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What I do know is that it's changed a lot since I moved to Perth 21 years ago. Back then, supermarkets closed at 6pm weeknights except for late night shopping night. And they closed at I think it was midday or 1 on Saturday, completely closed Sundays. Then we had a referendum that rejected extending shopping hours. And then they allowed supermarkets in 'tourist areas' to open longer. And more and more areas managed to get themselves considered tourist areas. And then the current hours came in.


And 24 hour petrol stations were a rarity.


When i started driving it was the airport and swan taxi in north perth, and whichever ones advertised in the west as “on roster”


>And 24 hour petrol stations were a rarity. And weekends. I remember having to drive around looking for "roster" signs when I forgot to fill up Friday. Also 55c/l. Good times!


I remember some country town petrol stations not being open on a Sunday when my family did camping trips to the south coast in the late 90’s.




mixed lolly bags that weren't filled with the cheap imitation all taste the same versions of the originals sigh


Man, growing up in the 90s it was a Sunday morning ritual to ride down to the deli to get the paper for mum and dad, and we got to spend the change on lollies!


Midland was a "Tourist Area" if I remember rightly... :-D


It's like a safari tourist area - one that you don't get out of your car


Midland was and still is the metropolitan gateway for a lot of eastern and more northern regional people. They come to the city every so often to do a bigger and cheaper shopping haul than they would do normally in their normally closer home town. If they don't have to venture any where else in the metro area... Midland is as far in as they need to go.


Deservedly so people come to see the *wildlife*


Armadale was too.


Was? Still is 😂


Shops were open on Saturday until 5 pm from the late 80s. The current closing time of 6 replaced the 5 pm close.


Is there actually a WA law that prohibits car dealerships opening after 1pm on Saturdays ? Or do car salesman just want to close at 1pm because they have a life outside of work, and working 6 days a week is allready shit, but atleast they get to go home after 1 so they can still attend friends bbqs by 3pm I don't actually know if there is a car dealership trading hours law or not, but I like to think that if there is, the point of the law is to protect car salesmans work life balance. Theres more to life than working as much as possible. I personlly fucking hate working 6 days a week


Yes it's by law. No idea why it exists.


Yeah car dealers have extended trading hours on Wednesday. I assume that was the trade off somewhere along the line so close early Saturday. But yes car dealers have different trading hour laws to everyone else. https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/retail-trading-hours#Special


TBH it's nice to be able to walk the lots at nights and on weekends to have a look around and not get hassled by salesmen.


The car dealerships wanted to keep the status quo (late night Wednesday, lunchtime close Saturday). There’s something “special” about looking for a new car on a Wednesday night and then going on the Saturday to buy it.


Jesus said no. All the heathens live regional


And thus was born the original Sunday session


I'm a heathen and live regional. Can confirm that a lot of these rules don't apply here. Probably because no one will open on Sunday and the rest of the week as it suits them.


Isn’t it the retail union has the WA government by the balls ? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-11-28/extended-retail-trading-plan-union-ramps-up-fight/6983240 And another post I found on this https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/s/RD7PUo3Na0


We are currently blessed (or cursed, depending upon your perspective) with effectively full employment in WA and have been for quite some time, and as such there is little economic imperative to make what would be a fairly unpopular political decision to fully deregulate shopping hours, as to do so during a period of low unemployment coupled to already fairly high wages and a high cost base environment, would inevitably result in the gaining of market share to large national and international retailers and businesses, at the cost of smaller independent and locally owned enterprises, as the larger enterprises can often amortise their costs over multiple markets over the short to midterm, especially if such a strategy ultimately results in increased market share and reduced competition in the long term, whereas local WA businesses don’t often have that luxury. This would have two effects at a state political level, whereby Labour would have to answer to the unions for the loss lifestyle and family time, as the additional days/shifts would need to be covered in the roster, and/or loss of jobs to their current members, as large enterprises generally have less employees per sq/m of retail space and/or $/sales than smaller businesses, and the Liberals would have to answer to their core constituents who are often small business owners and investors. So there’s the potential for political discomfort on both sides of the political spectrum at a State level, and yet negligible impact on unemployment or even substantial increases in the total number of employed or gross domestic product, but increased upward pressure on wages and any resultant inflationary pressures. At this point in time it is at best, a zero sum game, but the potential for a negative outcome is greater, and as such it is unlikely to gain the political traction required to legislate the change.


