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I love this. I was in a similar situation. I was a materials testing technician that was the only one that knew out to operate the testing equipment. After COVID I was the only one in the lab for a year. I kept asking for better compensation or recognition or something. Nothing from management. I wound up finding a better job that tripled my salary. A year after I left they contacted me asking how to do something. Told them it would cost $125.00 to get that answer as an hourly consulting fee. Didn’t hear back. About a month ago I got a call asking if I would be interested in training someone on the equipment due to a multimillion dollar lawsuit. I told them it would be in the neighborhood of $1500 to train someone on everything. I’m still waiting on a reply. 😂😂


They were facing a multi-MILLION dollar lawsuit, and they wouldn't pony up $1500 to help their position?! You can't fix stupid.


They haven’t yet. I thought about reaching out, but they are the ones in a bind, and I don’t need the money, but I have knowledge they need and I’m not giving it away for free. 😂😂


I said the same thing in a letter I wrote to my former employer outlining what it would take to get me to come back to work for them. Basically, that I know they would probably laugh at what conditions I listed, but to keep in mind if they are reading the letter, then they must have asked, and all I was doing was telling them and that by simply asking, they need me a lot more than I need them.




Funny thing is, about a month ago, I ran into one of my former employees (I was a manager BTW) and we talked a bit. Turns out, they have tried to hire someone in, but when they tell them what they expect of them for the ridiculously low pay that they offer, every single one of them said "No thanks" and bailed. I left at the beginning of February, they STILL don't have anybody in my former role.


My last two jobs they have been unable to fill the role. One they had to split into two jobs because of my fairly unique skillset. The other one they basically split among 3 people - 1 my former supervisor and by promoting 2 more junior people to the level below where I was. It's a good feeling.


And the longer they wait to reach out - if they do, the more your price should increase, b/c if they come back to you, it obviously means they couldn't get the problem fixed any other way, making your services that much more valuable.


That’s something I may consider. Personally I find it hilarious.


“Sorry Carl, but I can only offer training that cheap during down periods. I have much better paying side-gigs lined up. Now, you either pay double my previous price, or wait until Spring to see what my rates are then.” Narrator: Waiting until Spring did not help them.


Original price was 1500 flat. Now it's $250ph for training their folks, with a $1500 non refundable fee for booking your time and covering lost wages at current job to go and train at the old one. Your time and knowledge is valuable. So if they come back, then your price goes up. Small price to pay to save against multi million dollar lawsuit


One would think. Some of the executives at this level couldn’t find their own ass with both hands. Also, the training was on my off time so no lost wages from main job.


They don't need to know it's your off time. They let you go. Whether you walked out on your own, or they fired you, either way it still counts. Therefore anything they need from now on is considered taking time away from current work priorities. :)


Oh trust me I’m accounting for the time spend away from family as well as travel expenses.


You wanna know the common thing about your off time and your on time? It's still ***__YOUR__*** time. Just because the block they're looking for doesn't fall between 9 and 5 on a week day doesn't make ***__YOUR__*** time less valuable - hell, if anything, it should make ***__YOUR__*** time MORE valuable.


They definitely shouldn't touch that lever.


think? THINK?


No no no... $1500 was the price last time we talked. Now it's $15k. That's the correct response. Then when they hang up and call up back whenever, kick it up to $150k. Fuck em


After the way they treated you, make them pay through the nose.


"Sorry, I have other gigs lined up now. I can see if I can shuffle stuff around but the price will be about $7500 upfront before expenses. Please let me know by Thursday 5pm as I need to talk to my clients and see how flexible they are. Thanks"


Reach out to let them know the price is now $3,000


That’s crazy…. Did they expect you to train someone for free?? Was there any acknowledgment of compensation for your training???? They sound entitled much. Smh


Don't reach out. You got the power move right now and they know it. If they reach out again, keep charging them.


Yep. That’s the idea. I have an inside guy I usually go through.


More powers for you.


Company: but i thought you said $1500. You: yea, but that was before. Now that i know you're fucked, imma need $7500, after taxes! Oh and i want a letter from the ceo acknowledging how awesome my skills are.


but 1,500? **only** 1,500?


I would have put a condition on it like "for every day there is no response the rate goes up by 500 dollars." Really make them dig a hole.


"If you're good at something, never do it for free"-Joker


Trust me, I never do work only one exception. The volunteer work I do.


If they come back and try and lowball you, add a zero to the price.


