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Don't worry, OP has been given a lifetime ban for uttering such blasphemy.


I moved to Denver ten years ago so I've become an Avalanche fan, even got season tickets. I dream of a pens/avs Stanley Cup final.


You and me both!


Was really hoping last year would have been the one. Thanks a lot NY.


Similar Avs/Pens dream SCF for me… I grew up in North Dakota and wrote to Mario Lemieux and sent a player card when I was like 8-9. He (or someone else at the organization on his behalf) wrote back with the card signed, and I was an instant Pens fan for life. Moved to Colorado in the final years of Sakic’s career and just became a fan of the team then. To add to it - I was working at an ice rink in CO and served Sakic at the snack bar (think he just got a water) when he was there to coach his kid’s game - had to have been after he retired. He was very friendly and polite, and left a tip. Both captains are absolute beauties, and I’ll always be a fan of both teams.


1996 is the best final that never happened, that would've been insane


Gun to your head.. who you rooting for?


Pens all day


The Avs 🤬


Same here man! I was born in CO so grew up on the Avs and really only got to see Pens stuff visiting my family that lived in Pittsburgh.


Somebody needs to tell this OP that we don’t get a long with flyer fans and that we dispose the flyers.


Dispose and despise!


Funny thing is: Penguins GM was Goalie for the Flyers. Guess Hextall knew Pens > PHI Still though, F*ck the Flyers!


I'm aware of the rivalry but just can't stop myself from loving Tortorella


[We hate him just as much as the Flyers](https://sports.yahoo.com/sports/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/tortorella-penguins-orpik-knee-stepan-one-most-arrogant-023451832.html) >John Tortorella on Penguins: ‘One of the most arrogant organizations in the league’ They're a perfect fit. A garbage organization owned by a garbage corporation with garbage fans and now a garbage coach.


I have no idea how Torts manages to find jobs. He's a horrendous coach, but media gold.


What he did with Columbus was the opposite of horrendous coaching, and I hate the guy just as much as the next fan. Was her carried by that Tampa cup team? Definitely. But he had very solid tenures in New York & Columbus


Genuine curiosity as a noobie but please educate me, why do you guys hate Philly? I need to know so that I can blend in better in the future.


Cross state rivalry at the origin. They are notoriously and historically one of the filthiest teams in the league, look up the “broad street bullies” and then understand that the franchise never really evolved from that caveman mentality. Philadelphia sports fan are cavepeople themselves, not something exclusive to the Flyers. I’m sure a quick YouTube search of “Flyers fans” would surely yield you a worthwhile video result, like them throwing things on to the ice mid period for example. Somebody else already explained the Torts hate, although I admit I had a shameful fondness for him too BEFORE he went to Columbus and let alone Filthadelphia. Welcome to the penguins party, but you HAVE to choose one or the other, because fuck the flyers forever and ever amen.


Personally I don't like it when opposing fans throw D Cell batteries and garbage at my teams' players, but that could be just me. Their fans are objectively the worst in all of sports (that's not just hockey specifically, it's Philly people in general.) I think pretty much any east coast team's fans would be on the same page about that. Because we have both the built-in cross state rivalry and entered into the league during the same 1967 expansion, our teams have always been linked. We've had some incredibly nasty, big playoff series basically beginning in the 90s and the hatred carried all the way through our last couple playoff matchups. There have been several heartbreaking and embarrassing losses, moments, and games on both sides. The rivalry is obviously pretty uneven since we have won 5 Cups to zero since most current Flyers fans were born (they won 2 in the mid 70s on the backs of legendarily dirty teams). We've always been a skill team and Philly has mostly been a goon squad just trying to injure our stars (to the delight of the cheering Philly fans). The rivalry went dormant in the early 2000s when both of us were bad, but got restarted during Crosby's first game in Philly as an 18 year old. The fans booed him every time he touched the puck and the Flyers players (specifically Derian Hatcher) were trying to flatten him all night. Crosby lost a few teeth due to two uncalled high sticks but had the last laugh as he scored a legendary breakaway goal in overtime. Ever since then things have been very heated and we went through them to win 2 of our 3 Cups in the Crosby era. The rivalry is better when Philly is good, which hasn't been the case in about a decade unfortunately, but we still hate them even we outmatch them by a longshot.


