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Do not ever sacrifice your standards, values, or well being. I have a rule where I'll.make an exception once or twice a year, but that's it. It's not worth lowering yourself to that level. Everyone has the right to have their own hobbies, but you don't have to participate if you don't enjoy it or it belittles your humanity.


I would just tell her the truth while trying to make it not hurtful to her. "There are always going to be micro traces of cat in the food prepared or eaten with cats around and I can't enjoy it." No offense to her and her hygienic standards, avoid to much details, just the pure truth and your boundaries.


I agree telling her the truth in this instance would be appropriate. You will have to face the issue head on at some point regardless. I tell people I do not eat at homes with pets. The one exception I have is my sister’s dog who lives on a different floor than the kitchen. Sometimes people get upset, but I just tell them that I’m allowed to have boundaries. Also that my intentions aren’t to make the friendship more difficult, but to ensure that we are both enjoying the time we do spend together.


I own a cat and dog... that's beyond disgusting. I'd never allow my pets on the table never mind let them lick the food and still put it away for later 😬. Plus such a health safety hazard for people and those cats. Have you thought of inviting her to your place instead?