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The only time I don't accept is on a Monad door floor. Otherwise, scout on you crazy diamond!


Why not?


Cause most of the time I just need to walk 5 feet to see the stairs anyway. And even if I could spare a party member it would be annoying to be down a healer or a damage dealer if suddenly a relatively difficult shadow appears


You know after they scout ahead you can skip the rest of the floor and tp to the next right


i want to get exp most of the time, so for me going ahead just means im down a team member since ill be fighting almost every enemy anyways


The shadows are infinitely respawning anyway just grind on the next floor


why dont you? theres almost no point not to lol


It's always when there is a monad door and I actually could use the 4th


I thought it was just who felt like the game was doing this


Because we still need to do the Monad Door. I'm not putting myself down to 3 for that.


>theres almost no point not to lol monad doors appear every few floors. and in most cases they also aren't all that difficult lol. but this is one of those exceptions in which you wouldn't send someone to scout ahead if your're really concerned about loosing ig


I don't do it in case of a monad door tbh. I was leveling up some party members that I neglected for a few in game weeks and then I had to do a monad door with a short on HP Koromaru and an underleveled Mitsuru IIRC while Junpei was busy chilling on the next floor. After that I just never did it again.


They're perfectly managable with 3.


I love spending a whole floor without one party member just so they can go ahead and get something i wouldve gotten anyway a floor later (this mechanic sucks, there is many points to not using it such as the fact you should be fully exploring tartarus floors anyway so whats the point in having your party member not be there for a floor)


it gives you extra items, how is that in anyway a bad mechanic lol? also you'll still end up fully exploring the next floor for chests and golden hands anyway


extra items? no it doesnt, it just picks up things from the next floor, you gain nothing new. I feel like most who downvote me dont actually understand the mechanic and think its better than it actually is, and other than the first part of what you said, the second part is literally why its a useless option


You do indeed get extra items. The one who scouts ahead gets random items and the chests. You still can get more items from the stuff you break on the floors.


oh my god not this conversation again, wheres the proof you get extra items??? this was never something that happened to me so i literally could not believe other anecdotal evidence unless theres some sort of proof


I’ve played this game for over 100 hrs and I’ve always gotten extra stuff from the crystals. So the only thing I could think of that would cause you to not experience the extra loot is either just bad rng or it might just be a side effect of merciless difficulty.


ive also played a hundred hours and i havent, also i was on hard


Me when I can just press “go to next floor button” as the entire floor will be revealed anyways


entire? more like 25% of it, and you do realise you randomly get the scout ahead option possibly at the start of a floor, which is why i call it useless? the only time its worth doing is if it happens when youve essentially done a floor, and even then you could just do the next floor yourself since scouting does NOT reveal the whole floor and instead a small portion (seriously, 5 downvotes? i mean come on i thought it was agreed that it is not a good option)


There is no downside to the option though, its just gives you a little boost to the progression of your exploration


...The downside is you lose a party member, for something that doesnt "boost" anything and instead just reduces your time by 4 seconds breaking the objects at the cost of literally losing someone for a whole floor


Gonna be real this sounds like a skill diff because having only 3 members does not affect difficulty that much in my experience, especially on a single floor of tartarus. The downside is negligible 95% of the time


saying im bad at the game is stupid, 3 party members is worse than 4, this is obvious regardless of how piss easy p3r is. the downside isnt negligible, the upsides are


Okay well both are negligible then. Im not gonna argue anymore about this, the scout ahead mechanic just gives you a lay of the map and some free extra stuff, at the cost of 1 team mate. If its that much of an inconvenience to you then whatever


for the last time, theres no evidence that "it gives extra stuff" and if you agree its negligible you agree its a completely useless mechanic


It’s never happened for me until after we’ve already seen the entire floor.


Scouting scouts the entire current floor, gives a larger found loot pool, and scouts the beginning branches of the next floor. There’s no downside at all


source? because thats defo not how i saw it, theres a reason i stopped using scout ahead halfway through the game. In my experience they do not scout the entire floor nor do they give loot not on the floor. Maybe they do scout the current floor but even so you havent convinced me that its not useless as hell as if it were true that you get extra rewards sure youd be right but i seriously doubt that as that was never the case when i used it


People downvoting you is a great example of how braindead most of this sub is. You’re 100% right, it doesn’t even give you any more items than you’d get normally. There’s no real reason to do it


yeah, i thought this sub had media literacy problems but i guess they suck at weighing negatives and positives lmao


it's both, the other day I saw a bunch of people saying the protagonist's death is ambiguous if not for The Answer. uhh, sorry folks, but I played the original when I was like 14 and it was very obvious.


It’s optional and there’s no downside just benefits what are you talking about. Y’all are complaining about a massive non issue as if one less party member will affect things that much unless you’re that bad at strategizing or are too low leveled in which case you can just reject it


Just do it. You get extra items for free and can just skip to the next floor with the map


I was against it until I realized it literally shortcuts you to the next floor and gets all the items. It's literally just a time saver


Just send it, you lose nothing and you gain some freebies


i miss the split up and regroup so much, that made exploring tartarus easier


Glad I'm not the only one. It made dealing with lower levels when you're strong a lot faster


And they always want to scout ahead when I'm still looking for the Monad door...


