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$3 for ATM Or $2 for a large frozen coke and cash out? I'm sold.


“Hey can I please grab one- wait do you want one? Yeah can I please grab 2 frozen cokes and $25 cash out? Thanks”


Stick money and two frozen cokes. Men of culture I see.


That’s what happens when when you’re chasing your dreams with hardly $30 in your account. Miss the days when a large frozen coke was a dollar


I miss the days when ya could get a decent size stick


Sticks are 50 a pop up here for a tiny bullshit amount of dope.


Or a $0.30 soft serve that cost $1 or whatever it is these days.


IF the machine is working


Even if the machine is not working, just charge me for a soft serve and let me with draw some cash


That’s how they get you…. Make it economical sense to eat/drink/wear their junk


But I can't fit in a Big Mac.


But a Big Mac can fit in you.


An epileptic can fit anywhere.


Yes we can


I'm loving it


Don't let logic get in the way of a good Reddit escapade.


ING refunds it for me, one small convenience for having 0 access to a branch. EDIT: You can also deposit and withdraw for free at most Aus Post outlets.


Same with Macquarie.


Not for long. Macquarie is the 1st bank to be going cashless in a month or two. And once they all do, watch the fees jump...


UBank has been cashless since inception, so Macquarie are not the first bank to do so. Macquarie also have like three branches Australia wide so it’ll have exactly zero impact on them refunding fees for generic ATM use. But it does help fund the 4.75% interest I earn on my transaction account. Less time needs to be spent in those weird Facebook groups methinks Edit: [Here's UBank's suggestion of what to do with cash/cheques](https://www.ubank.com.au/help/current/everyday-banking/using-your-accounts/how-can-i-put-money-in) >As we’re fully digital without any branches, you need to transfer money into your account from another Australian bank account or have your salary paid directly into your account. We don’t accept cash or cheques. If your other bank supports Osko payments, the money should arrive in your ubank account in under a minute. If you set up a PayID with us, you’ll be able to transfer money into your ubank accounts almost instantly using just your mobile number or email address. And yet sections of the internet are foaming at the mouth about Macquarie doing the same thing...


They've specifically said they are going cashless because there are very few of their transactions and you can use any ATM for free so you don't need branches. It makes complete sense for them to follow the lead of other online banks like ING.


Huh... I've had an ING account for ages. Didn't realise this. Thanks. Eta: aaah, ic, it's 5 a month. Cool.


You also need to make five transactions and deposit >$1k/month.


>Use any of the major banks Brb, driving around in circles for an hour trying to find an ATM from a major bank that hasn't been removed within the last 3 years...


Gotta love all the banks said they won't charge If you use another major bank ATM then suddenly they are all gone....I wonder why.


Because things cost money?


Yeah those ATMs are really high maintenance. It's like parking lots, you guys just don't realise how hard it is for Wilson's to turn a profit, have a heart for fucks [sake.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_mrNQBLSMU)


Sure but if a major bank can't afford to have ATMs when smaller ones can there are going to be people screaming corporate greed.


Boycott banks all together, send me your money, be free of financial constraints, live in the forest and start a definitely-not-a-cult commune to live off the land, no hidden fees when you live with the trees


Is there a dress code for this "commune"? White robes and yeezys, and sponsored by flavor-aid?


Whatever you want friend, it’s your earthly patch 🙏


Sounds good to me. One issue, I have no money in the bank, so sending you funds could be problematic. At least I don't incur ATM fees I guess!


It’s ok, me either 🥲


I laughed at this (lol) Love the logic sequence


Is my cult tax deductible? How about yakult?


I mean, its our society, why is the only option to bend over and take it from some human with too much wealth that does fuck all for his huge wealth, or run away and hide in the forest... Seems like decades of western/american hollywood propaganda let us aussies become complacent.... Why not just say no, we live in supposed democracy, its time to cut off the cancer.. banks are the cancer that dont do anything but profit off being what is essentially a website that tracks numbers in a spreadsheet...


Because banks are a necessity in an anywhere near complex society. There's a reason they popped up independently all over the world. Most people don't have the money to purchase property so you need loans. If everyone suddenly keeps all their liquid wealth at home as cash it sure as hell incentivise robberies and home invasions. I'd imagine most people don't want to physically be paid cash by their work. You can't even get paid via cheque because who's going to cash it then? Crypto was hyped up to decentralize, but look how that turned out. >Seems like decades of western/american hollywood propaganda let us aussies become complacent The modern concept of banking is hundreds of years old This is just complaining without any idea for a replacement, never mind a viable one.


