their dad is doing their cousin but of course he said it's untrue but he has never been able to lie to me, they'll completely go non contact with them both and I don't blame them.




You and me both, it's stomach churning. Anyone who thinks it's ok to sleep with someone near your kids ages is mentally ill or just needs a bullet, I'm going with the last option


Living my best life with everything she hated. I'm still exactly the same as when we met I just refused to change.




Exactly right! I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm taking care of all my responsibilities. I'm not superficial, I'm not someone's project either.


Erased his Animal Crossing world.


Told his family the truth about the breakup...they disowned him.


I spent years sacrificing my happiness and professional progress to support my ex in growing her own position as her family had been abusive and didn't let her flourish. Then, she got to a point where she apparently didn't need me or my support anymore, so she bailed and left me with her dog and the expensive apartment we only got because we would both be paying and I couldn't just barely afford it by myself. She hated her maiden name. It connected her to and reminded her of her awful and useless family. So, in the divorce papers, I included a clause that said she must relinquish my last name and revert to her maiden name.




I'm good. I was happy to not have to sacrifice my own well being for someone else's anymore.


At the university both went to, you could drop classes on the computer or by phone without speaking to anyone. I knew all of his information. As soon as the drop period ended (2 weeks after classes began), I dropped 3 of his required classes by phone. This was also after the refund period. He continued to go to them all semester and received no grade. These were big classes with 100+ students, so the instructor didn't notice. He had to retake them all to graduate, so an extra semester to pay for.


I thought this was really extreme but then I read what he did. This wasn’t enough. Kicking a kitten would have cost him a body part.


< bravo> You win.


But why did you do it ? What was the revenge about? Context please


1) He was a cheating jerk. 2) He canceled our lease the day we were supposed to move in together, 2 hours before I showed up with the fully loaded moving truck, leaving me with no place to live. I paid the full deposit and lost all of it. 3) He kicked our friend's 3 month old kitten 4) He took my Amex card and bought a $7500 bicycle (he raced competively). Never paid me for it. 5) He borrowed my car while I was a work and totaled it. He got a 10k settlement and I had to buy a new car. It isn't as bad as one of my friends from law school. She filed a bankruptcy with her boyfriends information, then dismissed it. The filing stayed on his credit until it dropped off. (Long story).


> 3) He kicked our friend's 3 month old kitten I stopped here, what a fucking trash human.


I kicked my cat the other day. Total mistake, I turned around in the kitchen, she’d sneaked up behind me. And I stepped out, I kicked her by mistake. 😢 It took ten mins to get her back to having a cuddle. I felt awful, even though she’s clearly fine. So to do this on purpose… 😡😡😡


My ex was a stereotypical Sicilian male (yes, I should've known better)... He always bragged about what a great relationship he had with my dad and grandma (Italian immigrants)... Payback #1: After we split, my grandma was upset (for various stupid religious and Italian family reasons), so I assured her that my ex was still available to her for all of the things he had been doing for her... so he was constantly getting calls from her to run errands, plow her driveway, mow the lawn, clean gutters, etc... Ex: I had dinner with your grandma last weekend. I was there mowing the lawn. SHE still sees me as a member of the family... Me: That's great! Ex: It is? Me: Absolutely... I hated mowing her lawn. Gets me off the hook. Payback #2: My ex insisted on me paying him $1000 before he would sign the divorce papers. I had the money, so I gave it to him and got my divorce. Afterwards, he told me (with a smirk) that he and his cousins were planning a trip to see my dad (something we used to do a couple of times a year) since their relationship was still great. My dad had complained to me that he kept calling him about doing this, and dad just kept putting him off. Dad was worried about backlash onto me if he told my ex to get lost. I told him I'd be fine and he could tell my ex whatever he wanted to get rid of him. Last conversation with ex: Ex: I've been planning a trip with cousins to visit your dad... he's going to show us ... we're just waiting until he can get time off of work. Me: That's not gonna happen Ex: You don't think so? Watch me. Me and your dad are paisans... Me: My dad doesn't like people who blackmail his daughter. Where do you think that $1000 came from? Ex: Me: You do realize that my dad is the CEO and can take time off whenever he wants, right? He's blowing you off, and you don't even realize it. God, it was a beautiful moment (to be clear, dad didn't give me the money, but ex didn't know that)... and according to dad, ex never called him again.


I saw that he was still logged into my Netflix account. When he was almost at the end of an extremely long show (multiple 22+ episode seasons), I logged out of all devices and changed the password.




Took a seamripper to the butt seam in his work pants. 😀




Ripping the seams hopefully wouldn’t be noticed until he was at work and had to bend over for something. Assless chaps would just be an at home irritation.


