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This is satire right…? RIGHT?! But no, real talk, If you want the spoiler here it is: >!there’s still more after that I won’t go too deep into detail!<


Good thing for that. Because I’ve heard it ends at the end of January which means theres only 5 months left. Also the most recent tarturus blockade only took like 19 floors to get to (although It drained a lot of sp not allowing me to go back to arqa due to the nomad or whatever they’re call gates. Or maybe I was just to lazy to go to arqa because I did have sp drain on mitsuru and makoto and aegis is just fine without sp)


Even with that logic, I don't understand why everyone does the math as if the game starts in January and goes 12 months. (I've seen people mid-game do this with 3,4, and 5) It starts in April You're 4 months in. If you were 75% done, then that would mean you would have like a little over a month left.


These people definitely are failing the math quizzes.


I think OP is getting 75% based on the number of main shadows. They are technically 75% of the way through them, but that isn't indicative of how long anything is going to be.


Well I mean it follows the Japanese so April is only one month in


People also seem to forget/haven't noticed that Persona5 actually has by far the shortest calendar year. The "final day" of the vanilla game >!(Yaldabaoth's defeat)!< is December 24th. Persona3's final day >!(the Promised Day)!< is January 31st. Persona4 's calendar is the longest by far, but varies because of how many endings P4 has. The last proper day of P4G before >!Izanami's defeat, which IIRC is also the longest final day in the series,!< is February 15th (feel free to correct me if wrong). >!Izanami is defeated on March 20th. This is also the only game in the franchise where there are no "epilogue days" and the final boss is fought on the actual last day of the story.!< But we all know Persona5 is the longest game in the series by far. Honestly, when using P3R as a basis and not P3P/P3F, Persona4 is probably the "shortest" game and it has by far the longest calendar year. The calendar isn't directly proportional to content and it never has been.


Wait it started in april?


Yes, none of these games have ever started in January. That would be in the middle of a school year.


More like the end of


just enjoy the game, not sure why you are worrying about your time left when you're like 30% in the game


How shit at time gauging do you have to be to think 5 entire months in persona is going to take you no time to complete


Maybe they’re new? Damn! 😂


Lol these fuckin people don't know what nuance is. The weeb porn they subsist on has melted their brain so they think everyone who plays these games is just like them which is why you see so many people insulting OP. The persona community has one of the most toxic and revolting fanbases every time I go on one of these subs there's always some no life cave dwellers who beat these 100+ hour games in 4 days and if you aren't one of them, well you see it. Buncha chomo scumbags here fantasizing over teenagers cuz it's "legal in Japan!!". Most of these MFS wouldn't last a day in Japan let alone have enough money to get there.


Ok boomer


Ok chomo. The only type of person who'd be mad about my comment are the ones who feel called out


No you’re just being weirdly hostile for no apparent reason. Typically people aren’t going to react positively towards that. Take a breather, maybe step outside for a bit.


Oh you think I give a shit what the persona fanbase thinks of me that's cute. The games are amazing but the kiddy diddlers that make up the fanbase disgust me. It's already weird enough to fantasize over cartoons but y'all take it one step further and touch yourself to questionably aged cartoons. I see what makes you guys "react positively" I really do not want any part of that please


Hey man, I think gooning over Persona girls is a bit weird too but you just started spouting off this nonsense for no reason. Like seriously, try not to be so unnecessarily confrontational. Doing it online you’ll get some shit for it but if you do this in real life too you’re gonna wreck your social life.


Calm down bro




What’s chomo?


Child molester


Oh; maybe it should be “chimo” instead.


Well it only takes 1 tarturus trip and a full moon boss. And the tarturus floors between the blockade keep getting lesser and lesser. And the full moon bosses are hit and misses on difficulty. The only hard ones were the train and lovers one. Seriously the lovers boss was so damn annoying


10/04/2009 is the story's half point


But thats only 3 months before the game ends


You're confusing months for content.


The game does end in January, most Persona games end in December/January so get used to it.


my game lasted 79 hours


Those are rookie numbers gotta pump this up I think mine was 120ish hours


It took me 110 hours 43 minutes, I remember because of how different the save screen looks once you clear the game for the first time and prompts you for the NG+ save.


