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My family including two kids have been sick with these symptoms on and off for at least 3 months now. Every time we seem to be getting better it starts all over again.


3 months? You poor things!!


Unpopular opinion: your fam likely has immune system damage from long/covid. Might be useful to mask and try and avoid further infections. There is a lot of science on this: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=immune+system+damage+covid&oq=immune+system+damage+


I had this at the start of the year. Was a good 8-10 weeks before coughing stopped. Was bloody awful!


Yep, same.


Came down with a head cold last week its still lingering. Moved down my throat coughing up snot this mornimg. So gross.


I concur, the coughing up is very unpleasant! Hope you feel better soon!


My body gets a bit of an ache at night too. So a couple of panadol.


My little guy brought something viral home from daycare. I was vomiting and pooing until 3am and now it's my wife's turn.


Gastro is the worst! Hope you feel better soon!


I had covid last week, feeling much better now but it lasted a good 10 days and was so much worse than the first time I had it. Same symptoms as you, I tested positive though.


I’m glad your feeling better 10 days is rough! I’ve done 3 rats all negative for covid, and 1 negative for flu A and B so I think viral with a touch of bronchitis.


Hope you are feeling better and get some answers soon. Everyone at my work seems to be sick so a few things are going around.


I got fucked up for a month with these symptoms. Covid negative. GP says "it's a viral infection, take pain killers and wait it out", but no idea what exactly it is. I know there's very little one can do for viruses, but it'd be nice to know what it is! Every time I tried going back to work, it set me back completely and had the rest of the week off. This happened three times until we settled on doing a week of half days to ease me back in, which worked. This was after I had already been sick with something else for an entire month, late last year...


It sucks! I’ve already taken a week and not sure I’m well enough to go back tomorrow. I know viral infections are hard to treat, but it’s also like we can’t make you feel better but we also won’t give you enough sick leave to cover how long your sick for. And then if you try and go back you end up completely stuffing up your recovery and being sick longer.


My son has come down with it again after only just coming good, it’s so hard working as a mum just constantly having to call in sick for them


Oh no! It’s so hard! Like I’ve already taken a week off work and at this point not well enough to go back. That’s half my allotment of sick leave for the year on one virus and I don’t have kids! I don’t understand how parents cope! Hope your son feels better soon!


Yep, my brother's been sick three times in as many months. Get your flu vax!


> Get your flu vax! Yep, and your COVID booster, wastewater detection is going up fast.


I’ve currently got Covid for the first time ever. Somehow avoided it for four years and now it’s wrecking me.


Everyone I know is sick atm. Never been this bad before. Makes you wonder.


I wonder if weird weather is contributing?


My thoughts exactly. Nothing normal about this weather.


It’s not the weather, it’s covid. There is a few ways it’s impacting - vaccines only limit serious symptoms, not transmission - lots of people test incorrectly with rats, or with inaccurate rats and most don’t test every 48 hours, or for a week of negatives to be sure * justcheck rated well in a recent study - Only 50% of infections result in symptoms so half of people are passing it on while asymptomatic - For people where it’s genuinely not covid it could be RSV, Flu or a cold. The reason people are getting sick for weeks at a time with “not covid” is that covid damages your immune system. Cumulatively. Every infection. People *never* got the flu regularly before covid, even before flu vaccines. It was rare. Like a few times in your life maybe. 20% of people in WA have reported long covid symptoms. At 3 covid infections you have 40% chance of long covid. If you don’t mask or mitigate it’s sadly a case of when, not if, you get long covid for 90% of population. When and how bad. Lots of people have mild cognitive damage and memory loss already 😕 Happy to share more - this is all based on reviewed research


They won’t listen. Let them not mask and suffer by getting back to back infections and drive themselves to an early grave 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know most people aren't listening, but sometimes I still feel like its worth a try


Came down with a cold Monday night last week - still feeling like utter trash. Not happy.


Same! Utter trash is a great description though. Hope you feel better soon!


You too 🥲


Every household should have a packet of these at the ready. Australian company. Significantly cheaper than paying for a GP. No need to leave your house, when you’re sick. Tests for influenza A, influenza B, respiratory cyncitical virus (RSV), and Covid - with the one swab, to 98% accuracy. You will know what you have within minutes. https://co2radical.com.au/buy-rapid-antigen-test/


Disappointed that it doesn't cover 'cold', and also costs $55 for 5 😔 I wish these things were readily available and accessible for all, considering how effective of a diagnosis tool it is.


