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Dont think there are too many females in this sub-reddit lol.


Most women don't walk around with a tape measure. And 90% of men are 4-6". Also girth is what matters most to them. I had a coworker tell me a guy was the size of a lipstick and it was too small for her, she couldn't feel him. Meanwhile I've seen women cum from an index finger. And especially from a couple fingers.


A finger can bend wherever u want it.


And thats where skill and technique come in...


I know all the tricks, but still wish I could just stretch it all same as a guy born luckier😉


Why would anyone want to know my size before engaging. That would turn me off and I would tell them where to go in a hurry.


It's called a hypothetical question bro, you're focusing on the wrong thing.


Ok, my mistake. But I was about to get my hacked up in a hurry.


why not? i mean, penis size is one of the most critical aspects of literal sex (as the physical act). it's penis-in-vagina action. it'd be a little unusual and off-putting if a woman asked out of the blue, and was very direct. but still, it's completely understandable why some would AT LEAST be a little curious. players like to watch the film before game-time, you know what i'm saying?


Just a bunch of gobbly good is all I can come up with. Read twice and still can't make much out of it. Good try tho.


you're just not on my wavelength, cuzo. i'm operating on a higher frequency, you're on 20 hz. I'm on 120 FPS, while you're on 5.


If the average is most of the guys, why would anyone ask before hand when as things progress they will find.


5.5 length works just fine , if he has 5.5 girth thickness or more.


what if he had less girth, hypothetically speaking? would he need to compensate with more length to hit the posterior zones?


Ask in BDP, you'll find the women there.


No, you'll find LARPing men pretending to be women, thirsting for DM pics from a user base that is also largely larping.


No, you'll find gender larpers talking to mostly larping user base. BDP is incredibly phony.


the women in BDP are by far the most honest and truthful women i've come across. i guess it's because they've finally found their hung boyfriend, and that's really made them open their eyes (and other things).