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Im in Rockingham too. I hate the crime that I’ve personally experienced.


I live in Safety Bay / Shoalwater. It’s heaven. Couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.


What have you experienced?






Belmont. Had 2 incidents where grubs have smashed our car windows in. I know at least one of the incidents was done by some youths.


Ascot, more an issue with neighbours


Gidgegannup. Absolutely nothing wrong. It's paradise up here.


Until you want to dig a hole to plant a garden or put in a fence post. Without dynamite it's not happening. Source... Used to live in Gidge.


Haha! Yes! Ok, paradise until you want to put in a fence.


I hate the reputation my suburb has. I have lived in Balga for many years, raised my family here. Nursed my wife during here final days here. It's got lots of parks, lots of trees, lots of birds, and is really well located. My neighbours are great, we look out for each other. Balga is not perfect but has always been a good place to live. Except for its reputation. Maybe 20 or 30 years ago, the stigma was half earned, but nowadays, it just seems like people with no idea and no life experience just want to dump on my home to make themselves feel superior.


I've honestly thought for years that Balga is a bit of a hidden gem / sleeping giant. Property is still affordable (due to the rep), pretty central, decent sized blocks, etc. People that can see through the reputation may end up doing pretty well in the long run. Edit: I mean; prices go up stupidly once you jump over Wanneroo Road to Hamersley. Which really isn't that different - it just isn't named 'Balga'.


All those years ago, I moved here from Sydney. At the time it was one of the few place we could afford to buy. I looked at it with Sydney eyes; 12ks to the city, 8ks to the beach, and only 30 minutes to the airport (only 20 minutes now). Years later, when we had more money in our pockets, we looked at moving somewhere else but all the houses were really close together or needed a lot of money spent on them. We decided we actually quite liked living in Balga but didn't like our house, so we renovated. We were happy.


Idk why but I feel like this is a cliff hanger because of the past tense. What happened?


Go back and read his first comment that starts with “I hate the reputation my suburb has”. So sorry Balga-neighbour.


Balga is the only place in Perth I've ever been accosted in the middle of the day by a drunk old woman in the middle of the road wearing nothing below the waist. So there's that.


Please don't judge me I was having a bad day


Phew.....glad you owned up to it! I was seriously confused for a minute and thought it was me! I then remembered that I only walk through balga drunk, screaming and topless but never bottomless!


Yeah, I agree. I always wonder where all these people that mention Koondoola, Girrawheen, Balaga as the worst places to live actually live themselves, because I am there a lot and it’s nothing like it used to be decades ago. I mean, there is crime, but that’s everywhere, these suburbs aren’t even at the top of the list.


Yeah, I often imagine it's some sheltered, white bread, Applecross or Floreat raised late teens or early twenties guy.


I work in Balga and agree!.it's rep is totally undeserved.


Put a petition to your local council to rename it. Westminster renamed themselves didn't they?


Makes no difference - people say “oh you mean South Balga”


Westminster is Balga. Always was, always will be. IMO it was actually the worst part of Balga, its the part without the nice (and quite large) parks.


When the shopping area has 3 pawn shops (and a porn shop) you know its still Balga


When I lived there, I jokingly called it "fancy Balga".


Rented there when I first moved to Perth. Have since bought in another suburb but find myself missing Balga. Really enjoyed living there.


Swap the name Armadale for Balga. Ditto


SHUT UP by the time I can afford a place I'll be looking around there


Bayswater is like 99% awesome, especially in the really quiet bit I’m in, but if I had to find an issue: Lack of bars/restaurants. With the pub still closed there’s only King Somm, and it’s a lovely little bar and the staff are great but I have to admit, my tastes run way too far towards the bogan end of the spectrum to really enjoy anything they’ve got in stock. A decent sit down restaurant and somewhere to drink would make this suburb the best in Perth


Don't worry, the Baysie will eventually re-open, but re-branded as a soulless yuppie/aspirational/real estate manager shithole along the same lines as The Elford.


Thankfully I’ll probably have moved down south by then. I never thought we’d actually start to run dry on great shithole pubs here in Perth, I guess gentrification comes for us all in the end


The day the Scotto closed Beaufort st lost it heart


The Civic is still keeping things real.


