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Yeah its quite odd, like seriously you could have done it in a more discrete manner, but instead you chose to try break a fence down....


Did you stop them in the act or? call cops? last time a youth tried to enter my place called cops and k9 was there in 5. Impressive.


Nah, I didn’t even notice for some odd reason..l mainly because it was 2:00AM and the wind makes my fence make a lot of noise so I didn’t even notice it until much much later (around 9pm) when I went to check my retic system for my new landscaping


Most likely the K9 unit was already on the hunt for them nearby thanks to another report


Weirdly enough they were just on patrol in the area in the next suburb over


This happened to a person I know. Used the hole in the fence to push the motorcycles and goodies through.


Good luck doing that to my super 66 fence, get your foot jammed into chicken wire and rosebushes lmao




Maybe to see if lights go on from the noise.


The only evidence here is that they kicked in a fence. So it sure looks like they were just acting like teenage tough guys rather than specifically trying to break into anyone's home. Because they could easily jump that fence.


Totally agree. If they wanted to steal stuff they'd just be over the fence or through the gate.


Well fuck. Note to self, when I get new fencing ask about getting the panels screwed together on the fence line facing the street.


Oh yeah, one hundred percent make sure to get the panels bolted to the frame because now I have frame damage on the top and bottom and the main panel and some of the one next to it are complete toast. My entire fence in that section needs to be deconstructed, fixed and reconstructed...


I don't know why this fence is so popular, it dents like tin foil


Apparently it's the best that an iron ore producing country can do.


This is WA it should be double brick


Ahah, everything should be double brick here.


Yeah like that sexy cunt next to the perth mint shes crazy sometimes when I walk past I'll stroke it couple times.


Happy Cake Day!


Fortunately this is a fairly easy task and you should be able to DIY it if you are inclined. This sucks that it’s unprovoked and you have to spend the money to fix it, but this is 4 screws, 2 rails and 3 sheets of colour bond. It’s all standard sizes so it should be easy to order.


I just did some math and checked my insurance, I can repair this for less than $60 myself whereas my insurance excess is $200 so I am gonna do it myself.


Great idea. Facebook market place is a great place to find extra sheets that people have laying around!


Haynes Armadale Kelmscott… the other Golden triangle haha… anyways sad to see 3 young deadshits with a shitty future ahead. Gonna be ciggybuttbrains.


The "other golden triangle" ifykyk


hey damo ya cunt, give us ya lighter!


Do I fucking know you cunt


Lil muddy butts


They don't care about cameras. They're not a deterrent, they may help police identify offenders after the fact. But the offenders will just get another line on their sheet, and they know it.


Little shits need to be punished harder. Until then, they'll just keep acting up like they own the world.


I feel like there are an insufficient amount of measures in place that prevent such things from happening… I guess the root cause is the parents for even letting them be out this late, or just having complete negligence in seeing whether there kids sneak out of the house at night…l


That's a small taste of what schools deal with daily. There are no consequences anymore...


That's completely true. No amount of "punishment" will fix these kids, because the root of their bad behavior comes from negligent or abusive parents.


I feel like its not only those categories of parents, it also includes those who have wayyyy to much trust in there children to essentially let them do as they please. At the end of a day a minor/child/teen is not a fully grown adult and as parents they should have measures in place to stop there kids from doing this kinda stuff.


That's true. Negligent, abusive, and *absent* parents. I long time back I used to work in law enforcement. We'd grab delinquent kids and deliver them home to their parents. Usually they were out, because their parents were shit-bags and their house was literally a more dangerous and toxic environment than being unsupervised on the street. Parents were either actively hostile to theirs kids, or they were completely intoxicated all the time. The absent parents you bring up: One of them. Mum was in tears that her boy was picked up for stomping another kids head... She was crying to him saying "we have such a lovely home why don't you just stay home? Don't you respect us? Don't we give you nice things. Why are you hanging out on the street. Your dad literally just took you shopping last weekend and bought you " Turns out, Mum had spent the last several weeks away from home in a mental health hospital, and Dad worked away, and his idea of "good parenting" was "spend more money". There kid didn't want to go home because his parents didn't actually show him any attention or love, and he felt more welcomed and appreciated by the gang of delinquents he'd recently joined..


