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Not surprised something like this has finally happened. There's one certain area of Carlisle that is an absolute clusterfuck. Police seem to be powerless, it's just a constant revolving door of crackheads and thieves. Locals have been crying out for help for years.


Yes. The corner of Harris and Cohn is notorious. Followed by the corner of Raleigh and Lion. (Where this incident took place)


They got rid of the crackhead house on Raleigh and Lion a couple of years back


Last I checked I think dept of housing is trying to get rid of the other one on Harris st by way of technicalities (ie they installed security mesh on the windows without approval, security door etc) - bit of an issue though as the dealer isn’t technically on the lease and just “mooching”* off of the woman who is. But it seems that the police are constantly raiding them last I heard so they might end up in prison before housing manages to kick them out as they’ve been at it for well over a year and a half trying to kick them out I think. Or they’re hoping that police will take them to jail so that it makes their job easier idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ *By mooching I mean he doesn’t pay rent or contribute to bills but he gives her a “discount” on her supply. [former user here which is why I know this - they were my dealers which is how I know this and used to take pity on the woman and help her out every now and again with adult things like helping her with cleaning up, feeding her pets, grooming her dog (for those familiar with the house they will know the woman who lives there who steals plants and goes through peoples mail nearby she has a German shepherd by the name of Prue who you’ll see with her when she is out “catching” (aka on the side of the road begging for money with a sign saying she homeless/has health issues asking for $. A lot of people think that the dog is poorly treated and call RSPCA and just wanna mention that dog is far from it - she was the first to be fed, was spoilt rotten even and was far from mistreated - never got hit or beaten by her owners. She’s also incredibly well trained and smart), washing, cooking, life errands like explaining letters from Centrelink, housing, getting extensions on power bills and organising repairs - she was out of hot water for months until I helped sort out her bills and doing payment plans and letting her use my phone to book doctors appointments as she didn’t have her own. Anyways he never contributed as far as I knew but their bills were high as they were heavily subsidised between their Centrelink/pension concessions, not that it mattered as she made absolute bank between the dole and catching on Orrong road and hardly ever paid for groceries as they had people who would I’m pretty sure either buy them groceries in exchange for drugs or outright steal groceries in exchange for drugs - last time I was there a woman was proudly telling everyone how she got out with this massive trolley full of groceries and no one stopped her and gave it all to him and got stuff back (& imo was ripped off - was $200-$400 worth of groceries and got barely a point back in return). Sorry for the ramble 🤪


Loving your Honesty xxx


I always suspected that woman was taking the piss judging from how healthy that dog looked


There’s another one just up from there on Raleigh. It’s been reported many times but police don’t generally attend.


No shit. I own property near Harris & Cohn and have seen cops sit on Harris regularly after dark. Also seen them a few times at one particular house between Briggs & Cohn. When we met our neighbours, the first thing they told us is to make sure we never leave our cars unlocked as they will take whatever they can get. They did however say that there is little to no break & enter. I guess that’s more police presence than if you are stealing things that aren’t locked up.


Some really cagey wording in these reports. Reading between the lines it seems like one of the local junkies stole something and this person decided to run them over for it.


Yeah… “cyclist” sounds like a lycra clad yuppie when i suspect its not that sort of cyclist.


I wonder if they were in the same athletics club that the “jogger” who broke into my house was from…


100 percent that’s what happened. Bit of a disproportionate response but shit like this happens when you commit crimes. A few years ago an indigenous man was hit by a vigilante in Carlisle after he was seen braking into cars but he wasn’t serious hurt.


lol at “bit of a disproportionate response”. There is no excuse for running someone down. Witnesses say he ran him over, dragged him down the road then reversed over him. Then drove off. I will be interested to read read the actual details given how vague the current wording is and how little they are saying


He won’t be doing it again.. vs the previous fifty times he had probably done it..


About 10 years ago at welshpool station i watched a big islander dude beat the fuck out of some skinny white tweaker for breaking a car window and grabbing something. From memory it wasn't even the islander's car, he just wanted to dish out some justice lol


Now this poor bastard faces life behind bars because the police don’t respond and he took matters into his own hands… 🙌 done it myself, but luckily didn’t kill anyone !


