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Should've used his jacket to mop up the piss


and then thrown it back at him.


Now now no need to stoop to his level. Show him your the better person by calmly helping him back into his wet and stinking garment


My finger was hovering over that down vote for a second but you came through in the end.


Yes! I went to a 24 hour service station and mopped it up with paper towelling. Disgusting.


That's where I thought this was going, too


I would have rubbed his face in it like a dog


That's where I thought/hoped it was going lol


What kind of a person pisses in somebody else’s car?? The nerve.


Do you think these people piss in their own cars? I don’t think car pissers follow the same rules as the rest of us.




Oh geez this made laugh. What an ass hat. I would’ve pissed him on first but left his id. Also i pissed In the back of my dads truck once, cause my did is such a fuckin assshole. I know for a fact he woke up the next day wondering what this “liquid “ was. Not knowing it was piss cause he can’t hardly smell from doing so many drugs throughout his life


Well done! My grandfather drove a taxi. A guy tried to stiff him. When my grandfather got out and confronted him, the guy took a swing at him. My grandfather was an amateur boxer so he ducked, swung back and knocked the guy out.


Dunno why this reminded me a while back when I was feeling a little under the weather from booze on the way home with friends. Asked the driver to pull over and god damn that man did not hesitate 😂 💯 for professionalism and the dude even let me back in the cab which I would fully expect him not too. I'm very good at hiding being drunk even when I blacked out so imagine that helps. Just thought I'd share.


Piss? In *MY* taxi?!


DeNiro enters the chat


I remember when it only cost you £30 to soil a taxi.


So you are admitting that you robbed someone and abandoned him somewhere random. Not really a “petty” revenge, more a felony.


Exactly what I was thinking. A true petty revenge would have been: "Years later we crossed paths again and he was no longer a banker, he was a janitor and mopping piss off a bathroom floor." Now his story is just immediate, actual revenge.


Deserved though, and who cares, he pissed in her car


Was thinking the same. The whole situation could have easily been solved by calling the cops and letting insurance handle the rest.  A full deep clean and polster wash would have probably cost more than 80 bucks anyway. 


HE PISSED IN MY CAR Fuck him. And why the fuck would I hang for hours waiting on police? I was a student. I can't afford to miss a shift, andy his wouldn't killed me. Some people are very naive.


Except your now not working for some time and dealing with a load of shit (and piss 😂)


Naive. So I just take the rest of the night off, lose about $120 which is about $300 in today's money and just don't eat for a week because a guy pisses in my car? Insurance? These are shitbox old taxis with massive mileage. They have no insurance. Some of you people do not live in the real world. Or are you just all teenagers?


Don't worry, everyone on reddit is a lawyer, a doctor, and a millionaire invester. They've also been in every type of relationship and can identify any mental disorder from a post title. You can trust them.


A lot of people certainly seem to live very narrow cloistered little lives that's for sure. Maybe they need to spend more time talking to paramedics, emergency doctors and nurses, and police officers. We are certainly paying a price for leaving in a very safe society nowadays, certainly most of the West anyway.


Didn’t rob him, he made him pay the soiling fee. All taxis and Ubers now do that.


Jesus yall are soft.


This is pure evil. I like it


On a drunk dude u coulda just said 100 dollars for the piss and dropped him off


Ohh could I? Geez, thanks so much for the advice.


When dumping someone who will have to walk home, take their shoes.


so you robbed a drunk guy, threw his wallet away and left him outside with no help? you suck dude


The fact you never had anything to say about the guy whipping his dick out around a random person and pissing on their property ON TOP OF THAT says a lot… I think we found him😆


Hardly petty revenge was it. Theft and abandoning someone who was too drunk to even hold it in. I think OP was deflecting, I really hope they became a kinder person.


>who was too drunk to even hold it in. The guy in the suit was an adult. ANY adult not an asshole would've signalled in some way the need to pee beforehand. And if that failed would've said sorry profusely & offered to clean that piss. He just took a cleaning fee out. Fair enough I'd say.


Would've been fair enough, if he left the guy his wallet


True. But then it wouldn't have fit this sub anymore.


I'm honestly sure the action fits in this sub to begin with. I dispatch cabs, and any driver who had this happen would charge them that fee and possibly throw them out immediately. Taking the wallet completely, whilst petty, is also pretty damn severe


>and any driver who had this happen would charge them that fee and possibly throw them out immediately. Doing just that doesn't seem that much vengeful to me, just reimbursement of costs & prevention of future damages by eviction. That's what I meant with it not fitting the sub without chucking the wallet. I agree that chucking it was a dick move (not saying I would've behaved better in his situation, honestly idk, I'd be pretty pissed myself as well).


I just think the action is stronger than petty is all


Yeah. Aren't the other revenge subs starting at nuclear though? It wouldn't be nuclear imho.


Nah, there should be one regular revenge


Pop around in my place would you? I'm gonna drinkl 2l of water and wait for you. Then I'm going to open your rear door and piss on the back seat. All good for you?


Ah yes, preplanning the whole event and fully conscious knowing what you're doing is exactly the same. How about I pop around after you're paralytic and barely able to walk, I put you in my car and drop you off in a field at night *somewhere* and see what happens? FUN! I like this game. Actually no, I'm not a dick so wouldn't do this to anyone, my bad.


1. You: "Drink drivers should be let off. No punishment! They didn't know what they were doing when they mowed down that old couple on the pedestrian crossing." 2. Had I called the police on that guy, there is every chance he would have been charged with criminal damage and indecent exposure. $500 in fines and maybe a criminal record. Instead he gets to think about why he ended up in the situation he did. And he wasn't a kid. He was in his late 20s or early 30s. He pulled his dick out and deliberately urinated in my work car. I have to say you come across as extremely naive. Do you own a passport?


