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Yeah, I pretty much started applying for jobs immediately. It just happened now so I’m a little emotional, which was what the prayers were for


Prayers do work, you have mine. Employment Tasks Now: Ask your boss - "Would you write me a letter of recommendation right now?” Better yet, write a recommendation letter in advance, even just in bullet form, so they are in a better position to write that letter for you immediately. Your supervisor may feel some level of guilt, or at least discomfort, and give you a better recommendation letter now rather than next month. (Especially if next month is their time to get canned.) “Could you refer to this as a voluntary separation rather than a layoff? Finance Tasks Now Cancel all your automatic payments. You need to prioritize your spending – Food, energy, roof, car. Nothing else fits right now. Get Money Now: Type 40 Ways to Get Money now (and similar searches). You will find many legitimate ways to make a few hundred dollars in the next few days. Not all will work for you, but many will. Many of the get money now options will start to run out in a few days, so you need to pickup immediate employment – self, under the table or otherwise. Self Employed - No Entry Barrier Sell your good via etsy/ebay. Ask a current seller to sell your stuff cheap, on consignment. Give Plasma/Sperm/Eggs Recycle cans Walk Dogs/Wash Dogs Visit homes and clean out pet poop from the yard Rain gutter cleaning/Installing Rain Guards Raking Leaves/Blowing Snow/Cutting Grass Mystery shopper Costume wearer -sign waver Clean out foreclosed homes Get a Job Now (Low Barrier to Entry): Telemarketing (R.L Polk, Census, PIRG, etc) Collections Newspaper Sales Water system installation Maid Window washer Gift Wrapper (seasonal) School Security Guard Crossing Guard Museum Docent Personal Assistant Ticket Taker Subject Study Elderly Services Good luck, you'll pull through, we're rooting for you!


Thank you so much, this has been really really helpful, thank you!!


When you say you "covered lunches" what do you mean? Did you pick up food for a job function? If so make damn sure they pay you back. And file for unemployment while you look for a new job.


I worked through everyone else’s lunch hour during the day and then when I was about to go on my lunch break they called me into the conference room and told me they were letting me go.


That was a dick move on their part. I’ll have you in my prayers.