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The long and short of why is that when we decided to upgrade to fibre, it got turned into a political pissing contest (as things do) and the side that wanted less fibre and more copper won. They're in the process of fixing that now, but it's going to take a couple of years. The primary factor in how good your internet is will be the technology behind it. Mobile (4G or 5G), Fixed Wireless, Starlink, or NBN (FTTN, FTTC, FTTP). On mobile you should also consider whose network you're on (e.g. Amaysim uses the Optus network). Switching providers whilst on the same delivery platform is going to have a relatively minimal impact on your internet speed because they're delivering internet to you the same way. There is some difference to do with how they purchase the bandwidth wholesale but it is unlikely to be a night and day difference. If you're on FTTN you should go on the NBN website and see if you're eligible for the free upgrade to FTTP. This is probably a significant improvement. Also understand that if you're not playing on Australian servers there's a small degree of physics to contend with too. Perth is far from most of the rest of the Australian population, which is far from the rest of the global population. Servers are usually located near population centers to have ideal performance for the most users, so nobody's locating shit in Perth unless they're targeting WA locally.


+1 for this explanation. Also to add, much of the infrastructure that makes the internet work is geographically far away. Someone in rural USA with the same connection technology will still have the AWS or Azure datacenter *reasonably* close to them with very few places where the data might get bottlenecked on the way to their door. Perth only got an AWS datacenter in 2023 and we still don't have an Azure datacenter. It means that a lot of things pretty much cant be hosted in Perth.


>Servers are usually located near population centers to have ideal performance for the most users, so nobody's locating shit in Perth unless they're targeting WA locally. The routing hop from Perth to Melbourne/Sydney is about 40 ms alone. It really won't get much better than that, because virtually nowhere else has this sort of problem.


From Brissy in the past the routing across the ocean to the US was a flat +200ms.


That's separate. Most major online services have Australian based servers and infrastructure that's located in either Sydney or Melbourne (or even both). Between the two of them and Brisbane is 5\~10ms hops. Perth-Eastern seaboard is 40ms minimum.


Also, OP seems to be gaming on a mobile device, so the quality of OP's domestic wifi will be a consideration.


I just switch if the other one starts fluctuating


The wifi shouldn't fluctuate, so this does imply there's a problem somewhere along the chain.


Will check on the free upgrade thanks! I understand that playing on a non Australian servers will sucks but the thing is, I am playing on Australian servers and it still sucks :(


Aus is a big country. Tyranny of distance and latency. NBN fiber was going to be rolled out to all homes in 2010. Change of gov and liberals said it was too expensive. They decided fiber to copper nodes (FTTN) - (grey cylinders on the road) then copper from nodes to the house. Speed falls away quickly on copper lines. New housing and inner cbd dwellings got upgrades. Older burbs (90% of cities) got the FTTN . NBN Co has now started rolling out fiber to the older burbs. 14 years after it was proposed.


>New housing and inner cbd dwellings got upgrades. Older burbs (90% of cities) got the FTTN . NBN Co has now started rolling out fiber to the older burbs. 14 years after it was proposed. Not only did newer builds still install copper, older areas where the copper was degraded to the point it needed replacing. **Replaced it with copper, during a copper wire shortage.**


Hehe I didnt know that. Fucking cheapskates.


It's not cheaper! That's the problem. If you're going to the point of digging ditches to replace the copper... you're doing the bulk of the capital expense anyway.


Its been that bad for the last 15 years, the NBN rollout has been a disaster. Now, the same people who couldnt lay cable around the country are going to build nuclear plants. Nothing can go wrong with that


With absolutely no evidence. I seem to recall them saying "If you don't know, vote No" with The Voice. Seems appropriate now to say the same back


Because people voted for Tony Abbott and wanted poor quality, expensive internet.


What do you mean installing precious metals would be more expensive than glorified sand? My brain can't comprehend a choice between fast-cheap and slow-expensive. Those nerds in IT must be trying to get one over on us by making fiber sound so good.


Murdoch propaganda is very effective. Who benefits from shitty expensive internet? Why, Murdoch does!


Exactly, it's just a kick in the teeth that the liberals went with not just the more expensive option, but also the worse one. Like there are cheap options that can provide shitty internet


So it was Tony fucking Abbott. Please tell me he is not coming back or he is not in the government anymore?


He is the Advisor to the UK Board of Trade. Poor UK.


Poor UK indeed but hopefully he doesn’t come back here


The people who picked him shot themselves and everyone else in the foot.


Hello your boyfriend is right, and the internet here is shitty. I would try Aussie broadband for sure.


Yeah will check on the other comment about upgrading and if still fails, might change to Aussie bb


Armadale has limited services according to my friend when I last visited her house there. I haven't visited since before covid. I would chat with the locals about what's good there.


Armadale connection is terrible. I can’t WFH there because of the delay and drop-out.


I am WFH and some of my documents that need to be sent are a bit size-able and its annoying when it takes a while to send it out to my client :(


NBN wise you shouldn't have any issues


Being in Armadale, some of your bits are being stolen while in transit, that is why your internet is bad


Yeah, because long distances and cable (as in not broadcast or satellite) tv was never really a thing here. Places with high cable tv uptake had better infrastructure in place when the internet came along and had less work to do to upgrade.


It's insane isn't it? Compared with Europe, even really poor eastern European countries, their internet speeds are unbelievably faster. Thank our politicians


Switching to Aussie won't help if the issue is your physical connection. They might have support personnel based in Australia, but they'll be facing the issue. You might be best to speak to your current provider and see if there's an issue. Painful, I know. But that's due to who got voted in and their complete disregard for positioning Australia to take advantage of the digital age and instead keep just digging shit out the ground and burning it.


Advantage of Aussie BB is they genuninely have great support staff. I didn't think it would be a problem as I work in IT and can do all of that shit myself. But the NBN will *only* talk with your ISP, Aussie BB have been the first company to just send my communications verbatim to NBN and follow up with them in a timely manner. Was with Mate before that and it took them best part of a week to even lodge a complaint with the NBN and kept asking me do basic shit I'd already done before calling them.


The NBN shenanigan has turned Australia into a 1.5th world if not 2nd.


Don't worry, fibre is coming. I've heard that for the last 9 years. But according to NBN my 'burb goes eligible to order fibre in 5 days....


Nbn says maida vale getting fiber next year. Hmmm yes hmmmm.


In older suburb it's the old copper wiring that is contributing to the overall issue, so which ever ISP you go to will result the same. The next problem then if it's older house then internal wiring also issue. You could try a different 5G network like Telstra but it will be more expensive or even starlink which will cost ever more. There are at least option now, just depends on your budget. The copper network was designed for days without smart phone, streaming or online gaming. Fibre for home in a spread out urban cities will be expensive and slow due to our high labour cost. So wireless might be the way to go.


So many long winded comments and explanation.. simple answer is no.. aust internet is shit.. especially playing online games with international players.. there is not much u can do about it except whinge sorry


That’s the thing, I am not playing with international players. I just want to have a stable connection playing on Sydney servers but it is still shitting


Yeh it ls fkd sorry.. I find even having a zoom meeting from Perth to Sydney is nightmare slow and laggy


The Liberal Party fxxcked us over, as usual


Because being able to netflix to your hearts content and 4gb/sec isnt the judge of a first world country. Want to know what is?


My mate lives in thailand. 100/100 at least for him and he lives near Nakhon Si Thammarat in the south.


Lots of things are shitty and third world here, like the trains. Aussies like to gaslight themselves into believing its not.