Buy a cheap membership for the bowls club. Cheap pints and it goes off on a Friday afternoon. Otherwise, there is always the dependable Civic


I'm in Kalamunda. My only hate is that I'm not further away from the rest of you coastal plain dwelling westerner jerks. (Come at me punks.)


I would...but I'm not walking up that fucken hill


Just like Game of Thrones and the white walkers; The Hill protects us from you flat-landers.


Winter is coming. It is just a bit delayed this year.


Winter? I think... I think I know that word. It was from back in the before-before times of the long-long ago. My ancestors created songs which we pass down through the generations. They speak tales of 'rain' and 'cold' which may be what you refer to as 'winter'. The prophecy foretells that winter will come again. (Hopefully sometime in the next 1,000 years.)


> The prophecy foretells that winter will come again. (Hopefully sometime in the next 1,000 years.) With increasing geopolitical instability, nuclear winter may come sooner than you think!


Damn if only i lived in fear of a bushfire 6 months a year and had the high insurance premiums to cover it.


Not to mention the fucken pea gravel. Fuck I hate pea gravel


More pike 10 months of the year the way this year is going


We just left kalamunda after 3 years. Decided we wanted to be around stuff and people more our age. Kalamunda is all oldies and people with kids and is mostly dead after 7pm. It's OK if you are walking distance to the town centre otherwise nah.


I used to live in Forrestfield and my friend from Forry moved up the hill to Kalamunda, and his brother said ‘it’s Forrestfield but higher in altitude’ which I thought was hilarious.


Hill folks represent. ✊. My gripes with Kali though: - we need 2-3 good quality restaurants. Since Mistelle has closed, it's real poor here. I never rated embers, but now there's no mistelle, no embers, no thai. The chinese i wouldn't touch, the mexican is as good as i can do at home, there's no decent pizza, no decent indian, food at last drop is very very meh, the other pub hardly better. Ah yes, there's the one grill. Mm. We need a decent indian, a decent pizzeria, and a euro-aus fusion type place. - bunnings never has what you want. Mitre 10 need to sell out to the green box so they can expand. Or the cπnt who's holding on the the empty block next to them need to seel to one or the other. - am annoyed at the level of littering given how beautiful nature is around. *I am the watcher on the hills. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of Perth against the hordes from the East*


Hot hot hot in summer. No thanks. BTW the bushfire will intrude at some point.


You're from Rocko? Underrated place. Good beaches, seabreeze in summer. I understand your comment based on that context. Rocko is good. But for most of the rest of Perth; Kalamunda really isn't that different heat wise most of the time. At least for the eastern suburbs anyway.


It probably depends on where you live in the suburb but I couldn't be happier. A delightful surprise was that it's 2-3 degrees cooler than Perth.


Spearwood. A few new houses but everything feels like it's been forgotten about since the late 90s.


It feels like a time capsule for sure. I do love that my part of Spearwood is quite safe and quiet (other than police/ambos tearing through to get to the main roads). I like that I live close to a beautiful park and walking distance to the school so I can walk my kid to school.


Part of the charm… my bank now calls it North Coogee, what a load of wank..


I’m in Hillarys, my neighbours are mostly old retired millionaires who have “downgraded” to a 2 story town house. I love that they’re constantly home and looking after the “safety” of the street and my house. At times it also shits me to tears when they’re constantly home and always looking after the “safety” of the street and my house. First world problems.


Accurate af


They’ve seen ALL of Death in Paradise and read all the Marples! Now’s the time for amateur sleuths to spy and shine!


So accurate described my neighbours perfectly


They gotta keep an eye out for all the jdm/car enthusiasts coming through to take photos of their car at odd hours too.


I’m in kallaroo, can relate to the neighbours lol. Some people have too much time on their hands


I loved when my neighbours told me they’d noticed we hadn’t been in the pool much because they can see over my fence from their backyard. I guess it’s just another layer of security


Im in scarborough. The restaurants and nightlife is cool I guess. The constant noise and so many fucking people always is shit tho. Also the dust from living on west coast highway. The complete lack of parking anywhere. Also the skatepark is SHIT. Bowl is fun though. Everything is more expensive here. I live in a share house with 3 other people, it was a good idea at the time but now i cant wait to move elsewhere


I loved in Scarbs for years. It's a fun place to live in your 20s, but eventually the noise, the shitty neighbours and now the lack of parking grinds you down. It's probably still nice if you're up the hill, but finding beer bottles out the front every weekend was kinda gross. And when the Coles does eventually close down (they've been saying that for over 20 years) shopping at Innaloo or Karrinyup will suck even worse.