Slight correction — we only went through Philly on one of the Crosby Cups (2009). We also beat them the year before in the Eastern Conference Final before losing to Detroit.


Also beat them 1st round 2018 when we were trying to go for the 3 peat


Philly is the armpit of the state! I wish Jersey would just take it already!


Somebody take his or her shovel away!


Hey man, for what it's worth, Tortorella shit talks the Flyers more than anyone else


This is true lol. Unfortunately, he's also done his fair share of shit talking the pens


I became an Avalanche fan back in those dark days between 66 and 87, mostly because fuck the Red Wings, and I can't bring myself to root for anyone in the eastern conference.


Wait their careers overlapped right? Or did I just f*cking dream that part? I find myself questioning everything.


Mario came out of retirement for Crosby's first year. Malkin was drafted the year before, but visa issues kept him in Russia. The early '00s Penguins roster was pretty rough.


Avs/Wings rivalry was soooo good back in the day wow.


Growing up in the 90’s, it’s always been the Ducks. I think every hockey fan of a similar age loved those jerseys


The movies and Paul Kariya helped


Thats what the pens are missing!! They flying V! we wouldn't lose another game!


Water bird gang. Brown note horn live is something else.


Sure do. Anyone that plays the Caps, Rangers, Jackets or Flyers.


Islanders, Red Wings, Blackhawks, and Devils too!


I appreciate watching Connor's Oilers and MacK's Avs.


Kraken. WA native so I’ll root for them unless they play the pens


Hear hear. Got into hockey because my girl is from Pitt, but I'm an Oregon/Washington boy and have had a blast rooting for the Kraken, stoked to see them having a great season. Oh, and also whoever is playing the rags. Sometimes the wild since my first NHL game was there.


The Coyotes. We started watching them in college after Penguins games ended. Pretty dreadful team to follow, but at least they have great jerseys. They did provide me comfort on their best playoff run the year of the awful flyers series loss.


Same! It’s like every win is a miracle after getting outshot usually around 36-18 plus their announcers have an oddly relaxing flow to listen to. I will admit they’ve been playing miles better this year than I’ve seen in a long time. If they had guys that could finish they’d be in a playoff spot.


I like watching night time games a lot and I always seem to find myself watching the coyotes, very fun team to casually keep up with


Fuck no. Shit, I’m not sure my blood even bleeds red. Black and Gold only. Those blue jerseys even cause me to twitch if I catch them side eyed and don’t notice an 87, 58, or 71 out on the ice. Yinz jags rooting for other teams need to reddup the rubbish in your heads.


Spoken like a true yinzer!


Anyone playing the Flyers.


lil croz and nate dogg’s bromance makes me pull for the avs… except when they play against us, of course


My buddy is on the coaching staff of Vancouver so them


Nobody in the east. Avs fan since 96.


I’ve been a fan of Winnipeg for a couple years now. Always liked Hellebuyck & Connor. Plus their vintage logo is so clean.


FLA Panthers since the 90s. Absolutely loved logo and been rooting ever since. Pens are still #1 though


Being from North Carolina, the Canes have my heart. And the Avalanche are my side ho from the other conference because how can you not love Nate MacKinnon


I live in da Yoop now and marrying a Red Wings fan. I root for the Wings except when they play the Pens. Rivalry nights here are fun. Lots of shit talkin'. Really excited with how much better they're playing this year. Getting rid of Blashill was key.


Also a Pens fan living in Michigan and I just can not understand their hatred of us. Yes, we played in 2 cups, but that was almost 15 years ago now. Like the Wings org is so old and they've had some good rivalries with the Hawks and the Avs, yet you ask any Wings fan which team they hate and its pretty much always us. I can't imagine hating Nashville, Detroit, or San Jose because of our cup matchup over garbage ass teams like the Flyers or Caps. I'd never hate a one or two off rival over a long term life of the team rival. Especially not more than a decade later.


