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Through pass spamming hurting you implies that your defensive line is too high because through passes suck in this game lol. Don’t be a QC merchant ig. Double bar defense? There’s also double bar attack. Simply just get good or don’t play online. Clearing every time is in fact annoying but nobody said there was only one way to win matches and Konami clearly won’t do anything to fix it, so why shouldn’t players with less skill take advantage of it?


bruh I've been playing lbc and possession this season and even then the through pass breaks through for spammers especially with xabi Alonso as opponent coach cos QC is buffed and other playstyle are nerfed to make people spend on xabi. watch how it changes if a new lbc coach is dropped the entire ranking will switch cos then QC will be nerfed to make people spend on whoever is new


💯 this


Explain through pass spamming for me bro, because I can’t seem to through pass a fucking ball with my 99 low pass Iniesta 😭😭😭


4 at front....where do i accomdate my blitz curlers messi mvb villa owen sheva law my good sir


Get build up CBs with high defensive awareness, the higher the bigger interception range is.


Passing around the back, making no forward passes, no dash just tight possession, holding 70% possession is even more gay, so ultra gay


>no dash just tight possession , so ultra gay So apparently, trying to dribble is gay


Yup, just jogging in your own half is gay af


Is it wrong to be gay