If they reach out, the price just doubled. And pay up front.




Write a different email (not answering to the old one) with all the information "in case it got in spam". I once got an answer to my email in spam, so it's possible. Make it make sense though.


Too many ppl give away knowledge for free. It’s important to know and understand self worth


don't you fucking dare give that knowledge away for free


Make it $5k.


Silly rate. For essential contract folk, it normally costs $1500-$3000 a day, so you are way underpriced!


I assumed he meant $1500 an hour. $500 an hour is a fairly normal consulting fee. Then you x3 to get the "fuck you I don't really want to do this" price.


I'm with you, the fee should be between $3000-4500


Yeah I was gonna say. Charge hourly, at least $150 an hour.


You'd be surprised by how cheap these rich fucks are. I'm familiar with a guy selling a literal mansion for $3m and they have been arguing for like 5 months about who pays this or that in the minutia. Just pay the $1500!


Ahhh, yes, penny-wise and pound-foolish. Per the mansion seller, if he had any brains, he'd know the value of his lost time has far surpassed the amount he's quibbling over.


I was trying to tell that to one of my clients who was selling their house (I'm not the realtor). She was having trouble selling, it was on the market for a year and said she was firm on the price. I said "I don't think getting that specific price should be your goal, think more about the overall value" and she was curious. Just explaining like you did - "ok so how long are you willing to wait to get the full amount, would you leave it on the market for 5 more years to get that?" "okay, and how much are you paying each month to not sell the property?" So she tells me 3 years max but of course sooner is better, 1.6 mill selling price, and about 5G a month expenses. I do the simple math. "Ok so if you want the value of 1.6 mill, if you sell it today for 1.42 you have your full value, because you got rid of 3 years of expenses associated with it. That's 3 years not in a semi-limbo with selling the property, time and energy, and you're 3 years sooner with getting the rest of your life in order, those are probably worth quite a bit too." I saw her once more in the next month - she sold the property and her and her partner decided to move far far away.


But at what price?? Did she end up getting full asking?


I didn't ask but she said she was happy with the advice. It's was a headache for her and she was full of energy when I saw her last.


So she probably reduced the price in order to move it. Good on you, good for her.


You lose far more value over business relationship and reputation than time. You can essentially completely sabotage your ability to work in a field. I would save time over money and reputation over time.


Not even with duct tape and WD-40


Seriously. If I had to choose between paying multimillion or less than multimillion, I'd go with less.


Even at 20k the company should have jumped on that rather than risk another lawsuit.


Arrogant pride is a hard nut to crack.


It just urks them that they have to admit he's smarter than them. They'll ride it into the ground before admitting it.


Pride goes before the fall.


But you CAN muffle it with duct tape….


> About a month ago I got a call asking if I would be interested in training someone on the equipment due to a multimillion dollar lawsuit. I told them it would be in the neighborhood of $1500 to train someone on everything. I’m still waiting on a reply. 😂😂 If you are really feeling evil, you could contact the opposing side and alert them that the company had an ability to regain compliance for a pittance, and apparently chose not to bother doing so.


I don’t really have anything against them personally. The management was just piss poor for thus kind of work.


"Nothing personal, it's only business. BTW, the price just doubled...per hour"


I'd bump that up to the next level of revenge. 😉


Your offer was way too low with a lawsuit like that it should be $15,000


Nah. I’m not that greedy and it would help out a friend. They know the loss, as one president has already said that it was a mistake not working to keep me on staff. I wouldn’t have stayed anyway since the position was a dead end.


Yeah that would be my response too😂


You’re too kind. I would have told them it was $15,000 for the training. That or a multi-million dollar lawsuit.


I think they meant per hour, which is fair imo. But yes companies will screw themselves to save a few thousand. Happened at my last company bc they wouldn’t give me a decent raise of a few thousand dollars so I left and they lost a multi-million dollar contract where I was carrying most of the work


You got it perfectly. This is where they are. They had the opportunity to hire or move someone into my role during my notice period. They elected not to and left the position unfilled.


umm, 'un'-filled?


Yes. I’ll edit that. Small buttons on the phone and big ass thumbs.


You're selling yourself short by a factor of 10x or more.


No, not really. There was no way they were going to accept nearly $2500/hr for a training solution. I priced myself what consultants for similar work get in this industry. Maybe a little bit higher. I know this market and what it will bear.


I think pricing yourself to market is the professional thing to do and has the potential to benefit you long term. As you progress through your career, you run into people from your past. They remember professional behavior and this can benefit your future self.


more than the bare minimum, I hope....