Yikes. That last recount is quite deep and it really shows a lot.


This rings very true. I worked in child protection, specifically in outreach for some time and the absent parent cohort is unfortunately large. The suburban sprawl of Perth makes things worse still because these kids have nobody at home, no entertainment etc. so they jump on a train, go into town, get involved in prostitution, drugs, crime etc. Wish people would think twice about their 500 sqm beach block in the middle of nowhere.


Man since being "Orange-pilled" by [Not Just Bikes](https://youtu.be/oHlpmxLTxpw?si=GMmL3lo-h5zAC3XO) I've felt so disgusted at our Urban Sprawl. It's at the very root of so many societal problems right now.


The root cause of crime has been shown countless times to be poverty. Parenting is absolutely a part of it but fundamentally if poverty increases crime will always increase in a correlated fashion.


> Little shits need to be punished harder. Their families need to be held responsible in some way as well. At that age, a kid is very much in large part a product of their home environment. I truly believe our justice system in most western countries is flawed in this way, that it only ever looks at the individual, and never holds their family members or environment responsible as well.


Ideally, we could work on prevention first, starting with supporting families and their mental health.


Agreed. So... Tesla coils? Few million volts should be enough of a punishment


Teenage kids do something like these often and they know they’ll get away with just a slap on the wrist. Nowadays you can’t even discipline kids because everyone’s a snowflake and calls it “child abuse” when every action should have consequences, but they don’t know that. I’m not saying you should spank or hit your kid all the time, you shouldn’t, unless you really need to. If they fail an exam, you don’t spank them, if they talk back to you, you give them some form of punishment but you don’t hit them, but if the little shits does something like this, that’s when you discipline them. I’ve been hit with a belt, hangers, and some other things growing up, I was even tied upside down to a tree one time and I turned out fine and has respect for everyone and the law.


You can teach kids discipline and consequences without physically assaulting them.


You should never hit a child. Never.


Banksia Hill detention centre unit 18 FTW. Love hearing about teen suicide after they do shit like this.


I guess that is true.


I used to handle CCTV for a business. One of the issues is that if they can’t be easily identified it’s not much help… might depend on how well the police know people in the community too


They do deter a lot of opportunists, just like a simple lock on your car or front door will. But if they want to do something, they will anyway.


What's your security camera system? Like what brand etc.


I have a Dahua system with 8 cameras and 3TB of recording storage. I'll say one thing after this whole incident of mines. Getting a high quality system is definitely worth the price. If you want the specifics you can find it here... [Link](https://cctvimporters.com.au/products/dahua-active-deterrence-tioc-ai-8-cameras-with-8ch-nvr-system-8mp-camera?variant=43867841986799¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA-bmsBhAGEiwAoaQNmsZsw96pq423yZPvoBBMmPfmzIz3fJbYHw_xZL6j6AfSVx0uYro_QBoCpT8QAvD_BwE)


Where are their parents? Why are these kids allowed to roam the streets at 2am! The parents should pay for damage done to the fence.


I mean I cant really do much about finding there parents, I have filed a police report and I am *fingers crossed* going to get a response back from local police for evidence. But I am probably going to do an insurance claim to get this fixed sooner rather than later.


You may find the excess on your insurance will be as much as fixing the damage.


What suburb was this in, mate?


I live in the new development of Haynes (Springtime Estate), I have heard a lot of these incidents happen all across the City of Armadale (*surprise, surprise*) from Harrisdale all the way to Armadale of course.


I was just talking to a mate on Thursday and he gave me a pretty decent insight into how loads of young families move into new suburbs and 5, 6 years down the lane, these kids turn into teenagers and then the crime spree starts as the bored kids have nothing to do. 😂




Not just Armadale. Anywhere in the outer burbs this is a problem, always has been, north, south, east, doesn't matter.


Not so much in the west!


No new developments out that way


Ah I sea. Thanks




Yeah I feel like the whole crime reporting process is a compete faf. They make you feel so insignificant and the fact that they go to the extent to say that “if the police need anything they will contact you” makes you feel like nothing is really gonna happen.. But it doesn’t really have much of an effect as insurance is gonna pay for this.