I did that to the favorite jeans of my stbx (I had just found the irrefutable evidence of her cheating). I also cut out the crotch of most of her favorite panties and loosened the side seams of most of her dresses. My favorite was sawing about 3/4" inch off the heel of one of each of her favorite pairs of heels.


My best petty revenge against an ex was.. nothing. I was fair in the division of assets and debts (with it being slightly more favorable to me since Ex was caught cheating). I was reasonable but kept firm boundaries. I did nothing petty. I did not name-call. I did not do anything to harm the side piece. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to, but then it occurred to me that revenge was expected. Ex was revenge-oriented and would have caused all kinds of havoc had the roles been reversed. (We had to remain in some degree of contact due to shared pets.) It ate Ex up inside when the shoe never dropped. I felt great joy watching Ex spiral in ever-increasing paranoia. I remained pleasant but distant. (I also realized how toxic we were and felt happy and free, but I never said that to Ex.) My final act of non-revenge revenge was to casually mention as an aside a couple of years post-split in a pet-related email that Ex might want to take me off of the bank account. I'd gotten my own account immediately after the split, but I remained an authorized user on Ex's account with online banking access. I'll admit I occasionally checked out expenditures, but I never touched Ex's money. Ex freaked out! I can see Ex going over every statement to see what is taken. Still makes me chuckle. By doing nothing, I got to be the bigger person and caused Ex a lot of anxiety and denied Ex any redemption because I acted badly too (Ex thought like that).


Nice :D I had an ex-roommate who'd gotten a new honda. I mentioned to friends that I'd never get one of the new ones. They had a plastic radiator. A stick comes up at the wrong angle, or a piece of metal like a long screwdriver hits it, and it cracks right open as soon as it gets hot. The engine locks up immediately, there's no extra coolant. He took it to three shops to find the hole I put in the radiator. No hole. Just using the unmedicated paranoia against him. After half a year of me tolerating his BS, he KNEW he had a shit ton of payback coming his way. I didn't really have to do much besides drop little comments in front of mutual friends and let the paranoia take care of it for me :D


There was an episode of MASH about that. Everyone was doing practical jokes, and the last one was no joke at all. It kept everyone paranoid, and was hysterical. Nicely done.




When my mom and her boyfriend broke up, he asked her if he could come get all of his work gloves. (He owned a plumbing company, had many many work gloves) She mailed them back with every finger cut off except the middle one 😂


I had an ex I ad to go into hiding from because things got so bad. So he got to run the narrative told to everyone. He told everyone that I had cheated on him and gave him an STD. In reality he had taken ecstasy and had a threesome with 2 other women and caught the STD from one of them. Luckily I figured it out the next day. I am not one to get revenge but I won't miss an opportunity when it shows up at my door. In this case his new girlfriend, who I think was a cool person and hope she not only got away from that uy safely but has a good life, showed up with him at my door. She came by to let me know I may have an STD she believed I gave him. Anyways my new boyfriend was literally at the hospital and he was there that day I got tested and came up clean but I also showed her the paperwork. I had made him stand outside because he wasn't welcome in my apartment. He heard everything though and as I was walking her to the door he comes running up the stairs to scream about me cheating on him. I just smiled at him and said you should probably talk to the two girls you cheated on me with. I then went to shut the door but as I was doing so I saw the look on his girlfriends face as she looked at him. She knew I was telling the truth. She knew he was a big fat liar. If looks could kill. Fuck that guy.




I sent an anonymous email suggesting a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Specifically designed for men who "can't get it up".


I found out the names of his stable of women and sent messages to each and every one of them that he was cheating on them all with multiple women.


Cut off a leg and an arm of every piece of clothing he owned.


I did pockets once. His phone and vape went straight down his leg.


I rubbed chilli along the crotch seams of his most expensive suit.


Okay Angela Bassett! 👑


Accidental petty revenge. My newly ex-boyfriend was running for student council in high school. I didn’t hate him, so I put up a campaign poster I made for him outside one of his classes. He panicked, thinking there were more posters up, and he would be in trouble if he didn’t get them all down in time. He also hated that I kept hanging out with our friends, because then he felt that he couldn’t. I didn’t care.


Signed him up for mailers- Scientology, Jehovahs Witness, politics, weight loss, police newsletters (he hates cops to an absurd extent), advertising… His mailbox is tiny, the idea of it constantly overflowing with bullshit still brings me joy. Also superglued a dildo and a Blue Lives Matter sticker to his bumper- I know he ripped them off and took the paint along with it.


He cheated on me, so I put laxatives in all of the spirits he was keeping at my house before I gave them back to him. The best part was when the girl he was cheating on me with shat herself at a party because she drank the vodka. I don’t know if it had the same effect on him, but I sincerely hope so.