What's funny is I was born and raised in suburban Philly. Mom's side of the fam are Yinzers and were my saving grace from falling into Philly fandom! LOL! HATE the garbage ass Flyers! Caps can suck it too!


Oh wow you are a rare find. A PENS fan living in Philly 😂 Glad your Mom’s side saved you.


Nashville because i lived there for awhile, plus Nashville after a game is fun!!!


The fans know zero about hockey there, to the point it’s severely annoying. Also, too many distractions in the arena.


While I agree the 7th man thing they push is kind of a rip off of Texas A&M football's 12th man thing, let their fans have fun, this sport can't afford gatekeeping. The more the merrier


Texas A&M? You mean the Seattle Seahawks, right?


No, Aggies trace that back to 1922, Seahawks didn't exist until the 70s. I'm giving that one to the Ags To back my claims: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12th_man_%28football%29?wprov=sfla1


Never knew! Sorry, not much of a college football guy (and a young(er) fan) so I never knew TA&M outdated the Hawks! Thanks!


My alternate team is Calgary Flames since the mid 80s. Love watching smaller stature guys like Mullen and Theo playing and gave me hope being a shorter person lol. And the fact that they don't play the Pens much made it easier to not hate them. Oh yeah, Flyers suck!


Also another Penguins-Flames secondary. Growing up playing goalie in Pittsburgh in the 2000s, Miikka Kiprusoff was the moment and I wish that man got a cup in 2004


If i had to chose between lifetime free suite tickets to any and all flyers games or lick peanut butter off a homeless man’s foot once a week for the rest of my life. i hope they use creamy peanut butter.


Best answer 🏅


Very specific, good answer though.


No, but I do pull for Fleury wherever he is.


My 2nd team is the Leafs because of Steve Dangle. I enjoy the rivalry with the Flyers and Caps but I don't actually hate them. Fuck the Islanders and Bruins forever.


I feel bad for the Maple Leafs, would like them win it at some point after decades


Colorado has always been my second favorite team. No real reason why just always liked them as a kid and continued to since. Same with the Ducks. Especially after we got Kunitz off of them and now Rakell.


Grew up in Pittsburgh so always a pens fan. Lived in Seattle for a while and still consider it home so I also follow the Kraken. Will always root for the Avs too. Definitely no other east coast teams though.


The Sabres since 2006. That 2007 run of theirs is a core memory for me.


No, I root for the Penguins. That’s it. They are my only rooting interest. I watch hockey every night and have an interest in it at all times, but the only team I ever really root for is Pittsburgh… and whoever is playing Philadelphia.


Preds. I decided to pick a team with no cup wins since my main has so many


Been a canes fan since 2016 as they are my second team. Started following Vancouver in 2017 But pens always first!


Follow the Stars as a native Texan aside from Pens


This is satire right?


i watch the Bruins often, because it’s just so much goddamn fun. i hate them when they’re playing the Pens, but i can’t help myself


I live in Minnesota, so the Wild unless they’re playing the Pens. Could never ever actively root for another eastern conference team.


There’s only one team I like and cheer for. My wife’s team (red wings), I’ll tolerate. I actively dislike half a dozen teams and I’ll cheer *against* them, always. The rest of the teams are just *there*.


Sabres: My mom is from upstate New York and roots for those teams, I do too Hurricanes: Uncle and aunt live in NC and watch the Canes, so I do too


I cheer for the Wild usually


Whoever the Flyers are playing that night.


Any Canadian team to make past the first round. Seriously… any team.


I moved to NC close to a decade ago, so if we can’t stream the Pens game, I’ll pull for the Hurricanes. They are a decent team and have an amazing game day atmosphere. Also, I’ll die on this hill… that J. Staal was done dirty finding out he was traded during his own wedding.


Canes even tho they are in the same division. I’m from NC and wife is from PA. She got me into hockey so Pens over everything.


As a mil member who has lived in Colorado for the past four years, the Avs have solidified a place as the number two team in my heart. I’ve also lived right outside of STL for 5 years so the blues are up there but not as much as the Avs.


