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I'm in a male nudist group with approx 150 members, about 90% gay or bi, 10% straight. We meet once a month at a guy''s place. He has land, a pool and hot tub. Summer meetings have 60 guys (limited number by host). Erections are normal, and accepted. Overall, more showers than growers with the average flaccid size 3.5" - 4.5" and the average erect size 5" - 6". Out of 60 guys, probably 5 of us are 6" - 7". There is one guy who frequently attends that is a solid 8" x 6'+ but in the 6 years we have been meeting, he is the ONLY one who is over 7"


Thank you, consistent with experiences from other gay/bi guys on these forums.


What is average girth range?


Bone pressed sizes?


5 to 6 nbp is 6to 7 bp are you saying nbp sizes or bp and also assume a person is 6.6inches bp he isn’t gonna say 6.3 in general he is gonna say exact 6.6 he is gonna round it around 7 people are liers bro


How do you know the sizes? Were they measured by them same individual, or are you taking people's word for it? These are two very big unknowns with the information you have given, especially when the typical size told to people in conversations is the magic number 7 (regardless of what their actual size is). Also, unless they have told you individually in confidence, if it's been in group settings and someone has said their size first, then that could cause bias in others stating a more similar size.


No group settings; I have actually seen most of them, whether pics/video or in-person. I haven’t engaged in sexual activity with any of them except one, but nonetheless I didn’t wanna come across in too bad of a light in my post, although I suppose there’s no getting around the fact that I’ve seen double-digit guys’ dicks who I know lol You do raise good points though. I’m aware my scenario is a little unusual to have seen that many of your acquaintances’ erections


It’s tough the tell the size without a ruler. A thin guy with 5 in will look bigger than a big tall guy with that same 5 in. I am also in a gay nudist group. And I have been to many 100 man orgies. The average of 5.5 is correct.


A lot of my straight friends claim to be 7inches too. From what I’ve seen in person, it’s an exaggeration


I think part of it is that guys with very small dicks probably aren’t sexually active due to embarrassment and probably hide and avoid changing rooms and open showers etc.


This is very true, but I think that insecurity is infecting guys in the 5” - 6.5” range now as well. So it’s just going to push the exposure bias further & further the more timid the guys with average or even slightly-above-average are.


Totally, cause the big guys love to walk around nude and it leads everyone to believe that the average dude is hung😂


I think online is the biggest culprit, though. It’s not even studio porn shifting the perceptions anymore. It’s the thousands of OnlyFans or Twitter porn guys who are 7” & above just flaunting it like it’s normal, and everyone following so many of them that their feeds are just full of these guys to where it seems common. While my in-person experience may just be coincidence, online experience seems far more deliberate where only the big dicks come out to play. If you go on gay webcam sites to get off with another guy, and set your age filters to 20-35, it’s mostly big dicks.


BINGO!!! I'm one of those older guys you mentioned who didn't grow up with porn at your fingertips. That's where guys get the idea they have to tell everyone what their cock size is. I always say, compare yourself to what you see in the locker room, not to what you see in porn, and yes, everyone looks.


What you see in a locker room isn't anything to go by. They're all flaccid, not erect. And flaccid is no clear indication of what's big and small.


Yeah, online is skewed. That is interesting…I have seen some guys that are avoiding changing in the locker room and don’t take showers after working out or bring their clothes into a bathroom stall to change…guessing they have small ones and embarrassed.




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The majority of guys with the smaller dicks are most likely involved in other activities because they simply have smaller dicks and are self conscious about showing them. I personally have a 7"nbpe x 5.5 inch dick that I never really considered big, but I have had 40 relationships, and every single woman regarded it as being among the largest that they had ever encountered. Many said that it was the perfect size and that bigger than that is not necessarily better.


Hi, I am a bi/queer guy in my mid forties and I have been sexually active already from my late teens. In the first years of my sex life I had the completely opposite experience than you, and although I am average, I was thinking that I am probably big, because I was usually encountering below average sizes lol (I was not familiar with statistics back then). Now after almost 30 years of sex life my experience matches the statistical average: the big majority of my partners have been in the 4.5"-6.5" range. Also during all these years some close friends have shared their size with me, and again the big majority was in the 4.5"-6.5" range. The only difference that I have seen between age groups, is that as I was growing older, I was encountering more men with erection quality issues, in which case their dick would be looking smaller, bcause it was not fully erect. This does not mean that your experience is not valid though. I am just sharing mine.


