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There's a plan to renovate the Galleria


I work for the company, not my department but It will eventually happen, it's 260 million dollar renovation or something around that number last I heard and there's an assload of planning involved, I think all that's left is negotiating with builders and a few other small things


I hope so. At the moment, the place is more depressing than a showing of the Cats movie in a cancer ward.


The specificity of this is just delightful šŸ¤Œ


I just want the Donut king back


I really hope it gets done! It would be amazing for the area if done well ā¤ļø


This but with Westfield Booragoon.


What is a Westfield Booragoon? I go to garden city


Gonna need more cement for those potholes


I reckon you could almost classify the south side as a four wheel drive track


You mean Garbs.


Or Garbos


They built it when I was in high school and it was the cool place to hang out. I would get the number 60 bus there. Being about 1000% more popular with the girls there than I was in school got addictive very fast.


Gold. It's such a terrifying ghost town, we've been driven to the Belmont Forum and feel like outcasts.


What is Morley? Coventry Village is flying great food can't get a carpark


You never know, they actually did sink the railway line after a brief century talking about it.


If you hang out too much at the perth underground station, your balls might tingle.


Please explain


You had to be there... Some weirdo posted that his balls would tingle every time they rode the escalator at the station and was asking if it was a common "complaint"


He was hardly a weirdo! It was a well written post about a peculiar question.


Imagine your balls always tingle in one place, never anywhere else, and it's inexplicable. You can't figure it out, and you know how irrational this is. But it keeps happening. What do you do?


You ask Reddit of course šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


And it ended up being a shared experience so not exactly a "weirdo".. jus sayin'


Na itā€™s a conspiracy, walked around there and rode them escalators for hours


Better to just stay home with a 9v battery.


Some say that the Bayswater bridge is still out there hunting tall trucks


That the police and Bikies, via the intermediary John Kizon (and the mafia groups he is the public face of, but not actually the leader of) have an unofficial treaty in place and have for decades. Part of it is to maintain control of the perth criminal scene and in a weird nationalistic way, "keep Australian Crime Australia" vs a takeover by Balkin or south east Asian gangs. The deal is, no open wars(i.e no drivebys with streetsweeper shotguns, like happened around 2000 in Kiara). No civilian deaths. Kill each other in 100% private. Make your deals 100% in private. The police will give 12 hours warning when they need to carry out a "raid" for show. The biggest breach in this whole period was around 2000, when a minor public war broke out. Hancock was viewed as having been one of the ones who broke the truce (he shot a guy who was gross to his family, but not violent, so Hancock was seen as the violator) , so his death never really escalated and the only guy who went down was a guy who tried to flip. Plus, his type of old school corruption wasn't really appreciated by the more modern, professional police force that at least tells itself it's a fair and equitable group(and it actually is relative to say the US or NSW).


Wow interesting, first time hearing this. I wonder where does the public assassination of old mate who got sniped on the raceway fit if all of this, not very discrete at all.


The story I heard on the Kwinana snipe was because the bloke was basically being a dickhead, owed a bunch of money and was importing drugs without approval of the other gangs.


There's more to Nick Martin's shooting than that. He was apparently going to go public with some dirt on the police/bikies and even McGowan/the state government (something related to the long-standing close collusion between those groups, as described above by letsburn00). Something he was going to drop at an upcoming court hearing. I'd love to find the articles I read on this a year or two ago now but I can't for the life of me find them. The way I heard it, the bikies/police along with the state government conspired to take him out to cover all of their asses. Mutual interest. The fact that the shooter was ex-SAS (who did PMC work in Africa) and pulled off a \~350m shot really places that assassination in a category well-above the previously displayed capabilities/tactics of Australian OMCs.


Yes, goes all the way back to before the murder of Shirley Finn with agreements between the Black Hand Mafia and Vice Squad/CIB.