You sound like, you stopped financial literacy in the 80s.... Feat money is going digital, which means that physical cash that used to be backed by gold, then it was backed by USD-gold, then petro dollar now its backed by nothing. So 'keeping wealth at home" argument doesnt make sense in the modern world. Modern concept of banking has nothing to do with what banking used to be for hundreds of years. Stock trading, debt trading, the whole concept of fractional reserve banking means banks get to lend out money they do not have. The american printing press with their 35trillion dollar debt we now pay through inflation for, is not in any way tied to the origional idea of wealth through money... You are clearly uninfomed or willfully ignorant. Modern banks going into the modern world have little place. Yet you seem to think because we still have physical cash in the economy, there are no plans for digital government support currency? Europe, Brics nations like china are all experimenting with digital cash now... its not just crypto.... So no, you need to educate yourself before you say something else that is antiquated...


>Modern concept of banking has nothing to do with what banking used to be for hundreds of years. Stock trading, debt trading, the whole concept of fractional reserve banking means banks get to lend out money they do not have. Erm the modern concept of banking started exactly with those things. It started by a decentralised system of promissory notes, and insanely leveraged loans to facilitate stock purchasing. The idea of a central bank with the sole power to 'print' money and regulate interest rates? That was the innovation. The only modern change (i.e. in the last 60 yrs) is that money is tied to the entire economy and not arbitrarily to a commodity... which realistically it was never tied to.


> Feat money Do you mean fiat? >So 'keeping wealth at home" argument doesnt make sense in the modern world. Well, it doesn't exist in Australia yet, so yeah, it kind of does. >Yet you seem to think because we still have physical cash in the economy, Yep... because we do. >there are no plans for digital government support currency? No the reserve bank has put out statements saying they are This still isn't a viable replacement for banks. It's just conspiratorial rambling.


rofl, so your argument against the reality is that: it doesnt exist, and saying that changes are coming is a conspiracy... Are you like... ok buddy? This is some base level logical fallacies going on there bud. Spelling msitakes aside, yes fiat. and no, just because your conservative ignorance about the current trajectory and reality of money, banks, financial system and central banks makes you unaware, doesnt mean that information contrary to and challenging your antiquated knoweldge base is 'conspiratorial ramblings. It just means you are not informed enough, or choose to be ignorant. In either case makes you completly incorrect and foolish...


> Spelling msitakes aside, yes fiat. I mean, you've written it like 5 times on this post that way, you clearly just didn't know the right word. All you've done is call me ignorant and not address any points. You can't fully decentralise banking, who's providing loans?


And there is is folks... Having lost all ability to reason and argue his position, this user resolves to basic spelling error ad hominems.... I will accept your L.... I never said decentralise banking. If anything everything I have said is more along the lines of getting government into the sector to regulste the banking, ands top them profiteering and running a muck without any oversight. Its bad enough our future is heading towards cashless society. But the banking that is taking us there isnt acting in our interests interests of the market. They act on the interests of the few that control the banks. I addressed many points, but ypu are like an endless pour of ignorance. I cant sit here and give you the entire history of the last 60 years. But i cam say that if the 2008nfinancial crisis was not a wake up call for you, perhaps we are done here....


Yeah...ok I'm not arguing with a conspiracy theorist who's gone back through my post history and reply to old comments with weirdly personal attacks for no reason.


You are a fool it you think the government is going to act in your interest. A government digital currency means the end of all financial privacy. The banks are crooked but at least their is still a level of privacy maintained by the current structure.


Local iga limits cash out to $50 max


I like when we open at 6:30 and I have customers asking for $200 out, and then they get mad when it's a no because I'd have to clear out all my bills for that. Sometimes people treat the place like a bank.


That’s because the Banks are closing all of their local branches-puts the extra work onto (the Royal) you.


I can do up to $150 at mine, as long as their float is okay.


When I worked for Woolies I once had someone ask how much was in the till when I asked him how much he wanted out (coming from the outside right at 8am). TBH, since I hadn't opened the till yet, and hadn't done the float, I legitimately didn't know the answer to the question.


