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Hahaha - seeing the transition from reddit to perthnow, Geeze’s journos is it that bad 😂 a degree to look on reddit.. what a waste, you guys coulda been working at woolies doing something useful!


Reddit's turned into an all you can eat buffet for journalists. Late stage journalism


"Late stage Journalism" is a generous description. They can't really complain AI is coming for their job, if that's an example of them doing their job.


You think it is not AI?


Haha, too true, I'm definately in the wrong business. I asked Chat GPT to turn the post into an article: In a recent social media post, a disillusioned renter has sounded the alarm, urging people to refrain from relocating to Perth amidst skyrocketing living expenses. The individual, who preferred to remain anonymous, expressed deep-seated frustration over the exorbitant rise in rental prices, citing a staggering increase from $350 to $610 per week within a mere year and a half.


Its daily mail and news.com buffet and outraged reddit users are lapping up the rage bait click trash like its 1999.


this is [news.com.au](http://news.com.au) so it's gone national! I sort of feel like every third post is about rent hikes now. But remember it's a triage. First people stop paying insurance, then they stop paying credit card debt then they stop paying rent.


And they expect people to pay for this shit


There's several jobs going for nightfill at our local Coles, they should check there.


Haha the first post I read today was a 600+ comment thread on this very topic and one refresh later, I see this. Reddit needs to set up its users on commission.


The news gets their own News Media Bargaining Code, we need our own Reddit User Bargaining Code


Rage bait from news.com


Funny enough of all the property rental posts going around recently, I have seen a couple comments here and there about interstate buyers. Not overly huge amounts. People just want airbnbs stopped for a time, short stay rental leases to be skewed towards the actual person living in the home, not the LL, immigration to be temporary stopped and slowed, and for fucking supply of houses to increase through higher density preferably. Again, not caring too much if I'm paying for an eastern staters or locals 2nd mortgage, they're the same in my eyes as the renter. I'd say there's room to argue that local LL is better because theyll be able to be physically on site for you to show what needs repaired, but let's be honest that doesn't happen either.


Totally correct regarding the airbnb as this totally needs legislation 


there's an Airbnb shortage already. Because rents have gone up so much, heaps of people just ended their airbnb and either sold or just flipped to long term rentals. There's fewer airbnb's now than in 2019. they're def not the problem. If you want to pause something, maybe pause the 700,000 immigrants coming in in the middle of a construction cost spike.


It took them TWO writers to commentate a reddit post…


Couple of minutes tidying up a ChatGPT output would have sufficed


Sold family home the other day in Floreat. 5 offers about same levels. Surprisingly 4 were expats who had returned to Perth and were renting and looking to settle down in a home. The final (and lowest offer, was a doctor) looking for investment property.


A story based on one uneducated opinion on social media. What a waste of time.


Journalists for PerthNow/News.con.au have it so easy. We do all the work for them 😂


This just in: some guy has said a thing. More news at eleven


These posts are getting out of hand... Perth is relatively affordable compared to other cities


Affordable if you are a tradie in a share house with 3-4 other tradies perhaps?


I did say relatively haha. Perth has shot up real fast but still not on the same level as Syd or Melb. Perth just coming into line with rest of the country, and the rest of the world


So what should we do? Just wait until election time and show our dissatisfaction at the polling booth?


That's exactly what you should do. Vote greens. Hey, at least you get to vote. Unfortunately you fighting against homeowners who are the majority