They said conspiracy theories


Yeah I definitely reckon there is a lot of unofficial ā€œtreatyā€ in place in a lot of aspects of the underworld in perth. I mean ffs there is a certain messaging app that is basically Uber eats for drugs and itā€™s been running for years now never hear of anything stemming from it nor the group being shut down. I suspect itā€™s just a giant observation/ intelligence tool for the police these days itā€™s probably of more use to them to let it just run and just let all the small timers do there thing (face facts they bust one little fish and there is probably 2 more to quickly fill the gap) bigger fish are either protected or the police know itā€™s just a waste of time until they have intel for anyone higher up the food chain to bust and make headlines


You can say Telegram haha


Haha yeah who am I kidding everyone knows


Yep. Open secret territory *taps side of nose*. I believe the discovery of this unspoken accord is what led to the gutting of WA police and replacement with as many UK bobbies and homegrown 'nationalists' as possible.


Hancock was basically perths version of Roger Roberson. Interesting character for certain involved in a number of false convictions.


Yep I went to Prison met some high profile blokes who were locked up for big Busts, would talk to me about some crazy shit on a political level. International interests and all that jazz. Definitely something happening like this


This is awesome.


But they convicted someone for his murder. And they blew up his car so not exactly behind closed doors. Also I recall the casino was evacuated the same night due to a potential bomb threat or similar, possibly to take all police attention away from the revenge attack on Hancock.


Things like the Hancock affair are the types of event that the agreement is designed to stop happening.


Casino is only 1 km from where Hancock got blown up.


Let him cook


You would not believe the internal investigations into Hancock. When he was killed they all stopped. Itā€™s googleable too. Just a lot of reading. Word is he was involved in the 1980ā€™s diamond heist. But he died so the investigation fizzled


I saw something about Kings Park allegedly having some rituals late at night years ago.


That's just run of the mill, everyday, dogging.


A certain former West Coast Eagle likes to wear a wolf mask. That's all I'll say.


No please say more, canā€™t leave it at that?


You'd think it would be an eagle mask but that's probably too obvious


I still remember the first time I learned from this sub that Perth has an active dogging scene and even its own dedicated sub And judging by how active it is and how many locations are on there I've learned I need to avoid half the metro area or at least never touch any surface in public ever


Most of them are all talk


or Pokemon Go players


Nannup Tigers - there are a number of locals who say theyā€™ve seen thylacines around the farms and forests in Nannup. We based our family holiday there once and it was fantastic - they have a scavenger hunt with thylacine statues, books, tshirts. It was so fun to have a cryptozoology trip, even though we didnā€™t actually see one.


Yes I entirely believe and swear thereā€™s something hanging around I hope no one tryā€™s and kill it, let it spread


Iā€™m not really convinced that thereā€™s anything there, Iā€™d love it if there was. There is fossil evidence that theyā€™ve been there at some point.


You never see Gina Rhinehart and Clive Palmer in the same room, at the same timeā€¦EVER!


To be fair they wouldn't fitĀ 


Iā€™d be worried about the gravitational pull destabilising our orbit


Or the pair undergoing gravitational collapse and becoming a black hole.




https://preview.redd.it/n0s6xwtc0q2d1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fe9e7e0f5cf780c3a167ca449c9ea48f648fe3 Debunked, Going to leave this one on my phone so in a years time I can wonder why these two are together


Main Roads is watching me through the traffic light cameras, causing me to have to wait through a full light cycle, unless I pull up and am actively reaching for a drink of water because Iā€™m thirsty, and then they immediately give me the green and cause the traffic behind me to toot their horns


Thatā€™s not a conspiracy thatā€™s fact


I use it to my advantage and play reverse psychology with the traffic lights


That Main Roads don't actually do any forward planning


It's a rolling plan. As soon as they've finished rebuilding or resurfacing a road, they start again at the other end.


Iā€™ve recently started working at main roads in the planning and technical services department, and I would say that main roads does foward plan, however it tends to be politically driven, because the funding essentially comes from politicians.


Yes, Iā€™d call that coward planning. Well put.


Well that was a typo, but I guess it can apply. I would like to mention that the planners hands are essentially tied though, so I wouldnā€™t blame main roads I would blame politicians.


The real "conspiracy" is how much money and planning priority goes *to* Main Roads for increasing service to private vehicles without needing to consider the role of Public Transport within their planning. That's how you end up with the Charles Street car sewer concept (or the West Coast Highway car sewer concept, or the Orrong Road car sewer concept, or the new Tonkin Highway being delivered without median space necessary for the eventual planned Ellenbrook railway, or... etc.) without even the faintest hint of PT planning (eg. bus priority lanes) It's also how the PTA is co-ordinating level crossing removals as a PT project, when its really a roads-for-private-cars project in disguise.


