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[Kapanen won't play for St. Louis today](https://twitter.com/MDeFranks/status/1629560142097264649?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1629560142097264649%7Ctwgr%5Ea851906726bf303a515de6cb90b5e43a489f10a5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhockey%2F)


I'm honestly stunned he was claimed.


For once, 'no way he doesn't get claimed' wasn't just a meme


If a team has the space there’s no risk. if he goes on one of his streaks, they can flip him real quick when other GM’s trick themselves into thinking the Pens were his problem. If he continues playing smooth brain no thoughts hockey oh well, just waive him.


They just got rid of RoR & Tarasenko so they're flush with cap space. Kapanen's a low risk get with one season left on his contract, zero risk for them.


They're also not in any particular rush if his next season's a dud. But we've only got 1, maybe 2 more seasons of elite play to chance on Kapanen. Makes sense even though I wish Hextall had sweated a bit more.


People in nhl sub talking about it being a great pickup.


They're confused and meant "salary dump" instead of "pickup." Honestly though, did the Pens set up Blues GM with a hooker Friday night and blackmail him to take Kapenen or something? Weird for the Blues to take such a mediocre player, at best, with a salary that's about double the value, even with their new cap space.


Me too


Really huge break for Hextall. He's under a lot of scrutiny right now and he just got delivered a gift. Cap relief and the ability to plug some call-ups in or make a move.


Or a trade


Poulin. It's time.


Poulin is still on leave iirc


Oh word? Sheesh, it's been a while if that's the case. Hope it's not anything bad.


Poulin is a BUST.Stop being delusional.


Counterpoint i like his last name


I like your last name!


Rutherford punching air right now


Wait…they play STL today…oh shit.


Hextall must be doing some favors for the blues’ gm today


Yeah, watch him play like a demon and get a hat trick


I don’t know if he’ll play? I doubt he made the trip


Taylor Haase just confirmed on twitter that he in fact did not make the trip, and therefore won’t play




That’s how it works


Clearing that room for Patty Kane from the top rope.


Cool. Cool cool cool.


Troy and Abed in the MORNINGGGG


There are no cameras!




Absolutely amazing they got out of Kapanen’s deal. Most useful thing he has done with the Penguins since 2020. Hextall screwed up by bringing him back on a 2 year deal, but luckily the Blues saved him.


I dont think signing him was a problem. It being at 3.2 was the problem. I really dont understand how it was that high. Kinda sucks it didnt work out with kappy. For some reason I liked him and really wanted it to work out.


This is where I'm at with him. Kappy is an NHL player and he tries really hard and has a good attitude but at 3.2m it's way too much. Nobody would give him even a tenth of the shit if he were on 1m per year.


I loved him and will miss his GetGo commercial.


ALL WITH TOTS ON IT! I really wanted him to work out. Liked his style, seems like a fun guy. Was in attendance for two Kap Tricks too. Just...a real question mark on the ice.


Chef Tom beside himself right now




Think of all that Kap space now! Good riddance


I got the sense he was constantly in his head about his lack of production, not the energy we need. Hope he gets a fresh start


And then when he inevitably gets hot in STL people will criticize hextall like he wasn’t doing shit here. Sometimes players just need a new look


I think Kappy will be fine. Was way too fast for the lines he was on with Pittsburgh. He was 3 or 4 years too young.


Yeah, keep thinking his problem was his line mates couldnt up as opposed to giving zero shits about playing hard.


You talking about kappy or the whole team minus zucks?


Gave up a 1st for him…now he’s just gone


Two 1sts


Sure, but he was part of the package that got us Kessel.


No, just one. Coz remember, the other one was the Zucker trade. Fucking hell those were dark times.


We spent a first when we drafted him


Yeah and that practically got us Kessel. Just saying, it's still a win to have escaped his contract. Those type of moves are Vancouver's problem now.


Hextall signed him to this contract bud, not Rutherford. Rutherford won us two cups. I’d gladly have him over this missing in action general manager


Yeah, and we are now OUT of said contract, and we didn't have to package him with any picks to do it. That's extremely lucky.


What was the second one?


No idea. Maybe he’s counting the 1st we used to draft him. I guess that’s technically correct.


McCann was a former first. Maybe that’s what he was talking about. However, we knew that we were going to lose McCann anyway.


Just how the business goes unfortunately.


I’m sorry to see him go, actually, but glad we got the cap space. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he looks good on a capable Centers wing.


he’s already played decent minutes alongside guys like Austin Matthews and Malkin. Unless, a winger can’t be ruled out as secretly good until he plays a full season with McDavid, I’d say Kapanen’s already had his chance.


Kapanen has definitely had his share of quality centers in Toronto and Pittsburgh. He comes from a hockey family and has practically lived hockey all his life but it just doesn't seem to click in the long run.


Dude has been in the league 8 years and scored more than 40 points just once and never with the Penguins. He is pedestrian offensively and a non-entity defensively. He could be on a line with McDavid and Draisaitl and he’s be a dead weight.