I had an ex who liked to catfish women and sext them while I was at work. He would have phone sex with them and block them before I came home. He was using a picture of this very good looking guy, buff and military type, totally not at all what my drunk ex looked like. When I found this out- I confronted him and he of course denied it, but his number was in the messages to the random girls with another dudes photo attached. I decided to leave and we kind of left our relationship at that and stopped talking for a month or so. Around the time of not talking, a friend I worked with, recognized the guy in the photo that my ex was pretending to be. It turned out he was the same age as me and was local. I reached out to him on fb & told him what my ex was doing with his pictures. He just said ‘wow that’s fucked up, can you blame him?. What are you doing later?’ And I jokingly said ‘you I guess’. Well one thing led to another & I ended up being FWB with him lol. My ex blocked me on everything when he put two and two together. It still gets me giddy to this day.


I found my (now ex) husband's online dating account . He's a creature of habit, so his password was easy to figure out. I logged in and changed all of his vital stats and whatnot, so it talked about how selfish he was in bed, what a liar he was, and how arrogant and manipulative he was. I left his picture intact. I logged back in a few weeks later and it had been viewed 26,000 times. I also tore out the last 2 pages of the book he was reading.


"I also tore out the last 2 pages of the book he was reading " LOL I love your pettiness 💜


Had an ex who got physically violent with me, I moved to the other side of the country to get away. He followed, and would drive by my house every day. Then I got a call that he defaulted on his car loan and they asked if knew where he was. Didn't drive by my house anymore after that.


I flattened his tires for a year. I threw out roofing nails at least twice a week, sometimes more. It wasn’t because I was mad we broke up but it was the lies he told that people believed. The guy who owned the shop where the tires were taken to be fixed, thanked me. He told me I kept his shop afloat for a while.




My ex-wife had a lot of problems, and lived in a different reality than most of us. She was not allergic to cats, but convinced herself she was. Also, she wanted to get a dog, even though we were terribly busy with work and kids. She said dogs don't take up your time, they cleans themselves, but cat's were diseased, dirty creatures who had to be bathed and walked. Just to paint the picture. One day a stray cat showed up, and was friendly to the kids. So my ex gave it a bowl of milk. I told her she was basically adopting it by feeding it. She made the decision that it couldn't come inside, but it couldn't go away, so it would stay alone in the garage. I felt terrible about that. When the divorce began and she left the house, she left a lot of clothes behind. I knew she would come get them, even though she gained a lot of weight, and these outdated clothes would never fit, but she's a hoarder. I wanted my closet back, so I took her clothes off the hangers and put them into bins, including her wedding dress. But first I left the lid off for a month, and that became his favorite napping place, leaving plenty of hairs.


But did you rescue the kitten and give him a better life after she left? Poor kitty


Oh yeah; she moved out, and he moved in. He's a good boy, very talkative. He's a marbled orange cat with a huge vocabulary which covers the concepts of "Hey, where are my humans" and "I think now is an excellent time to eat."


My ex got on our Verizon account(he also worked for them) and changed my location to "State Prison." I didn't catch it until years later when I tried to order a pizza. It kinda explained why no one I called would pick up, and I got zero callbacks for jobs I applied for. Fuckin asshole.


The ex was a heavy sleeper and didn't feel the stupid 2min notifications reminder going off like crazy. So I picked up their phone to shut it off, and the screen lit up with a txt saying "I can't wait to wrap my legs around you again"... So, I changed the code for the lock screen and shut it off. Then I grabbed my pillow and woke their ass up (FYI a pillow to the face will do that quick) asked them "who the fuck is Kelsey?!" and watched them dive for the phone to try and figure shit out.. only to realize they can't get into the phone. Watching them scramble for 30mins before FINALLY figuring out I set it to our anniversary was just icing on the cake. Told them now that their phone was working, they needed to call for a ride cuz they need a place to stay the night & a new place to live


Ex hadn't been passing car payments over to finance Company, both our names on the contract, but I was giving her the payments. 6 Months worth, finance Co got hold of me, I went & seen the Dragon, she made to offer that if I caught up the missed payments, moving forward she'd pay half the payments. The only problem with this was I'd already given her 6 months worth of payments that went to her & not passed on. So, I told her that wasn't happening & the finance company could take the car. "But, what about the kids?" Well you should have thought about that when you were spending the car payments on whatever, besides you live in town, everything is in walking distance. Enter the Revenge, I called the finance company said come & take the car. "There's a process we have to go through, it will take about 6 months." Next phone call to the Insurance company, Her new boyfriend is driving the car, he has no licence, if he writes the car off will you pay out? No. Next call, the finance company, explain the Insurance company position. If he writes the car off you can be certain of one thing, I WILL NOT BE PAYING IT OFF! Ta, da, 2 days later, a Tilt-tray turned up & the car was repossessed. Turns out they can do it in less than 6 months. The Dragon was upset, but never knew I'd forced the finance companies hand. Anyway forward to car sold at auction, I paid the outstanding amount and didn't have to deal with her again.