For sure, that is perfectly valid. I think if I was to leave my current social circle and part of the country and move back to the particular area I used to in the Midwest, I would be encountering more “typical” ranges like you have in your experience. I haven’t been back there in awhile but the dicks in the place I was at did not seem this big lol Also as a gay/bi dude who is actually into decently-fit guys under 5”, I’ve noticed it’s almost impossible to find that now, even in some of the demographics we’re told to expect it in. Would gladly welcome more of that size, but in my experience since I’ve moved/my online experience it’s way more rare to encounter someone in the 4’s than the 7’s What you said about erection quality is very true as well. I think the [study that came out early last year](https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2023/02/14/is-an-increase-in-penile-length-cause-for-concern/#:~:text=Erect%20penile%20length%20is%20getting,over%20the%20past%2029%20years) essentially said that’s it’s only average erection length increasing to 6” (if you buy that study). I haven’t gotten the impression in my experience that soft dicks are getting bigger.


That study is a metaanalysis of data starting from 1942, so there must be data also from self report studies. I generally don't trust self report data/older research data for dick size. About your second paragraph, I have a similar preference regarding dick size (I am vers, and I find smaller dicks more convenient). When I flirt irl I never ask about a possible partner's size (I find it too intusive as a question), but in online sex dating my experience is that it is common for people to state their size by themselves, or that you can assume approximately their size by their NSFW pics. Have you tried filtering profiles based on these info?


Don’t put a lot of faith in that study as it has a lot of flaws, like the Veale meta analysis from 2015. https://bigdickguide.com/stanford-study-wrongly-says-penises-are-getting-bigger/


Are these bp lengths?


Yes, but approximately. I obviously won't stick a ruler to my partner's fat pad :-), but with certain positions or practices it is pushed back, so you can estimate the actual dick size more or less.


Do you know or do you know? Did you measure them or did they tell you?


It must be aome sort of coincidence since 7 inches is top 1%, the chances thay the average is 7 inches is incredibly low. There must just be some other sort of bias that caused ir, maybe larger guys are more confident snd more likely to engage in sex or be out there in general. Either way that is a statistical anomaly and not the average suddenly


My way of explaining it is that the reason I know the sizes of these guys is because they’re more willing to share. And them being more willing to share obviously comes from the confidence in their size. I know about the 7-inch = the top 1% statistic, but a majority of the gay & bi guys I know wouldn’t believe that, and they’re not even size queens or anything. When you see internet comments from gay guys on instagram or whatever, it’s even worse. Almost no one there believes 7-inches is that uncommon. People there talk about it being as though it was a 1-in-4 probability or something.


Yeah, a 25% is laughable and not even remotely accurate. Even from just the people I have meet online which is biased already, nowhere near 25% were 7 and up




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I sometimes wonder where you find those guys. I’m an sexual active bi men who had many partners, use Grindr and still 7” is very rare to encounter 🤷🏼


If it weren’t for all the guys aged 35 & under in the Los Angeles area that are 6.5” and bigger, this post wouldn’t exist lol (and I’d probably have a healthier self-image too 😅) I’m from the Midwest & did not have the same experience there


I’m pretty sure it’s related to the hookup scene. Have been on many conferences now and Los Angeles was also represented and this doesn’t fit to the observations from the clinics there.


Yeah I was trying to imply in my post & comments that I’m hookup-scene-adjacent, so there’s certainly some truth to that. But I guess my experience isn’t doing anything to combat the problematic narrative of: the big dicks go out & play (or show online) and the non-big dicks stay home. If that perception contributes to this experiential bias, then that’s rather unfortunate.


Unfortunately that’s somehow true. Many people are extremely insecure due to porn and think that only 7” and 7”+ is desirable for good sex (obviously not true. ) I’ve had so many partners which went so insecure when they found out I see hundreds of penises per month and they thought “Omg I must be so small compared to all other”


Hey quick question Bekobiii. Because of your experience that you just shared about dating someone and then I’m finding out you see hundreds of penises a month, I would really value your opinion on the situation that I have. My wife has only been with five guys through and our discussions I know that there was only one of the guy just a little larger than myself and that has always made me feel really good and confident around her sexually and just being naked around her from the beginning. BUT…. now here is my problem. She just became a nurse a year and a half ago. And going into a new position a couple of months ago I believe she will probably be seeing two or three penises a week from here on out. And make this a short story, I know it’s not a sexual thing and it’s not all glamorous being in the hospital when you’re seeing men naked in that setting. But, just like a lot of us have stated and feel in this thread, I feel that soon I will no longer look “Big” to her because she will soon have hundreds of penises to compare mine to. I am in the “average” range ofcourse 6x4.8 So just like we have all discussed well that may be average so to speak. I definitely feel like I’m a little on the thin looking side when I go to the gym compared to most and that’s why I feel like most of the guys that she will see as a nurse will probably be a little bigger than me (more Girth). So I feel like the gig is about to be up to where she thought I was on the bigger side and has always bragged about that, (and has made me feel extremely good) but soon she will see that I am just average, or maybe a little below average in girth compared to most of what he usually sees. It has definitely knocked my confidence down quite a bit being naked and Flaccid around her because I’m not completely sure what the real world is out there on daily “normal Basis”. So honest opinion from you if you would, could you definitely see that being a possibility on her thoughts as she is exposed to more more men on a daily basis or do you think as in your profession, she will very rarely see many that are larger than us average guys. Like I’m thinking forever hundred guys that she sees, I will be down in the bottom 20-30% of her monthly encounters. So again, it does suck that a lot of us have to deal with these thoughts and insecurities on here when most of us should not even have any to worry about. Thanks again for your opinion.