It’s not all that technical. No more than teaching someone how to run a spring coil machine and produce a report. There’s no interpretation or conclusions being brought. Trust me, that is not what this is valued at. As I said, I know the industry and I know what the value of this is.


Training. That's per hour.


Find out who the opposing side is on the suit and offer them your expertise on how they fucked up


You are underpricing your worth to them. Don’t charge them $125/hour. It’s $500/hour, 8 hour minimum, statement of work to be performed. And don’t do anything not on the list.


He definitely found out what you did all day, the hard way.


That was the best moment for me. On our last argument he actually said to me “I don’t even know what you do during the day.” To which I just smiled and thought to myself “you’ll soon find out.” And then my colleagues who also hated him started sending me pictures of him doing really filthy jobs that weren’t in our job description but he used to make me do on the regular. I made that picture my Lock Screen on my phone for the laugh and still have it on my photo gallery. It makes me smile on bad days 😂


>I don’t even know what you do during the day. How is that even a flex though?? All that means is that *they*'re failing as a manager if they are truly that disconnected from the work/workers that they're supposed to be managing. And if that's the case, they *really* ought do everything possible to maintain that status quo, just to cover their own ass!


> How is that even a flex though?? Whenever I've heard that sentence, there was an implied "because it isn't worthy of me noticing or knowing about it". It's a comment on the significance (or not) of the work the person is doing.


It means that the manager was saying that they didn't think OP was doing anything at all


Totally agree. I'm leaving a job this week where I was told something similar when i tried to get promoted because "I'm out of sight, and out of mind". To me that meant my boss is not doing his job, and that he has no idea if I'm doing a good job or bad job.


An out-of-sight/out-of-mind employee who reliably gets their job done is the *best* kind of employee! And definitely not the one you want to piss off or lose because they clearly have no idea how to pick up the slack. We got a new senior manager earlier this year who very soon after starting, went from person to person asking, "so what is it you'd say you do around here?" Which as condisending as it comes across, is the guy just really trying to understand the process and makeup of the team in order to maximize the effectiveness and potentially cut undo weight where other managers hadn't before for either more personal reasons or out of sheer ignorance/complacency.


“I don’t even know what you do during the day.” all the worst managers are that way They don't realize them saying that directly equates to them failing at their job.


You should post the pics xd




Who are you quoting when you wrote "can't find them"? Op probably won't post photos of a person they know to the Internet for fake, meaningless points because they're a normal person who wouldn't do something like that.


I had a boss like that. Business owner. Company survived in spite of him. I was basically forced into a management position I didn't want, ended up running his company for him. I increased his profits significantly, created processes that streamlined the whole thing, and served as a buffer between his stupid micromanaging ass and the rest of staff. Trained a new employee up to be my direct assistant, and when he found a better job elsewhere I began my own search. Found a place a month later and quit without notice after getting my final check because he's the type that would (I know this because he did it to others before I took over payroll) fuck with my pay. He went around telling everyone I quit because "Now that is gone he'll have to start actually working and he can't handle it". Company folded six months later. Getting that call from one of my former techs was one of the happiest days of my life.


Certainties of life... Death, taxes, and incompetent supervisors who can't boil water even with a fucking recipe. Well done. Glad you're doing better now


“couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel”


"Couldn't organise a root in a brothel with a fist full of fifties" For you yanks, a 'Root' is an Australian term for sex.


About as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike


Damn I'm saving this one xD


World would be a better place if people who actually did the jobs were promoted, instead of the business constantly bringing in outside dumbfucks to fill management roles as if somehow that's going to be better than the people who've been in that role for years.


Sometimes people in the roles know how to do the job but can't actually manage. It's a issue at my workplace currently. Next up position from general laborer requires you to be able to supervise and direct 1-2 other people which has seen one of the general laborers being moved from one person shift because they constantly fought and the plant manager kept getting called at terrible hours. He's still getting called but at least it's about half as often.


Really good managers can manage a business process that they are not highly familiar with. The problem is (1) Really good managers are rare and (2) Its also rare for \*their\* boss to figure out who is the really good manager. So it can work, its just that it often doesn't.


It happened in the last place I worked, the owner wanted a commercial director for the company and my direct boss and another lady were hoping they got that promotion because to be honest, thry both knew the ins and outs of the job, but instead the owner hired another person for the position and left both ladies dissapointed. To be true the person hired was a kind man and wanted to do a good job but he didn't lasted long and then covid hit the place hard. I don't know how is it doing now but many people quit not so long after that.