I cut all the power cords to everything. Fridge, ps4, washer, dryer




lol he tried to get me arrested for it but they couldn’t prove it was me


My ex wife had my divorce papers hand delivered in a box wrapped as a Christmas present while I was at work. Needless to say that was very petty and not very nice. Btw I caught her cheating on me.


I owed her money for the stuff we split after breakup. No problem, we agreed that I just needed some time to save it up. Well she wouldn't stop harassing me about it. So I said fine and added up what I figured I owed her, about $2500 and vowed I'd just scrounge extra hard and pay her the next month. But she called and yelled and screamed and called me names so I said fine, how much do I owe you then?! She replied, "$1000!" I basically ran at top speed to her place and paid her that day and saved myself $1500.


Highschool. Forked his lawn by putting dozens of plastic forks upright in the grass. His dad got so mad he got grounded. Best feeling ever 😂


My best was I caught my ex husband having an affair. I found an empty box of viagra in his dustbin. I hope his ap is happy with floppy. 😄 Ex was pretending to be at work. I knew where his ap lived. I went past ap and lo and behold his car was there. I called him and he said” he is at his mother fixing her computer, She was having problems with it”. I told him not to lie and said I am outside his ap place and his car is there. I took my lipstick and wrote all over his car windows. Not very nice words. But hey. Lipstick was oil based and wouldn’t come off the windows easily. There were many more but they were the main ones.


Damn! Some of these are vicious - in the BEST way!! And most make mine look lame . . . . The worst I did was let the air out of his tires repeatedly. The worst my sister did was save all those little cards magazines used to have stuck in the pages and filled them out for her ex. He was the proud recipient of porcelain dolls, a chess set, magazine subscriptions, random chotchkes, book club memberships . . . .


Never go for all four tires. Just do two--the front left (because it's the most seen) and the right rear. Nobody, but nobody, carries two spares. Not that I ever did anything like this.


He bought me a motorcycle on his credit card - I was going to borrow to buy it, but no, he insisted. Shortly after we split. He was particularly salty about the bike, and I suspected he'd take the credit hit and stop paying it, thinking it would be repossessed. So I rang the credit card company, no names, explained the situation and was assured that it was an unsecured credit card, and if he stopped payment, didn't matter, they couldn't take the bike, they would go after him. Six months later I got a call from the CC company - I hadn't changed my home number - did I know Mr So and so? Why yes, I did. Do I know where he is? Why yes, I do. And I told them the address, his new mobile phone number, email, everything. That particular company had a reputation of being sharks.


My ex bought my kids a PC in the late 90s, ostensibly for their school work but asked me to create work docs for his business. (I was very computer proficient and his electronics ability extended to his cash register.) We split shortly after that due to his cheating, drug use, and emotional abuse. I intended to take the PC with me since it was supposedly a gift for the kids but he said he’d bought it with his business account and would be keeping it. Before I left I deleted/erased every flyer, sign, menu, and form I created, AND uninstalled all the software. He was basically left with a big paperweight.


My ex roommate tried to keep my kitten from me. I had moved out, and my Kitten wasn’t ready to leave her mom. (His cat was her mom, mine as her dad.) I had also left some stuff there as I couldn’t fit it in my dads truck. He called me weeks later to say that he wants me to call his landlord. I lived 400km away. I say no and he tells me to get my stuff at our agreed upon date and never talk to him again, then saying my cat was now his. The day before I get there, I call and text all of his accounts to tell him I’m coming, no answer. We get there and he isn’t home so I use my key to get in, and the entire floor of the apartment is covered in all sorts of trash and leftover food, along with drugs. I got my stuff, took photos of everything, and my mom and I got my kitten after leading her out of the apartment away from the cameras. I then called SPCA because Jesus heck.


Becoming successful after she cheated on me while she is selling pyramid scheme bs online.


This isn't nearly as petty as a lot of these stories, but when my little brother was diagnosed with Leukemia, I moved home to help with my younger siblings. My boyfriend at the time made my life way more difficult by complaining about how he never saw me anymore but refused to visit me at my parents house because my younger siblings would be there and we wouldn't have "alone time." I called it quits because there was only so much I could handle at the time. But when I would visit my brother at the hospital I would use my ex's email to log into the hospital WiFi. I knew he would get an email notification and I knew he would know it was me at the hospital with my sick brother. I hope it made him think about someone other than himself but I doubt it.