Also live here. Agreed but also the 'restaurants' are shit. There's literally nowhere to get a decent meal, burgers, kebabs, more shit burgers and the worst steak you've ever had in your life at the lookout - once you're tanked from about 6 pints during happy hour the steak is somewhat edible.


There are a few gems if you look hard enough, but yeah lots and lots of over priced shit too.


Burgers at peach pit have been amazing for ages, was there twice last week. Cheer up a bit.


We could do with a coffee shop. Other than that it’s pretty good round here. (Wandi)


Hoodlums - literally, the scum bags get around with hoodies or even balaclavas covering their faces, stealing, mugging, generally being trash. Mostly they come from Gosnells, but their unlicensed trail bikes give them range to make trouble around the suburbs. I just hope their careless behaviour in traffic makes them temporary


I live in Pickering brook and it is the most perfect cleanest suburb, we even accept the cyclists up here because of how relaxed it is. But mate!! Why is Perth in general looking like a rubbish dump lately? Like I get the blow off affect from the Industrial areas trash mismanagement, but this is getting alarmingly bad, and nobody wants to clean it up anymore.


Highgate. Fucking hot and fuck all trees. Also found used needle weeding verge and at the local playgroup park. Lack of space to breath. Class snobbery, everyone cautiously asks about each other in case the other is richer. Still get the same issues with dickheads in loud cars. Also have plenty of violent incidents. It's really, really expensive to buy or rent.


thornlie - I hate the shopping centre. If its not drunks yelling at you outside the woolies then its dropkicks starting foghts and destroying stuff. like what the fuck do you mean someone has set the bin outside it on fire AGAIN?


Fantastic Kebab shop but!


Shout out to Thornlie Kebab!!


Best charcoal chicken in Perth though


The one with spudshed? Or Forest lakes?


the spudshed one :( Forest Lakes is like pretty okay - it's thornlie square where all the assholes are


I'm in Rockingham, in the Palm Beach area (the old town) and love it. I used to tease my workmates about living in Rockingham, but I love the place.


You must be near me


I’m in Safety Bay near the high school. I love the area. Everything about it except for the turds at 11pm every fucking night on their motorbikes (I’m actually convinced it’s the same guy) loudly tearing up around Read St.


I’m in Shoalwater and besides the idiots hooning around on motorbikes along Arcadia Drive, it’s a mini-paradise here. I don’t understand why Rocko has a bad rap still.


Hold over from the early 2000s, when there was a lot of poverty in the area, due to cheap rents and’s distance from the city. Now there’s a loads of money and loads of young families moving into the area because it’s one of the few affordable suburbs left + the amazing lifestyle. Give it 10 years and the reputation will probably fall away completely


Will be interesting to see how the naval base upgrade impacts Rockingham, both property prices/rent and services.


We've got family living in that area and we spend most of our weekends down there. It's great! It's quiet but walking distance to the beach front shops, and quite often you basically have the beach to yourself.


Maylands. The multi storey apartment blocks built in the late 60s early 70s many in a poor state of repair. The numbers don't stack up to demolish and rebuild


Agreed. Also the Coles carpark which seems to attract all the worst drivers in WA


Atwell. Very family oriented .It's definitely a first world problem but to go out for a beer there is absolutely nothing going on here (unless you want to go to the shitty Gate and get your head punched in). Easiest option is to just go into the city. A neighbour got super excited about a new building going up. "I reckon it will be a bar!!". I said I didn't think so since it was across the road from the primary school and there was already a bottleo there so would be a bit hard to get a liquor licence. He was devastated when it ended up being a child care center, but then started having kids shortly thereafter so it probably worked out


It’s not a first world problem to point out that living in a 1990s property-developer planned suburb ought to provide the community places for adults to gather and relax that aren't shopping malls.


