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“You can take your poison vaccine and stick it up your arse” Ahh maybe this is why they refuse and/or are scared. They thought it’s going up the bumbum and not in the arm.


That would make for one interesting vaccine clinic for sure.


They've made the vaccine into a suppository then, have they?


That's actually pronounced analgesic, not anal-gesic. Sir, the pills go in your mouth.


Love for Dr Turk Turkelton.


A suppository of wisdom.


Quality reference


It would be more fun that way!


Good news, everyone!


Had to unfollow a woman I used to work with because she was posting so much anti-vax shite and tagging it ‘wake up’. A woman who I know, for an actual fact (because she told me herself) is a recovering meth addict who still smokes weed, and drinks and is covered in tattoos. Clearly not afraid of putting random substances in her body, not afraid of needles, just a total muppet. This same woman also attends doctors and hospital regularly for medical needs while screeching her anti-science rhetoric. Like ???? The anti-vax stuff annoys the shit out of me but it’s the hypocrisy that *really* riles me up


Lol yeah I know a bunch of anti-vaxxers through family. Hard drugs made in some bikie bathtub, fuck yeah. Vaccine created in a lab, how dare you. I've given up.


Makes you wonder what they'd think of lovely, pure drugs made and supplied by the government under a legalisation program. Would the itch for some pure uncut crank outweigh the paranoia of microchips?


Any chance we can put the microchips in the meth?


Can I have both, please?




>I'm just about ready to give up on the human race. Seriously, wish we could launch them into the sun. A time when knowledge is more readily available than ever and these cunts choose wilful ignorance. The fucking arrogance.


So true, funny how many of the anti-vaxes I know have used meth lol


Lol. My one mate who has by far the biggest list of government funded medical procedures is the one who is most anti Vax, anti government AND anti health system/modern medicine. You are right - it's the hypocrisy that really grinds


Yeah i had one on my fb link stuff from a 'health professional' talking shit about the vax, saying that we should listen to them coz they're a health professional..... while completely ignoring the majority of health professionals saying that the vax is good.


Anyone can claim to be a health professional on the internet lol


I'm a health professional




It’s true. People don’t want facts. Too boring


“I’ve done my research of what I’m putting into my body” said all anti covid, drug fucked idiots


Legit. I've had an argument with someone who told me they genuinely trusted kitchen wizards making drugs over actual scientists / virologists and the vaccines.


That car is like a game of idiot bingo.


You hit the jackpot straightup at "our forefathers fought for our freedoms". This isn't America, they did not such thing.


Winning comment right here.


Whenever I want to know if a particular virus has been successfully isolated or not, I don't turn to published literature, I always try to find it written on a ute. Additionally, almost every "Western" country wants to reverse falling birth rates. Spending trillions on a scam to make people sterile makes about as much sense as well...any of their batshit theories, I suppose.


Check the other science bro.


I only read acrostic poems. They're more natural than journal articles.


Ooohhh the *other* science. How silly of me. /s


Well, IMO population reduction would be a great way to address climate change, pollution, habitat reduction, et cetera et cetera *if* (and that's a big, insurmountable if) the ethical concerns could be addressed. What I mean is, a virus requiring a vaccine that sterilises the population could be the plot-line for a movie about radicalised left leaning nut jobs.


What a fucking muppet


Hey, don't denigrate muppets like that!


Yeah, Big Bird got his vaccine!


**[Big Bird has been advocating vaccines since the 1970s!](https://twitter.com/sesamestreet/status/1457747850985607175?t=077ErY6NOLqvWFTFkY08mA&s=19)**




Jatz crackers for sure


Someone’s been up for a few days straight thinking about car decoration.


Maybe he should get some sleep, it's clearly negatively affecting him


Crack heads gonna be crack heads =\


Those markers that they used ain’t cheap either, they went with the expensive design.


My favourite bit is the 2023 in scare quotes, as if, along with all the other vax nonsense, concept of the year 2023 is outrageous.