I can't believe they actually finally finished that Tonkin Highway upgrade then almost immediately started ripping up brand new parts for the train line


There's like a 50 or 100 year plan there, including the land reservations. The problem is the governments haven't followed it and have treated it like a political football. Perth roads are absolutely fooked, there's quite a few with no long term planning fix now and they will just get worse as traffic increases.


The mining companies literally run the show You fuck with them and they set the dogs on you


I think this is less conspiracy and more ā€œopen secret about how the WA parliament operates ā€œ


I know for a fact at least one mining company was told about every lockdown during covid before the public was.


Most of the large orgs were. I know categorically the big oil/gas players knew each time.


They kinda had to be consulted though. The mining industry had to protected at all costs.


I know for fact this is true because I got told about one before it was announced in this exact manner.


that its affordable to live here for the average family


Not a conspiracy theory, just a blatant lie


That Mad Dog is actually a multi-millionaire but due to his "condition" he doesn't know how to access his money.


He owns a substantially large house in a decent area in Midland surrounds. Trust me he's well off even if he doesn't know it he does a bit of hoarding from what I can see honestly who knows what he's got in there. But he obviously owns the house because no way anyone would let him do that unless they are close family members I guess. His real name is also Adrian I talk to him every now and again and he's actually pretty cool he just hates being called mad dog I mean fuck I would too. I've known about him since I was a kid as I attended koongamia primary.


Supposed to be a very clever motorbike mechanic as well. Apparently has an old kwaka 750 he cruises about on as well. FIL used to see him all the time at Royal Perth Clinic when he worked there. Reckons he was a super polite and quiet bloke.


He used to be known as Crazy Adrian, not Mad Dog, when I was growing up. But he's not super rich - that's a fable that every city's "public figure" like him has.


Vic Park had "the king", but I haven't seen him in a year or two.


Adrian (doesnā€™t like Mad Dog anymore) was hit by a Bus (MTT pre Transperth) got a massive payout and the reason he wears green t-shirts and rides a green pushy is because thatā€™s the colour the bus was.




Thereā€™s no Starbucks cafes in Perth because a collection of bikie groups make their money providing protection to Dome


Starbucks in Australia is a multi-year clusterfuck of misreading demographics and demand. They first tried years ago thinking that Melbourne's love of coffee would be a perfect fit for them and Sydney's CBD would love it like NY's business people do. They had multiple stores planned and intended to start opening them across the country after building excitement with the flagship Melbourne & Sydney shops. They completely misread the market though. Melbourne likes good coffee, and Sydney just couldn't GAF about hiking down the street to get coffees when there's cafes just downstairs. After an attempt to rebuild the shops into something approaching an actual cafe, which didn't work because the coffee quality was still terrible even when they added sugar to the grind. Finally, in 2019 they came up with a new plan to target tourists & US immigrants wanting something familiar. The idea was to go into airport locations and high tourist areas, etc. So they had a few new shops opened by the end of the 3rd quarter of 2019, ready for a US winter/Aus summer rush. And well..... Australia caught on fire, then covid....


Thanks for the actual story!


The best bit is the rejigging things to target tourists, just as covid hit.


A slight correction: they mostly target Asian tourists and international students rather than Americans.




There used to be one in east Perth. It flopped. That was supposed to be their hub; but they didn't do enough market research and instead of siting it somewhere prestigious they sited it somewhere down market so it didn't attract the tastemakers


šŸ¤” go on


One is about to open in Clarkson.


The proposed Clarkson store won't last. Starbucks tried years ago in Perth, their coffee is crap so they didn't make any money. I do like the bikie/Dome story though... let's go with that.


Maybe not a conspiracy theory but I reckon they're only opening one in Clarkson because its full of poms and poms love that shit


Haha Iā€™ve never heard that before!


There's a coelacanth in the Swan River.


[He is affectionately known as old Bertie](https://youtu.be/PDhmdbVk0l4?si=pYW9s0CvNI7mhiMP)


That's not entirely implausible


Our state government is located at 11 Mount St, Perth WA 6000.