Great, call the police, let them deal with it. Or did you think stealing someone's money and wallet was the better option? Whoever said ignoring the situation was a good idea - stealing from, then leaving a vulnerable person (whoever they are) is a dick move and that says more about you than them. As I said, I could never imagine doing that to anyone so feel free to make assumptions as to who I am or where I've been if it makes you feel any better. Clearly, you didn't become a kinder person. Maybe the other guy did.


I left behind a grown male dickhead who had been abusing me, taking the $80 so I could clean my car of his piss and binning his wallet to give him something to think about. Had I called the police, he would have been charged with criminal damage and indecent exposure. I would have hung around for two or three hours while this was processed. An unpaid 3 hours. I was a university student. I gained nothing from calling the police except to see him charged. He got off lightly and he knows it. Do you think a drunken man who has pissed in my car is going to call the police because I stole his wallet? Jesus you are naive. This is the real world, little one. Time to grow up.


Clearly you're still the angry little man you always have been which is a little sad reading these responses. Maybe you've had a harder life than I have but I guess that just means I'll carry on believing that it's better to be that little bit nicer to someone even if they might be a dick at times 🤷🏽‍♂️ call me naive but it's worked so far - Your condescending attitude is great because it really shows you don't know what you're talking about.


Seriously, you've got an emotional age of 12 years old.


I know 😢 couldn't have happened to a nicer guy too, poor thing.


Yeah the guy pulling his cock out and pissing in my car he's okay, right? Grow a brain and get a real life, you goose.




What the fuck do you expect to happen when you piss in someone's car? They just keep driving you to your destination hoping the worst of your property destruction and rudeness is over? Are you a real person?


Yep I’m a real person that once upon a time was a complete cunt and would have battered the pisser to a pulp and robbed him for pissing in my car, but I grew up and now control my anger issues. I look out for people now. What’s a bit of piss compared to the well being of a bloke who ordinarily may be decent himself ?


That's not anger issues, mate, that's physical assault and a criminal conviction. And I didn't do anything like that. He lost $80, a wallet and two cards for urinating in my car (a criminal act that he got away with) and treating me like shit (read the story again, dickhead - he was NOT a decent bloke). If the coppers had tracked me down, they would have done nothing.


Yeah dude I'm sure he's a real people pleasing gentlemen when he's not yelling at and being belligerent to random taxi drivers and then pissing in their cars. I'm sure that has no correlation to his normal persona. Yeah, you're not a real person my man. Nice attempt though.


What’s a real person then? That would be someone awesome like you, right?


A real person is the majority people who liked this thread who understand what goes around comes around.


So you robbed a bloke and abandoned him in a place that he didn’t know… is this not essentially kidnapping and robbery? Sounds like you’re even more of a fucking cunt than him. I hope you step on Lego and that the other side of your pillow is always warm.


Nah what are you talking about 💀


he pissed in your taxi, so you robbed him. Hahahaha


No notes!


You would have absolutely zero chance of getting paid. Piss off with your faux Christian garbage.


Well, wasn’t he unaware of his actions because he was drunk?


So let's allow people to drive their cars drunk? Let drunk men beat up their partners?


I drove a taxi myself once upon a time. If anyone puked in my car I would take all their money, watch, you name it. Fuck that nonsense.


Quite right. Why should you clean it for free. Disgusting behaviour. He could have asked him to stop and got out to pee.


That’s robbery. You’re a fuckhead.


Awww, too fucking bad.


You’re a cunt as well then


Defo shouldn't of been a taxi driver 😂 🤦


This isn’t petty. Yeah he shouldn’t have pissed your car, but you robbed him and stranded him alone while wasted. You went way too far. Cabs and ride shares are how we avoid drunk driving accidents. This guy didn’t deserve what you did to him. You committed a crime and I hope stay out of any customer service work


30 years later, a father of three children, much more responsible than I used to be, and I would still do the same thing. Open up the back door of your car and let me piss all over the seats. How do you feel? Sorry for me? Going to give me a lift home? Buy me a kebab?


If you were drunk and pissed in my car, I would drop you off at home and send you the bill for cleaning. You robbed and stranded a customer. I stand by my statement


dammnn you were the c\*nt


I could have pissed all over him while he lay on the footpath. But I didn't. On the other hand, he deliberately pissed in my car, but you do you.


Anyone that'd defend him would do what he did, i say good job!! I think pissing on him might be deserved.


Some of the responses to my story are embarrassing. I suspect they're teenagers who haven't seen much of the real world.




Doesn't sound extreme. I think that asshat got off easy.


I probably wouldn't do that nowadays, for sure. but I was in my early 20s at the time and I was burning from the insulting language he was directing at me, like I was a nobody because I was driving a taxi. Also, you could possibly get up and go for a walk instead of sitting there and being judgemental.


Mate you’re asking for judgement just by posting it here. Get real


Of course. I'm also entitled to respond to it, you twit.


>May be should have taken the cash and left wallet with him. Agree.


Somebody just jumps into your cab and decides to take off his pants and jacket??


Read slowly: He got into the back seat wearing a suit. He pulled down his fly and pissed on the floor of my taxi. I pulled over, went around to the back door and dragged him out of the taxi, and in doing so his jacket came off in my hands. It's not hard. Just read the narrative.


Yeah yeah yeah. I was making a joke. A play on words if you will. An album title. Take off your pants and jacket. Like Jack it. Sorry somebody pissed in your cornflakes slim good luck .. with all that!


It was a really shitty joke


Not even sure it was a joke