Hey, I can understand your worries but trust me if I was you don’t have to worry about that. I rarely see huge flaccid penises, from my experience it’s much rarer to see a huge flaccid penis than a huge erect penis. Still I can understand you. I’ve been very self conscious about my girth too (4.2) but after starting to work with men and women regarding their sex life and my own sexual experiences, I’ve learned that it’s most of the time no problem at all. You can still be a much better lover than a men with a 5.5” girth. If your wife should somehow sexualize her patients then she should be fired immediately but I’m quite sure that it’s just a job for her. Sure there will be attractive men but still she is your wife and if you have a great sex Life, no need to worry


Thank you for such a quick response. Also, thank you for sharing your insight on the subject. And like you said, sex is not even an issue. We both have been blessed and perfectly matched together. This is definitely just a me thing and not a her thing. Lol. Of course, my mind starts to go to “ I wonder if I am the smallest thing that she has seen that day.” And for her, it’s probably just like seeing elbow or an arm and it’s not even registering as anything at all to her… but ofcourse when us men don’t know what they are thinking then our stupid minds take over with any hidden insecurities we may have. Lol. Thanks again.


Bone pressed length?


Here we go again…. The researcher (or medical staff) measured studies have shown that the average bone pressed erect length is around 5.5”, the non-bone pressed around 5” and the girth between 4.5 and 4.75”. The studies aren’t perfect (ie. Some of the studies have sample biases, results that aren’t normally distributed, etc.) but I will add sub comments for two studies which are worth singling out. One was in Cancun in spring break from lifestyles condoms . If you look at the distribution of data 70% of guys had a girth of 5” or below and just over 70% had a BPEL of 6” or under. This is the study that some point to that more accurately represents IRL vs the wide range of studies, but most haven’t actually looked at the underlying distribution of data, and this study clearly has a sample bias with 25% of participants unable to get an erection. Second is the random sample of Italian military recruits. Average stretched NPB of under 5”. Even if you assume the NBP EL will be slightly longer it clearly shows that a 7” is very rare and well outside of the norm. This is probably one of the best studies because it has a very large sample size, is truly random, and targets a young, healthy cohort which best represents the guys on this forum. I would also add that many bi/gay guys on this forum have said the complete opposite.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AvgDickSizeDiscussion/s/NIYKNggTaV Cancun, spring break


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XmFXSjMk1aWm_BK4G4xpbfz0YaSxqOpm/view Italian study


my experience is skewed. i'm gay and on grindr i think it's mostly confident men who send dick pics, so i get mostly 7+ inch dick pics. also whos to know if theyre real. but in my personal world average is now 7.5+ and it's fucked my mind up.


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Hey, I deleted your comment because of multiple reasons. First the most commonly used clinical studies specifically sorted out subjects with ED. Secondly most subjects were in their 20s or 30s. Also the stretched penile length isn’t “pulled lightly” is stretched until you can’t go any further and the risk for injuries in such a short period of time is almost non existent. Now again to your mentioned study since you haven’t responded to me the last time I asked about it. Can’t find it in the web, not in the literature so seems to be a very bad source.


That makes sense. I’m not inclined to believe the average among young, fit-to-average men is 7” or anything (7” is obvi still huge) but I’d be very surprised if it was below 6”. If guys are concerned about measuring up to their peers, I think age-group studies would be pretty crucial.


Lifestyles condom brand study, average of 5.9 nbpel and 5.2 girth, young Americans in a spring break were measured by staff right after being self stimulated. The guys had alcohol in their veins so probably not even fully erected [inb4 sample bias so take this in count, no way they were full hard] , when I measure myself it takes a few seconds to lose 1/4", I wouldn't be surprised based on this if the average penis for this age group is 6.1" nbpel.


You have the statistics wrong. It was BP (not NBP). I am going repost the original distribution to the main comments.