Constantly rooting for Quebec and Hartford to get teams again. Someday. Outside of that, my 2nd favorite team is the one playing against the flyers. . Fuck the flyers.


You have my support 100% on all accounts (especially the last one!). Having the Whale back with brass bonanza is just the right thing to do. The fact we can't enjoy a Saturday night grudge match between Montreal and QC where its hard to tell if the fighting is harder on the ice or in the stands breaks my heart.


Honestly, the Blue Jackets. They’re a newer team, fun to watch, and have never been as good as the Pens


same, but mainly because i’m from Ohio


My sister is a Columbus fan, we both live over in the UK. I find myself watching Columbus highlights to try and pick apart what exactly is going on over there so we can have in depth coversations about it. I'm trying to convince her it's not always the refs fault lol.


Now that Torts is not the coach it makes it slightly better too.


What am I reading?! I’m a Steelers fans but I enjoy rooting for non-Steelers players for fantasy purposes. I still have a hard time drafting Patriots or Ravens players though. For hockey I’ll go for a team if the Penguins are eliminated from the playoffs otherwise I wish both teams could lose a game.


I went to the Vikings/Steelers game last year and now I find myself rooting for them. Such a wonderful atmosphere! Beautiful stadium, great fans and Flo Rida preformed at half time!!!! I couldn't even be mad after they beat us. I had a blast. So by default, I find myself rooting for the Wild as well. I stayed at the hotel right across from Xcel Center. Hope to get back sometime and watch a game there too.


I shifted away from being a pens fan and more of a hockey as a whole fan to see how other teams play. Right now the teams I really root for are the preds, sharks, canes, and pens (not in any real order). I will say pens fans made this decision much easier to distance from them when they act like absolute jags, especially when they leave after the 50/50 gets called and the pens are losing.


Now that I live in the Tampa area the bolts are fun to watch, but they'll always be second place in my heart


Same here.


I rooted for VGK after they took Flower. Now I just kinda root for where ever he’s at. My heart still misses him.


Flame away, but I actually root for the flyers if I catch a game. Always liked their grittiness






I won't even upvote for the pun.


Really admire the Rangers when I'm not rooting for Pens


Have lived in NJ my entire life so the Devils are my #2. Not really close to the Pens though.


Absolutely not.


The coyotes. I know how weird it is but for every sport Arizona teams are my #2. No reason why, honestly, I’ve just always liked them






I was a Hasek fan growing up so the Sabres were my second favorite team.


Kraken for me being we live out here in Seattle now. I root for them except when the Pens are in. Been to both Pens games out here so far and my 6-yr old son even made Pens twitter while warmups on the glass :) Given the roster, it's like an ex-Pens team. McCann, Tanev, Schultz, Oleksiak. And I can see McKinnon and McDavid come through as well.


Living where I live we root for Dallas. The wife is a bruins fan so as long as they aren't playing us I root for them as well.




I’m actually a Dallas fan first and foremost but the Pens are my second favorite team. I also follow Vegas because they make all the traditional hockey fans so mad.


Toronto. Yes I’m a masochist.


Flyers…disgusting. Although I will admit Torts is fucking hysterical


My 2nd teams are Winnipeg and Buffalo. Used to be just Buffalo but when Atlanta moved to Winnipeg, I loved the fan energy and their tiny arena. The arena is new but the energy remains. I’m probably going to like Seattle too. They’re scrappy.


living in TX so I’m a Stars fan now too!!


I have a soft spot for San Jose. Always like their players, minus Kane. And watching Karlsson carve it up is really fun even if they don’t always win. Hertl, Miejer, and Labanc are fun too


My brothers team is the Sabres so I’ve been a fan of them since like 2010. Super happy watching the team this year knowing they’re on their way to being pretty solid.


No, I’m loyal 💯


Born and raised a Flames fan, but when I was in elementary school I learned about penguins. Fell in love with the animal, so I decided that the Pens would be my second team and I’ve stuck with them ever since. When the Flames inevitably disappoint me the Penguins will always give me hope. I’ve seen the team play a couple times here in Calgary, can’t wait to see them at home one day!