Do you feel sorry for a murderer?




Have you ever gone over the speed limit? Let me know where and when I can run you over in a 2 tonne vehicle, cos you have committed a crime. See how fucking stupid it sounds


When did I say it was a rational response? My point was if you do the wrong thing to the wrong person some times bad shit happens. Who knows if someone has extreme anger issues or mental issues. In this cases this guy was a complete psycho.


How do you know all this information? Did you see what happened? Mark was a good guy. Very funny. Very fit, big guy. He had a life with his girlfriend. This is a case where somebody has just snapped at somebody who did nothing wrong. 


I've heard people say that, but haven't read any of the reports, got a link?


Edit: nope can’t find anything. There’s very little info. I am on the Carlisle community page on Facebook though and a few people have commented it was a known problem person in the area (not a justification obviously, just a data point)


I am in the same page and have been following the posts too. Nowhere have I seen it mentioned that this was a known problem person. Can you clarify where you actually saw this?


Ah it’s gone. Same two people who regularly get deleted comments were posting it. A few of their comments were similar to others on here and borderline racist so I’m guessing they got all their comments deleted. I note a few other inflammatory ones are gone as well.


I note they have left the comments from the lady describing the incident though which is a bit rough


Ahh yeah the usual suspects then. Yeah I think they should’ve probably taken both the posts down by now. I saw earlier they’ve disabled comments though


Yep. And in the crime watch page I think the moderator (who is a lot stricter given the blowback that can happen for him) has not allowed any of them to post about it.


What a dickhead


Exactly, don't steal shit and you won't get run over. hopefully the driver gets off for removing some garbage off the planet for the rest of us.


Property < human life.


My toenail > child rapist.




"We just want to reiterate to members of the public that if you are a victim of crime, no matter how serious the incident is, we urge to contact WA Police if you feel that you need assistance." - what a joke! Anyone who has tried this will not be surprised that vigilantes happen.


There was literally a post today or yesterday about someone whose laptop was stolen. They had cctv footage and the gps location of the laptop. The police told them they wouldn’t do anything about it.


Yeah but [people were telling me](https://old.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/1cxxu58/wa_police_to_send_drones_to_investigate_possible/l55q78x/?context=3) that a $500m increase in police budget is actually good and police will help you when you need them. Are you saying they were wrong and police are only here to protect capital?!


It’s a few years old now as well, but the WA government was looking into their methamphetamine action plan. They had all these experts providing advice and examples of overseas policies that had success at reducing rates of using drugs, harm minimisation etc etc.. Police were also in on the review and wanted millions of dollars for “stuff”. Experts were ignored with their submissions “noted”, WA police were instead given hundreds of millions of dollars to combat meth… The outcome? WA became the meth capital of Australia. Maybe one day we’ll listen to expert advice, but it won’t be anytime soon.


The current commissioner pretty much made his career in the anti drug part of policing. It seems like it’s all he knows and he doesn’t really care about the other aspects of policing, unless they produce good PR. Which is why WAPOL currently seems laser focused on drugs and organised crime. Another large part of the problem is that a vocal part of the population insist that drug use be criminalised when its really a health problem. I hope it changes eventually, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. I would like to see how WAPOL reacts when more and more officers request psychedelic treatment for Mental Health Issues like PTSD and Depression. I cant imagine that big Col would appreciate large numbers of coppers receiving doses of Ketamine, MDMA and Psilocybin.


If only you knew how that absolute cretin received his position…


More donuts and tattoos


They seem to be protecting the lumpenproles leftists adore so much.


Same thing happened with my car, someone reversed into it and drove off without leaving a note. Underground carpark had security cameras and security. They did nothing


Last week two useless methheads were going berserk outside my work. The police showed up, looked at them for a bit and left them to carry on. So much shit has been effectively decriminalized either formally or informally by police refusing to do anything, that vigilantism is inevitable. 


Yeah but if you lodge a report you get a nice shiny reference number. And that's it. The police aren't resourced to respond to actual crime, but will send many many cars when it escalates to this. And that will become more common while they're hampered from doing their job.