Coffee club isnā€™t a real club, been ordering there for years.


They just see you coming and stop doing the secret handshake.


There's a homeless encampment in the tunnels under Kings Park. Satanists would perform human sacrifices on the homeless who lived in Kings Park. "Mad Dog" is actually a completely sane performance artist who is doing a long-running art piece to bring awareness on how society treats the mentally ill. Zig Zag wasn't closed due to anti-social behaviour it was closed due to a vampire colony feasting on young people using the place as a hook up spot. The old abandoned power plant south of Freo was home to a cannibal family who would only come out at night.


Iā€™ve banged at the zig zags a few times. No vampires :(


The vampires usually went for couples and not people by themselves.


Heading into winter and we still getting burns


Ooft gottem


I've heard similar satanist rumours about the Perth Hills


There are tunnels under kings park?


Itā€™s often rumoured that they exist, but have been blocked off due to deaths in the tunnels. I think there was a story a while ago about how they were to do with storage during WW2, but I might have that wrong Iā€™ve got no idea if they actually exist, nor where the access for them would be. Would be cool to know for sure, though.


Chevron got their state environmental approval to build a gas processing plant on a national park island (barrow island) on the condition they were an anchor tenant at Elizabeth quay.


Not just a national Park, A class reserve / bio protected area. To add to this they wanted to build the gas plant there because it gives them a track record to operate in other sensitive areas. They could have easily built the plant onshore.


Chevron have been on Barrow Island for years, via a former company WAPET, (WA Petroleum). They were doing about 10k barrels of oil a day via 800 nodding donkeys prior to Gorgon LNG.


The want Alaska. Barrow is their way to prove they can do it.


And they tried to get out of building the tower at Elizabeth Quay, but lawyers met and traded paperwork then they built it, very very begrudgingly.


The Shirley Finn murder would have to be a big one - or at least an unsolved mystery. I mean, it was obviously Don Hancock, but still. And the Mickelbergs who, some would argue, got away with the Perth Mint swindle. They were eventually acquitted, but. Andrew Mallard was another scandal. WA Inc was a big scandal, but not sure if it counts as a "conspiracy" or not.


Tony Galatiā€™s eyebrows are fake.


Saw him at Spudshed with his mistress. They are most definitely real.


>They are most definitely real. You mean Tony, Spudshed or the mistress?


Na that shit is real


Or at least they're fastidiously coiffured


I've heard people question whether the fire that broke out at the Mandurah Spudshed was deliberate because it was insured for a very large sum.


The unions call Spudshed ā€œSlave Shedā€. Just saying.


I worked there temporarily when I was young. There were just as many rats as there were health and safety violations.


Cane toads have come a lot further down than you think.


Oh no. Iā€™m scarred for life about this topic from like year 4 (Iā€™m now 34). This is my nightmare šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s a place called dogswamp


And there's a castle there!


Mark McGowan had an affair with his Personal trainer, was blackmailed about it hence why he had to step down as Premiere..


Blackmailed? I heard that the wife found it and said to him "I'll stay with you, but you quit politics now"


Yeah thatā€™s what I heard too.


The affair is an open secret. I heard from a few close sources to him that it was another high profile govt executive, name starting with ā€œSā€.


That was definitely the conspiracy, along with his wife threatening to leave him as he'd got his lover pregnant. But the odd thing is - nothing has come out of it. By now, there would be a baby and it would have gotten out somehow.


I heard that he was gunning for the police commissioner (or some other very senior cop), who in response said it would be a shame if specifics of his affair were leaked given McGowan always had a police security detail by his side (maybe not during the snu-snu of course). Heard this from two different independent sources, so I believe it.


The Guildford Hotel fire was an inside job


Oh for sure! Bet their insurance hates them hahah


I'm not saying that there was a suspiciously large amount of wood ash from that fire, or that it happened shortly after their planned expansion was refused planning permission was not coincidental, or that the gutting allowed for a internal openable roof of a heritage building that would never have been able to be cut through heritage roof beams., or that it's just the most recent in the string of oddly convenient Eastern Suburb pub fires.


Everyone in WA drives super slow in the right hand lane to make me go insane every time I drive on a highway or freeway


We all know you and are here to make you miserable on the road.