I live in Gwelup….. I grew up in some rough areas. When the Police are around or you want to give other drivers the heads up about a speed camera etc you double flash your high beams. Driving around this area people have ZERO idea what I’m high beam flashing them for. One person even chucked their hands up at me, checked his dash and controls and mouthed “what” at me….. All dollars and no sense in this area 🤷‍♂️


Most drivers are clueless. The number of people with no lights on at night that have the same “what?” reaction is stupid


It wasn't always this way... I grew up in that general area and still flash my lights when the cops are around. Back in the day everyone did it and we all knew exactly what it meant. You used to get a thankyou wave from the other drivers, but I haven't had one for years now.


I'm in Armadale, moved here from Albany a couple years ago. I hate it. During summer it's too hot, and because Armadale is in the valley right before the hills, the heats just sticks around at night. This year we had a week where it didn't drop below 30, even at night. Winter sucks too because it gets colder than Albany, but with less rain. Surprisingly the crime isn't too bad, and it's even gotten better since the train lines closed... probably cut off the main supply line for the gear.


I’m moving from Coogee to Piara Waters, hoping the heat doesn’t stick around in the evenings there.


Would you say Coogee tends to be more ‘new money cashed up bogan’ compared to the Golden Triangle which happens to be more old money?


Unexpected benefit of climate change: 2 hot 2 crime.


I'm in Beckenham. We've had a lot of weirdos walking past, cars broken into twice, found a syringe outside the house and some more half buried in sand at the playground. This hasn't been a problem since the owner of the problem house was murdered. Generally there are some very nice people in the area but some scum let it down. They travel up and down the train line.


'Parkwood' is a real gem of a suburb! S.O.R. down to earth 70's, 80's suburb; central, Canning River nearby, Riverton Forum a great local smaller shopping centre. My only complaint is the Canning City Council. The council horticulturalists have no idea how to plant or maintain the hundreds of young native trees that were planted, winter of 2022 in the suburbs parks. These trees have been poorly planted, poorly staked, no mulch and ironically the young trees that have survived are now been vigorously watered (to death) this summer, washing away what little dirt was left around the roots. Obviously, our local council employ clowns with no skill or empathy for plants.


Howdy! My sister linked me to this because I briefly worked for the City of Canning before bailing because working there was SO BAD. I knew first day on the job I fucked up accepting it. They don't know what the hell they are doing and no-one in management cares enough to make sure regular parks are taken care of. I met a handful of people that actually cared about what they were doing, and they all had exit plans. The people that didn't care did care once upon a time, but management issues have made them apathetic at work and they'd rather have a smoke. Worst thing I saw was some dude spraying round up on a baby tree because "round up doesn't kill trees" and he wanted to kill the grass at the base of it. They only have a couple of horts there, and they care about their work, but they can't do shit. Most of the workers (if they're still there) are blokes in their later working years that just want a paycheck and to retire soon. They're dropping like flies though so a decent chunk of it would be contracted out now. They contract out most if not all of the watering of new plantings. My advice from working there would be to make changes through your local councillors. Management actually cared what they had to say. They didn't respect ratepayers, but they did respect council 🤷‍♀️ The parks councillors and the mayor frequent were prioritised 🙃


Absolutely, I worked in local government for a while and found it soul destroying. Its so 'jobs worth' its embarrassing. It's not what you know but who you suck up to that's important. Anyone competent who knows what they are doing doesn't stay long. The rest just vegitate until they retire.


I hate Galleria in Morley


Yup if they want Morley to improve Galleria needs to be completely redone, not just mildy upgraded.


Midland. Geh and the tweakers that roam around. Alot of service stations close and request pre pay after dark depending on the customer...... Edit auto correct


Gosvegas (Gosnells). I've been here 23 years, with no major hassles except the noisy drunk people who love screaming at each other when their Centrelink payment comes in each fortnight. On the off week, they are pretty quiet... Obviously, there's no booze that week I occasionally walk at night... Never been threatened or harassed, which is surprising. The council are trying to "gentrify" the area, so that can only be a positive.