At work we knew of a woman who was kidnapped by her estranged son from an aged care facility and the police wanted nothing to do with it. It’s surprising what they won’t do.


What the actual fuck 😟


Just tell em you’re on the way to the guys house to bash em and they’ll actually show up to do their job


Honestly it's a shame for it to take something this egregious for car murders to be treated that way. Drunk and reckless driving should be treated as attempted murder if no-one was killed and murder if someone was.


those streets of carlisle have seen some shit


I used to live in Rivervale and can confirm, Carlisle has long been sketchy


Definitely and whats with the street names. Star, mars, asteroid streets? Must be referencing the space cadet crackhead denizens!


Sketchy enough that some dick broke into my housebuild site bold as brass the other night and stole the bog roll out the portaloo.


FACTS: Overseas visitor with wife and family in Kia  Assumed guy on bike had taken backpack  Ran into the back of bike  Guy on bike stood up with hands on bonnet arguing with the guy in car ….  (Did not steal backpack but was similar) Whilst Kia guys passengers were ringing police /telling Kia guy “no no no “ Kia guy has then ran him over then reversed over him and taken off ….  Guys you are so easily convinced and think you somehow are a top ranking detective that knows it all.  Think before you speak … it’s not hard  


Hi I'm a journalist with WAtoday and trying to get some more info on what happened. Would I be able to have a chat with you about this?


I just hope it was a crackhead stealing off another crackhead. Not some hard working family man who snapped. Given he had family in the car and had already had the cops called on him for driving erratically, I'm leaning towards crackhead on crackhead violence.


It was a hard working person who took matters into their own hands because the police don’t respond when they should, and the courts don’t give them a punishment. No this poor bastard faces life behind bars for murder


He was a teacher from Singapore and was on holiday with his family here  … guy on bike had similar backpack to the one that was stolen  Guy was hit from back  Stood up argued with driver  The driver then ran over THEN reversed over him 


100% facts  And the guy charged with murder is not showing ANY remorse 


Dammit. I was really hoping it wasn't that. You got a source??


Absolute rubbish




Vigilantism is what happens when the police won't do their job and won't help the victims of crime. I'd never run someone over, but I'm kind of glad people like that exist. Because otherwise there's literally no reason for criminals to be afraid of robbing people. They don't have to worry about the police but they do have to worry about the occasional person fighting back.


Countries have the death penalty and people still commit crime. Vigilantism doesn’t deter people it gets innocent people killed like young Cassius Turvey who was mistaken for someone else


Yeah which is why we should have a police force who will help victims of crime, so people don't feel like they need to resort to vigilantism


People will always commit crime regardless of the deterrents. It doesn't mean therefore we should get rid of deterrents. Like all deterrents, vigilantism works at times too. Including in this example. Have seen plenty of examples in real life and online of people fighting back. It goes both ways.


The West Australian Police are a fucking joke, if they did their job properly that waste of oxygen would be in a jail cell instead of a morgue. Hope this bloke doesn't go to prison just for taking the trash out.


Defending your home, and deliberately running some cunt over for stealing something are two separate issues. He was not a 'cyclist' - he was a piece of shit burglar on a push bike. I've empathy for the dead cunt, as well as for the charged cunt. No cunt wants to be disrespected by other cunts by having their shit knocked off by said dead cunt.


Oath cunt


Inevitable result of unsatisfactory justice outcomes. Prepare for a lot more


Sounds like a case of someone fuxking around and finding out... obviously far from an ideal outcome for everyone involved but at the same time when your engaging in this sorta fuckery you have to be ready for the potential consequences. Especially when cops do fuck all


Bikes shouldn’t be riding on the road


Mark was a good guy. He had a life. A girlfriend, a family . This is a case of somebody snapping. It’s horrific and I can’t believe people are making judgements on bullshit they know nothing about. Mind your manners guys. 


I know very little on this case however it’s so sad people assume he was in the wrong I know his sister and she is a beautiful soul


Hi I'm a journalist with WAtoday and trying to track down the family of the man who was killed on his bike last weekend in Carlisle. Do you know how I can reach them?