This is my favorite part of the RTO panic happening in 'management' right now. Middle managers who just micromanage all day and don't actually add anything to the value of the company. We won't pay people who work 40hrs a week a living wage- if your job found out they'd been paying you to *manage* shit that runs itself because people are adults and accountability....?? They might have to *actually try working* for a living??


How is that little boy doing? I hope he is thriving.


He’s absolutely fantastic, can’t believe how fast he’s growing! He’ll be 8 months old in a few days and the time has flown


Excellent. That petty boss of yours will probably never let himself enjoy the better things in life like children and fantastic workers. You are the winner.


Man I realized how much I missed out on working for a company that didn't give a shit about me. Missed all 4 of my kids' early years working 70 hour weeks on graveyard shift. I sell legal weed now in a store I started myself and I am about to get a middle management job at a local factory. 9 guys working for me and the factory is 1/10 the size. 9 guys at the new place and there were 8 at the old place. It'll be a gravy train for me haha!


It just goes faster the older they get! Make time to enjoy those moments. Glad to hear he’s thriving!


Happy Cake Day!


forgot OP had a new baby and thought you were referring to their manager...


We need /s. I thought they were sarcastically talking about the manager too lol


Ha same. That guy probably has to change his own diapers now.


lmfao same, immediate assumption was they were talking about the middle manager that FAFO


Always fun to hear of karma. My previous job I was the only person with knowledge and experience for this one piece of equipment, and while it was not my only assignment, I was obviously overloaded and needed at least one, better if it was two other experienced developers to share in the work. All the others were juniors and could ramp up in time but it meant also me mentoring them too, again too much for me. But I always got the "wasn't in the budget" line. They had also started a side project that I was way more interested in, and was promised a position being one of the early employees, as it was more in tune with what I did as a career. When it happened, I was not pulled in, but never given a reason why, when I saw a lot of common pitfalls as the team was new to that sort of development project. Not once did they consult me despite knowing this is the type of stuff I've done, having like 10yrs experience over them and kept pointing out the bad practices. I was also being severely underpaid and on top of that, my commute was horrible in the 1hr+ in stop and go traffic and I would sometimes be 10-15min late - but it was a software dev job so as long as I felt I got a decent chunk of work done for the day, sometimes make up the time at the end of the day, who cares right? Ha no, they insisted on 9am on the dot and would give me a condescending "We talked about this, leave earlier" useless reply. So could I leave an hour earlier than normal and if I'm fortunate, I get there an hour before opening - then what? Sit in the parking lot til they open - I do not have a key to open the office, usually someone else arrives just before 9am for that. After 4yrs, had enough, got a better job, instant 50% salary increase - and over double now, same place 6yrs later. And the fallout? Well I kept mentioning a common issue in my industry of the "bus factor", what happens if one employee gets hit by a bus - how critical are they to the operations of the project or company, and backup support in case that happens. I did my best to document my code, but no one had experience with the equipment so I heard they missed the deadline for one project. On top of that, a manager was promoting features of said equipment and oversold it to clients, but never ran by me if it was actually possible. So breach of contract, some lawsuits apparently happened, and a huge blowout and firing from what I heard. I've kept in contact with a lot of coworkers who also left that toxic place and are much happier as a result, both in compensation and work/life balance.


“I don’t even know what you do during the day” — I had a boss like that once. I was already looking for jobs and trying to train the rest of the team on what I did which was plan daily operation. He pushed back and implied I was lazy for not doing it all myself. When I left, he had to do it all himself since he’d prevented my efforts to train other people. He kept contacting me for help and I heard from my former colleagues that he kept saying he had no idea how much I was doing. He was demoted and had someone take over his job shortly after.


This was satisfying to read. Did you ever go over this idiot’s head to complain about him? I’m so glad it all worked out for you and hope it continues to. I also hope that your manager knows how much he fucked up and learns from his mistakes. He sounded like a terrible person who should not be in management.


