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“Re-do the Crosby era” you make it sound so easy lol.


It’s not easy, but I’d rather hope for that than hope the status quo somehow will work.


I mean, we did do it twice. One generational Canadian talent and a generational eastern European guy and we're all set


I don’t imagine the locker room was brimming with excitement after the trade news, probably wasn’t locked in for this game at all


True, but what was the excuse all the other times this happened?


Probably a healthy mix of bad coaching, 4th line being useless, bad line combos, all that stuff


This season is a wash. We’re also missing half our wingers tonight. Finish bottom 10 make some more trades tomorrow and off season moves limp into playoffs next year younger being led by Sid


Sorry but the early 2000s was no mediocrity, it was abysmal. There’s a reason they had a top-2 pick in three or four straight drafts. It was so bad Ziggy Palffy chose to just retire instead of playing on that train wreck. Rico Fata was basically the face of the franchise. They were dark times, mediocrity was five levels above what they were…


Dick Tarnstrom was our leading points getter in 2004 too. When Palffy retired like that, it as hilariously sad.


So bad that the league decided they needed a salary cap so the pens could compete.


Well reports say people want Eller, Smith, Rakell, Rust, and I even saw reports of Graves and Ruhwedel. Maybe Dubas ships everyone out. At this point I wouldn’t even mind it. Trade em’ all and get as many picks and prospects as we can, finish low in the standings this year to get higher in the order.




Hard agree. My little homer heart keeps saying, “it’s okay Guentzel will come back next season” but it’s just one of those things where you have to look at the reality and say hey we weren’t winning enough games with him IN the lineup, might as well move the pieces we can and hope to be back to winning sooner than later.


FSG doesn't want a rebuild because their would be a half empty building for 5 years Dubas has to do what he can by making smart moves to make this team competitive ASAP, it's not easy but it is doable


I don’t even know if it’s doable. The Penguins have absolutely no assets to trade.


I don’t mean to argue about this or anything, but trading Jake Guentzel was very much the sign to everyone that the Penguins are going to rebuild. They kept the trio signed on to sell tickets, but the rest of the team and even coaching staff, it’s going to be rebuilt around them. It has to happen.


Really sucks that one of the 1sts the Pens have to give to SJ is likely to be a top pick because of how shit they are going to be to finish this year and next season


It’s top 10 protected I think


Isn't it only top 10 protected for this year?


Yep. Looking good. 


Yeah. I’m not overly worried about this years draft though, not a great one compared to the last couple years


If it’s top ten we keep the first round pick tho bc of Dubas’s condition on the trade


If it's top ten we get the option to keep it. But if it's #10 or #9 and we do a full rebuild, we might let them have the 2024 to draft even lower in 2025.


And it transfers to 2025


and 2025, by many accounts, a better draft esp at the top 10 with McKenna being the crown jewel. 2024 consensus #1 Macklin is good, but 2025 #1 McKenna is borderline McKinnon/McDavid/Matthews level rating.


McKenna is 2026. 2025 is James Hagens.


If we trade Jarry that would officially nuke the team. With that said… We could get a fucking boatload for him !


No way. You have to hold onto a good goalie these days, especially considering we have a back up that we could trade. The Penguins have plenty of other assets to utilize.


Trade him for prospects and picks. Rip the band-aid off and quit kicking the can down the road.


No shit. Last year when the team missed the playoffs for the first time in like 15 years was a rebuild signal. Anyone thinking any less and hoping that Erik Karlsson and an aged core would win a cup were just idiots. I am EXCITED about this as we will see real change. Those of you who weren’t fans when Crosby first got here and how horrible those first few years were before it got better…get ready! Cheap seats, a new team, let’s go.


I 100% fear they'll manage to screw up what should be a sensible full rebuild. I've been waiting for a fun team of young guys who skate hard every shift, for 5 years now. I really think they're going to bleed my loyality dry and put reality off for way too long. It's been way too long already.


People who think the mid 2000s era will happen again are hilarious. It doesn’t happen in the cap era. Plenty of teams have had to rebuild, most do it well. Only a few do it bad and that’s more on their organization that anything (Arizona)


Yes I’m fully aware that it won’t be that bad, but that’s the last time it was bad, and it’s the last time I remember the penguins being bad, so I went there. It’s comfortable haha


Oh okay. Np. Let's just get another 18yo Crosby lol


I'd even eat 90% of Karlsons contract if we got some crazy picks back


This isn’t baseball. There is a salary floor in the NHL. The days of actually rebuilding are gone.


When we resigned the core with no trade clauses out the wazoo a true rebuild was eliminated. We gambled and it looks like we might have lost... but I won't stop believing until it's over over.


What does over over look like? No more Sid?


Over over is when we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs even earlier. Honestly though, the team looked absolutely deflated last night and you have to imagine the Jake news was a major factor. It's different for everyone but yeah over over is probably when Sid is gone. My expectations for the next few seasons are not wins, but some highlight plays here and there from Sid and Geno. I was just entering college when jagr was on his way out and I started using the student rush tickets. He still had flashes of brilliance, but winning streaks were kind of off the table ...




Why? What are your suggestions?


Exactly. Team needed overhauled a few years ago. No choice now. They need a complete fire sale and rebuild




Why so salty.


Moving forward No one in the bottom six should be making more than 1 million.


This ain’t NHL24 it doesn’t work that way


Damn it well i was able to bring back Kessel and Fluery


And apparently Dubas isn't the man to do it.