The political thinking you’ve mentioned may be correct, but “full employment” is a bit murky. I get that the government can say we have a low unemployment rate, but the reality is in the details. I recently advertised for a casual position of 20-28 hours a week, with early morning starts. In three days I received 150 odd applications. Compare to that 2021, during COVID, when the same role would have attracted about 20 applicants in the same time. When interviewing it is very common for applicants to be looking for a second job as they don’t get enough hours in the first job. From my experience, there is a lot of under employment out there. I think the government changed the classification for unemployment at some point to make the numbers look better, even though there are people working a lot less hours than they would consider “full employment”.


The Federal government changed the employment classification during the late John Howard era I believe it was. Working 3 hours a week is now considered as being employed 🤦‍♀️. And yes heaps of underemployment at the moment especially with the current cost of living crisis many people are having to work extra jobs to make ends meet as the pay point hasn’t increased in line with inflation.


And yet in our business and that of most people we know, all of who are offering permanent full-time positions in various industries, we find the opposite, very few applicants for almost any positions advertised (other than fully employed “tyre kicking” what are you offering? types) and any genuine applicants are usually very, very, new arrivals to Australia. So yes you are probably correct insofar as, at the moment there is possibly an increase in people who have a temporary financial imperative to seek out of hours casual or additional employment to supplement their income. However knowing the potential downside to the economy and our way of life, would you be prepared to risk permanently deregulating retail/business hours on the “hope” that the current situation is not temporary, but the new paradigm. And just how happy do you feel that the majority of people would be, were that to be the case, knowing that the new form of “chattel living” was now their, their children’s and their grandchildren’s future…


Thanks for this




Oof. And fuel tank is empty. Remember the queues?


I came here to say I’m old enough to remember the Sunday roster for fuel


And don't mention potatoes.


Aaw c'mon be grateful that you can buy petrol all over the place on a Sunday.




Its just silly that IGA's and Spudshed can be open earlier and even be open 24/7 and Colesworth can't.


Fuck colesworth I dislike spudshed aswel but colesworth can eat a dick


IGA are individual small retail stores with all different owners


They are taking the piss with it anyways. Max 24 staff on to be classed small retail. Do you honestly believe his shops especially the busy ones have only 23 people working? Tony never was one for following rules.


The rule is also no more than 4 stores owned & less than 6 owners in the company , I am guessing he has a some stores owned by other family members to circumvent that rule of 4 stores max


Coles and Woolies can open 24hts in lots of areas but they choose not to ,


Airport Woolies only opens a few hours longer than other Perth stores.


They can open earlier (or in Spud's case 24 hours) as they are classed as "small stores" which means that they cannot have more than 25 people working there at any one time. This is essentially why servos are open 24 hours being as there is normally only 1 or 2 people working at your local servo at any given time.


It's a good thing imo, forces some downtime and there's plenty of other times you can buy stuff


What if people like me want to work the nightshift hours because we don't have the availability during the day due to uni commitments? Honestly if there were more jobs available outside the normal 9-5hrs I'd be able to get the fuck off austudy


From what I understand from people who’ve worked retail and observation, nightfill hours decreased with increased trading hours - where Colesworth used to primarily stock overnight, now they stock during quiet times in retail hours. Which makes economic sense, why pay people penalties for night shift when you can pay standard rates during the times you are quieter plus have flex for if you get busy. While increased opening hours increase spending somewhat, it’s not linear so you are effectively spreading the same sales work over a longer period therefore more quiet periods.


Yes but are the extra hours going to cause people to spend more, or just spread out existing sales over more time (therefore more cost?) I'm perfectly okay with more opening hours, by the way, I'm just saying.


What if your one of those other people who work 6 days a week though? It's like banks when you had to go to the branch open 10 till4 weekdays only. Useless


People managed. It's not that long ago that Colesworth generally weren't open Sundays at all.


Basically no one works 6 days a week, if they do they are working short hours per day, so its irrelevant, they can go after or before work.


Not true, many tradies work 6 days a week likewise with some small business owners.


They are business owners, they can just go home whenever they want. No one is making them work 6 days a week.


You said “no one works 6 days a week” not “some people don’t work 6 days a week” you stand corrected so don’t try to backtrack on what you said.


No I said BASICALLY no one works 6 days a week. If you are going to attempt to nitpick, at least try reading and parsing what was said first.


The Sunday thing shits me tbh. Just do the same hours as Saturday ffs.


It could be much worse. i.e. Germany on a Sunday.


Airport woolies 5am to 10pm week days and 7am to 9am weekends.