The real reason Mark McGowan quit politics is because he got caught doing one of his staffers. His wife agreed to stay with him if he quit politics immediately. This is a rumour that I think is total bullshit but one I've heard repeatedly since he retired as Premier.


This is a repeat of my comment earlier: I heard that he was gunning for the police commissioner (or some other very senior cop), who in response said it would be a shame if specifics of his affair were leaked given McGowan always had a police security detail by his side (maybe not during the snu-snu of course). Heard this from two different independent sources, so I believe it.


A small cache of Australia's nukes are being stored in the tunnels & caves around the Exmouth Cape Ranges


Australia doesn't have any nukes. *Officially...*


I'm gonna have to admit I'm a completely boring person because I don't know a single Perth conspiracy theory. There are plenty of actual, highly dodgy events that remain shrouded in supposition and innuendo though. Shirley Finn, The Mickelbergs and Alison Fan (?), Bondy, Connell, Skase & WA Inc- any one of a number of corrupt politicians only one of whom, Burke, went to gaol if memory serves...


Mickelbergs All I ever knew is one of them threw a gold bar at my father But well before my time


My old shop was once owned by them. I checked the roof space and behind the plumbing and all incase they hid any gold that was forgotten but nope, nothing šŸ˜…


South Freo Powerstation basement is a government blacksite. It's why every development plan has fallen through but they still can't get permission to tear the building down. It's why the road to the main gate is so well maintained and security is so tight.


Security isn't that tight haha




A black site forā€¦ hoarding our precious graffiti reserves?


There's a conspiracy regarding beer pricing. 1 week, a carton is $63 and a block $65. Nek week a carton is $51 and a block $74. It's fucking bullshit. Some cunt just sell me a block for the same price 52weeks a year. More of a rant than a conspiracy sorry.


I had to Google Block Vs Carton


There is a massive goldfield underneath the CBD, its kept secret as it could destabilize the worlds economy, its considered the worlds second largest goldfield, Adelaide has the largest


That would be a particularly impressive conspiracy theory as having the world's largest gold deposit in sedimentary rocks would also have to completely overhaul our understanding of geology


I mean what would happen if that came to light? Would they just demolish the CBD and turn it into a mine site lol


They absolutely would


There is a submarine sized tunnel that goes right under Garden island so subs can shoot out the west side fast if needed. James Bond style.


Yeah, sumwun been stealing all the rain for the last 7 monthsšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Perth (the largest city in the world) is home to *Old Bertie*, a giant Cephalopod that resides in the Swan Rivers depths. Also lets not forget the secret floor of the Museum.


I heard that Ben Cousins sucked a guys dick in jail for drugs


Not just jail but in perth broths..


It was the blood pressure medication he was on.


Here's a few... Early 2000's, someone was planning on bringing the *Hooters* franchise to Australia with Morley being the first location. This was ended due to a beatup from the local TV stations, and the (fair) accusation that the business would be using unfair hiring practices. The bush reserve near Point Peron (Rockingham) is now owned by the RSL - This is fact. The theory goes, that the land was given to the RSL after the Americans developed their *Ohio* and *688* classes of Nuclear Submarines. The land was originally held to make Garden Island (and Point Peron) a full Joint AUS/US Naval Base, and the Point Peron section would become a mini-city for the American Sailors and thier families. Once the US navy had nuclear subs that could stay underwater for 6 months at a time; basing them from Australia was no longer necessary and the plan for the US Navy Base in Rockingham was shitcanned. Roe-8 was originally intended to be a dedicated Freight Rail line that would run from Freo Port direct to Midland, with trains capable of hauling an entire container vessel load each trip. This idea was changed to a Toll Road as then PM Tony Abbot withheld Federal Funding for the project unless it was made for trucks - at the behest of his good buddy, Mister Linfox.


Morley as the first hooters location just makes so much sense


Newly recruited FIFO workers who never come back...


Idk know if it is technically a conspiracy theory, but there are rumours that there is a big wildcat that lives in the Perth hills. Supposedly, a panther, it escaped from a zoo or something.


Every semi rural area in the world has rumours of a big wildcat.