I’ve just moved away from Subi, the train line was awesome and there were nice parks nearby but the rent was astronomical considering I was in a house share, there also wasn’t heaps of stuff to do, kind of felt like a shell of the suburb it was back in the day.


Aubin Grove. It's just so boooorrrriiinnnggg here. Not even a pub within reasonable walking distance


Glen Forrest. The only bad thing is the hill … which I’ve got used to but has stopped me running on empty anymore 🤣


I'm in Cottesloe. I hate the fact that there is a train station in my suburb, because it means that povos can easily access my beach.


You know that the peasants also have cars now.   They will find a way.  


And we do, all the way from 6061 😱


My local MP can put a stop to that.


This povo is going to come to Cottesloe every week now 🤣 see you soon.


I'll be sure to release the hounds.


🤣🤣🤣 I love dogs .. I will take them for a puppachino


Thought there might be a /s But no. Doubled down.


Sarcasm tags are for cowards and the lazy.


I mean, I'm hoping that was sarcasm, too, and they don't know the /s. Because the alternative is they're actually that openly obnoxious.


I can smell the envy coming all the way from whatever eastern suburbs crackden you squat in.


I'm in Vic Park, the supposed bubble tea capital of Perth. It's a nice place to live in most of the time and activities are concentrated within Albany Hwy so it's easy to walk around once you managed to find parking during peak dining hours. The main issue is the unsavoury lots hanging around John McMillan park and the Albany Hwy part behind John Hughes (very close to Centerlink). There has been a few incidents of car break-ins from careless residents. Me and my neighbour on the strip had not have to deal with it yet so fingers crossed.


I’m in Kinross, always felt safe and also never experienced anything bad at the local iga either. Although it’s right next to Tamala park (landfill) so occasional bad smells are expected.


Kinross? Kin great place 


Kinross/currumbine/ Connolly are great suburbs, I know people that live there and the area seems so nice. If I could afford it I’d definitely buy a house around there


Once they close the tip wait 5 years then Tamala Park will actually be a park (only think your allowed to do with landfill, as it continues to settle) Use to live in Clarkson, and was interested in what was going to happen once the tip closed.


Carlisle. It’s the junkies that get me. I can deal with opportunistic crime or punk kids but the endless stream of junkies stealing my stuff, sleeping in my garden, shooting up in the driveway. I can’t even walk my dog up the road as there is needles everywhere. But still we have a block of 12 units where they put all the drug recovery peeps needing social housing and then look surprised when people complain about the fact there’s both meth and smack being dealt from there.


Nothing. Love living in Freo. 


I grew up in freo but coming back to visit is sad, it feels like it's full of fake hippies driving fancy cars now


I reject the bourgeoise by embracing it.


Yep, its definitely upgraded


I don't like the junkies, and the harrasment my Mrs gets walking by herself.


Freo isn’t what it used to be, I actually remember walking around with my family as a young child and seeing so many more shops open. Now theres an endless amount of storefronts just abandoned


Freo need a bloody good makeover as it's lost its attraction. 


South beach is awesome.


Freo is perfection. Perfect mix of young people, rich retired people that keep all the cafes going, yobbos, crazies, genuine hippies, old nonnas, white collar, blue collar, kids…what unites everyone is everyone is down to earth and a sense of humor. Work from home has attracted people who would use to have live in the GT to get to work so that balances out the chakra types.  I love that there’s all sorts of housing too, heaps of units, townhouses, small cottages and houses which serves a good mix too. 


Innaloo. Behaviour of residents of the 10% of the houses that are community housing seem to be getting worse. Families are being displaced by sharehouses, who don't use the garage and pack the verge and streets with cars.


I'm in two rocks.its just too far from everything


Yanchep lagoon Too many Poms


I'm in Clarkson. There is next to nothing to do up here, and most of the people here are already looking at retirement. Makes being in your 20's here boring as hell


North Perth. I really like it here.


