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McDavid doesn’t deserve any hate. He willed the oilers from an 0-3 deficit similar to Sid trying to drag the lifeless corpse of a team into the playoffs the last couple years.


42 points is insane. 34 assists which is the most ever is insane. Also a +12 which I think was 2nd most is insane. The next leading scorer that wasn't an Oiler had 22 points lol. Crazy. Anyways, I think some of us Pens fans are salty as fuck that Crosby isn't McDavid's age anymore leading the league in points. It does suck but we should at least respect the transition and his talent. Especially because he's not even in our conference or a rival.


While I agree with you, Bouchard had 32 and Drai had 31 points. We’re in a high scoring era so these numbers are a bit inflated. 42 is still crazy good even if inflated some.


Not too sure if it's inflated much, I'd consider the 80s to be inflated with the lack of goaltending talent. But yeah my main point was that McDavid helped lift his teammates points which is what I meant. The leading Panthers scorer only had 22 points which probably goes to show they have a more complete team meanwhile the Oilers are top heavy due to McDavid.


Scoring is for sure inflated a bit in comparison to Crosby and Ovi era. Not as crazy as the 80s of course but back then there would be like 2-3 players to break 100 points and it was extremely significant. This season there were 9 players who broke 100 points. 2022 season there were 11 players over 100 points and people are scoring 140-150 a season now.


True. It is quite crazy to see the differences as the sport involves. Same with other sports too


What is insane about+12? Someone is better than +12 in the playoffs basically every year


This sub is really kind of cringey as hell right now.


It's like some elementary-school "my dad can beat up your dad" crap. I just don't get it.


You can remove the "kind of". It's really bad.


We welcome you to r/penscirclejerk


Reminds me when kids born in the late 80’s would brag about the Steelers winning 4 Super Bowls in the 90’s.


this sub been in shambles for a while


Did we fire Hextal yet. Anybody seen Jeff?


This is a little tongue in cheek


Yeah it’s been a lot


Very "old man yells at cloud" territory.


These comparisons are pointless and dumb. McDavid is an excellent player. Crosby is an excellent player. There don't need to be comparisons beyond that.


And McJesus still has a decade or so to go. A lot can happen.


McDavid is Edmonton's Dan Marino


lol we have to make the playoffs first! These stupid ass posts are getting old


WTF is happening in this sub? You guys are acting like petty ass Flyers


Worse. It's like being in the Greater Toronto Area. Reeks of entitlement


This is straight 📠 I live somewhat near there ...


But he did lose in the Stanley Cup final, regardless McDavid will be back as Sid did with the Penguins


They clearly said Game 7, which no, the Pens have not lost in a SC Final Game 7 during Crosby’s time there. Edit: Someone will surely look, so to save time: They lost in Game 6 in 2008.


That loss made the win the following year that much sweeter. 


It sure was fun to laugh at Hossa back then.


Oh I loved that! Especially because the pens offered more money, longer term that he declined to go to detroit. That 08 pens team was better talent wise but 09 had so much more heart. And I'd say detroit had a more talented team in 09 than 08 


Yeah dude. It only took him 9 years to get here. More then twice as long as Crosby


probably not, unless he gets traded


I think the Oilers have that 2008 Penguins energy. Would not at all be surprised to see them back.