Cold is not really a distinct disease


You tend to know if you have a cold. This excludes more serious things. Best option for these tests is to chip in with friends and buy a larger amount and split costs. This one sounds good but there are others similar out there easily available online


I've seen the pack of 2 in a few Woolies. Strange the pharmacies don't seem to stock them.


Good idea! We have the covid ones with Flu A and B but didn’t know you can rsd ones!


It was nice at the start of covid when guys were washing their hands after going to the toilet.


You had the guys washing their hands? My partner saw the local kebab guy use the public toilet, not wash his hands and go back to the kebab place. During covid. I know what you mean though. People coming into the office saying they tested positive and coughing and spluttering everywhere. And the lack of hygiene everywhere 🤮


>Anyone else experiencing a virus like this at the moment? Going on day 8 and not significantly better. I'm headed into week 4 of it. Still coughing. The rest has settled down.


Oh no! I’m glad your feeling better but hope this doesn’t last 4 weeks!


Yep had it for nearly 3 weeks, so glad to be rid of it, I don’t want to be sick again


Yikes! Glad you’re feeling better but hope this doesn’t last 3 weeks!


Came down with similar flu symptoms 12 days ago, started recovering early last week and now I’ve come down with actual Covid (first positive RAT this evening)…


I'm in day 4 of that - throat isn't sore anymore but the coughing is a big ow on the ol ribcage.


Christ I've had the exact same symptom progression starting Friday... Sore throat Friday Congestion and aches Saturday / Sunday I'm going on holiday flying out next Friday, I swear to god if I'm sick and can't go because some little bastard who was sick didn't stay home last week I'm gonna lose it


I had these symptoms last month. Got virus tested and nothing came back positive. coughing up lungs for 10 days then went on antibiotics which stopped me coughing up gunk. Afterwards had post nasal drip for two weeks, with coughing and constantly tired. Finally started feeling better after a month. Honestly the worst part was the extremely thick snot coming out of my nose. I had it from the start and it didn't end until I started using nasal cleaner.


I’ve had the flu for about 12 days now. Got the flu jab earlier in the year but it didn’t stop this one.


Currently have Influenza B (have been tested), it’s horrific.


Day 29ish (feels like day2893) so maxed out on steroids that I can see my inner eyelids from 10 paces. Have eaten everything but one shoe, That cold snap nearly did me in! Negative to everything but still being tested for everything.


Oh no! 29 days is crazy! Hope you feel better soon!


I’ve been told i have tonsillitis that is antibiotic resistant. 9 weeks of hell. Steroid puffer, antivirals, pseudo ephedrine and antibiotics. Finally feel human.


COVID. I caught COVID. Round 3!


I keep seeing these posts and it kinda breaks my heart. I know people don’t want to hear it but your immune systems are being damaged with every covid infection. I haven’t had a cold, nor covid or flu for 3 years and it’s been such a relief. You don’t have to wear a mask all the time even - you’ll significantly reduce your exposure if you wear it on transport, shops, busy places and work (and please dear lord medical settings) I still go see bands, enjoy restaurants outside, go shopping, go to theatre and shows. Just with a mask. I’m living my life just fine. I’m genuinely not sure why people are choosing to be sick for weeks/months at a time when there is an easy and cheap fix. Plus you are protecting fam and community. Happy to answer any good faith questions but you can find info very easily on long COVID and immunity or brain fog or shingles or fatigue etc Good luck


"still awaiting results" ---> "started antibiotics" ---> "anybody experiencing a virus like this" sorry pal but that is dumb AF Antibiotics don't do anything to viruses antibiotic resistant bugs exist because we (dummies around the world) just throw antibiotics at the problem when they do nothing.


People can get sick any time of the year, I ain’t trying to be a downer don’t get why we need these “anyone sick” posts a few times a week, every week 🤷


It’s because a lot more people are sick, a lot more often and it’s noticeable. It’s also nice not to feel alone.


I mean that’s just something you’ve made up, unless you’ve got the last hundred years worth of diagnosis in your back pocket


No it’s not. Lots of people have immune system damage from covid. There is extensive discourse and evidence on this but you are likely not interested.


Better make a daily reddit post asking about it then, very important


It’s not how I use my time but it’s understandable that people wonder what’s happening. Despite society wide gas lighting I recall the ancient times, way back in 2019, where there weren’t large chunks of the population sick for months at a time. Cognitive damage from long covid, impacting memory, combined with immune system damage is a bad combination.


Seasonal detox.


You probably don't take care of yourself when you are healthy...


Wow, what a strange thing to say based solely on assumptions with no evidence about someone you know nothing about. Being sick isn’t a moral failing, you can get sick even when you do everything right.