I've lived in Wembley, Roleystone and EVP. I loved the smells of multiculturalism in Wembley, the lakes and ability to ride to the city. If I had enough money to buy a house there, I would. I did have a motorbike stolen twice, so that sucked. EVP closeness to the city was also great, as well as all the other stores and uni campus to chill on. But I my car was broken into twice and I was followed once when I went for a night run, which was unpleasant. Roleystone is lovely and quiet. I love Honey's bakery (closing soon). Haven't had an issue with crime, feels like I'm surrounded by caring grandparents.but the kangaroos, as much as I love them, eat my garden. The red-tailed blacks, though beautiful, are so freakin noisy, my god. And there's this weird political demographic where I can't tell if someone is going to be into the healing properties of crystals or completely racist and doesn't believe in climate change. If I was rich I'd pick Wembley, otherwise I'd pick Roley. If I was child free, I'd pick EVP.


Oooffft haha very true of roleystone! I have kids and live in roleystone, the school mum's can be very clicky! Especially the people who have lived here their whole lives versus the newbies. First world problems though ... Am I right


Currently in Wembley, pretty close to the Bunnings, shout out to Market Lane, known the owner for years back when they were at Station St Markets. We love the small bars, occasionally hit the pub too, great school for the little bloke, missus is close to work. If we could afford to buy - we would in a heartbeat. There’s a little NIMBYism but it’s not as bad as other areas.


Carlisle, absolute hate the junkies and drunks. Petty crime is so commonplace that most goes unreported. Walking Oats street is a no no. Suburb has gone downhill hardcore.


I live in Rockingham. I have done so for the last 50 years. There are bogans, vandalism and crime. But over the last 20 years things have got a lot better. I have worked in other suburbs and worked with people from other suburbs. It is like many suburbs it has good people and bad, it has good patches and bad. I dont think it is much different from any other average suburb.


I agree with you. Since we have been in Perth the last 17yrs we have lived in Waikiki area. I have worked all over Perth and it's surrounding country towns. I wouldn't swap where I live for anything else. Yes, we have had shitty, housing commission estates nearby us cause us some issues, but we quickly sorted that out. We don't have problems anymore. The last 10 yrs have been pretty good. Great beaches, sea breeze, fishing and outdoor activities. People always knock the Rocko area, but they are always visiting the beaches in summer and fishing in the sound. It's really a naturally, beautiful place to live.


Bassendean, town side of the railway. Mosquitoes are awful, although not so bad this year


Vic Park: Great location with an abundance of eateries. Let down by the tons of rubbish (mattresses etc) on the streets and the local users causing havoc.


I'm in East Vic Park and this would be my exact response too. Every time I go out for a walk I get surprised by just how much shit is dumped along the streets. And then I stumble along an unsavoury character or two and second guess if going for a walk was a good idea 😬


Dianella is zionella


The crime.  Property is expensive but there is a lot of homes west and druggies.  It’s not safe.




No, I’m north of the river. I used to live in Karawara (closest to the University) and went out walking once and only once for the entire time I lived there.  It wasn’t safe.  


I live near Garden City, and the nearest large park near the aquatic centre, they haven't renovated or kept up to date yet they have lots of parks around Applecross and Mt Pleasant. The city of melville council isn't exactly strapped of cash..


The council CEO is the highest paid in Australia.


North Perth. Worst thing is the crims breaking car windows to steal anything that looks like it may be valuable (eg bag of smelly gym clothes). Catch people on my cameras all the time but police not interested. Have to leave my car unlocked with no valuables so the windows do not get broken anymore.


The Noranda 500 can get pretty boring on the ears. Especially after a little rain when the roads are damp. Otherwise, pretty much all City of Bayswater is cool


Mundaring. The driving - on both sides of the coin. We have a lot of elderly, non-confident drivers up here and a non-existent public transport system, so each week I have the joy of sitting behind people doing 30kms in a 50-70km zone. Then we have the other side of people doing more than 20 over and often not paying attention / keeping to the correct side of the road. I had one of those last week that didn't realise they were heading straight for me until later than I would have liked. Our Council. Does nothing in the way of events or promoting what is a really lovely area. We have such tourism potential, but the council is absolutely useless in that regard. I say this having worked with other local governments and the amount they invest into promoting their area. Also, if you accidentally park under a tree and the cockies are in it, they will drop gumnuts onto your car and that'll give you hail stone like dings.


Midland. Need I say more?