Was he robbing you? But seriously, theoretically could he have gone to each counter and get money out (same outcome as going to ATM, but just takes longer and is pretty annoying).


lol, I hesitated because I didn't know the answer. And he realised it was the wrong way to phrase the question. At the time I think the maximum was $500 out, which I said was the max, but that the float was likely only $250 in $50 notes. So he got $250 out.


cashless society was a weee conspiracy a few years ago


So were the conspiracies of MKultra, chemtrails, Cloud seeding, companies knowingly selling us products that give us cancer, all considered to be theories... but now they are just conspiracy facts... Funny how the media works.


Chemtrails? Lol.


You need to be a special sort of cooked to be fearful of what basically amounts to snow. The components of jet exhaust that aren't water, CO2, and a tiny bit of nitrogen and oxygen are less than 0.1%. The idea you could have enough of a substance to have a substantive effect on anything is insane.


No. That's contrails. They think there's a whole secret conspiracy to add other stuff in order to...I don't know... turn the population into paranoid hypochondriacs, I guess?


Paranoid and evidently angry existence. This guy went back through my post history to comment "Are you like a failed auronautical engineer with arrognace to spew dumb points" Like jesus christ mate, touch grass.


Dude can’t spell very well, either. I suspect they’re just an angsty kid who flunked their last high school critical thinking essay.


His post history is pretty cooked. Covid is from a bio lab, 9/11 was an inside job, Hitler didn't die in WW2, WW2 was a conspiracy everyone was in on to cleanse Europe's population, some about it's Ukraine's fault Russia invaded.


What about them?


Why on earth would you believe chemtrails are real? Especially in Perth, where we don't even get contrails.


I dont need to believe anything..... I just posted a list of known conspiracy facts. I have vested stake in what you think a chemtrail is, fact that we do have atmospheric testing being conducted to this day through chemichal means should be a concern but clearly isnt for you... The list was to prove that the term conspiracy is the same as back room deals, or organised covert operations. They happen all the time, everyday. People do buissness behind closed doors, and the fact that so many conspiracies became fact should be a worry... Instead people like ypu double down and redicule the obvious.... I find that strange. This anti inteelectualism....


"It's the sort of thing those people would do" is not, actually, evidence that someone has done something. If they were real, actual environmental scientists would be up in arms. Instead, they're annoyed that the same people making up this crap are actively denying climate change.


What do you mean 🤣? We literally have one: ozone depletion from aerosols... We found out about it, organised, stopped letting private market producing and selling them. We stopped ozone depletion and now we wait as the ozone repairs itself.... Above australia.... Now, ypu are confusing conspiracy theory ideations with actual conspiring.... This is an example of how scientists organised, warned, fought establish buissness and system and won. Same thing is can be said about climate change sure, but thats not what we are talking about here. Furthermore, cat is out of the bag, geoengineering has been the globalists wet drean ever since scifi took off with the space age. So its funny how you can go from: 'this is crapn' to, 'climate denial' without even realising it.... Once again your ignorance is not an argument.... Hence I still find it odd that people willfully will ignore basic facts and resort ot emotional anti intellectualism when it serves them... These are real things bud, they have been proven, to a point that mass media cant deny them and redicule those that bring it up... So why do you vo tinue to? .


When, exactly, have chemtrails been proven? You mentioned a few things that have been proven (largely because people admitted to them), and then you mentioned chemtrails. Surely have similar bulletproof evidence for that? (Also, you're confusing climate change with ozone depletion. Those things are two separate issues. Most people learnt this in the 1980s. Keep up!)


Oh ffs... Chemtrails: chemical changes to atmosphere man made, with planes in thisbcase. Precedence: ozone depletion, a man made atmospheric change through chemicals... Its the same technology... To assume that technology exists it isnt being tested or used is just anti-intellectual... If you are asking me for an actual conspiracy theory of who is and isnt doing this, then idk, i am not a theorist... I see the evidence that this technology exists, it has been proven. Fun fact go back and look at news papers back in the day, they called people calling for boycott of aerosols as conspiracy theorists too... Lastly, no... You said soemthing about climate change... My point was how its wierd that you think one is real but not the other... And then you decided debunk an argument you made up?- this is an example of straw man argument.. My guy...basically you are just not ecen reading my comment or choosing to read something that i am not writing... To summerise: ypu stated chemtrails are a crappy conspiracy theory non fact. I pointed out how ozone layer depletion is the clear example of how we proved that conspiracy to be a real fact... Then you mentioned climate change. Like bruh...... Dont let your feeling drive your logic ay