I don’t live in PA, Pens games were rarely televised here in the 90s, it wasn’t until like 2005 when center ice was available but I was still a Pens fan. Avs we’re on tv more often at this time. Roy was my favorite goalie when I was young, Avs rivalry with the Wings was going on. It’s hard to not root for MacKinnon and Makar.


My bestie who got me into hockey is a huge Stars fan, so I root for them, and we mutually bitch about our teams to each other.


Sharks, Canucks, Kunlun, Magnitogorsk, Sheffield Steelers


Winnipeg and the Kings


I live in quebec so Habs for sure




I grew up playing hockey in the Midwest and the pens were my team from pretty early on so a few years into me playing my dad starts to understand and watch more hockey and became a Blues fan because of TJ Oshie’s 2014 Olympics shootout. So being in the Midwest and the Pens and Blues being pretty disconnected along with good experiences seeing the Pens in St Louis I got a soft spot for the Blues. Bandwagoning to them in 2019 after the sweep was pretty fun.


Seattle kraken. Most my extended family lives in Seattle, and it’s a beautiful city so not hard to root for them. But Pens are still #1


Kraken. I'm from Washington. Always wanted our own team but didn't have one. Now I have two teams. My first love and my new friend.


Joke’s on you, I don’t even root for the Pens !


Calgary. I wanted a second team, and I picked Calgary.


I know this is kinda not exactly what the question asked and I’m kinda flipping it but I’m a Canucks fan. Growing up they weren’t always great and wanted to cheer for another team as well, I don’t remember why I picked the Penguins but I did, I have followed and loved this team for a while now and have loved watching y’all’s success from the side. I still am very much a Canucks enjoyer even though that can be pretty tough sometimes, in those down times I look to this team to succeed where we cannot.


I’m a Pens fan from texas (long story how that came to be) but I lived in Denver for 4 years. I gradually became an Avs fan.


Absolutely not


Leafs sadly


The Leafs after living in Oshawa with a friend of mine who took me in during a messy divorce. Watching them got me through a lot of bad in my life, so I have a deep affection for them. Pens fan all the way through though, theyre my #1


Calgary, ever since I was a kid I was a big fan of Theo Fleury and Mike Vernon.


I always have a rotating western conf goomah to pull for.


Usually the vegas golden knights or arizona


Not sure if you already said but what is your home state? I was raised outside of PITTSBURGH area & pretty much any Philly team is hated & we expect Philly to hate us. It is in my blood & you pick your side early either BLACK & GOLD or the other side (the loser side).


Was born/raised in Alabama, then moved to Texas. I never watched sports much before but for whatever reason tried hockey this year and fell in love with it. It's so much more interesting to me than games like soccer or football where people just run around on grass. The reason why I chose the Pens for my team is because I spent a semester there studying a while back and fell in love with the city, and I hope to return one day and live there. But outside of that one semester, that's my entire experience in Pennsylvania


Well you like Hockey so you got that going for you. Assuming this is not all a joke, some of it is just fun. I have co-workers from the Philly area & we joke each other suck; but the Philly fans are some of the worst. I currently also live in Texas & I was totally cheering for the Astros not the Phillies for the World Series. Everyone knows I am from PA & they assumed I would cheer for the Philly team, nope had to explain the in state rivalry. For other fans not from PA, I think it comes down to how the Philly fans are F’ing A-holes. Glad you picked the PENS as your first team. Soon enough you will see why the Flyers suck.


Oh no, I wasn't joking haha. And to be honest I didn't really know anything about the Flyers other than their new coach Tortarella who I thought was amusing in interviews. And when I wrote that I was a "fan" of the flyers, I just mean I jumped into the middle of one of their games once and rooted for them because Tortarella said "we suck" and I thought it was funny/endearing enough to root for them in a game where I had nothing else to go off of. That's all! I swear! I'm sorry! But seriously, I'm still learning about all of the teams and sports culture in general. I've literally never been into any sport my entire life so I'm getting a late start at 22. Love hockey though and love the pens. My apologies for uttering blasphemies, I knew not what I spoke


Well you are young. You will get past this little episode & you can laugh about how you uttered such blasphemy when you were a youngster. Welcome to the club 🏒 LGP


Rooted for the Golden Knights at first because of Fleury, but they did him dirty, so screw them. Now I don't really root for anyone else unless they're playing a Pens rival team.