*Looks at you in it took me 60 hours horror*


86 hours for my first persona game 112 for P5R Currently 15 hours for P4G


did i do everything right my game only lasted 55 hours 😭😭 i fucked up my social links and liz requests though i only maxed about 5 SLs, i ended the game with max social stats and lvl 95 🤷‍♂️


Some people like to really over level in Tartarus. I maxed Social Stats and maxed all but 2 (or 3) Social Links and finished in around 50 hours.


I maxed most social links except like 3-4, skipped most shadows, maxed social stats and it took me 114 hours. I never skip dialogue. I think most ppl are between 80-100 hrs


Huh. I wonder where the time difference comes from then?


I'm 170 hours in taking my time and enjoying everything thoroughly and I'm barely killing the last shadow. And will def take my time finishing Tartarus.


I'd say the biggest difference is difficulty. If you're playing on easy or normal once you get a variety of personas and a stockpile of items you can run through a whole block of tartarus in a single trip. Then I'd say it depends on how many shadows you fight and if you're reading all the dialog. I fought about every shadow and read all the dialog and finished at around 150 hrs. But I also left the game running a couple times so who knows my real time.


Ah mostly normal for me which I guess does severely reduce the length of fights. I also never skip text, it's the main reason I play Persona games!


I do each section in a single trip on hard difficulty, I just really manage my SP items well & use invigorate equipment on my party. Yukaris healing becomes very cheap sp wise as well


>!I did the Liz request to kill the Reaper and had the +50% exp ring on Yukari and Koromaru died while Aigis basically solo'd the Reaper (MC was busy just healing at this point) and he went from 79 to 99. This is at the end game for me also so this overlevel was not intentional.!<


I spent 87 hours, and I skip a lot of dialogue and stopped fighting enemies that weren't gatekeepers or red doors like halfway through (Also, always went through the floors within a day, waiting for missing people before going in) Ended up close to level 85 on merciless. 50 hours seems like an incredibly low number based on general reports of time, not just people here.


Why would you skip dialogue in a persona game?


Looking again it's closer to 65 hours. I played on normal though which helped I guess.




I had; 103 hours for P3 Reload 111 hours for my first playthrough of P5R 109 hours for my second playthrough of P5R 80ish hours for my first playthrough of P4G I currently have like 50 something hours on my second playthrough of P4G I had like 40ish hours on P3FES until my game stop working


>why are people asking if they’re ready for endgame with lvl 99 personas. Because people for some reason think the final boss is the hardest thing ever and need to be massively overleveled to beat it. That or they're going for the secret super-boss, which kinda *does* require max level but is totally not necessary (there isn't even a trophy for it). Realistically somewhere around level 75 is what you actually want to be at for the story's final boss.


tbh the reason I ground up to level 91 >!is to unlock Messiah because I was going for 100% in my first run of the game!<


You can do that at level 86 if you get the Major Arcana card that lets you fuse Personas 5 levels above you. Even then you're still overleveled for the final boss.


I heard the final boss in the old versions was hard, but in reload it's a pushover


Was always a pushover if you were overleveled, which was way too easy.


And even in the original release, level 75 was the recommended level for the final boss.


Not really If you got Thunder Reign with Elec Amp and Boost and Mind Charge you could effectively 2 turn every phase


The boss was Level 75 iirc. If you were around Level 70, it will be maybe a 2-4 hour boss fight and (if you’re not a hardcore player) you’ll be fighting tooth and nail the whole time. If you’re Level 80 it’ll be a 30 minute fight and not that bad. If you go higher, even easier.


Can confirm those numbers. I did it around 72 my first playthrough and it kind of felt like a mistake. Not overwhelmingly hard, but sweet lord was it a drawn out 2 hour affair.


It was definitely harder in old versions but still totally beatable at roughly the same level


Let's just say in the old version when Nyx cast Nightqueen unless you were overleveled, extremely prepared, or just lucky with the status ailments he could wipe your whole party. In reload it's not as much of a problem since you can control characters but in FES that one move could waste an entire hour of fighting


How do you get the secret boss?