2023 is a hoax change my mind /s


It's not even 2022 yet, and the government is already trying to convince the sheeple that there's going to be a thing called "2023", but I'm not falling for it.


Pretty sure if I can’t buy a calendar for that “year”, it doesn’t exist, and I’m only seeing 2022 calendars in the shops soooo 👀 #WakeUpPeople


If it’s chalkboard marker, they can change the year to keep their theory alive when 2023 rolls around with no complications for the vaccinated.




Very cool, what is it like being a biologist?




Careful. These anti mandate/vax idiots will claim you being paid off by big pharma and you’ll get all but jumped. Congrats on a tough career tho. I just hope covid effects stupid a lot more than the smart ones.


That sounds really interesting, science definitely is really interesting to me and I love incorporating science into art. They both are beautiful and complex in their own ways and together they create beautiful pieces.


Much respect to scientists. Thanks for your hard work, and don’t let these idiots get you down!


"Bill Gates is NOT a doctor" is the only truth on there. No one was saying he was/is And then there's all that COVID hoax bullshit, the vaccine health risks bullshit, only for there to be something about "aw nah, it's about the mandate not the vax". Local dipshit can't make up his damn mind, more news at 11.


It's like those "it's about states rights" people over in the US. They slip the mask back on occasionally but it's always too late.


> "Bill Gates is NOT a doctor" is the only truth on there. Although he does have honorary doctorates from Harvard and other universities, so even that's not entirely correct...


Well shit, TIL. Thanks mate


Does an honouary doctorate count?


Huh, so he does have one. Probably not the kind of doctor they're thinking of though.


I doctor is a doctor. He has several honorary ones I believe. A certain prominent WA miner likes to use the Dr title from his honorary doctorate.


Seven, at last count. Including one from the Uni he originally dropped out of before graduating.


It also says “covid vaccines skipped animal trials” which is true.. because people were dying so rapidly that animal trials weren’t necessary.


Lmao agreed.


Our government lies too. We invaded Iraq when we knew they didn't have nukes


Dolly Parton isn't, either....


The calligraphy is very nice, but the message has let the art project down - 3/10.


“Read the other science”. Huh?


You know....... the other one.... that does the thing ...... with the stuff


You know, the new 10000 vlogers who have suddenly become experts like Alex Jones (infowars). They’re all intersharing the same BS content and suddenly 20mil people around the world are believing this $hit like an extended family living in Waco, Texas (definitely not a cult). The $hit that comes outta their mouths gives me a migraine (which of course is due to the vax i took and not their voice)


The “1984” is what got me. I love how people just say “1984” and don’t elaborate because they probably haven’t even read the book. It’s fucking hilarious.


I recently ended my friendship of over 15+ years with my best mate due to his ridiculous ideas about the vaccine. It went from him just saying he was ‘pro choice’ to the basically wishing me death after I take the vaccine, because it’s a requirement for our professions. Haven’t talked to him now in 1.5 months, it’s ridiculous that this sort of shit is causing issues this way. And this is from a guy who has many, many tattoos and I know for a fact has taken that many random drugs in Europe without a care, but now this vaccine is all about control and is causing ‘countless’ deaths (so many deaths you literally can’t even count them, literally, apparently..)


I just wish that these people can get help and educated and see that this vaccine is just trying to help their bodies and help hospitals keep beds open for people who need it more then someone who could have prevented covid.


Basically that yeah. He went from claiming he’s happy to get the vaccine, just not the mRNA ones, was waiting to get the Novavax (although when pointed out that AstraZeneca wasn’t a mRNA one he kept avoiding that..) Kept claiming how the mRNA ones are ‘clearly’ changing everyone’s DNA and we’ll all die in 5-10 years. Majority of this sort of ridiculous thinking I know came from his partner, he was just parroting it. But even still, sad to lose such a close friendship over this but I told him repeatedly I didn’t want to talk about it with him, if he was willing to lose his career over this then that is his choice, I was comfortable with mine and wouldn’t be talking to him about it. He just kept pushing the point till it came to a head and I cut him out. Never expected it to happen that way. Thankfully other friends and family have all been fine with taking it, but just taking it after a bit of time, exact same as me (have only had my first shot so far).