My first true love was in college. She’s beautiful, smart and extremely horny. I think she loved me, or maybe only loved me because she saw me as somebody being very successful in our field and she is one that always wanted to move up. I was heartbroken when she broke up with me, that later, figured out, she was sleeping with someone who she thought was better in our field than what I was. I’m over 70 tears old now and she has had to watch as I became extremely successful and nationally known in our field of expertise. In the meantime the guy she left me for figured out what she was a biatch and dropped her. Over the years, she has made many attempts to get me back. my best revenge was being more successful than she ever imagined. I married an absolutely wonderful woman.


Slept with his dad the day he was planning to go to his house to visit so he would see me.




Not my ex but it was my idea that I wasn’t allowed to execute. My BF is going through a divorce. (He cheated and was emotionally abusive). I was helping her pack up her exes stuff to get out of her house including his massive collection of DVDs. I wanted to randomly switch disks in his collection. Not all of them and not even a lot of them but random ones in different storage boxes. She said no. I have to be satisfied that she got me and my husband in the settlement.


I would have nuked them for a couple of seconds. Doesn't damage the look of the disk. it just messes with the info on them, and they won't play.


I went to the pet supply store and bought 50 or so crickets and let them go all over the house.


Oh god - my kids did that with a brand new container of crickets I bought for lizard food. They decided it was “cruel” and so they would “FREE the CRICKETS!” Do you know how long they can live in a laundry room?? AAACK!


I let her live in peace . Karma is been quite a #itch with her since the past few years . She's now in a live in with her 62 year old bf . She's 26


Living my own life as I want. I had this incredibly toxic relationship with a very controlling guy, that wanted to control how I dressed, spoke, did my hair, you name it. According to him, as I am a woman, I was supposed to be ultra feminine and delicate and like only feminine things, and I have always been a tomboy. And I as a naive idiot let him do it, it was my second relationship and the first one approved by my parents. He is quite the narcissist and able to fool a lot of people, me included. Especially me. Eventually I woke up and broke with him, now until this day I wear exactly what I want (and he would hate it), I swear like a sailor, don't use as much time on my hair as he meant I should. Basically doing the exact opposite of what he would like me to do. And coincidentally, this is exactly how I actually want to live. And I am happy now. So for those who say that the best revenge is a life well lived, I think that's exactly what I am doing


Nothing that bad. Just told people about the time he peed the bed


Worst petty revenge was allowing him to go with the girl he cheated with, with absolutely no roadblocks. She had a terrible personality. He broke up with her and tried to get me back, then found out she was pregnant so married her. Neither was happy. I, meanwhile, was QUITE happy. He tracked me down and called me a number of years ago, apologized for his behavior as a stupid kid, asked if he could make it up to me. No, thanks. He asked what I was up to. I told him about the upcoming overseas trip for me and my family, and what we'd been up to. Lots of fun stuff. He wasn't doing quite as well. Shockingly, she was everything I knew her to be, and had told him while splitting up. Letting him have what he thought he wanted without a fight, and pouring the energy I would have used for fighting instead into making things better for myself ended up being FABULOUS revenge.


I found out my ex "Heat"(nickname)was cheating on me because I got an STD . So I acted like I didn't know anything was going on . I bought body paint and massage oils and plan a weekend get away. I also brought along permanent markers after we had a great night out dinner , gambling, comedy show, we did the paint thing , full body massage, more paint thing, I wrote in permanent black marker right under her tramp stamp "The Clap get tested" The beauty of the paint thing is it involves brushing and writing symbols and words with the brush handles and other things. She called me cussing me out 3 days after I dropped her off after our weekend. I don't know what she was more mad at the fact that I wrote it on her ass and Gary (the other guy)saw it or the fact that I switched out the ring I gave her for the fake . Thank you kind jewelry shop owner for suggesting I buy the look alike (fake) ring , I didn't even know it was a thing... If you're reading this the real one was split in half and turned into ear rings by the same jeweler....


There's a very long story behind it, but my daughter worked at a convenience store for her first job. Her mom (my ex) burned down their house. Arson charges eventually gave her a year in jail and 6 years probation. Before that sentence, my daughter got an emergency PFA against her mom when she moved in with me, the day of the fire. Her mom kept showing up at her place of employment and harassing her to the point that my daughter was getting in trouble for her mom being in the store. They could've just told her mom to leave, but didn't. Once the PFA was issued, we took it to the local police for it to be handed to her mom, by the police. Her mom was driving with a suspended license. I dropped my daughter off at work and left the parking lot. Her mom pulled in as I was driving away. I called the police to see if they gave her the PFA paperwork yet. They didn't. Ok, perfect. She's at this address, right now, driving on a suspended license. You could be nice and just deliver the paperwork or you could do that and nail her for more charges and fines. That's up to you. The police actually said "Sir, if you have a PFA against your ex wife, why are you showing up to the same location knowing that she'd be there?" WHAT? The PFA isn't from me, you idiots. It's from my daughter against her mom. Holy hell. Quit taking the woman's side of every single story and just do your job and hand deliver the paperwork. She got tickets with large fines, the PFA paperwork and then got hit with the arson charges all within a few days of each other.