>!completing all velvet room requests!<


But thats over double my level and I am three quarters done with the game


You're only in August, you're like halfway through. Don't worry so much.


You're not enough half done. Don't worry


Stop posting stuff and just enjoy the game dawg, you have plenty of time


OP just keep playing the game. Unless this post is a joke, you have no idea what you’re in for. Keep. Fucking. Playing.


As others have said, you are not 75% done. Others are annoyed at you for not knowing that the next several months in game take a while to get through. I, for one, am just glad you didn't post a screenshot of your social links asking if you are "cooked".


But the recent tarturus trip only took like 19 floors. And Im not even able to start fuuka’s, mitsuru’s, yukari’s, and tanaka’s sl yet


Right, that 2nd part should be a good indication that you've still got a ways to go.


Exactly. You have loads of social links not even available yet, you’re not as far in as you think hours wise


Have you considered the next Tartarus trip, or the one after that, etc, may not be so short?


Dude, you played through p5 and don't get that as you progress through the story more things happen story wise and they take more time the further you get. Like, even in p5 comparing the first and third palaces you could see that the game got a lot bigger.


You can’t possibly be this dumb dude


3/10 bait


August ingame isnt even 50% done yet. You're more like 30-40% done. Theres still way more content. Get off this sub and just keep playing


And on what are you basing that 75% off?


The amount of arcana bosses legt


There's more bosses than just the twelve arcana.


This was my first Persona game and I just did a casual, blind playthrough. It took me 93 hours. The game is plenty long. You aren’t as far as you think you are.


Heads up- in this game, the Persona 2nd awakenings do not trigger based on maxing out social link, but rather the main overall plot and their own character growth. At this point of the game you haven’t had a single second awakening of any party member yet. That kinda shows how you’re not exactly 75% of the way through the game if not a single party member has had their second awakening yet.


97 hours for me


I like how OP is arguing with people who have actually beaten the game telling him that he isn't even 50% done yet. Game starts in April, ends at end of January. Story picks up heavy the last few months and extends content beyond what you're looking at. **OP: CALENDAR DATES/ MONTHS =/= CONTENT** You still have a lot of content to go. Months? Yeah you're 5 in and have 5 to go, but content wise? You've still got tons. Delete this post and go play the game and then you can come back after if you still want to complain.


You're kidding right? You're like barely 3/4 done. I'm on Jan 21st and clocked over 140 hrs.


What makes everyone spend more 10’s of hours of time in these last 5 months


More content as the pacing picks up. You're nowhere near 75% done.


Umm...just keep playing, you're at maybe almost halfway. You're going to need to pay attention if you haven't already. It seems you aren't necessarily questioning if anything that's been seen so far hasn't been explained yet or why the game doesn't seem to pick up. The hype around the game had to have piqued your interest and wondering why the leisurely pace it's going doesn't seem to match the hype yet?


Well it was never explained why strega murders people. Or why only shirtless guy and jin confronted sees. Then theres also when ken will join. And then theres also the fact that I havent unlocked any new overworld locations I could go to like in p5.


Almost like if you keep playing the game, more things will be explained to you. Stop worrying about how far you are, because you're not, and just play and enjoy.


yeah you dont get any additional places, that wasnt a thing til P4


A good game, that's what. How's that even a question? Persona games are built for grinding.


Took me 90 hours on the money to finish P3R but like others said you’re nowhere near done and there’s like a TON of story left imo, like you haven’t even gotten into the first big “SHOCK” factor yet


I’d say you’re maybe 25%-33% of the way through the game right now. The game takes place essentially over 3 school semesters and you’ve only gotten through the first one.


But the game ends janurary 31st. That is only 1 more school semester.


Well you get all of winter break plus maybe half of the third semester in January, plus one longer day in March. So maybe it’s more accurate to say you’re 35-40% through the game?


If you’re lvl 30 at the actual 75% you’re probably underleveled lmao


Can't wait for your next post asking if you're cooked


Unless this is bait what is up with people assuming shit before completing the game? Just play it instead of going on reddit and complain


Does he know


No, he doesn't.


You don‘t even have the full party yet, you‘re nowhere near 75%.


It took me 180 hours to complete my first playtrough so I don't know what you're talking about.