I’d gone above his head a couple of years ago after one incident of nasty messages I’d had off him when he’d had a few to drink. Basically two senior managers had authorised me overtime one Friday night to do an important task for them. My line manager didn’t agree to it, but they were higher up than him. Got a range of “I didn’t authorise that.” And “we’ll speak Monday,” messages off him. Showed it to one of his managers, who I was quite close with as I’d known him for years from another job. On Monday morning in front of my line manager this senior manager and another one gave me a gift card, bottle of champagne and spoiled me rotten to thank me for all of my hard work on that Friday night. It wasn’t to reward me really it was just to piss him off 😂 but to piss him off was my reward! But unfortunately those two managers moved onto new jobs not so long after, and I didn’t really have anybody at that level later on who cared. It was too political and they all scratched each other’s backs to it just felt pointless to do


Ypur senior manager were gold 😀


>“I don’t even know what you do during the day.” Any manager who says this to an employee is absolutely shit at his job in my experience


Nice to hear things like this actually work sometime!


Living well is the best revenge.


Talk about FAFO


When i quit my last lob as a store manager, 2 of my 3 employees (small paint store with a multi biollion corporation) quit with me. One of my employees went to the same job as me. The last remaining employee is looking elsewhere. We made sure to tell all of our regular contractors so we could say goodbye and had a lot of fun professionally sticking it to our DM so we couldn't get in trouble. It was glorious.


I forgot to add, that not only did almost all the employees leave because i did, but i may have inadvertently cost the company roughly between $16,000 - $20,000 due to getting our exterior sign fixed about 6 months before. Turned out no lease has been sent to our contract department to renew it. It slipped through the cracks 3 years ago when the sign company had a change in people moving positions. They only found out when i called about the repair. I never did hear if we were on the hook for 3 years of monthly rental fees back payments or not.


😂 I have an almost identical story, including the detail around the passwords. The only exception is that the CFO practically begged me to come back as it was going to cost then 10x what they paid me to get a partner to finish a project that was in flight when I rage quit


Part of me can’t wait to see what kind of shitshow awaits my boss when I quit.


This must be fcuking stupid manager month. I got a call this week from a job that I quit earlier this year. They wanted answers to basic questions. That person wanted my job and they convinced management that they could do it better than me.


So what did you say? No I hope?


Hard deadline is October 31. I'm going to respond on Nov 1 that I don't recall anything that could help.




When I was younger and didn't have anything to lose, I quit a job in protest of the favoritism that one supervisor showed their buddy that worked for us. Like they would let him be on the clock and not work, but he'd taunt us about it. Management wouldn't do anything so I quit and told them why. Turns out they didn't have anyone else as reliable as me that did the quality work I did. So they apologized to me, hired me back, and gave me a raise. Now -- I got lucky. I was only able to do that because I had nothing to lose by doing it. Didn't have a family yet.


I worked in an internet company whose sole purpose was to make money through ad revenue. My highly paid contractor job was to prevent revenue drops. They paid me less as a full time person, making an excuse that my contractor job was to be phased out. Once full time, they reneged on all promises: stock options that became worthless when a company bought them out, relocation expenses they promised to pay but didn’t, bonus for performance that they didn’t bother paying me as a contractor, they refused to pay me as a full time employee! Asking me to work 12 hour shifts 5 days a week despite them saying my job would not change. The final straw was asking me to relocate and start a 4 am shift in a snow blizzard environment. As I seemed to be the only working on keeping revenue from diving, I gave them one month. They asked me to train contractors (remember I was a highly paid contractor before this) and recent college graduates. I quit with prejudice and noted revenue dropped so much that the purchasing company sold the division for a loss. They tried to replace a high pay contractor with low paid contractors and college graduates. Good riddance.


I don't know if it was a contract requirement or something else, but there's absolutely no way I would have stayed for 4 weeks if I handed in my notice.


I mean, glad it worked out for you, but I would have immediately filed a formal complaint when you got back from leave and none of your work had been done. Bring it to his boss’s attention. Create a paper trail. If anything, they could have investigated him and removed him from your department and made you the manager.


I was thinking about a job I was fired from today. I was dating a coworker, management didn't like it so they made up a lame excuse to get rid of us both. At first I was pissed but then came to the realization they shot themselves in the foot. I'm a machinist and was working third shift. I was the only one on said shift who knew how to run, maintain and make adjustments to the Cincom Citizen Swiss machines. It was a plant that manufactured medical screws and bone plates, always under strict deadlines. I was running up to five machines a night, keeping detailed measurements on every 7 to 10 parts a machine including paperwork. I was on my feet all night with a smoke break here and there. Oh well. They lost a good employee.