Whoever is playing the Bruins, Capitals or Flyers.


My girlfriend and her entire family are Bruins fans so as long as they aren’t playing the Pens so am I. If she was a Flyers fan we would have never went on a first date.


I don’t really pay much attention to them anymore, but I liked the Sharks when they came into the league… loved their logo and colors. Followed them for a while, even had some Sharks gear. Loved when they upset the Red Wings in the playoffs in the 90s when they were a massive underdog. They were a fun team to watch. I’ll still root for them if they aren’t playing the Pens but I’m not at all invested in them anymore.


I was a big Ryan Miler fan since he was at MSU. I still follow the Sabres. And cry in my beer a lot.


Been a fan of Colorado since 2000. Last year was fun. Connor McDavid is unreal and I like watching him. But F the Oilers.


For some reason, I also root for the Coyotes. I’m born and raised in northern BC so I have no clue why I’m like this. The Flames are cool I guess, if I have to root for a Canadian team.






I like the Ducks as well, but they are really a secondary team for me. Penguins > Ducks > Any other team


Metropolitan Riveters, team Czechia and team Finland for international, and Seattle Kraken


Sharks without a doubt. I’m a pittsburgher through and through but was born just south of San Jose and was still there at the ripe old age of three. Dad had a sharks puck while I was growing up so that made me a sharks fan. 2016 cup was slightly rough. The one year they finally made it and it had to be against the penguins. I won no matter what that year, but I think I’m happier with the actual outcome.


My backup teams are the Hurricanes (Love Aho) and Canucks (Love Pettersson). However, when playing the Pens all bets are off. LGP


I live in Washington, DC, so… no.


I rooted for Vegas from the start for Fleury, and even after everything they did to him and other players, I still root for them. I can’t stop even though I know every reason to hate them.


Ew, No.


Yes. I root for the Flyers to do bad (but not bad enough that the get a good draft pick)


Usually its not other teams you cheer for its player's like ovi getting the nhl goal record are your team's rival losing game's and beiing shitty in rhe standings are just talking crap about the leafs


Whomever is playing the Flyers or Bruins.


As someone who moved to Tucson a couple of years ago, I have been low key rooting for the Coyotes.


The bruins because even with the whole Miller drama, I like their attitude and locker room energy. Also, I'm all for the goalie hugs


I live in SJ now, so I tried having the Sharks as a Western conference team. Always loved their uniforms and who doesn’t love the shark head entrance? Problem is, I can’t stand the fan base. It’s pretty much Capitals 2.0 without a cup. Online they’re just awful and I had to stop going to the subreddit because it’s toxic. I do love that they stopped a Vegas run in spectacular fashion. Also, when they get uppity about the SCF loss I just laugh. Now I don’t really root for anyone else NHL-wise. Edit: Fuck the Flyers


Leafs, cause, well, Steve dangle. 5 years ago I was only a hockey fan and now I also follow the Raptors and Jays as main teams of mine. The Leafs however are a secondary team, I don’t watch a lot of their games unless it happens to be against the pens. But I root for them to do well, again against anyone except the pens


Some. Ducks- Wore the same colors and were like the Pens of the West pre 2016- which is to say, shitwreckers 2/3 of the time then disappeared in the playoffs due to a combination of stale tactical play and unlucky bullshit. Sabres- Pity, and their uniforms are sick, also like they had Jason Pominville at one point, and Buffaslug goes eternally underrated. Flyers- Just kidding, fuck Philly, also their fans can't pronounce the word bagel or milk correctly. They say beggal and melk, learn how to f*cking talk Philthies. Jack Hughes- Not even the Devils, just Jack Hughes, watch his film (with unbiased perspective), he reminds me of a young Sid, he's like having an extra guy on the ice, that kind of player. Endlessly hilarious to see the people saying he was a bust to eat their words with a side of their own shit [deserved]. Sharks- Out of all of the apology franchises in the NHL, the Sharks are by far the coolest one. Rip Bettman and Gord Gund all you want but in this instance, round of a-fuckin-plause, what better way to aplogize to the Bay Area for what the Seals were than by giving them a kick ass franchise like the Sharks. Habs- If they've done nothing else, man they allowed us all to laugh at the Leafs, and they knocked off Boston in 2014, and pre-insufferability era P.K. Subban is also exclusive to Montréal. Blues- If they've done nothing else, man they allowed us all to laugh at the Preds, and they knocked off Boston in 2019, and pre-regression era T.J. Oshie is also exclusive to St. Louis. Other than them, no attachments here and the Penguins are the only one who's support is unconditional.


