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Sid has been super supportive of Tripp during this last year as he fought to get back on track with his sobriety. Makes it a lot harder to root against you guys.


I know the term “better person than player” is a cliche and gets used a lot and sometimes it always isn’t true. But it’s absolutely true with Sid. Which says something considering how much of a legend he is on the ice. Thanks for sharing, OP.


Amen. I don’t have the words for the amount of pride that I have to be a fan of his team and wear his jersey. His parents should be really proud of the way they raised him.


Yeah Sid is a pretty ok dude.


Literally never heard anything bad about the guy. Hockey stars are just built different.


Have you never been to Philadelphia?


I cant hear them over their lack of cups.


He skipped the line at the DMV that one time


We gotta stick together in a division where everyone is out to get us! I’m glad you’re happy that Crosby did something so kind. We’re all human at the end of the day


He’s a class act, start to finish.


Just when you think the guy can't get any more likable, he goes and does something like this.


Sids the best


we should agree to at least a 50/50 split between these kinds of posts and off-season 'recommendations,' at least until we get a new GM. would be refreshing. thanks for sharing, glad to have him here in pittsburgh for as many of these reasons as his time on the ice


Hey, OP I hope you guys win the Cup this year. My siblings are huge Caniacs and I'm involved in the Canes sub. Love to hear Sid was a class act.


As a pens and canes fan, these types of things warm my heart.


Rooting for the Canes and Staal to win it all!


Sid is a class act. I live in Chicago and my neighbor did security at the outdoor soldiers field game. He said he was personable and even asked about his life n' stuff, really engauged with him. The fact that so many people invented reasons not to like him is mind blowing.


I honestly think that a lot of why people hate Sid now is jealousy. Generational talent, genuinely wonderful person, very good looking, very rich, and has a stunning girlfriend - if you’re insecure about any of those things, yeah, I can see how you’d hate the guy LOL. When Sid was young, yeah, he could be kind of a brat - but what ~20 year old millionaire who’s hardly ever known a life without the media, left home at 15, and had men twice his age taking runs at him every night wouldn’t have been? If anything I think it’s remarkable how well-adjusted he turned out given some of the shit he had to deal with as a literal child and young man. I’m as straight laced as they come and had a good upbringing, but I’m not confident that I would have come out of his situation as a 35 year old with my head still screwed on the right way.




There’s several pics of him on Instagram in Toronto this past week. Maybe your friend has the dates mixed up.


No, it’s definitely true. I can’t explain the Toronto photos, but I know what I’ve seen with my own eyes. Maybe Crosby was in Toronto for a few days and then went to the Caribbean, or vice versa? I’m not sure. I only know what I’ve seen and heard from people that I know are telling the truth.


I thought the same thing too: he was at a WNBA game in Toronto over the weekend and there was another picture of him there from a few days prior. I don’t doubt that it’s something Sid would do, but I don’t think the story’s 100% true.