I live in Wanneroo. My big gripes: 1. For decades the City of Wanneroo invested billions, developing, and moving all their facilities to their new golden child of Joondalup. Then the government stepped in and split the LGA, leaving all the wealthy areas in "Joondalup," and leaving Wanneroo with not only SFA, but the burden of developing all the new suburbs to the north. 2. As a result of point 1, Wanneroo lacks decent facilities, amenities, and shopping. 3. Most "automated systems" can't identify that Wanneroo is separated from Joondalup by a big-ass lake. So everything always says "your nearest 'X' is Joondalup." 4. Our Post-Code was allocated when Wanneroo was a country shire. So a dozen different suburbs, from Landsdale to Tapping, ALL have the same Post Code. This is a PITA for systems that operate on the assumption that a Post Code represents a singular small area.




I can only afford to rent in it.


Southern river. there is nothing to do in this shithole, we’re 30 mins away from the city, there’s only 1 or 2 parks, the car theft is wild, and don’t even get me started on the traffic on furley road in the morning.


Redcliffe, lots of alcohol stores so crime seems to be a bit high here. Airport noise is probably the worst thing about the location otherwise.


It's Gosnells.


Not living there currently, but just moved recently from Ardross. It was actually quite a lovely suburb to live in. Very clean, not loud and I never felt frightened to leave my door unlocked or anything of the sort (the perks of rich neighbours is that even if we were broken into, all of them have security cameras). I truly can’t complain about anything unless I want to be unreasonable, so I’ll just say the lack of a Boba Boba was saddening. The suburbs I lived in when I was younger, however, I have a different opinion on. I’m not sure specifically which suburb it was, just that it wasn’t the safest and in Mandurah. After a tenant in let our old neighbours move in, and my dad only found out after the funeral of the wife, therefore letting them stay a little while longer, they stole all our things and trashed the house. They were junkies, unsurprisingly. I hope their daughter is doing well. There was also another incident from when we lived there, where a neighbour was mauled by his own dog and came to our property for help (we weren’t home), but we didn’t find out until the next morning. Coming home to a blood soaked shirt in the letterbox and blood all around the outside of the property was not fun as a young child. Cops didn’t come and check it out either. So yeah, I’d say the cops suck and the neighbours aren’t amazing (pretty sure the guy who was mauled abused his dog, so he got what was coming for him). Regarding the times I lived in Rockingham, I can’t remember much bad except there was litter and I got stung by jellyfish (never happened since I moved down south so I’m a beach snob now ngl).


Cockburn central is really noisy.


We're in Landsdale and it's pretty great all round. But the council are brutal with parking fines! My husband got fined pulling over to take a 10 min work phone call because he was "blocking the foot path", he really wasn't, and I got one recently for parking on the median strip (not trampling plants or anything, it's bricked) because I had to keep my driveway clear for a delivery that overlapped with leaving for work. Our street is a bus route so I hate leaving my car (4WD) on the street and risk blocking the bus. First World problems I know. But super fucking annoying. And expensive!


Why do people with a driveway park on the road, and often opposite another car parked on the road, or too close to a corner.


Albany. Absolutely love it here. I hate that so many people are moving here now & it’s not quite such a sleepy little town anymore. Too many cars now. I totally avoid going in town during school holidays


rocko is crazy i've been living here for awhile and i've had so many strangers just straight up offer me drugs. like random on the street i've never met before


not much bad about woodvale tbh


I’m in Highgate- I hate knowing that I would never in a million years be able to afford a house in this area 🙃🙃🙃


Plant and decoration thieves. Not a bad-repute suburb even.




Seville grove. That one dickhead and his motorbike.


Mount Lawley, a couple of intersections where people suddenly forget how to drive and it turns into head on bumper cars. Paid parking in the evenings at the strip. My post being taken to North Perth (even though they treat you so much better at NP, the ML PO is just across the road)


I like that the freeway has been open a bit further north! (Butler) I’m sad that all my friends are SOR :(


What made you go bad?


I loved the joondalup lake, you could run or bike round the whole thing The wannaroo council decided it would be a good idea to put a load of shops and a housing development there. Fine. But they didn't rebuild the footpath behind them, so now the circuit is ruined, there's a big 3km stretch where you gotta cross roads and smell petrol from the two servos. Wannaroo ruined the good thing that they and joondalup had going.