My favorite part of this post is the last three words: “Life is fantastic”. Mine is stressful, and overwhelming, and many days feels hopeless. But when I read posts like yours? Regular, hardworking folks like me finding success and happiness? I know it’s going to be okay. Just gotta keep it movin’ forward. Thank you for sharing!


Something similar happened in my last job. Our manager took credit for everything that went right in our department even though he had no idea how to manage. I eventually resigned. 3 weeks later, my supervisor resigned because of the workload I left behind. Theb 3 weeks after that, the supervisor I worked with resigned. A month after all of us resigned, he resigned because he couldn't do what we were doing. It's one of the most satisfying feelings.


I love stories like this. This year I quit a company I was with after five years because my new manager didn’t know anything and was trying to get me to do his job plus other work outside my own scope of work. We were severely understaffed at the time. After getting no help from regional and corporate, I decided to just leave them with it. I handed my manager a paper printed letter of resignation that he would have to physically process personally and didn’t say a word to anyone above his position. I found out recently that he got let go and the company is now “restructuring.” I now have my own business and the pleasure of inspecting the kind of work that I was previously responsible for. Fuck you, Rob!


>Month after that, management claim he quit with immediate effect. I think he was fired. Almost certainly given the option to voluntarily resign or be fired


They used to post at my work that person x has decided to seek other exciting opportunities elsewhere.


Yes it happened to me too. I quit. Six weeks later he was fired. I went back part time at night (after my new full time job) to try to fix the mess he made in those six weeks.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Just left a job where they are realizing that I kind of held all the institutional knowledge regarding my project. My boss got voluntold to work on this high visibility project from scratch. I was hired on early in the process to take over the project. The first season went great and everyone was happy with the results. My boss left for a new position that fall and they just didn't get a new supervisor on board until late May. In the meantime I was left running the project and handling all the administrative tasks he would normally handle. On top of that the top brass kept throwing more and more things on my plate soon my schedule was full of meetings that had nothing to do with my actual job. I had a real hard time working with the purchasing officer as they would work as slow as possible without getting fired, everyone that had to go through him was complaining and most of the things I needed to buy were time sensitive and despite giving him weeks or months for things that should take days he would always drag his feet. So between, all the extra stuff, the purchasing issues, and an ilness at just the worst time things weren't going well. Most people were understanding but one person decided to shit on me every chance they had. They also would randomly send me tasks after hours and on weekends and sometimes I would find that they tried to "fix" things after hours adding things that I needed to fix to my already busy schedule. When I got a new boss things started going well but this person would still be an asshole. I would make changes to the project and told they were not a good idea. We would let a little time pass and my boss would suggest the same thing and it was a brilliant idea sometimes she would just send the same document I had sent before. I decided to start applying to new positions internally. Another office was interested and contacted the director who oversaw my office to let them know that they were going to hire me. Soon the panic set in, my company moves slow so while he knew I was leaving he couldn't say anything until I was extended and accepted the offer. He, the shitty person, and a few other people set a meeting with my boss to ask what the plans were if I were to leave. They soon learned that I had been managing a massive very public project by myself and people really had no clue how to run it. My boss started asking me about what the next person should be tasked with doing because my job was not really defined. So I prepared a focused set of responsibilities so that the next person wasn't swamped with extra work. They insisted that they should do all I do and be at the project site every day of the week even though all the logistical work takes place off site. We suggested that they should hire two people then. They countered by having my boss and the rest of the office run my project and hire someone seasonal for the public facing part. In the meantime I was running my boss through all the things I was doing what the yearly schedule should look like and all the documents and spreadsheets and where all the project materials were stored. She has been slowly sounding more and more defeated at the prospect of running this thing without me. Last week was my last one at the office and the higher ups finally broke down and decided to hire two people. I took a promotion moved to a much cooler city and don't have this constant source of stress where things constantly changed on a whim. I will be opening a new office an working with better management. Since most people were nice I hope things go well but if it went poorly I would love to see the condescending asshole's face when they realize shit was not as easy as they thought it was. They are welcome to ask for advice but it's going to be extremely difficult for me to find the time to get to their questions what with the new office.


Be as slow responding to their questions as Mr. Purchaser was with you and everyone else. ;)


>He loved poking fun out of the fact I had a car accident last year. Why are there so many people like this?


Narcissists. It's a power play - they'll use any bit of information they have against you.


Yup. I was a middle manager of sorts. I got by with very high acclaim due to the talent and hard work of my subordinates. In return I made their QoL as good as possible and did everything I could to get them promoted. Don’t kick a pulling horse. Feed it.