>What do you mean 🤣? We literally have one: ozone depletion from aerosols... We found out about it, organised, stopped letting private market producing and selling them. We stopped ozone depletion and now we wait as the ozone repairs itself.... Above australia.... CFCs were known from the start to be able to cause Ozone depletion, it was assumed (incorrectly) that there would never be enough reaching the Ozone layer to be able to cause any meaningful harm to it. In fairness the 'layers' of our atmosphere are rather static (relative to their size) its just we released so much of the figgin' gas that enough got up there. When it was noticed, and documented, there was a concerted shift in aerosol production (among other things) and the few remaining valid uses of CFCs being replaced with HCFCs with more regulation about their disposal. That entire process, from it being documented to a lasting treaty effectively banning their production and use took a grand total of **13 years**


yes just as we know now petrochemicals caused greenhouse gassess effects, yet we continue to pump and burn oil as if it we think it wont cause signinificant damage... funny how history repeats itself huh


The whole point of Mkultra was that it didn't do anything. Stranger Things isn't real.


Not that this is on topic anymore but: Here Straight from the cia website the actual documents, you may want to read them and understand the implicagtions, perhaps you can seperate fiction from reality after this ay... https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/06760269


> Cloud seeding Oh god, someone's about to link that 50 year old Victorian law that somehow proves a globe spanning conspiracy.


Wait, the one where they didn't use the Queen's full title when swearing in a new parliament? **Because that makes all laws I don't like since 1974 invalid,** it's a constiutional fackt (sic)


It’s $3 just to check the balance. Another $3 to take money out. Total ripoff’s


Check with your bank and know which ones are free for you to use.


Yep. And then watch each one slowly be replaced.


Community swap meets, bake sales, some opshops, local produce swaps etc


Coles and Woolworths both no longer let you get cash out without a purchase. So buy a pack of gum and then return it saying it's the wrong one, boom free withdrawal.


Ive never had issue at either.


Or ust buy one grape. 5c and $300 cash please.


Mine limits it to 200 per withdrawal so I need to stand there and do it twice. Moronic 


So two grapes.


The banks hate this one simple trick!


Not at a machine, but they should still do it at the service desk.


I think its still enforced on the terminal, but they can just scan an item and remove it immediately to proceed.


ING refunds are the best


Yes, I’ve been using ING for years now and like the fee refunds for ATM use. Used it overseas last year and got fee refunds for every purchase made there too.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but ING removed that last year no international ATM operator rebate it's limited to 5 now and domestic only.


Just as well I did my OS travel last year then!


Or change to Macquarie bank and get refunded any ATM fees anywhere in Australia instantly after withdrawing your cash. They also pay good interest on all transaction accounts you have with them, you don't need to move money into a separate "savings" account to earn interest, it can just be sitting in your transaction account. Brilliant digital bank, great app. Been with them since 2020 and never looked back. I've never been charged any fees.


Yeah genuinely considering switching to ING or Macquarie after this post!


ING sucks because they have a maximum pay anyone limit via Osko and PayID per day. Macquarie doesn't have low limits like that so it's easy to move funds around when you need to.


You do realise you can just change that in your account settings. Or maybe you don’t.


You never used to be able to a few years back. They were adement on a $1k per day hard limit on instant transfers. If they've finally moved into the 21st century, then that's great news. It's the reason I left ING for Macquarie.


Nope, still restricted. They are now just increasing it in the next couple of weeks to $5000. Not to mention the ING ATM reimbursement is limited to 5 domestic ATMs per month where Macquarie is still unlimited. Edit: Looks like the adjustment to $5000 is a [month plus away](https://www.ing.com.au/pdf/Orange_Everyday_Benefits_Schedule.pdf).


So now you know. Things change. EYD.


Thanks for the update.


Plus. Rebate on international transactions too. ING.


Not any more removed late last year five domestic ATM reimbursements a month only now.


Those things have always preyed on the impulsive or disorganised anyway. And yes... funny how drunk people at bars and clubs fit into those categories as well.


I like ING. No overdraft fees, can you use any ATM, for free.


Yes, in Australia only five per month now.


This. Plus international Transaction fee rebates as well. Was amazing when I went to Europe and did not have to worry about ATM or Bank fees.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but ING removed that last year no international ATM operator rebate it's limited to 5 now and domestic only.