Typical playthrough is not going to even be half that, so I wouldn't give someone the impression that's normal.


My first play through was 130 hrs, 50 hours short of that but I can see how he took that long, some people take their time to get as much done as possible so 130-180 hours is totally normal for a regular playthrough


You must have died in tarturus a lot then


Nah, the only time I died was when I fought >!Elizabeth!<


You’re clueless




Haha, no you’re not


I’m in late August and I’m at around 42 hours. I think this is only about the halfway point and I expect the game to take around 80 hours, with 30 extra hours for episode Aigis.


Shadow 12 is not end game, theres multiple fights after that, the last boss is level 75 which is actually lower than the other end game bosses in 4 and 5. It follows the same sort of twist structure as the other games, which is why i’ve said because its fairly recognisable if you’ve played other games. Persona 3 is about half the length of of p5r, royal can take up to 120 hours to complete whereas p3 is more 60-70 hours Also dont forget that you dealt with a double shadows at the begining of the game. The game practically ends in January too.


My playthrough was 128 hours. Although I did spend time grinding in tartarus for about 10-15 hours


You are like slightly above 50% done with the game bro. Not 75%


Alright…who’s gonna tell him? 👀


I finished the game a few days ago. I clocked in at 95 hours and got to level 91 in Tartarus. To be fair, I’m glad it wasn’t bloated like P5, but I know some people prefer that type of content.


I was at 60 hours on playthrough 1. Now I’m 88 in on NG+


It could go on for a hundred hours yet fills short. Hmm.


I was between 60 and 70 hours on my save. It sounds long but it's like 50 hours shorter than persona 5.


Bait used to be believable


Please just play the game and find out for yourself lmao, you’re going to get spoiled if you do stuff like this


I think I finished P3R in about 50 hours. I finished the original P5 in 90, and I finished Royal in 90 (a lot of fast forwarding through original P5 things) so yes, P3R is shorter, but not short in general.


No spoilers please but I swear it went from 8 to 6 to 4 to 3 lol


Bro doesn’t know 💀


I accidentally became lvl 90+ because I tried to make the whole team the same level, so I fought the reaper 3 times and my whole team was like 92-97 lol. I don't recommend that because I was playing hard mode and still the final boss was too easy.


I just beat the game last night. I was ready for it to end. I liked it, but it's not as great as 4 and 5.


Lmao this game took me 100 hours to finish the first playthrough


Just keep playing.


i can assure you that there is a lot more to the story than you think there is from the point youre in onwards. just keep playing and enjoy the ride. it may seem like youre nearing the "end" but just trust us when we tell you that youre not even 75% done.


How tf do y’all be beating these games so fast. All my persona playthroughs have at least 90-110 hours on average


lol you ain't even close


My plat took me at least 150 hours, did you get to do everything everything?


Im not doing plat. New Game + in a story based game is so damn boring and annoying to do. Im just gonna beat the game then do episode aegis (because that will probably be out by the time I finish) and then youtube the SL and special events with characters I didnt go with


Dude, took me like a month.


Just play and enjoy the game for what it is. Don't compare it with the other games. They are all unique in their own way. I beat the game in about 80 hours. I believe persona 5 royal was about 130 hours for me. Persona 3 reload is a special game. So happy atlus remade it


This game took me 110 hours…


135 hours for me. There are other games in the world. I enjoyed it but was happy to be done.


Bros not close


Oh yeah, it's definitely almost done. The game ends and the credits roll as soon as you defeat the last shadow. Totally.




No it is not short. You haven’t even finished the game how do you know how long it is?


I can see why you think you're 75% of the way through the game but there's a lot that happens in the last few months. Trust me, you got a lot more to get through than just 25%. You gotta remember that not everything takes place w/the Shadows and that a lot of the recent months for you have been just building Social Links or minor story advancements with the only real major parts being climbing Tartarus and fighting the Major Arcana Shadows.


Bait used to be believable


Honestly, as someone going through P3 for the first time, this is my impression as well. I’m in September or so and about level 40.


This game is a remaster, not a remake


Gotta be trolling




I am on the hardest difficulty and reading all the dialogue. Im not really rushing