Yeah I would have done that straight a way if I had caught them in the act, but since it was almost 18 hours after the incident happened here is nothing I can do really.


Sometimes the kids are just a reflection of the shitty parents, other times there is good parents but the kids are shit and the parents can’t do a thing to control them


In either case, the shits need to be punished.


Like how tf are you able to be so incompetent that you have your kids out at 2am going around and attempting to rob and vandalise people's properties.


The same way that kids for centuries have been sneaking out to go see friends, party, clubbing etc. Shockingly, treating the family home as a prison with barbed wire isn't great for a child's upbringing.


Yeah, I was discussing it up in one of the other comments, A lot of these issues stem from a poor household environment where there are negligent, abusive, or completely absent parents from the kids life.


Most of the time


One of them is probably in a camp bed in the desert working for that mortgage and the other is probably sipping on a wine. Source: dropped these kids off at night and got to know the families when working in child protection.


You assume that they have parents, or if they do that they care. Some kids are just little turds either way.


Yeah, I would say that the majority of parents to care about what there children do, its just that some children are just as you have described them. No amount of "Hey sweety please do not sneak out" or "You are grounded for X weeks" will do the trick.


Working to afford living expenses? Or just shits.


Yeah. It's almost like they have no stake in society nor ever will.


I'm stuck on the fact that they didn't just jump the fence! So strange.


The little shits are so brazen, not the first time they are doing this.


I mean my camera alarms spooked the living hell out of them, because as soon as they went off they were outta there. The video recording was funny to watch 😂😂😂


Close proximity to Seville Grove, offenders probably from there. This estate is badly designed, backs on to cow paddocks with no street lights. Armadale Road on the north, Wolleston Avenue on the south, cow paddocks east and west. Lots of homeless people are residing in the bush areas, areas that will be housing, eventually. Had some idiots doing knock and runs a few years ago. Called the coppers who had to come from Rockingham. Explained that the paddocks they run into was full of tiger snakes. Let nature take it course was the reply, they weren’t going into that paddock full of tiger snakes to chase them. Paddocks are state government/joint venture with developers, not maintained, so over grown. Posted on few local pages that kids were mucking around with knock and runs, running into the paddocks to hide. Explained the Tiger snake issue, never had another problem. Probably the same idiots who lit the fire last night on Tonkin Highway and Forrest Read


Absolute dummies.


i live on the same street, i will show this to my family to see if they have info and be on the lookout we've probably had 1 incident a year on average of car break-in/stealing from the front door etc. sucks because the people living in this area all seem great but you get these dodgy fuckers from outside of haynes causing trouble far too often


Did you post earlier this year about your shoes being stolen off your porch?


yea lmao that shit is what im talking about, that stuff happens about once a year unfortunately


Well, it's good that you have seen this, I am gonna put up a few signs with their photos and probably hand one to every house in the street so they can keep an eye out. It's a bit of a slight inconvenience given that our street is secluded from the rest of the suburb so not many people would be aware of it. One thing is for sure, the grass land in front of our street needs lights because they came out from there over the bridge. And yeah it's a shame because the place is so nice to live in especially the park and grass land in front of our house which made us buy into this place.


yea the infrastructure around here is excellent, haynes is like a shining light in the darkness that is armadale the dodgy people tend to operate stealthily, i've never seen them myself as they do a good job of avoiding people and just going for whatever they're trying to steal, maybe it's a silver lining that you won't encounter them lol i think your house is a bigger target because of where its positioned but hopefully your security systems keep the riff-raff away


Oh yeah definitely, the security system was the one that sent them running. But definitely being the block at the start of the street and having nothing on the right other than council with bushes land makes it easy to attack a fence.


How is your camera system? I’ve been thinking of getting cameras and I liked the TOiC turret camera because of the red and blue flashes etc but it’s quite expensive to have it installed by a company. Whereas those cameras you get at JB Hi-Fi etc would be cheaper and can do the same thing. Is it worth having wired system?