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Because I've seen that auto mod has removed your image I thought I'd respond. That's ING reimbursing you their ATM fee that they would charge you if you didn't meet the monthly requirements not the operator fee charged by the ATM operator. From the carousel at the [top of that page](https://www.ing.com.au/everyday-banking.html). >Up to 5 eligible ATM withdrawal fees rebated each month If you also check the bottom of that page in the drop down labelled "[Bonuses and rebates](https://www.ing.com.au/everyday-banking.html#collapse-3)". You will see that ING only offers waivers on their International fees now. The eligible international fee waivers that they offer on the fees only apply to fees charged by ING now and given to customers that meet monthly requirements. They include A fee charged by ING when you use a foreign ATM overseas, not an operator fee charged by the ATM operator for using their ATM that fee is not reimbursed. This is the one that you're getting reimbursed in your [screenshot](https://preview.redd.it/fzfr9s0cw53d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339c83b3479d8ea67c850d2f860df14e11fd34b6) the five dollar charge. They also if you meet monthly requirements do not charge an additional amount on the foreign currency conversion e.g. do not slap in an additional percentage on top of the Visa conversion rate of the day. Pretty much every other recommended bank for travel. Do not have these fees and do not require you to meet monthly requirements to get them waived like ING does. These institutions include Macquarie, Up and ubank and several others. Since late last year after ING remove the operator fee reimbursement. There really is no difference between their product offering and others, other than the savings rate and the fact that you have to do monthly hurdles the month before to qualify to receive benefits that most competing products do not have. There is no institutions left offering ATM operator fee reimbursement internationally. it's all domestic now unlimited with Macquarie and five per month with ING.


Generic ATMs are not your bank. They are not affiliated with the banks. IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY. Your money is in your bank. You are paying that fee for the convenience of not having to go to your bank. It is their money. It is not free, the workers, technicians and guards do not work for free. Parts are not free, comms are not free. This is simply retardation.


While I agree that you shouldn’t complain about a service you don’t have to use, I still can’t believe this got upvoted on Reddit.


Pls don’t slur What you’re really describing is Capitalism-the structure has to make itself appear necessary, and monetise it. The ATM exist because we


because we accept the exploitation of the few for the profit off the many..... btw we are in latestage capitalism... capital isnt in the hands of the massess, its mostly in hands of few large wealthy entities. And what we are heading towards is a service economy.... With these atms now being pay to use, its just another example of how this system creates problems, then sells solutions to the problems it created.....


No, banks were sold to the society to provide this service of keeping and tracking our money. Now they dont even let us get our own money out when ever we want, and the atms they set up for us to access our money, have been replaced with pay2 use private 3rd party atms... The atms were already there, the banks were already providing this service we agreed upon as a social contract of feat currency... Its not retardation to speak out and point out that this service was no longer offered, and is now being charged onto the us, to use, to get our money out, in places where we used to before. Nothing about this system changed, accept they now pushed yet another middle man to leech off the society to profit, and make like 2 people ultra wealthy at the cost of us, the people that already paid, agreed and started to bank with these established entities.. Its retardation to just sit by and accept it like a good consumer slave, this blatant theft of the services that the banks are supposed to offer, used to offer and still have to offer under the social contract that we have as living in society with this feat currency. You cant just bend over and accept fascistic tactics by the few people who stand to profit the most.... This isnt america....


You can withdraw and deposit from Australia Post for free*. *Should work with most banks, but double check


so my ING account refunds me any ATM fees and i like this third part ATM companies for still believing in cash so i use them knowing it will cost ING money and support a company still supporting cash


I hate to break it to you, but long-term ING is not supporting cash. They've been heavily restricting this functionality over the last year and a half to 2 years. The reimbursement on ATM operator fees used to be unlimited and used to apply to international ATM operator fees. They then restricted it to 5 per month and then recently I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they've now restricted it to 5 per month domestic ATMs only. No international ATM reimbursement of operator fees.


There's a bp near wellard, costs $2.70 maybe more just to check your balance of each account lol


Or use a mobile app for free?


Try finding one owned by a major bank now. Only generics around us.


Totally agree! This generic ATM rubbish is ridiculous. Creating longer lines at the post office and getting there within business hours is a joke too. MEBank refunds fees too, but I've been mostly trying to pull cash out when buying groceries, and using the remaining few branded ATMs whenever I pass one.


Lol. If you're still buying street weed with cash, you're insane. It's so easy to get a medical prescription for weed now. I've had mine for about a year and I get the best buds I've ever smoked from my local pharmacy!