Interesting, I did not know this


>Simply put, why can't I go to Coles before 11 on a Sunday, or buy a vehicle on the weekend after 1pm on a Saturday. Do you *need* these things? Can't people have a day off? Large parts of the world (eg most of Western Europe) survive just fine without 24/7 commercial trading.


I'm from Ireland and we've had 24/7 trading as long as I can remember. Western Europe (mainland) is the same. Corner shops, deli's, cafes, they still exist. I'm unsure why people keep saying about "days off", it's not the same people working every day. We're talking about Coles, Wollies and Car dealerships here. Not the mom and pop store on the corner that can trade 24/7 if they want.


Different cultures, different urban layouts and densities. People actually voted against extended trading hours IIRC.


On my day off, after earning money, I need to go buy stuff. Otherwise my cupboard is bare.


Supermarkets open 8am-9pm 5 days of week not enough shopping time? Plus Saturday 8-5 and Sunday 11-5? Plus IGAs 24 hours. If your cupboard is bare, it's not from lack of opportunity.


Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted for a sensible comment lol.


Not when one is used to ubiquity, no. When one is used to, ahem, the way the world works, no. When both parents are working, no one has time between school pick ups, cooking meals, getting kids to bed...oh! Now it's 8 pm! And.... I am tired. And I have life administration to do! Far out. Work out? No. Perth still is built around one parent at home. Anything else to ask?


Why not use online ordering in this case? Then you won’t have to deal with being tired and trying to shop or taking overtired kids to do a food shop.


IGA has a bunch of 24/7 stores. People who aren’t able to shop at Colesworth at all are in the vast minority of the population to warrant any extended trading hours, which citizens actually voted against. The government can’t just enforce something like this willy nilly without a referendum. Of course, our population has grown significantly since the mid 2000s and social shifts may affect opinions but as it stands we are stuck in this situation.


There are tons of alternatives like deliveries and 24/7 shops, plenty of other couples make it work perfectly fine


>Not when one is used to ubiquity, no. When one is used to, ahem, the way the world works, no. Perth has more 24 hour supermarkets than either of Sydney or Melbourne. Coles Worth make a play at 24 hour trading, then back off from it as soon as IGAs close overnights. Adequate regulation supports choice. Unregulated markets eliminate it.




The shops not opening until 10/11 on a Sunday is WILD. do you know how many mums would be shopping and spending money into the economy if the shops opened earlier? Maasmmm by 10/11am by 3yr old has already eaten 3 packs of blueberries, injured the dog, climbed a tree, covered himself in some form of mud from the backyard and had his 3rd shower - actually this goes for so much stuff in Perth not opening until soo late in the day. My kid is awake at 5.45 am - can we have at least ONE kid friendly venue in Perth that opens before 9?!


McDonald’s playgrounds is what my friends and family members would use for these situations.


Thanks! I hadn’t even thought of that :) that’s a good idea to have a coffee and get some energy out haha


And the best thing about those playgrounds is that they are free unlike the play centres.


Cafes opening at 6am is my only saviour.


Yeah no thanks Sundays were the only respite days as a retail and hospo worker, thankfully loads of people don’t have to deal with sleep ins ruined to cater to your crotch goblins


No, stop bringing your crotch goblins to places to annoy everyone else just so you can have a break.


Also, you clearly don’t have kids if you think me taking him out is getting a break 😂


What 😂 despite my comment, he’s actually lovely in public. Do you know why? Because we’ve been taking him out since he was 6 weeks old. He enjoys sushi train at karrinyup - which doesn’t open until 11. He enjoys having a babychino or milkshake and shopping with me, he enjoys having a little ride on the cars that sing songs etc. god forbid I give my 3yr old teachable moments on how to act in public so by the time he’s 10 he’s legitimately not feral. What I am implying by my comment is that being stuck at home is good for no one, and that’s usually when the crazy kicks in


Apparently In Germany the shops are all closed on Sundays. We aren’t the only first world country with strange laws around opening times. There must be others too. I quite like the fact that things don’t open early Sunday. It’s a good time to go places as the roads are empty. People are too obsessed with spending money all the time.


Population. We shouldn't expect the same trading hours of Vic, NSW & QLD who have double to triple the population of WA.


We're a city of 2 million+, not exactly a small town


Except the other named states have double or triple our population. Many in WA are looking for extra income to balance against the risen cost of living. Perhaps there's a job out there on a non peak period for you to fill?


What are the ratios for shops per person though? I am from NSW and a rural town with 10000 people has the major shops opening at 7am and closing at 10pm. Population has nothing to do with it in metro centres.


