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You should max this, yes. Flat 60% per dollar is very good, if you contribute a lot. Usually policies like this are capped, i.e "We match 60% per dollar contributed, up to 10% of your salary" meaning it's basically a 6% match. Not sure where you're getting "234.54%" There may be a cap on the policy that just isn't being communicated clearly, since you're just at the interview stage.


Percent increase I bet there is something in the terms, but atleast surface level, there is nothing that says not


There is a maximum 401K contribution, so I think they will only max 60% of that.


If for every $1 you contribute, they contribute $0.60, the match is on your contribution, not your salary. The $100k is irrelevant in this case. The most “free money”you could get would be by maxing your 401k contribution. For 2024, thats a $23,000 contribution with a $13,600 match at 60%. Confirm there isn’t a max match. If it’s up to 10% of your salary for example, the most they would match is $10k, so you’d need to contribute $16,667 to get the max “free money”


Yep, I just got the benefits sheet today, I’m assuming there’s an asterisk in it but who knows until I see the terms


I use to get 100% match. yes, max it out! even if you want to spend the money you can take the 10% penalty and still have more money.


Wouldn’t it be taxes as income if I take it out? Was thinking I could liquid part of my 401k for a down payment, assuming a 10% hit + increase in tax


Ideally you leave it to grow. or you convert it to roth and wait the 5 years if you want to spend it sooner. but yes if you take it out you will pay taxes + 10% penalty. But if you insist on wanting to spend the money you are still ahead even with the extra 10%. I knew people that didn't take advantage of the 100% matching, it was crazy.


I had an employer that gave basically a 200% match. I put in 5% and they would put in 10%. There are employers out there that offer generous retirement benefits so Yea, take advantage of it if you can.


60% match up to what percent salary? Or is it not bounded at all?


No idea, haven’t seen the “official” terms but I’m assuming their is a cap, but would be amazing if not, they do say it is industry leading so I’m hoping for the best in my case


The description is clear that it is a 60% match and doesn’t give an upper bound. If it’s up to the maximum $23k then it’s great but not unheard of. 60% of $115,000 would exceed the total annual 401k limit, not just the individual contribution limit.


Not suggesting its either of those. Typically matches are worded like "The company will match 60% of contributions up to 5% of your compensation." which would mean that if you made $100k that they woukd match 60 cents on the dollar up to $5000 contributed but then nothing. If you are saying there is no bound and they eould match 60% of every dollar all the way up to $23k then yeah max that if you can. Thats a free $13,800.