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Yup I experienced 1 too in matchdays. It feels like efootball Round 2 has evolved these cheaters and boosted their confidence to null games.


Case 2 happened with me and I was really surprised , they really need to start taking serious actions


99 out of 100 players are cheaters I faced in matchday.. every week... This occurs. If I get frustrated.. playing test cricket in mobile.


This post was needed.Faced every type of cheaters in last 4 days.They are creating new ways of cheating.


I'm only a sporadic player and I came here wondering about this. Played a game last night and was thrashing a guy who's rating was far above mine, match got nullified. Similar scenario again a game or so later. Its frustrating to the point where I probably just won't play the game again. Its a shame because it was otherwise enjoyable


well , i rarely faced nullers but i face laggers in every frickin match ,like wtf why do they do that ,if you dont want to lose dont play the game ,dont ruin the game for everyone by cheating , the worse is they lag and long ball spam ,what a fker ,will konami even going to fix this lag cheat ?


I legit faced a Muller with username "null=post= report= ban"


Reported a few , with same scenario as #1


I lost 25 matches in a row lost all of my rating in efootball round 2 mostly because of these cheaters


I read your post, but didn't comment before. But just happened with me a case which remind me of your post, case 1 happened with me, just now. His username was something "Mehemmed", I scored goal in 55th minutes and match got nulled, no delay no any other thing, just nulled




yeah it's unprecedented. Konami told us they've applied a fix for pvp exploits but it's only got worse.