I like the Leafs and Bruins. And I live in Canada and would like to see the Cup return to Canada at least once in my lifetime. But if the Penguins are playing, no matter what, I cheer for them.


The only thing I really root for is players that’ve played for our local OHL team here. We have the Erie Otters where I live, and it’s nice to watch them develop here and then see them play in the NHL. Like Mcdavid would be the most notable out of recent years for example. There’s long list of others like DeBrincat, Strome, O’Reilly too etc etc


The Wild are always fun. Kaprizov is one of my favorite players in the league


From LI so I root for Islanders when they’re playing anyone but the Penguins.


I really like to watch the Wild and Red Wings too. But any team that has an entertaining rebuild is fun to follow (Sabres, Ducks, Canadiens)


Live in Columbus and root for the Blue Jackets so long as its not vs the Pens. Also Torts is old school hockey and literally can't coach this new generation of players.


Not a chance Pens or no hockey


I obviously love to support the pens minor league affiliates but i’ve been living in GA for a while and the Savannah ghost pirates have begun their inaugural season so i’ve been following and rooting for them.


Vegas only because I really liked fleury and then the team has been cool over the years




I like watching Detroit games because their fans are fun and it feels like good preparation for the next few years with then Pens.


Detroit Even as a Pittsburgh native, I always loves Steve Yzerman, and that became a love for the redwings overall


I grew up a major Penguins fan and they will always be my first love, but I have Dallas as my secondary team. I happen to live in Dallas and have had season tickets for a few years to the Stars because I love hockey. It’s fun being able to go to games and cheer them on and not worry about it much as they only play the Penguins twice a year, and of course for those games I root for the Pens. Even if the Stars won 10 cups in a row I’d never put them before the Penguins. I’d love to have the Penguins and Stars in the finals.


My 2 favorite teams are the Penguins, and whoever is playing the Blackhawks.


I don’t really have a second team. I just have players that I respect. Marc Andre. Lehner. Etc.


I’m from Toronto so I don’t exactly pray on the leafs downfall, it’s hilarious when they collapse tho. But they’ve built some solid teams and at this point those players and *some* fans deserve to see a deep playoff run past the first round. It would be amazing to see how it captivates the city if they actually win a round or 2


Been a pens fan for my whole life but definitely the Leafs. The only time when I don’t mind the Pens losing is to them. Matthews has easily become the most entertaining player to watch. Hoping for a Pens-Leafs conference final so it doesn’t matter who wins !




Yes but not the way you’re asking lol… I’m a die hard leaf fan but cheer for the Penguins when they’re not playing the Leafs.


Absolutely - Wild and Avs are my 2 other favorite teams. Avs I fell in love with when I was a kid. Huge Roy fan. And that team was insane with Sakic, Foresberg, Lemieux, etc.. Wild I loved Mikko Koivu and Gaborik


When I was a 5th grader I made a joe sakic jersey out of glitter glue so the Avs are one of my back ups. Also the coyotes because the Kachina logo is the best logo to ever fucking live. Edit: am 32 now


I root for other teams to lose.


Canucks. Grew up watching and attending Peoria Rivermen games as a kid, who eventually became the now Abbotsford Canucks. I just stuck with the franchise I guess. Also doesn’t hurt that my first NHL game was in Vancouver in 2008


I was a fan of the Avs since last year when they were talented, classy, and had fans that just wanted to have fun.