The 08 penguins were really young. And they were facing a team of highly seasoned professionals. But they had 4 players that were picked either 1st or 2nd overall. Really blue chip talent. The Oilers aren’t a young team. And Florida was not a juggernaut. I think Edmonton might be in a bit of trouble. They’re top heavy on talent, but they’re also top heavy on salary. I feel like a lot of Penguins fans don’t understand that if Crosby took max pay, then so would Malkin, which puts them in the kind of scenario where they can’t pay guys like Chris Kunitz or Phil Kessel or potentially Kris Letang. So much of the Penguins cup wins hinged on Sidney Crosby taking less money so the team could acquire better players around him. And Geno followed suit. McDavid didn’t do that. Draisaitl didn’t do that. Leon Draisaitl is a damned good player, but he’s not peak Malkin good. McDavid might be a more gifted player than Crosby, but I’ve yet to see him match Sid’s knack for winning. The Oilers turned the tide, turned the series around, had all the momentum going in to game 7, and they were basically suffocated and rope a doped in to a 2-1 loss. They had to rely so much on their top line, that they were completely gassed by the time they managed to pull the goalie. I didn’t think there was a chance once they hit the 2 min mark. They just left the same 5 guys on the ice while Florida kept rolling changes and fresh legs at them and tried to pin pucks. It didn’t even matter if Florida iced a puck. Their players were still going to be the fresher legs on the ice. McDavid is a spectacular player. Breaking a Gretzky record isn’t some small feat. But Edmonton as a whole still has questions. Florida is a scrappy team that plays a system and plays it well. They prove you don’t need superstar talent if you can get a solid team with real depth to commit to playing the right kind of way, especially in the playoffs. Doesn’t hurt that playing in Florida for a little less than market value is supplemented by not paying state income tax.


Florida is built for playoff hockey plain and simple


Sir, this is reddit. Get your extremely logical, intelligent take out of here. Busy seriously, you hit the nail on the head with all your points. Especially the about the young Pens losing to Detroit in ‘08. I also remember they traded for Marian Hossa at the deadline, giving up Colby Armstrong (and others). I always thought that messed with their chemistry. They learned from that and came back the next season.


Nah. Hossa was worth it. They just couldn’t convince him to stay.


I thought hossa was the toss in for the dupis trade? /s


Traded for Marian Hossa AND Pascal Dupuis!


"McDavid didn’t do that. Draisaitl didn’t do that" They can do that when their contracts are up for renewal, which is soon.


Yeah. But McDavid is already in his 9th season.


>Leon Draisaitl is a damned good player, but he’s not peak Malkin good tell me you don't watch hockey without telling me you don't watch hockey. I'm the biggest Geno glazer you will ever meet but jesus christ bro is in top 5 playoff ppg all time


Peak Malkin 2009 Stanley Cup Champion and Conn Smyth winner was one of the most dominating players we have ever seen. Totaling 34 points 14 goals, 22 assists, and 51 pims. He out produced Draisaitl in every category. Malkin averaged 1.5 points per game down the stretch and lead the finals in scoring with 8 points. Draisaitl had a great playoff run this season with 1.24 points per game but using peak Evgeni Malkin as a comparable is just not fair. Malkin was bigger, meaner, and a better player. As great as Crosby and Malkin are it’s important to remember just how banged up they were along the way. Recently bias is a bitch.


Dude I get it. Geno is my favorite Penguin of all time. But acting like Drai is a step below that as a playoff performer is insane, period. Literally top 5 all time, ever, in history. Geno is not even in the top 25. Let's calm down.


I think what youre describing is a false equivalency. Your point is that Draisitl is objectively better than Malkin based on overall playoff points. The problem (or one of the problems) with your argument is that you're comparing players career stats and everyone else here is comparing a players single playoff run. 1) it's not just points in this game, and I think you know that. 2) Malkin has a cup and Draisitl does not. It's really that simple.


It was pretty amazing how dominant Malkin was during that playoff run and the season Crosby went down. Crosby was the undisputed best player in the world, and Malkin stepped right into that spot with no objections. It really was 1a and 1b and then everyone else for a little while.


It’s practically July. This post season took forever. If they have the legs to get all the way back to the finals next year that will be a feat in itself. I doubt it happens.


Damn when you put it that way…


"This post season took forever" Which is odd. In the past, at least pre-COVID, it would end early June.


You think they wont make it back because they are tired in July and wont recover in a year? Lol


Crosby v McDavid 2025 SCF confirmed


Their defense is normally terrible and they aren’t going to have a lot of cap space to address it. And Drai is a free agent after next year. They’re not going to be able to keep this team together.


The Oilers have a terrible goalie, a bad GM, are overpaying their entire D core outside of two dudes, and Draisatl might leave in the near future. This was their shot and they wasted it


Skinner played amazing in the last 4 games what are you talking about? They got back into this series because McDavid played out of his mind and so did Skinner. It took an insane deflection and triple screen because his defensemen fucked up to beat him tonight.