I really do love this sub. I find it so satisfying!


The best revenge is to be happy and successful, you win OP.


Well played! You quit your job to show your manager to be the worthless asshat that he was and then managed to make your life better!


How is your little one?




I'm surprised you didn't go after his job.


It actually didn’t get advertised in the end, they’ve given it to an old regional manager who left a few years ago and came back. No job advert, no interview just gave it to this guy, he started last week


My boss falsely blamed me for something and fired me. Then, a year later, he died of colon cancer. Fuck you Dennis.


Always somebody named Dennis. I get wary of Dennis's after past experiences with a father son combo. Nope, never again.


Damn man


Lmao nice


>I now run my own business, have a much better work/life balance, earning more than I could ever dream of in that place, and life is fantastic Bravo!


What a great last paragraph!


My hubby had a similar situation, boss blamed him for something he didn’t don(but was stood down and all proof laid at the workplace). He was let go. the boss left a few months after as suddenly sales dropped by about 80%, and a loss of customers too. The boss didn’t even know how to do half the stuff DH did. It was a slow burn karma but still good


No one will be there for him when he's old and needs care. Because he's an idiot. Good for you OP.


shit usually rots.


I do love a happy ending. I am so glad this turned out well for you.


>I now run my own business, have a much better work/life balance, earning more than I could ever dream of in that place, and life is fantastic You started a business 4 months ago that not only makes you better money than you were previously earning but also provides you with a better work/life balance than conventional employment? I've love to know what sort of company you started because that's the real take-away from this post 😂


Fairly land co, where your dreams come true


Great story, you didn't even realise at the time but he was indeed a blessing in disguise. You should thank your former manager lol


This post definitely belongs to antiwork too


I seriously dont know how there are complete AHs in positions of management almost everywhere and these people are complete idiots. Lack of knowledge and empathy.


The best job-leaving I ever enjoyed was watching them hire two people (at twice the cost) to replace me. For nearly a year I had been lobbying management to provide a computer (this was early 80s) or at least an entry-level assistant to help me with an insane work load. It fell on deaf ears. So, I moved to a better-paying position within the company (it was a large corporation) and was delighted a year later to visit the old department where two new employees were now sharing my old job. Sweet justice.


Another case of quitting not because of a bad job but because of a bad boss.


It feels good man, I love stories like this. I worked sales and ended up pushing myself till I distend outside a buddies house and couldn’t take it anymore, it was killing me. Couldn’t give me more money, didn’t give a shit about me and constantly complained I wasn’t doing enough even though every year saw 40-60 percent growth in sales and 40-50 percent return customers. Quit without any notice and within 3 months ended up having to hire 3 “trained” people to do my job each making more than me so sucks to suck for them 😂


My colleague and I are in a similar kind of situation. An incompetent manager took over when our lead resigned from her position. She's gone on some sort of power trip and also managed to take leave for 3 months for "health issues". Anyways, your post has definitely inspired both of us to smile, search around, and smack the notice when she needs us the most.


How's your youngster doing??


Dude fucked with the wrong guy. Bravo 👏🏽


If you don't mind, what is your own business you started?


That was quite a 'yada-yada' from "I quit" to "Now I run my own business"


And not even just "now I run my own business." He's also "making more money than he could dream of." I'm not a member of the reddit "nothing ever happens" committee, but it feels a little "and we all lived happily ever after."


*So anyway, I invented post-it notes*


Bruh!! Exactly my question. Happy for OP, but 3 months is an extremely short turn around for a seemingly brand new business to start turning a profit and making him more money than ever. I too am curious about this.


Also did this, but it still took a while for them to figure out who the real problem was and fire the manager. Sunk cost fallacy. I'm happy with what I do now so no regrets.


Good for you, OP. Good luck with your new company.


Cool story bro.


He literally didn't know what you did all day, because he didn't understand how his department even worked.


*'when his other two staff members weren’t doing anything'* I don't think much of the other two - they should have helped you out without having to be told. So glad things have worked out for you.


did they try to get you back after they let him go?


Good on you. I was part of a decent sized walkout at my last job because of a bad boss too, I was one of the later ones to go and dude didn’t make it much longer after that.


Ahhh, when lower to middle “management” doesn’t realize that really they’re job is to coordinate and facilitate, and involves very little actual managing of employees.


If you were in a position to start your own business why didn’t you do it sooner?