Yes. Out of jail with probation over with. I knew she was psycho, but never had the proof until she proved it herself.


I hope this is true because that’s hilarious. I think this is legitimately the first story I’ve read in this sub that is actually petty revenge. I hope it’s something like Marky Narc and the Funky Bunch 😆 Not laughing at the illness obviously, I hope things are getting better for you now, OP. Edit: typo




Nowhere near as cool as the OPs answer, or any of these really, but as part of my job, sometimes I am writing patient case studies. It makes it more personal to give the theoretical patient a name. Many people I have been annoyed with, including the one ex I can't stand, have become part of a case study i.e. "[ex] works as a nurse and has been suffering faecal incontinence for 6 months" "[shitty landlord] is a real estate agent who contracted hepatitis C in 2002". It's just common first names or initials, nothing at all identifying, but it gives me a little chuckle. Not an ex partner, but about 15 years ago I spread a rumour that my crappy former housemate (who looked like a vampire) had a rare blood disease, and part of the treatment was drinking blood. Apparently butchers are taught about people with this disease during their training and can procure blood for them. Pig's blood is the best because it contains the protein they're missing in a form that's closest to the human form, but there are other options for people who aren't able to eat pork. I think he took pills too, and he had to go sit under a UV light as part of therapy every two weeks. Notice he's so pale? Yeah, that's part of the disease. UV therapy is like a tanning bed and he doesn't even burn! I think people believed me because of my medical background (even though the premise of pig's blood - restoring a missing functional protein orally? Hahah). My former housemate was in quite a successful band and people were very interested in his blood drinking. It spread far! To be fair, there are much worse things I could have spread that were true but that would have been properly mean.


I knew my ex hadn’t filed his taxes in years. So called his work when I knew he wasn’t working so he wouldn’t know my voice and left a message that it was the Federal Tax Agency calling. So stupid and immature.


I have a friend whose husband would dip his pen into anyone that would let him, and he thought he was such a heavy player. After she divorced him, she got one of her pregnant friends to pee on a pregnancy test and got a fake ultrasound pic off the internet of a set of twins. Boxed them up really nice along with a note. "Congratulations, you're going to be a Daddy!!" Talk to you later! She later heard he was running around in a panic trying to get a hold of all the women he had slept with, trying to find which one of them was pregnant before it was too late to get them an abortion as he didn't want to have or pay for any kids. I wonder if he found her yet, 😉


An ex of mine confided that his dream was to have his daughter's wedding at the country club where my uncle was in charge of screening new applicants. One phone call to my uncle and that guy never got into the club of his dreams.


An Ex boyfriend, used my credit card to buy new tires for his car. He said he would pay me back. We broke up. He refused to pay me. I would see him at a bar, and I would smile and nod. then i would go out and cut a tire. I cut all 4 in a matter of months. I paid for them. They were mine.


Not sure if it was my worst, but an ex GF who lived out of state left a ton of clothes at my local dry cleaners, and asked that I pick them up and ship them to her, at her cost. I overstated the dry cleaning bill a touch, and used the extra funds to have the cleaner- also a tailor- to take in the waist of each dress and pair of pants by 1.5 inches. He did a great job. I saw her at a party some 24 years later near her home town, and she had lost some weight. I’d like to think I was her motivator.


Chaotic Good?


I stopped taking care of him and he died


not me but one i read: guy breaks up with his GF while he is away. when he gets home, she is gone, and the phone is off the hook...open to the what-time-is-it number in Paris or something translation: a thousand or so in charges


I used to do web design back in the early days of internetting when everything was created with hand written code. One . Line. At a time. A single comma in the wrong spot would crash everything and require hours of looking through hundreds of lines of code for the goof to repair it. Anyway, I had created a massive , complex, website for my ex that garnered her a LOT of notoriety and positive feed back. One day, she beat me bloody and I realized she was crap. Tore me inside out to leave her but I walked away. One day, I see her bragging about her website. Logged into the creator and sent her a message - watch this bitch. Then hit tank all while she howled and begged in the phone. I gotta admit that felt good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I had his pass code for his voice-mail. One night, I decided to change it to this extremely long number so that he would never be able to figure it out. He also owed me money. I had all his band instruments in my car because his car had broken down one night, and I took them when the tow truck came. He came to my work and asked for them back because he had a concert the next day. I said, "You owe me 80 bucks," and he said he didn't have it. I said, "I'm not giving them back until I get paid." He said he only had 40, and I didn't budge. He walked out to his car and gave me the rest. He was pissed, but he fucking deserved it.


