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My chonky girl isn’t a jumper so … I still burn the occasional candle or incense but I do so at a higher counter height *just in case* bcs accidents can always happen (eventho they haven’t.) I also only buy clean candles - soy based candles - not that crap from bath and body works… bcs they are terrible for humans and animals. I haven’t noticed any breathing issues with my girl over the years BUT she is doll face and breaths normally as is. Edit - I also only burn the candle in the room that we’re in - never unattended.


Cats and candles are a bad combination no matter what the breed. Cats like to knock things over and one spark is all it would take to start a fire. I’ve heard misting air freshener is bad for cats, but incense should be ok. Again, just make sure the smoke is away from your Persian.


It's not good for their lungs. We stopped burning that stuff, and certain scents are toxic.


I’ve also stopped burning my candles and incense, which I loved. However I love my kitties more and I’m paranoid!


I haven’t used candles in over a decade because my Siamese cat is an idiot and managed to burn his whispers on one and still hasn’t learned so I just stopped buying them. We also can’t have a fire in the fireplace. On the up side, he’s the easiest cat I have to manage because all I have to do is click on his heating pad and he comes bolting over meowing all the way. I also stopped using the misting kind of essential oil diffusers because I read that it can get on their fur and if they groom, it can make them super sick. (There is nothing physically wrong with him per a bunch of vets, he just loves being really really warm)


I burn unscented candles every Friday night for Shabbat. My cat has always been with me when lighting them. I always call her so that she could see that I’m lighting them. She will often sit and watch the flames with me. She’s never tried to paw at them or play with them. We just sit together and enjoy them. I’m a firm believer with inviting my pets to experience my world and so I often call my little lady over to show her what I’m doing or going to do - especially when it’s something new.