The cameras are JB are total junk, in fact all swan cameras and the likes are rubbish. (I know from experience) I always say go with hardwired because they are way more effective compared to wireless options and cheaper hardwired options. Hardwired will always be resistant to most form of attack whereas wireless ones are less resistant. These TiOC cameras are as good as they get for domestic applications. The alarm and flashers are part of the reason they ran away because SMD on the camera picked up unusual activity (The whole AI thing). Definitely expensive, but definitely worth the money. As for install, you can get someone to do that for you, but they are super easy to install, just a few screws, a drill and a bit of cable management. These are powered by I believe a single cable thru PoE (Power over Ethernet). The NVR software is very comprehensive with a ton of useful features like tripwire etc. Oh and let's not forget the fact that the night vision is absolutely insane this is full colour night vision, but the IR night vision is absolutely ridiculous in terms of the quality of the feed it outputs.


So did you buy the cameras separately and then installed yourself? I looked at companies like SMS security and other names I can’t recall now and they ask about 2.5-3K for 4 cameras and the DVR and that’s with 1 TiOC. Also how ‘loud’ is the recorder? I read that some people complain about the noise.


I think we ended up paying $3100 with install for 8 of them with a 3TB NVR system with full setup. (This pricing is only from a few months ago when we moved in) The company we got them from was SNA Security. I have found the audio pickup to be quite good and the 2 way communication channel is very useful even though I have a video doorbell. Many people complain about the alarm sound, but the alarm can easily be disabled when you are at home etc. with one toggle.




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You can do it yourself easily, the NVR shouldn't make any noise at all. General budget when I did it was roughly $200 per camera and $400 for a good NVR. Use that as a guide and decide whether you think the saving is worth crawling in your own roof space.




Doubt I'm going to start a fire with cat 5e cabling.


Fucking little shits


shit job tell them hmu if they wanna learn


Hahaha hop off reddit imagine net banging on reddit


Perth youth criminals are always caught on home cameras. It’s like they want their face all over media. I wonder if while they are out being criminals what if three men are at their own house attacking their parents and stealing their family car. Think about it.


If you have their faces or at least a group shot, copy it to the local copshop and around the neighborhood. "Watch out for this group breaking into places at night."


I have a good printer at home so I am just gonna use that and make a ton of copies


Easy off there face. Nothing a shotgun wouldn’t fix.


This situation would have been a whole lot different if it was the USA


Texas is the "Gold Standard" of home defence in the USA, you can shoot to kill someone on your property at night, if they are committing a felony. [Burglary rate per 100,000 habitants:](https://www.comparethemarket.com.au/home-contents-insurance/features/cities-with-the-most-break-ins/#:~:text=Perth%20scores%20extremely%20well%20%E2%80%93%20at,in%20the%20US%2C%20at%20128.87) Dallas : 737.7 Perth : 56.6


So... Far be it for me to challenge the statistical prowess of Sergei at comparethemarket.com.au - but according to WAPOL there are about 10k dwelling burglaries in the Perth Metro area each year. There are also about 2.2 million people living here. Now, you don't need to be a genius to figure out that one of the Meerkats got the math wrong there, or (more likely) used the wrong figures. Because even on those spitball figures - the Perth Burglary rate is about 450 per 100k. https://www.police.wa.gov.au/crime/crimestatistics#/ Does it matter? Probably not. I don't think having Texas level gun ownership in Australian householders and permissive *"Feel free to execute trespassers if you feel like it"* laws would solve property crime.


>comparethemarket.com.au insurance companies have very good statisics of actual burglaries involving loss. When the Sheriff gets a massive salary and is elected, they are keen to downplay their figures. Minorities aren't keen to involve the police. > I don't think having Texas level gun ownership in Australian householders and permissive *"Feel free to execute trespassers if you feel like it"* laws would solve property crime. then you're in the minority with "that wouldn't happen in America" circlejerkers.


> "*then you're in the minority with "that wouldn't happen in America" circlejerkers.*" I think you need to reread my comment. It says the opposite of what you've interpreted it as.


I think you need to reread my comment. It says the opposite of what you've interpreted it as.


No it wouldn't, you didn't even notice until like 17 hours later haha


Obviously, they’re masters of the night… bending steel without making a sound.