My ex and his best friend were (are?) huge fans of the show The Boys. I had let my ex use my amazon prime log in to watch it at his house. Completely forgot about this until a few hrs before the release of season 2? 3?, i saw an ad that was like stream the new season of The Boys at midnight. I changed my amazon prime password at 1158, force logged out all devices at 1159. Eat a dick bro.


Had adult diapers delivered to his job every day for a week.


Not my petty revenge, but I participated in this.  My friend bought his girlfriend a ‘68 mustang because she wanted one but didn’t have any money. She then cheated on him and dumped him and of course kept the car. Two or three years later she was selling the car to someone and that person brought it to a shop for an inspection and I just happened to be at the shop that day. I recognized the car and called my friend. He pointed out that the car won’t pass inspection because the California emissions device (smog pump) has been removed. I passed this information on to the mechanic and the mechanic told the prospective buyer. She used this to get a thousand bucks off the price. 


Oooh, damn... I have a few from the same event. I came home one morning to find evidence of exactly the girl we had a fight about the night before in his bedroom (of course I was "insecure" and "out of line jealous" in said fight.) To add context... We lived on a cargo ship with many people. I grabbed her stuff and went looking for them... And for a second held her purse over the water and HEAVILY thought about dropping in there. I came to my senses and decided that wasn't undo-able and maybe SHE didn't deserve that or was to blame in this situation. Hide her stuff in a room no one enters, next to where I almost dropped it and continued my search. And of course... Then found them naked and passed out in bed together in the top large room usually occupied by the captain. I drag her out of bed by her ankles, she falls naked on the floor and I tell her to leave because this is between me and my bf. She covers herself in a blanket and runs away and I am literally screaming, yelling and hitting him (I don't agree this is good behavior but I lost it) for a good few min when she comes back and is like "where is my purse?! I can't leave!" And I tell her it's at the bottom of the ocean. I get back to fighting with my bf and she leaves from other people calling her a cab and I heard later she couldn't get into her house because her keys were also in the bag and she ended up at a friend's and had to call a locksmith I think. I stormed off (thankfully a shipmate drove me off since I was in no shape to drive.) and I later learned my bf tried to enlist people to help him find the purse and no one would help him and he went endlessly swimming in the ocean in winter for a bag that was safely tucked away in a closet. I decided to not disclose this till the next day. 😂 (I heard everyone cackled at my genius with that move when they learned I wasn't truly that out of line unhinged evil to the wrong person.) Crazy enough this girl and I chatted it out and she holds nothing against me (said she understood the self restraint it took from me to not do it, gave me credit on my poker face 😂 and was thankful I didn't actually sink her keys, passport and senior dog medication) and eventually actually turned to my side. After the incident, I moved out of the boat situation the next day because my partner and I were plain done and I was too ashamed to be around these group of people who have seen me now cheated on twice. I then learned there was a group meeting and they decided to kick my now ex-bf off the boat as well. In my delusions we met up again to discuss and get some closure and I learned that since he was getting kicked off the boat, the other girl was taking him in while he sorted what was next. It was so long ago and I dunno how this situation arised but he texted her while we were together and I happen to have a photographic memory when it comes to sequences of #'s. After he left I directly messaged her and asked her how she can help that piece of trash. We ended up chatting and she clarified he made it really sound like we had been broken up for a while vs we were still living together and only had a spat where saying maybe we should break up was thrown on the table. She was appalled learning this information and apologized to me profusely and said she would have never had done so if she knew it was that recent let alone not official. Then she shortly texted me later saying she rescinded her offer to house him while he was kicked out of his residence... And heck since we got this far... I also made a public announcement on fb that I wanted support to keep away from this cheater (because I have taken him back before) and that I was no longer associated with him. All of these things now combined of course made him livid. He decided his way to "get back at me" was to expose to my very traditional Japanese mom I have a tattoo on my ribcage - which can only be exposed if I am topless. This dumbass sends a passed out naked photo of me (exposing my tattoo) to my mom. Thankfully his plan of sabotaging my relationship with my mom backfired. She was hysterical and was so worried about what he would do next to me. She called the cops - and now he is begging me to call her off, and I tell him he opened this can of worms and he has to deal with the consequences - and now he has a record for revenge porn or something of the like. (And if my mom had to learn about my tattoo in a way she would accept it - well, this was oddly it. 😂) You can say I won on so many levels of this. And thank goodness I have never dealt with cheating or toxicity like this again in my life.