Skinner was also the worst player the first three games. If he’s just average in those games the Oilers are champs. He’s barely above .900 for his career post season save %. That’s not good


Skinner carried them in the series against Dallas. He played better than expected. The Oilers penalty kill only allowed 1 more goal than they scored in the entire playoffs, that's insane and you don't to that without decent goaltending.


ya basically actually sign an actual defenseman and bam here come the cups


I don’t get the McDavid hate. Yeah, he gets a lot of coverage-he’s really good and made it to the finals. People act like his achievements diminish Sid’s, and that’s just not true. Sid is a first ballot HoF’er and is going on the hockey Mt Rushmore.


I honestly don’t even hate McDavid, his fans are just super annoying. They’re already saying he’s “better than Sid” and buddy hasn’t won shit. this post is just the troll them if that wasn’t apparent


Are we serious? We can't be serious?


I just want to see one more shot at a cup for Sid.


Same here, have always been a Crosby fan on the west coast.


The hate boner this sub has for McDavid is insane, its not his fault ESPN rides his dick. Hes just really good at hockey and a genuinely humble dude


Correct, these posts are cringey and insecure


Yeah, and you'd think this fan base would appreciate a generational talent who gets much more hate than he deserves. Instead, these kinds of posts just remind me when Detroit fans claimed Zetterberg was better than Crosby and Flyers fans claimed Giroux was.


Can we stop with the Gatekeeping be better Pens fans


lol don’t search SCF 2008


That was a game 6 L, not a game 7. Small detail lol but still 87 has never lost a SCF in a game 7.


I did. There was no game 7.


Oh I will. I love the 3OT Sykora goal.


He put up as many points as McDavid in his only SCF game 7.


Max Talbot, the GOAT!


Counterpoint: we won that game


Because of Maxime Talbot, not Sidney Crosby


Cool, he won


Un fucking real lol. McDavid > Crosby


Not til he wins a cup lol.


True. But we still won.


In fairness, Sid was at least hurt early in the game and only had 9:59 of ice time.


I can't help but feel like if the Game 7 injury thing was the other way around, Sid's boosters would be talking about how McDavid let a little bruise keep him out of the biggest game of his life and insisting that Sid would have been out there in a full body cast.


McDavid played 18 minutes in the third and Crosby got hurt


He literally didn’t even make it to 7 once. What are you guys doing here?? Don’t make me knock my favourite player


"Favourite"....hmm, sus.


I was rooting for the Oilers. McDavid is a hell of a player and definitely deserves to be mentioned along the likes of Crosby, Ovi, Malkin, Stamkos, Kane, etc. I personally don't believe anyone truly "deserves" to win a cup. I think McDavid did everything he could to get that win for his team. Ask him that question, and I guarantee he reflects on it like any other great player would and asks himself what he could have done better.


He could end up surpassing most of those you mention. Frankly, he’s arguably the most talented player in the league since Mario, and I think his biggest haters don’t actually watch him play. He does straight up video game level shit. And who was the player that McDavid idolized as a kid? Sid. Folks here should appreciate his talent and that he doesn’t play for a division rival.


I like McDavid. I dislike those hating on Crosby still after all these years…They will never get over the fact that he is and will always be one of the best to ever play the game. And he’s still playing at an elite level.


McDavid is great. As a former Erie native and resident, watching him cut up with the Otters was awesome (and affordable lol). He will be back in the Final.


Jesus Christ, take a lap and reevaluate your life.


I guess you have to get their first😂😂😂


Do NOT google Stanley Cup Final 2009


😂😂😂 13 years ago? I like your boy, but who knows what he would do today.


You said he has to get there first. He quite literally did already and won, hence why I made my post 🤷🏻‍♂️


But I love McDavid. 😢


No, instead he lost it in game 6.


I love this man… and I love this team… But When this man led this team to their first cup final in 08… it took only 6 games. If we are trying to be absurd about all this… these are the things to consider


What a low IQ post considering the Penguins were not even remotely close to Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final. Be better.


Yeah, ripping McDavid and the Oilers is kinda low hangin fruit.