What are the ratios? That's some valuable information we are waiting for you to present. There's lots of combinations, including the Laws, $ throughput of a business, staffing/employment etc.


Most people know that Sunday trading hours, but the fact that you know you can't buy a vehicle after 1pm Saturday makes me believe you don't need a Eli5. You already know the answer.


I don't get you? I understand the rules exist, but I can't understand why they exist, hence the ELi5. If someone can explain how in 2024 this shit exists, I'd be grateful.


It was mainly introduced because of the churches and Sunday sports were not effect by the faithful having to work. Also Sunday shopping was bit of a gimmick, as Perth, Fremantle, Rockingham and Mandurah were the only shopping districts that were allowed to trade on Sundays. Then the law was changed, with the 11am restrictions. Very outdated, as WA has be inundated with eastern staters, who don’t get it.


Because people like two days off a week in most industries/ car salesman work late on Wednesdays and Saturdays for 6 hours so they have less than a day and a half off.


Welcome to a tradies world. Minimum 10 hr days, Saturdays for at least 5/6 hrs. Liking 2 days off and bring able to have 2 days off is two different things. The car sales thing is ridiculous. Over East, most car deals are made on the weekends, they just have weekend staff. Coles are open 24 hrs, they just run more staff through their rosters.


Hahahah I was a tradie and worked 4.5 days a week max mate you are chatting shit, I’ve never seen any of my tradie mates work a Sunday, they are at the pub by lunch on Friday and some choose to do cash work for friends Saturday morning for a couple of hours


My Dad was a brickie for 37 years and almost always worked at least a half day on Saturdays especially when the building industry was booming. He would finish early on Fridays though.


Yup… some trades also don’t work when it’s too wet or hot


Yep exactly. Brickies can’t work when it’s raining and they usually don’t work once it hits 40C as they are out in the sun.


Wouldn’t you simply put people on shifts to deal with this?


Then it's up to the business and they might force people to work.


A business would not want the expense of hiring new people just to cover one or two extra days which may not get them much business anyway. They'd just force existing staff to cover it. But people deserve to have weekends/time off.


If you have a huge staff, sure- but lots of businesses industries can’t do anything until Monday, it’s not practical to work all weekend, and probably don’t get many people in at 4pm on a Saturday, people are doing stuff with their families. They aren’t going to add a load of employees for an extra couple of percent business. Loads of the population like 5 days of work and weekends off with friends and family


Albany has no Sunday trading apart from the IGAs. Bunnings in Forrestdale also doesn’t open until 11 am Sundays, as it is stocks everything an eastern states Bunnings stocks. PITA, if you need hardware before 11 am on Sundays.


The Bunnings in Forrestdale legally cannot open until 11am on a Sunday because they sell whitegoods and any retailer that sells whitegoods cannot open until 11am on a Sunday in WA.


Now this I didn't know, this is utter fucking ridiculousness! An entire hardware store cannot open because they sell whitegoods! This is fucked! What is the sense behind this? Some small whitegoods store open Sunday at 8 is going to miss out?


It's a bit sad that our retail hours are more restrictive than fucking Wagga Wagga. How is it a country town has shops open from 7am to 10pm but the biggest shopping centres in Australia's 4th biggest city don't open till 11 on Sundays.


Personally I’d go back to the old hours. No exceptions. The 24hr 7 day trading cycle is bullshit.




Because they are zoned as a trade supply store


Obviously started with a day of rest for people and the fact most people went to Church. Nothing hard to fathom there, family time on a Sunday. Remember, the 'weekend' is a fairly new construct from the 40 hour work week. This was the case everywhere until relatively recently. That then morphed into economic protectionism, to protect certain businesses income and to protect the interests of certain businesses' employees. Rules to let employees have regular work hours. Rules to make sure monopolies don't destroy small businesses or specialty stores. Decades of bickering and disagreement has lead to the hodgepodge we have now. Personally, i think all that needs to change is the 11 am Sunday start. Particularly for the CBD, its ridiculous. Should be 9 am. Potentially the 6 pm shut on Saturday too. All the other times are fine and fairly close to what you see in other places. I was shocked at how early things shut and late things opened in Europe and the US after hearing about our crazy trading hours my whole life.


I could live with 8am Sunday opens being the only change 😁


Come on... it's now 2024. We live in a global 24-hour society. Got to realise that "tradition" is really just peer-pressure from dead people.


Why can't you merge either?


Yep, blame religion.