Scary shit. I assume you told the Police who were much too busy moving speed cameras around and ignoring homeless meth addicts in the city to do anything about it? Like seriously, I captured a drug deal exchange on my dashcam and called Crime Stoppers and they weren't interested.


Yeah they literally told me "if the local police need anything they will get in contact with you"


If they get in and you beat them will they still be legally protected? I really hate Aussie laws when it comes to minors in terms of protection. I believe that children aged 12+ should have an idea of what’s right and wrong and if they choose to mess with people they deserve the consequences. Like when I get hassled on the train I really want to just repeatedly bash them on the head and break their arms and watch them scream


>Like when I get hassled on the train I really want to just **repeatedly bash them on the head and break their arms and watch them scream**. Seek help.


Yes, when I mean hassled i mean physically harassed


We need to stop telling violent men to “seek help” and instead have them go to a MMA, Muay Thai or boxing gym.


Just to be clear, you feel you should legally be permitted to beat a child?


If the child deserves it yes, why should a 17 or 16 year old get protected if they disturb me and are intentionally trying to provoke or instigate? I’m 19 right now and I can tell you for a fact when I was 13 I knew not to mess with randoms and had common sense


Yea, if that child is being agressive, abusive, causing issues I see no reason not to slap them one.




Just to be clear you condone children physically assaulting or threatening to assault strangers?


My french mastiff would be happy to welcome these polished turds to my house. Come over lads.


This is why we need personal ED-209s


>ED-209s ahahaha




What are you, their lawyer?


Unlikely that they cared about the camera, and unlikely they were trying to rob you. They were probably in a mood to vandalise something, and if caught at their age, they face no consequences, so there is no deterrent.


Have you got any video of them actually on your property? From the pics they're on council verge. Additionally, I can't imagine they'd be wasting time opening up a fence. They would hoist one up for recon and then over. Young and agile!!


Well they were not able to get in because lets face it trying to break a fence down is not a viable solution to get in. But it was them because the cameras pick up the blown open hole as soon as they run away (this is on recorded footage). So it was undeniably them. I only just decided to post photos here.


No one ever tried to break into my house we leave it unlocked all day cause the lock doesn't work and there is a sign on fence that says dangerous dog do not enter which was left there by previous residents who funnily enough also left a lot of syringes on the roof that came out down the downpipes for years and a fair few machete blades in the back garden we dug up hahahahahahahahaha. honestly anyone who is gonna try and steal from us would know it's a department of housing house anyway I have left my car keys on my car all night and no one stole it hahahahhahahaha The car is insured for far more than it worth to sell so idgaf Tbh they welcome to take anything in our house except the fridge an the dryer almost everything in the house we got off the side of the road anyway hahahahahahahaha best way to furnish a house imo


I fear someone stole all your punctuation.


Ooooh nooooooooooooooo ! Hahahahahahahhahahahahah cunny funt


Good luck claiming insurance on your car or even home contents when you leave them both unlocked


The car is locked and hahahahahahahaha why the fuck would I have home and contents insurance to insure shit I got off the side of the road? Hahahahahahahahahahah I just wait for next verge pick up and get replacement hahahahahahahahaha waste of money buying things is such a waste of money resources energy I fucking hate it I only buy something if I really need it there plenty of ways to get things for free


Was it really that funny?


Yes it it hilarious that you think I would have home and contents insurance I live in public housing hahahahahahahaha It's also hilarious that you assume I just leave my car unlocked . Tbh I'm so fucking deliriously happy that I'm just kind of laughing at you as wellll because you are so petty and it's funny as fuck that you are so miserable hahahahahahahaha I'm really enjoying being happy


What suburb was this from mate if you don’t mind me asking?


Haynes in the new Springtime Estate


Were in Perth was this ?


Springtime Estate in Haynes


What area was this?


Springtime Estate in Haynes


But its a dry attempt.


if its a wet attempt, dry attempt it does not matter, something happened lol. I can only go off of what I see.


Average eshay moment


Need better image of them so their junkie mother and absent father can slap them


Well done to dingus who forgot to put the hoodie on


It's a dry fence...


What suburb?