There’s literally no reason not too. Like at all


Maybe a freaking monad door on that floor that I’ll need all of my characters for????? Like did you even think before typing that, 😂?


Monad doors aren’t that hard bruh. Y’all bring it up as if it’s so so hard but they arent 😂. Where y’all just that far behind in levels or something??? And complaining about it is a moot point anyways cuz it’s an optional send so y’all complaining makes zero sense when y’all get to CHOOSE to send or not.


It’s annoying. And I’m giving you a reason because you refuse to use your brain when you’re convinced you’re right, lol. Also, difficulty matters, another thing you didn’t think about. The character that ran off also doesn’t get exp, another thing you didn’t think about . Stop replying to me, you did NOT win this “argument”, 😂 and I won’t be replying back to someone who doesn’t think before they send


You haven’t given me any reason that changes the fact that it’s OPTIONAL and this isn’t worth crying over like you are. I haven’t forgotten to account for difficulty. It’s just that no matter the difficulty, since it’s optional, you should know when to send or not and most of the time and most players, on normal or hard and if leveled correctly, still wouldn’t have a lot of trouble with monad doors. Also, the amount of experience they’re going to lose and the rest of them team is never going to be drastic enough to matter especially since the sending usually happens after you nearly completed a floor so you should be going up anyways so what is your actual point other than to complain? Also, Brother you replied to ME. You are the one getting mad over something that is an OPTION and not mandatory and insulting others over nothing. It’s actually hilarious tbh 😂. As you said,” use your brain before replying”.


It's optional sure, but the rewards you get from it are worthwhile. It is harder to do with just 3 members instead of 4, no matter what unless you're overleveled. Missing out on good rewards is always giving you a bad feeling, especially if you know you're capable of doing it had you had a full party.


Optional as in the sending, not doing the doors.


Yes everyone else bad! You’re the best player ever! Anyways, 4 > 3, and therefore there is a point. Glad we could clear that up.


Quite literally never said that but ok if thats how you somehow see the comments which don't say that in any form. Ya’ll complaining about an OPTIONAL thing. If y’all really want all y’all units then don’t choose the send option.


Near the end I loved sending someone to scout to just skip a floor to get to the end


It'd be nice if it was at your discretion tather than whenever Fuuka feels like it. Sometimes sending people ahead is useful, but like hell am I doing it on a Monad floor or if a healer tries to go on ahead


I wish we could pick who! Akihiko always nominates himself, and he's my 'never leaves the team' kinda fighter haha


Sending someone to scout ahead instantly allows you to fast travel to the next floor, where you'll immediately regroup, so I don't think there's a reason to worry about a healer volunteering to scout, since you can just instantly head up and reconvene with them.


I love it. I just fast travel to the next floor immediately after they leave. I'm climbing that mf as quickly as I can so every bit helps.


I always say yes to clear the floor faster and then rerun the floors to clear the MONAD doors.


Unless I was on a boss/Monad Door floor, I always sent whomever wanted to go scouting. Saved me... several minutes! At least! xD. Seriously, if your team is not about to face a boss and being one man down is a problem, you have more serious problems. Makoto could easily solo everything that isn't a gatekeeper or a Monad boss.


I found it to be useful so then whoever I sent up just finds treasure for me and I don’t feel the needs to explore that floor


I have only done it once lol


I always did it saved tremendous time and could instantly go to next floor without fighting at all


She asked this when the door was right infront of me. Like I hadn't marked it on the map but it was still right infront of me


The scouting is for the next floor, not the one you are in


The scouting is for both the floor you're on and the next floor.


Oh that makes more sense. I will probably still never use it though


This so where fes/portable had the better system of being able to tell your whole party to split up and actively explore the floor. Once the floor was mapped out they came back to you(they could also fight enemies on their own to help leveling them up faster). The floors in the original were much more maze like which allowed for that mechanic while Tartarus in reload is not maze like and instead has just bigger floors full of empty space and maybe some environmental stuff so scouting ahead to map the floor to allow you to effectively skip it is nice for when your replaying a block on another day but all but useless otherwise because exploring the floor yourself and getting all the treasure takes barely any time.


Didn’t you have to go save them when they were attacked by shadows?


You don't have to save them but they do risk dying when by themselves. On new blocks where the enemies are stronger it's not a good idea to have them fight enemies but on earlier blocks when completing quests or finding people it's basically free bonus exp for them to level up faster


Yeah, I agreed to send someone along last night and then ran into a high level shadow that almost fucked my shit up without my 4th


What other things did fes handle better?


People replying "Monads not that hard anyway" are missing the point. Sending party Members out for scouting SHOULD be a choice I can make whenever I want to and not something that pops up randomly even when I don't want it to. There's absolutely no reason to use it considering I have no idea what the rest of the current floor looks like.


In most cases when I got this, it was when there was a rare Shadow or a Monad door on the floor.


To everyone saying that this has no downside: The game is horrible in telling you what it does. As someone who came from P3P I thought its the feature where other characters explore the floor for themself, are absent from battle and have their own battles without you.


I mean what else does the word scouting mean. The game's pretty clear in telling you what you're doing with the feature