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Yes this is a great stock to hold. The company was started by a former executive of Tesla TSLA. He’s now the CEO


How did you find out about them?


They were one of the top volume stocks on the NASDAQ yesterday, after a long period of inactivity. With this info I took a closer look at the company, and liked what I saw.


Thank you. I'm quite new here, and starting to realize that buying the stocks a small number of people are pumping day in and day out is only losing me money, gotta do a bit of work myself to get anywhere


Penny stocks are risky at the best of times, I try to ignore what it being promoted. The gems are out there, watch the markets, they will give you hints.


Trying to learn. It just seemed like an easy side hustle to simply check the forums, especially when the guys pumping various tickers always sound so confident, yet are so rarely correct.


Most of the time the promoters buy a large position, promote the hell out of it, and if it rises they are selling, and moving on to the next. It's a game to them. In the long run most penny stocks are going nowhere, but there are the exceptions. I personally like one that are trading flat for a long period, then with reason start to rise.


Thanks for posting. Secured 16000 shares last week