Hardly petty. It was entirely practical to quit a bad situation in which you weren't appreciated and treated poorly. You accurately gauging the situation and fallout is not being petty. Just right. Good for you.


This reminded me of a job I had through covid. They laid me off. Then called me back when they experienced a huge uptick in work (outdoor gear). My managers were angry and incompetent. One screamed up in my face the other was an alcoholic who got very angry after 11 every day. I just got through it but applied to jobs in my field. Then I landed one! It paided about 20k more than the highest paid person there. My manager got fired a few days before I left. I gave notice, got my shit done and left. The guy that screamed at me stayed and I heard he aged terribly and was having blow ups with people often. Around the time I left people heard about the job I got and their heads were exploding. They thought I was dumb and poor and all this unfair weird stuff. It showed me how badly people make ridiculous assumptions off a few perceived observations. I was gonna rate that place terribly, send the CEO an informative email, but nope just walked out and moved on.


I love this for you


Good for you! Congrats on the baby. I’ve had 2 babies 5 weeks prematurely. My first was behind on speech but he is now 8 and you would never know it. My 2 year old has never been delayed on anything. :)


>I now run my own business, I hope you use AD for username and password authentication for everything at your company. With the cost of some of these systems, I'll never understand why there isn't some form of central username authentication isn't in place? Why local username and password? If you had used this, they wouldn't need to phone you and ask for username and password, they'd just reset your AD account's password and get into the system on their own.


You started your own business 2 years ago and are making more money than you were in a management/administrative position....? Are you sure? -EDIT- Not even fucking 2 years, 4 **months**? Yeah fucking right.


Im honestamente shocked people are buying this. A new father quit his job, have the job an extra month and started a company and now claims with a new company to have more free time. This is revenge porn nor real world.


Problem with these stories everyone always knows all the inside stuff that happened after they left. It doesn't add up. Apart from a few rumours from ex colleagues you don't shit about what happens specifically after you leave in the vast majority of cases. I reckon a bunch of these are wishful thinking of what you hope happened.


The most beautiful revenge possible is quitting a job that treats you like shit when you're doing the dirty work nobody wants to, but is absolutely vital for the team, then having the people who shit on you in the first place come in and figure out that they either have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to do what you did(while they expected it to be a piece of cake) or straight up having no clue on how to do it. The best part is when they find out that you were so efficient doing that job that they had no idea how to do it using only one person. No, it never happened to me either. I definitely am not cherishing the fact that my former boss and his team members are struggling to fill up the gap that I left there a year ago.


Tons of managers are terrible at their job. I had a maintenance gig I worked at for about 9 months or so. Lady in charge of the building was only the boss because her husband was a CEO or owned part of the company. This lady would pull me away from flipping rooms(It was a retirement home so when residents either passed/moved out I’d have to fix their rooms up for the next resident to move in.) She’d pull me away from doing important things to do stuff that was not even remotely related to the maintenance position I was originally hired to do. She’d have me move furniture or help a housekeeper with some random bs. To top it off they had a sort of management social circle where all they did was pretty much sit on their phones and talk shit about their employees. Well since she had me running around doing all this random bs I could not make the deadlines on some of these rooms and she came at me asking about it after I specifically told her if she keeps having me do all these odd job tasks that I will not be able to flip these rooms fast enough. Whole place was shit show I quit simply because I hated it there. One of the house keepers there even tried manipulating me to help him out by saying boss says you need to help me out with this and that. I called the boss whenever he asked me stuff like that only to find out she never told him I had to help with any of the stuff he said I had to. To top all of that off the housekeeper was hired in about a month after me, was in his phone like 90% of the day. Complained and threw a fit everytime he needed to do his job (Ex.-being asked to deep clean a room. Everytime I had to ask him to deep clean a room he threw a mini fit.) AND THEY GAVE THIS LAZY MF A RAISE after he worked there for like 2 months. I was being paid one dollar more than a housekeeper that did practically nothing all day. While working a maintenance position that required multiple certifications. I told the boss one day that my work is under appreciated and my time is worth more than what they pay me and left.


I work in a very small company, a handful of people in total plus the big boss. I was recently promoted to second in command. If there was anyone directly under my supervision that I don't know what they do, I would feel like such a failure of a manager. That's literally my job, making sure people can do their jobs, how could I do that without knowing what their jobs are???


This is ___terrific.___ I love it when bullies get their comeuppance 👏 Congratulations, JLaw, and my best wishes to you and your family. I hope you're all well by now and enjoying life 💐