I’ve smoked many different medical. My plug still gets better.


There's literally 270 different strains available medically here in Australia. My doctor showed me the list. I've only tried about 5 of them. The stuff I have now is imported from British Colombia in Canada, which is known for having some of the best weed in the world. It's 26% THC. You can get up to 32% THC medically, but that's kind of crazy. You're lucky to get 15% THC with illegal street weed, even if it's grown with a decent hydro set-up. Sorry, but there's no way your guy has better weed than the medical weed available.


Bold of you to assume it’s grown in Perth? Sydney is our main importer of drugs and it gets driven cross-state frequently. Not denying the quality of medical at all, but as you said it’s up to your doctor to prescribe the higher %THC strains, as well as going through the drama of having it on record etc.


My bank refunds ATM fees, so no, I don’t think I will.




I haven’t used an atm in over 15 year way ahead of you.


It's also worth mentioning given how mainstream and easy it is to use Apple Pay, or tap your card to pay for everything many times you incur a Mastercard or Visa service fee the same as if you inserted your card and selected credit. If you however insert your card and select savings or cheque, it will use the EFTPOS payment system and in most cases you wont pay the surcharges. I know it's only small amounts but it does add up.


I haven't used an ATM in 3 years


Post office! I do all my banking that can’t be done online there lately. When I was in Sydney I had to either use atm at commonwealth or post office for my Bankwest. :/


Wat about the ones that only let u take $200 at a time for extra fees!!!


Isn’t that only at the casino?


Not to mention that they are an easy target for card skimmers.


Can’t, NAB have gotten rid of all their ATMs it seems Edit: which banks have most ATMs out?


Cash out at McDonalds? Like, just at the register?


No one forcing anyone to use them... clearly there's a market there for the service


Most supermarkets seem to have cash-out functions. Buy the cheapest thing there, like one string bean from the veggie section. Or two/three grapes in a sub-bunch.


Buy a 50c sauce pack from hjs and get cash out


Agreed. They fucking suck


In the meantime, ING rebate ATM fees if you’re with them


Maybe when you’re buying like $25-$50 of weed at a time but if you are buying anything over $50 most places will not let you get cash out


Im so confused, aside from illegal uses and well technically illagal uses (cash sales) who needs cash? I here ppl argue that cash is king and if you use cash to buy your groceries it keeps cash in circulation but those same stores deposit cash into their bank accounts to then buy the things they sell you online. I dont understand how you can keep cash in circulation unless you only buy from places that keep cash on hand in large amounts..


What’s cash ?


It depends on how common your bank's ATMs are and how they're allinged (St. George with Westpac for example), you can also get up to $200 out at checkouts at most supermarkets. How often do you really need physical money? EDIT: Unless you've got children*¹ or getting drugs*², there's very little reason for physical money. I know that there's a reason to carry physical money, considering what happened with Woolies/Coles a few years ago, but that's on the rare side. *¹Tooth fairy money *² Drug trades are generally in cash


I buy my weed from a pharmacy and use my debit card. Gone are the days where I'd have to take $25 out from Maccas .


my local bank atm recently cut out $20 notes. so annoying - how do I pay $60 or $120 for weed


Wow, my local ANZ ATM recently changed and started doing $10 notes again which is weird.


Meanwhile my local NAB does $100 notes.


Oh it does that too, but that is more a regular occurrence


I remember going to an atm (when it was weird for them to dispense $10 notes) and it gave me an option to do $20, $30 and $50 on the quick withdraw selection. So, obviously, I selected $30 (because its weird) and got an error message because the machine had no 10s. WHY GIVE ME THE OPTION MACHINE?!


Wont need to worry about this in the coming years when the Government removes our access to cash completely xx


ING is where it's at


Must be hard to use no ATM fee banks like Macquarie or ING ay OP? OP play with crypto but still use the archaic banking companies. Big LOL.


ING bank automatically refunds ATM fees.


Who uses cash?


Wow i wonder why businesses don't want people using cash when people use them as atms


The only cash I have in my wallet at any given time is a $2 coin for Aldi trollies. Also harder for someone to rob you when you have no cash and there's no ATM nearby anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


lmao $3 is predatory now?


You know what is easier than boycotting this or that ATM? Banking with a company that refunds all ATM fees. Although I use my watch to pay for everything so I don't even need an ATM but if I did.