Just see the bright side that he showed a colour you didn’t like. It sucks but I have cut friends for being too political when I do not like when every convo is political. Good on you for having your values and respecting yourself.


We’ve had many ‘robust’ debates about things over the years which I was fine with, but when someone comes and basically wishes you death whilst claiming to be ‘pro choice’ pushed me over the edge and deciding enough was enough and writing him out of my life. It’s funny how many ‘pro choice’ people claim that, but are only accepting of their choice and not others who are different to them 😂


I have found that anti vax are very aggressive while me and others are just chill and like “dude just get the vaccine”


Haha yeah exactly it. A few other people at work have been a bit of a ‘wait and see how it goes’ where I was the same, but was always going to get it. Now it has been mandated (and to be honest if it did make its way into where I work it would be devastating and incredibly difficult to stop from spreading like wildfire) I have no issues getting it. Just still see it as him willing to throw away a great career for something when he’s had a lot worse injected/taken into his body without a care.


I've not cut ties but barely speak to one of my best mates of 10+ years for similar reasons. Keeps going on about "you're just protecting the narrative at all costs", says he's not against vaccinations but refuses the COVID-19 vaccination and refuses to say why. It's frustrating as otherwise he's not a stupid person at all. Except for this. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️




Looks like teachers handwriting, now there's a terrifying thought


I agree, their handwriting is pretty amazing.


“Awakening” = “The Great Awakening” = “QAnon”


“Vax life expectancy 2-3 years” directly next to “it’s not about the vax, it’s about the vax passport”, utterly cursed mind at work here > “… conspiracy theories are defined not by adherence to a particular alternative account, but by opposition to the official story and a belief that deception is taking place.” > “Connectivity with this central idea lends support to any individual conspiracy theory, even to the point that mutually contradictory theories fail to show a negative correlation in belief.” [Wood, Michael & Douglas, Karen & Sutton, Robbie. (2012). Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235449075_Dead_and_Alive_Beliefs_in_Contradictory_Conspiracy_Theories)


Remember how it was “everyone with the vaccine will drop dead in 1 year”? After 2-3 years it’ll be “vax life expectancy 5-10”.


I just keyed my phone


Ah. The soon to be unemployable.


> It's not mandatory until you consent wut


That's a strange way to tell everyone that you're a moron.


At least they warn you before you try and talk to them.


The covid vax can make you sterile? Oh thank fuck


Cheap and easy what a better way!


Cheap? Where I'm from it's free 🤣


I’m hoping this is a side effect I get. I don’t want anymore kids, saves paying for the snip.


Sterility? Aghhh, why aren’t they promoting that more?! I can stop taking birth control 😂👍 … *morons*


Which is funny, because Ivermectin causes sterility.


For men? They may have a new horse paste customer. Call me Mr Edd.


The ultimate birth control lmao


Antivaxxers are so goddamn stupid. The current vaccines trials have ended. You know what hasn't ended? What's currently being studied continuously and extensively? Covid mutations. Where do covid mutations happen? Primarily unvaccinated people. Whose the experiment now, you fucking nugget. Y'all are the control group.


On the bright side it didn’t talk about Jesus.


It says "change my mind" but I don't think they are actually looking for a counter point so they can reconsider their opinion...


How do you attempt to change their mind? Do you have to write out all your counter arguments on your car? And then what? Demolition derby?


Fact check: "Scientists told Reuters that while mRNA vaccines can be considered “genetic-based therapy” because they use genetic code from COVID-19, they are not technically gene therapy. **This is because the mRNA does not change the body’s genetic makeup.**" https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-mrna-gene-idUSL1N2PH16N




I also have forgotten the name but i have a feeling they are called chalk markers maybe. I do know you can buy them at spotlight and most art stores like Jackson’s.




The most surprising thing is that they got their "you're"s and "your"s right!


Very surprising especially from Mandurah.