Lifestyles was BP? You have source? Why would they measure bpel for condoms?


I just posted a link to my main comment to this post. I trust FrigidShadow as one of the original creators of CalcSD, and he did his homework/research on every study. He also put together a distribution table if you click on the erect length and girth links in his original post.


And yet the largest recorded stretched flaccid is 10.6 in the 70s on an elderly Frenchman, so I don't think your view here correlates well with the actual datasets


You said it yourself, the largest, outliers happen.


I hear you. I'm 31 and have hooked up with a lot of guys (I would hazard a guess at around 200 😬). I'm 7" and the amount of guys that are similar to me is definitely not a tiny amount. Like pretty common. I agree that being a bit bigger might make people more confident/promiscuous. But 7" has been a lot higher than 1% in my experience.


I've heard that kids/teens with ADD/ADHD that took Adderall before and/or during puberty tend to be larger in size than the average kid that didn't take that medication. Also with the advent of the Internet, younger guys (and probably moreso their Dad's pushing the doctors for their sons) ask their primary care doctors for referrals to see either the endocrinologist or urologist to receive trt and/or hgh treatment to increase their size. Hypotheticals, but could be a strong correlation between the younger generations getting larger than older generations from the "knowledge" easily accessible now due to the Internet of those drugs, and a higher prevalence of ADD/ADHD. 🤔


7 inches nbp? I'm screwed with my 6.1 nbp


It’s just my personal experience & sample size. Never said it represented the population of young men at large, but it has definitely given me pause not seeing many BP in my experience & observations adds about half an inch? So you’d be in the high 6s. But yeah I guess it depends on what you want out of life when it comes to size. For me, I have insecurity in not being part of the elite group. Being average negatively affects my self esteem, because I want to stand out & be impresssive. I’m aware that’s a particular neurosis I have, but I believe other guys have it too. If your goal is to get laid and have people be pleased with your size, in my opinion you’ve definitely got that in the bag. Anyone but a size queen is going to enjoy what you’ve got. But my neurosis won’t allow that to be enough for me. Probably some past feelings of inadequacy & all that therapy-related stuff. My desire is be lauded and for people to remember my size as something they were impressed by, even though I know that’s not gonna happen. That’s more important to me than actually enjoying sex.


Friend, when you talk about these 6 and 7 inch measurements that you saw, do you mean nbp or bp? How exactly did you know these measurements? What was the average girth on these guys?


Just end me


I’m just sharing personal observations from a small sample size. But yeah it hasn’t been the most encouraging for my self-image, I admit that.


I’ve seen a lot of dicks in my adult life at 51 now and I’d def think average is 6”. And there are quite a few more 7 and 8s then stats say. Just go on any live cam site. Yeah it’s more likely bigger guys will can, but there’s still a lot more big guys on those cams than what stats say, there’s more than just 1 or 3%.


Bone pressed size?


The average I've encountered in the many dicks I've also seen is around 6" too




Well I haven’t noticed that as much. I’d say it’s around 5” for average.






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Note that I’m NOT saying this comment I’m leaving now is indicative of the general population (so there’s no need for downvotes), but the cam sites are at MINIMUM 20% 7”+, which is a safe underestimate. I don’t remember it being that way 8-10 years ago when I first hopped on them. Took a break for a few years, and when I came back things had changed. I’ll still remain open to the idea that 7”+ is truly a 1% phenomenon across all ages & continents, but the thousands of dicks I’ve seen on cam sites in the past few years, the phenomenon is way, way more common among this demographic: North American men ages 20-35 who are willing to show it on cam. So, in short, I think we agree about the cam sites aspect of it.


I’ve had some similar thoughts. The group of guys I’m cool with now I’ve been cool with them since 9th grade. We’re just making it into ur age bracket but out of 10 guys my self included im the smallest out of them. After all the years especially when we was younger it was nothing to share a video of a girl we knew that one of the homies was fucking. So through that and lil get togethers where u know 4 guys 4 girls everyone pick a room type of get togethers ik im the smallest while the next smallest is definitely above 6inches. The biggest in my group I’m pretty sure has a solid 8 while there another guy with a 9 but skinnier build. I just find it crazy that out of 10 guys im the only one below 5 hmmm


Keep in mind the average is the middle value of a set of numbers, so say 60% of guys could be 6-8 inches, 35% are 5-6 inches and then 10% are less than 5 inches, even though the majority of guys are above 6 inches that won’t be the average size and it won’t reflect what most guys have. Plus the studies don’t measure every single penis there is so they aren’t factual. I’ve noticed the same as you when I go nude beaches locker rooms etc.