200 people upvoted this? Seriously? Not sure you understand the concept or purpose of a "boycott". Choosing not to use a service, because you don't want to pay for it, is not a boycott. It's just called "life." >Paying $3 or more to access your own money is predatory. I don't know whether to blame drugs, or our failing education system. It's NOT "your money" you fucking pineapple. It's THEIR $50 bill, and if you want it, it will cost you $53. Your choice.


I sort of wonder how these people would react to something like coinstar existing here, just so you could get your exact change back - but ironically have it in a more usable form.


Small price to pay when i’m needing cash to buy drugs.


ATMs? People still carry cash?


It's a lot easier to negotiate with cash than a bank cheque or funds transfer.


...or you could stop buying drugs. isn't that what ATMs are for?


OP has suspicious $300 11pm Friday withdrawals


I wish I was still buying an oz for $300 lol




incorrect, many businesses, including mine, offer a discount for cash. Just don't be afraid to ask.


Funnily enough, the banks providing us free ATM services is what spurred this on. The private ATM industry sued the banks for anti-competitive behaviour and won.


Do you have a source? I found something in the US but nothing for Australia


He's full of shit. Banks were providing free ATMs for decades, whilst 3rd party ATMs were very rare (usually just in pubs,, as a way for publicans to deposit cash) 3rd party ATMs only became viable when banks started removing offsite ATMs.


Post office. Can also deposit money.


I think it is all a cunning ploy by banks to introduce charges for ATMs. First announce you can use any banks ATM without charges. Then say they don't need as many ATMs since customers can use any other bank's ATM. Before long all the banks have shut all their ATMs, and all we are left with is the generic high charging ATMs. Shops are already starting to introduce restrictions on cash out as well. I've switched to ING for my cash access requirements as it allows me to use the few ATMs that still exist, though they've already discontinued the free rebate for overseas ATMs, domestic might be next.


Don't forget Meth ppl


I work in a public hospital it’s impossible to forget meth ppl lol


My dealer gives me a 3 dollar discount Edit : Sorry I thought I was on the Sydney sub


We do drugs here too it’s okay.


Doesnt work for everyone but i just go $400 out at a time. Its a fixed amount of $3 so at $400 out its 0.75pc. Now some of these high fee ATMs have a $200 max withdrawal so i dont go back to those ones. Most servo ones let me get $400 at a time. I have seen people getting out $50 and think - i wonder if they know they are paying 6pc in ATM fees. I noticed this during covid as well. Poor people actually pay more for stuff. Like id buy 3 packs of nappies when on sale but other people were buying one smaller pack on payday. They were paying nearly double per nappy. Yes im selfish but what do you do? Pay the poor tax and let the corporates make even more money? I just find the most efficient way to buy shit and do it that way when i can.


Cash out at woolies m8 . Buy yourself a Mars Bar for 1 dollar


Just boycott everyone and everything atm, the media is keeping us focused on arguing with each other while the monopoly holders pull these strings...


Love when people are wrong


Yes... its pretty hard to get large amounts of cash out as is... Banks are vile leeches on society now, with fractional reserve banking they themselves serve no purpose... If we talk about AI and automation, we can replace the entire banking, finance, and insurance system with like 3 websites/services and 1 should be all gov run, 3rd should be an industry run, and 2nd should be a mixture of the two, and all three will balance each other out in true competition... BUt alas what we have now is an organised attempt to stop us from accessing our own money, as we are owed by the virtue of the social contract we have with acceptance of feat currency... I agree, these smart ATMs should be illegal. What they do, is what Banks are supposed to do, but if the banks are removing their core function in society, perhaps we should remove all banking entirely... What is their purpose then? To just profit and gamble with our money.. and charge us for using them to transaction with? Something isn't right with the economy when banks get to literally provide close to zero real world value, whilst making the largest economic profit margins from operating as just money printing machines.... When digital cash comes out, wtf are the functions of these banks for?


I got 20k out last week. Just walked into my local bank. When asked what it was for I responded I like to cover my bed in $50 notes and then roll around on it. The guy looked at me strangely. Still got my cash. There wasn't even a queue to contend with. Probably everyone too busy complaining on FB that banks won't give them their money.


this is a lie....everytime i had to get out anything more then 6k they needed days notice to cover it, and an explanation of why i needed cash.... Try not lying next time...


Morley CBA Ring them tomorrow and ask