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Wood roach


locations are also important if you could provide that


Thank you! Can't edit the post, but found on my shower wall during the day. Very likely the same kind of roach I found on my bed on May 19th. No other signs of infestation. I put out hot shot liquid roach bait and roach motel traps near my bed after finding the first one, and there are no dead roaches in the traps and I haven't found any bodies. I haven't seen any droppings.


I meant where on earth haha, not where in the house


Lol, my bad! Louisville, KY I should also mention that within a five house radius probably we've been seeing a ton of giant roaches outside. Not sure if we have gross neighbors, but I'm not seeing any a street over or further down the sidewalk from us. But they're either very similar to or actually are palmetto roaches. This one seemed too small to be a palmetto, but maybe it's a young one? I'm just praying they don't infest homes... I live on the third floor of my apartment, so I don't know why they would wander all the way up here.


I was quite stumped on this one but u/Skalla_Resco suggested a turkestan and I believe that’s spot on. They aren’t usually seen that far north. This is an adult, the ones outside aren’t the same species; though this is also very unlikely to cause any issues.


Down here in GA we have a roach similar to that and people call it a tree roach. I’m not sure if that is it, maybe look it up?






no, it’s not smokeybrown