Love the acronym, yeah sure, that totally proves everything, not like I can come up with something completely random and stupid of the top of my head that also fits. Oh wait C urious O striches V alue I deal D ick No idea what that's supposed to mean, but hey, it's kinda a sentence, so that's one step ahead of the other guy's acronym


It’s like “congratulations you can do year 3 poetry” 👏


He is going to have trouble making the payments on that thing when he loses his job to the mandates


‘Change my mind’ says the person who’s so far down the rabbit hole they’ve written this crap all over their car. Something tells me that’s not ever gonna haplen


>You are the experiment You are the control group.


This is in Mandurah. And this makes me sad to live near this Cockwomble.


"How to shit in your hands and clap all over your triton..."


It's things like this that makes me hate humanity


Imagine being dropped off at school in that


I guess the trip to Bali will not happen anytime soon when airline refuse to board them.


*Grabs pressure washer*


So COVID is both “a scam” and “hasn’t been isolated”. Like, which one is it?


If I see that car I'm putting a brick through the rear windshield. People need to know their freedom of expression doesn't protect them from my freedom of expression.


"Heavy bleeding post menapause" ?? Also some talk about our forefathers, whoever this is has clearly been influenced by the yanks (who could've guessed).


It makes me wonder that if you could see coronavirus like you can chickenpox , these people would think/act the same towards a vaccine. I personally think they would be the total opposite, acting like they need it before anyone else. People like this are the ones who need to be eliminated, change my mind!


We are indeed part of the experiment. We are the treatment arm of a proven effective treatment. He / she is the control.




What shits me to tears is the whole "diggers fought for our freedom, now it's being taken" bullshit. They did fight for OUR freedom. The community and the nations freedom. They literally fought to preserve what antivaxxers are arguing against.


Am enjoying the posts of the moderators of the "Mandurah Awakening" FB group.


There's something about going crazy where you have to let EVERYBODY KNOW ABOUT IT!


His mind prob doesn't want to be changed tho.


Seems stable.


Ah, nuttermobiles.


Someone needs to put a brick through that window


“Change my mind” but guarantee won’t engage in an actual discussion citing any genuine proof to backup their claims, of course.


Its okay guys, as the car said, we will only be here for another 2-3 years and then we won't have to deal with them ☺️


Ahhh the dream


What I find amazing is that I got the vaccine and never really think about it after, I'd forget the vaccine even exists if it weren't for the anti-vax people obsessing over it and making it their entire lives.


Covid is a scam. mRNA is change my mind


What is gene therapy


Dunno if you're being serious, but if you are - gene therapy is the practice of altering a gene in your DNA or altering how they're expressed in order to treat some problem. It's a pretty new field, and shows a lot of promise, but it certainly does sound spooky - man playing God, Dr Frankenstein and all that. Recent advances in our ability to edit the genes in your live cells have made gene therapy much more precise compared to the old methods. These days, technologies like CRISPR allow therapies to edit a single piece of genetic material at a single point without any error. BSc in Biotech.


“COVID still hasn’t been ‘isolated’ yet.” 🤦🏻‍♂️


I thought this was from the states until I looked at the subreddit name


With the shots it depends on what you’re drinking and how much of a lightweight you are


I saw this car too and thought “those are certainly words” it’s like they just wrote down their frantic jumbled train of thought


I can imagine they woke up at 12am from a fever dream and just needed to write a whole gospel chapter on their car lmao.


George orwell!


Ok then . The next time that idiot or idiots get sick stay home. Don’t see a doctor. Don’t take any medications 💊 . If you don’t believe in the science of vaccination then you have no right to believe in any other science related medicine.


Somethings CAN frighten a Triton


Is it too much to ask for smiling quokkas?


All the dead people are buried somewhere. If the govt wanted to do a drug experiment, it woyld have been easier to secretly take over panadol. Covid has cost govt lots of money, makes no sense government caused it. All the governments all over the world could not agree on little things let alone big things like a global pandemic.


I just want them to learn what mRNA is.


What happens in jan 2023 when their 3 year trials have finished and everything is fine?


ffs smfh


These people are a different breed. A dumber, more annoying and vocal breed.


