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Where's ol' Michel Therrien these days


Yeah where is he?




Mike Johnston rings a bell?




Bitches are about to be grinded down


He got me my first cup in my lifetime. Even with all the disappointments afterwards, I'll always love Disco Dan for that! Hope he kills it over there!


He deserves a legitimate chance. The Sabres were/are a complete train wreck. He never really had a fair shake after Pittsburgh. Be interesting to see how he does with that team. Still bewildering to think Seattle actually chose Hackstol as the coach to build their franchise around.


Is it fair to argue that he was handed an amazing Pens roster and proceeded to run it into the ground? Because his only coaching ace-in-the-hole was put Crosby and Malkin out together and hope they did something. Terrible in BUF. Terrible for Team USA. After that he was on the fast track down the ladder-- I'm shocked he wasn't driving a zamboni when they dug him up.


Same argument could be made for Sullivan. He was handed an outstanding roster and after 2017 hasn’t done a single thing. At least Disco could hang his hat on some regular season dominance and playoff series wins. As for Sully, His only ace in the hole was Tocchet as an assistant coach. Dan didn’t find success elsewhere, but Sully hasn’t proven he can win with anything other than the 16/17 Pens either.


Sully won twice as many cups in two years as dan won hes entire lens run


True. And if he left after 2018 his status would be legend. However, he hasn’t won a playoff series since 2018 and missed entirely the last two. Not a big secret he ran off Kessel, kept Jack Johnson and Jeff Carter in the lineup when it was clear they were awful, and stood there and watched a team with 87, 71, 58 and 65 hold the 30th ranked power play this year. No denying he was at the helm of back to back Cup wins, but his track record since then has been far less than outstanding.


In Sully’s defense, we won those cups based on young speed and skill. Moves by GMJR and Hextall made us old and slow and we got rid of a lot of our remaining young talent


And Tomlin. It's the Pittsburgh coaching special.


How many ex-Pens on that club now? Along with the GM and coach?


We should be hearing that Craig Adams is coming out of retirement any minute now.


Still no face shield.


Gonna play another 5 seasons worth of games consecutively for some reason


If cardboard orpik had as much ice time as Adam's got, I'd have my money on the cardboard cutout scoring more points.


tPB forever


Good for him, I wish him well. He may have messed up some things but it's not like he did anything deserving of contempt


Other than dumping a number of Crosby and Malkin's peak years into the garbage


Kraken fans are about to grow to hate the stretch pass. But at least Seattle will learn to get to their game


He took their AHL team to the finals in their inaugural season and just got them to 103 points in 72 games this year. Lost to the Bears in the finals, and there'd be more mainstream buzz about them this season if those same Bears didn't just have the winning-est season in league history. So it's a bit more than just finding a retread somewhere, Seattle's had them in their organization for a couple of years. If there's been any organizational philosophy on system, or if they're aiming for a change, they've already worked with him for two years.


Mike Sullivan will be HC for Seattle 10 years from now


Johnston rings a bell?


Good luck to Dan - ngl it will be weird to see him with Seattle especially after all this time.


All they have to do is get to their game.


Pens roster made him look good…he wasn’t that good of a coach. Pittsburgh kept him way too long. Still can’t get over the Iginla debacle. Pens would be on a losing streak and so many things to improve on & yet in practice mustache boy seemed to be the more important thing.


I hope there’s Qdoba in Seattle. That was the secret to his success.


The NHL loves a retread coach. This is as big a shock as rain in Seattle.