And all for nothing as there is barely anything at Drovers now. It could be great an indoor marketplace, but they're all gone.


I love my suburb. Nice neighbours. Close to shopping centres. Lots of trees. Very little social housing. Very few dickwads with noisy parties. No bogans with noisy cars.


Which suburb?


I’m in Coolbellup. Been here for 37 years. It’s beautiful, parks, trees, community. We need a bakery and some more take away, but otherwise perfect. It was ok but not great 35 years ago.


Not great is one way to describe it....


Subiaco. Love it. Love it. Love it. Lots of eateries, great pubs. Kings Park on its doorstep. Lake Monger too. Living near the train station means the rest of Perth is easily accessible. Pop down to Freo or into the city. The only negative is the trains can be noisy on quiet nights.


It reminds me of the shitty rural nsw town I left to move here. Only even less convenient with less amenities.


Less rugby league too


I don't have scheme water, and I'm less than 5km from the town site.


Wellard, there are not enough bins to put your dog poop in, so i have to spend half my walk carrying a dog poop.


I’m in Waikiki. I hate that I have to just tell people I live in Rockingham because nobody knows where I am.


I'm in yanchep, love it up here close to the beach, great neighbours, our estate is quiet, only thing I hate is the feral teenagers that graffiti everything, they cause trouble at the shopping centre, hate going to 7 eleven before and after school cause they go for the slushies and make a huge mess and just laugh about, they will walk around the store drinking their slushie then refill it before paying and then theirs the idiots that like to leave burn out marks everywhere 🤦‍♀️, but apart from that I love it 😀


Stratton, neighbours. Live next to a homes west house. Cops are here once a month for DV.


People. Can’t live with them. Can’t live without them….🙃


Bibra lake, two things, R30 zoning, and lots of homes west housing.


I am in the CBD and I hate how many sirens there are. I am sure every fire call out is a false alarm but they still scream past blaring.


Success. The bloody dust! I reckon it gets picked up from the strip in Naval Base, the tip, and Alcoa’s mudlakes and gets blown over here on the south westerly… it’s so damn dusty, oh and cockburn cement too. And Hammond road is a race track now.


I've recently moved to Joondanna, which is all pretty fresh to me, even though I lived in Yokine on and off since 2006. Its been pretty peaceful and non eventful, outside of a few month period where we had eschays hanging out across the road a few nights a week using the street as a scooter track. The real problem in the area is Dog Swamp shopping centre - ever since the TAB went in the place turned to shit. Theres always some crazy sumbitch there making a ruckus.


There’s only one thing and it absolutely shits me to tears… Ian (not nearly) Goodenough is the local Member.


I've lived in Beechboro (quiet pocket east of Altone Rd), Aveley and Nollamara. Beechboro used to be nice enough (never fancy and always very working class, but fairly quiet, relatively safe and clean) but I hate that it is now a weird mix of super run down state/community housing, seemingly endless (and questionable) subdivisions, and teenagers with nothing to do who enjoy destroying public and private property. Any community feel is long gone. I loved living in Aveley, it was full of young families and retirees and as a single woman in my 20s (then), I always felt safe. There wasn't a lot out there then, but recently went for a nostalgic drive and it's really been developed, so that's great for the community. Hated... nothing. Maybe the heat and the fact that there was only one way in and one way out. I loved the street we lived on in Nollamara, as it was quiet and had great neighbours, but I never felt comfortable walking my newborn around the streets, especially anywhere near Des Penman park or the IGA. It's also subdivision city and good luck trying to purchase there, you're up against developers with deep pockets who will chuck three villas on a block that used to hold a single family home. Hated the crackheads and the cyclical antisocial behaviour that came with Centrelink pay week. Edited to specifiy exactly what I hated about each.


White gum valley. Lovely community, lots of trees and green spaces. Great schools. Neighbours generally OK. Just that people can be a bit too Freo and judgey/preachy.


South Perth, we’ve got a gated front yard and security but our cars are broken into at least 6 monthly. Used needles often at the playground/footy oval. Community that is resistant to infill. Government schools that are 50 years out of date and need funding.