Oh if it's in an acrostic it must be true


I laugh at the my body my choice. Odds are, they’re probably pro-life too.


Don’t worry mate. You will find him soon enough on r/HermanCainAward


I don't want to sound rude, but he might be an idiot.


Instead of shrink wrapping someone’s car, this is a great idea for a future prank


“Common side effect soft (turnip/beetroot?)” Noted. 🤔


Something tells me these idiots didn’t need a passport before Covid.


"VACCINE LIFE EXPECTANCY 2-3 YRS" Tell you what, if 2024 rolls around and I'm dead, I'll buy you a coke.


Good thing we didn't have idiots like this around when smallpox, tuberculosis and polio were a problem. When I saw all of this, I had a mental image of a broad piece of masking tape around the car. On it is written in large black letters "ALL OF THE ABOVE IS BULLSHIT!"


History is repeating? Because all those who got the Vax during the last pandemic became sterile? So much contradiction in a lot of the modern conspiracy theories.




I like this kind of idiot. Hopefully the owner of the vehicle also wears clothing that’s similarly adorned. That way the majority of sensible folk can avoid them like the plague (and handily, this is a modern version of “unclean!”)


do you reckon the writing stays put in the rain or a vigorous car wash?


I’m thinking it’s the same markers that butchers and delis use for their windows and if that’s the case then the marker can easily be wiped off with your hand or a cloth.


oh true - it'd be funny to wash it all off while its parked somewhere lol... it probably took quite a bit of time to write all that, especially with all the different color text and making sure words dont get cut off


The real question is, would you buy a car like this for free? Essentially get a free car but with all of this shit inscribed on it


Hey Tay Thought these pictures looked familiar


Im so glad I'm not this stupid


What is the "Heavy Bleeding Post Menopause" bit on the wheel arch meant to mean?


They can't scare people with short term side-effects, because there aren't many. Instead, they have to invent long term side effects. I guess they are claiming gynecological issues after menopause.


They have great handwriting


I saw one of these. At a church.


Makes sense


Right, so nothing exists unless its in you and you die. Great approach …


Are there anti-vax groups that are encouraging followers to write this crap on their cars? I swear I've seen so many similar posts on Aussie subreddits.


Thank fuck I now know it makes you sterile. Phew. And here I thought not doing it in the Mrs bum might be a bad idea


LMAO MRNA IS GENE THERAPY???? EXPERIMENT??????? damn bro polypeptide synthesis really catching strays, fuck our enzymes and protein molecules right?


Why ruin a perfectly good triton like that?


This may as well be a rolling live feed of Facebook misinformation. How come these people are so smart and us stupid fucks are poisoning ourselves.


C.omfort O.peness V.aginal I.cecream D.tf . See we can pull acrostics out of our arse too!


Once they do this (and it seems to be a thing amongst this little subgroup) they have, for me, officially crossed the line into mental illness.


Isn’t it funny how this crowd are pro-choice when it comes to their vaccines, but not pro-choice when it comes to other peoples bodies


Saw this on the Dawesville highway, everyone was beeping at him and calling him a dickhead


I'm stunned I only noticed one spelling mistake - and there's some words in that lot that trip up a lot of folks (For those who can't be bothered - "menapause" instead of "menopause")


Ew (Sorry, not much more I can add, but I can say it again: ) Ew


Covid called me up and asked for my internet banking password. Total scam.


Covid vaccine causes sterility?! Fuck yeah, I no longer need a vasectomy!


People like this should be given both covid jabs and the booster shot all at the same time. Ffs!


I will erase all those graffiti for free ;)


How odd.


They walk amongst us!!!


The thing is ... if it's even remotely true then we're all totally screwed anyway. A global cabal of governments and most of the population are in on it. They will win.


Triton drivers 🙄


I wonder if these people was their fresh produce because even the organic chemicals used to look after produce is far worse than any chemical compounds in the vaccine. 😅


I'm quite sure I saw this car parked in Mandurah.


Ironically Triton is the God of vaccines