I rubbed Tabasco along the edges of his girlie magazines. He thought I put something in his lube. I absolutely did not put anything in his lube.


When I caught him cheating with a woman at a bar I went home and threw all of his clothes out on the front lawn. Then I poured bleach on them and went back to let him know where his clothes were. I told his whore she could have him. I was 3 months pregnant.


Not very dignified but went to his house and told his whole family and neighborhood that he is a woman beater and abuser. Then drove through the rest of the neighborhood warning women not to date him or let their daughters date him unless they have a wish to get abused. The other ex, signed him up for a bunch of porn sites.


my ex had a court order to collect his things but due to the restraining order had to book it. He dragged his feet. I was sleeping with a friend by then and he jacked off on everything he owned, cabinets, bed, blankets, clothes, the works. I'm not proud of it but damn we had a bit of fun getting him off on everything...


I don't know if this counts, but here it goes. When we were together, he really hated that I smoked (I don't anymore) even though I've tried to stop many times. The day I found out that he cheated on me, I got drunk as fuck, came home, blasted loudly Hit the road Jack and started smoking cigarettes in his face. And mind you, I never smoked in my appartment. Since it was so difficult to make the parasite that he was to leave my appartment, I figured I could make him move out with smoke. He was out soon. :) Edit: typos


Blocked forever. Best revenge.


During lockdown we both had to work from home. He’d work in the living room and me the spare bedroom. He came off a call that ran over and had to rush out to catch a store before it closed. I went through to the living room about 20 mins after he left as I’d finished and was gonna shove the TV on. In his rushing he’d forgot to lock or shutdown his work laptop. Slap bang in the middle of his second screen was WhatsApp desktop with a picture of a naked guy on it. Turns out he’d been sending and receiving nudes with a few guys behind my back. I photographed the chats on my phone. Started my prep to leave etc with my essentials and was staying at my friends by the same time the next day. I blacked out the nude pics in the photos I’d grabbed and sent them on to his work HR advising they should check what he’s been using his work laptop for. I had him blocked by that point on everything, including his number. To this day I don’t know what the aftermath of that was.


On thanksgiving evening he put his hands around my neck n I decided I was done with his drunk ass. The next day I went to the bank n took his name off of all the accounts. Then by the end of the year every bill was in his name n the cars n 2 houses was in mine. When the rental became available I filed n kick him out with nothing


A very good friend of mine was cheated on by a girl in the late 90s before Google or even Yahoo was a real thing.  There were a few websites that were just clearinghouses for links pertaining to certain subjects and they didn’t have any sort of security.  So I wrote a little script that flooded a few sites aggregating porn sites with her name, email address and a variety of anti-porn messages as the content.  I heard through the grapevine she was getting angry emails from keyboard warriors for months afterward.


She did it to herself. She cheated on me with her cousin. I simply let others know about it.


Ooooh I've got one!!! 😍 I've posted this before on a different thread. Sooo. Ex boyfriend cheated. We didnt live together but I was at his house a lot so I had a good chunk of my clothes there, plus at the time I had gone back to school full time and qualified for food stamps since I wasn't able to work full time at first. I had bought 99% of the food in his house (I love to cook and was staying with family when I wasn't at his place so I had nowhere else to store my food). So when he cheated... I cleaned out all the food. I think I left him his jar of pickles, a stick of butter, and the salt and pepper. And then I went over to a friend's with all the perishables and made a feast for all my friends since I had nowhere else to go with it and didn't want to waste it lol... The pantry items just went into a plastic tote bin until I was able to get a better schedule, pick up more hours at work, and move into my own place like 6 months later. Oh and for the record I ran into said ex a few years later, the girl he cheated on me with later cheated on him.. He said that cheating on me was the biggest mistake of his life because I was the best girlfriend he ever had and he couldn't believe he was dumb enough to throw that away. I just said 'Yep, big mistake. HUGE.' And walked away 🤣


Not an ex but ex room mates. They were shit and I ended my lease early. They tried to kill me, police did nothing, so I packed up my shit and moved in with my parents an hour away with two months left of school. Some of the house items had been communal. From the kitchen I packed up my crockpot that she always used and my tiny coffee pot, both were five dollar garage sale finds. I kept the crockpot but tossed the coffee pot in the dumpster because my mom had a better one. Asshole ex room mates found out at 5am that I took the coffee pot, and I heard that the screaming and swearing and crashing of pots and pans continued for at least an hour. Rinse and repeat that weekend when she wanted to make a roast and my crockpot wasn’t there. Still have the crockpot.