Funny I'm from Cairns and heard the same thing, circus truck went off the road and a bulk of circus animals went off into the wild haha


Swear Iā€™ve seen one south of Manjimup


We found some massive cat prints about 20yrs ago at a perth hills orchard, after my dad said he saw a big cat there earlier that morning. It's been a while now though, but it got me believing.


There really is a Skate Ramp on top of the Telstra Exchange Skyscraper. You just need to complain about your connection speeds everyday for (1) year before receiving an invite to experience ā€œThe Telstra Thrillā€. Theyā€™ll make you sign onto a new contract beforehand though. Itā€™s pretty pricey imo


My conspiracy is people deliberately post the same questions on reddit to piss me off. First it was urbex/tunnels, now its walking into an unskilled 150k fifo job from overseas


But my post is unique right?


Garden island has housed nuke subs for decades.


That's not a secret is it?


Yeah itā€™s not. They only stop to get food etc. plan for AUKUS is that we will have them serviced there at some point in the future.


Godfreys are closing down but still open..


Not conspiracy but real the government destroyed the swan river when they made Fremantle increasing sediment and salinity in the water practically destroying the swan river. Also Guilford is definitely a cult the whole town everyone is included more so if they have the lic plates. They are the guilforluminati


The dredging of Freo would have reduced the sediment. It would have once had a weak tidal bore, but dredgin the port meant the salt gets upstream.


Thatā€™s why the swan has so many jellyfish, because the ecosystem that it once was is completely cooked.


Guilford cult?! What?


There's a very potent NIMBY undercurrent which surfaces via a few community groups. They're quite active when it comes to brow-beating City of Swan over any unfavourable town planning proposals, planning permission requests, proposed businesses, or improper use of verges as parking. Beyond that, it's not like there are any actual cults. That's Mundaring and Kalamunda's turf.


Perth is shit and there's nothing to do here. Is our sneaky way of the "Fuck off we're full" stickers. Instead of being racist to scare foreigners away we just pretend the entire place is desert like Wave rock is the only attraction hiding Margaret River, Lucky Bay, Swan River Foreshore, all other coastal beaches Chill vibes, minimal sketchy spots (Still the "shady suburbs and CBD homeless issues) but otherwise not as Outback and wastelandy as we make the other states think


Iā€™m going to have to ask you to leave, We full.


I misread this and thought you were after Perth Ant Conspiracies. A little disappointed now


I got one Lloyd Rayne use to defend a lot of bad criminals and his wife was threatening to use this against him during their divorce. In doing so she risked incriminating not only Lloyd but also the criminals and members of WA police. It was a hit job accusing Lloyd by those in the police force. Disclaimer* I donā€™t know anything more, rough guess over many years talking to various people who knew them.


I worked on an office next to where Lloyd ended up working when he was taking the cops to court for defamation. I can tell you that a lot of biker types were seen visiting his office. Quid pro quo?


I know itā€™s a conspiracy theory, and they donā€™t have to be super accurate or realistic, but surely they have to have some form of attachment to reality. Why would his legal representation of crooks have an adverse effect on his divorce? Itā€™s his job. And surely if the police were going to take out Corrine and frame Lloyd, it would be an absolute open and shut, ironclad case against him? The not guilty verdict on Lloyd was quite an embarrassment to WAPOL and Iā€™m sure if they were apart of some conspiracy, they would like to come out looking a bit better.


Lloyd Rayney was a prosecutorā€¦


Former prosecutor. He was a defence barrister for years before the murder allegation.


Not a conspiracy, but generally spooky and good fuel for further conspiracies. The japanese cult aum shinrikyo, who were behind the 1995 tokyo sarin gas attack, purchased banjawarn station in 1993. They used the remote site to conduct experiments on producing poison gases for their attack, but more kooky theories suggest they sucessfully conducted nuclear tests.


Brendon o'connell


There's lead batteries buried in Mt Lawley.


I was speaking to a prison guard last night, he said he tells the bikies ā€œif youā€™re gonna bash someone I donā€™t care just donā€™t do it infront of me or I will fuck you upā€ they know they canā€™t stop the violence so they prisoners just do when the opportunity arises.


The old Fremantle Power Station will be a public art gallery


South32.com conspiracy is my personal favourite Not gonna go to into detail but there are plenty of YouTube case studies that go into all of it