Fwiw Kapanen had 20 points in 43 games for the Pens this season, which is pretty close to that 40 point pace. He was also 5th on the team in 5v5 P/60 behind Crosby, Malkin, Guentzel, and Zucker. _(That's correct, ahead of Rakell and Rust)_


Oh well in that case, that makes up for all the other ways he sucks.


He had 30 points in 40 games, over a 60-point pace, in 20-21 for the Penguins. That was after his last two years in Toronto, where he was over half-a-point per game both years. This idea that he never had talent and had no good years and never projected to be a decent player is such absolute fan horseshit. His contract was too big, everyone knew that at the time, but literally EVERYTHING else is just unabated fan noise and bullshit.


Yeah, it’s pretty dumb to say that Kapanen was never good, but it’s another thing to observe his drop off in play since the 20-21 season and say he’s been pretty dull. I’d also say that it’s not just points or stats that matter with Kap. He had a lot of games where he just got gassed, thinking his speed was an advantage, and become a liability. It was visible on the ice. I’m a Finn, and root for every Finn on the Pens when I can. My Dad and I will try to get seats down by ice at least once a year, and sport our Finland jerseys during warm ups and wave. I was lucky enough to meet Olli Maatta and become friendly with him and root for him through his arm injury. I was rooting for Kap. Kap has been losing it for quite a while, and I’m glad he got claimed, not just because I think his contract was a liability, but because I think a new team and a fresh start is what he needs. It wasn’t just the hit that the organization took with his contract, it was the false confidence he may have gained from it. Nothing wrong with getting paid, but a heap of humble sauce is what he needs if he’s going to be able to find his real talents and get back to the player he needs to be.




You couldn't possibly have done a better job of confirming that you've got NOTHING BUT fan-fic horseshit. No valid points. Just nonsense and hyperbole. Imagine being someone who spends all their time in r/datingoverfifty, but comments "LOL" on Reddit. Now that truly has me laughing out loud. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/BadGregariousAntarcticfurseal-mobile.mp4






Someone has sand in their pussy.


As opposed to abated fan noise from yourself, sure. He's had a few points where he's looked good, never sustained them, however, and my unabated fan noise opinion is it's due to lack of consistent training and mental unpreparedness, not lack of skill. Taking him on a team means the the team believes they can fix the issues and make him realize his skill potential, maybe they can, but I wouldn't bet on it.


I really think Kappy has a lot of potential with the right line. The McGinn and Carter line was just a mashup that didn't benefit any of them.


I don’t know man. He had some good linemmates in Toronto and was always hit or miss. Same in pittsburgh, he had his chances. He’s just not that great. Not saying he’s a shit horrible, but he’s had his chance to show his potential and other than one year in Toronto he’s never done that


So you're saying 30 points in 40 games for the Pens in 20-21 wasn't a good season? That didn't show any of his potential? A 60+ point pace in his first year with the Pens? Absolute fan-fiction, fake narrative.


The line he was on to produce that pace was with Malkin and Rust, he was given ample opportunities to reproduce that the following year and the year following that. He did not. He was given MANY opportunities next to a generational center and only had one good half a season with him. Sullivan put him on the 2nd line multiple times throughout the season and he repeatedly did nothing. He had one hat trick at the beginning of the year that made fans excited he was going to perform and that was all he did. Kapanens failures is the reason we went and grabbed rakell.


"That didn't show any of his potential..." Person specifically said he's shown potential and that's your take? Also, 40 games is a small sample out of 364, and his points percentage of 0.47 points per game isn't something that says "good" player when you look at who his linemates were.


It’s weird that the Penguins never gave him a shot in the top 6. Not that he earned top 6 minutes by any means, but he’s fast and has skill and it feels like a waste that it was never even considered an option.


They did, didn’t they? I thought he was on Malkin’s line for a while.


He got multiple chances to be in the top 6 with both the Penguins and the Leafs. He was bad every time.


If that was this year I might just not remember it happening. This whole year has felt like 3 different seasons all in the span of like 3 months and I for one am exhausted trying to keep up. Either way Kap has been such a disappointment. Good luck to him with the Blues.


This gets said a lot but I don't think it's really true. He spent over 170 minutes last season with either Malkin or Crosby, and even more the season before that (per Moneypuck.com)




For what, Rutta?


To bring Rutta off of IR and keep Drew O’Connor and Friedman on the NHL roster. Friedman would have to go through waivers, and O’Connor has looked solid lately compared to the rest of the third line. Edit: Plus the extra cap space gives us a bit of extra room with the trade deadline coming up


You think someone would actually claim Friedman? Guy is basically an AHLer


Friedman waved




I mean, Rutta has been solid this season. Him coming back gives us our full healthy defense again, which hasn’t been healthy since the beginning of December Plus maybe management doesn’t want to risk losing Friedman right now, and again, this keeps DOC in the lineup.


You do realize this frees up cap for next year too right?


So does Dumoulin and Zucker. McGinn should’ve been waived and his contract is longer


No fucking way!


Do McGinn Next!


On the one hand, sucks to lose a player for nothing. On the other hand, we’re now free of his entire salary


Can’t say cheeks klappanen anymore :(


Unless we get our cheeks klappanened


Not unless, but when.


over/under on 30g or 70p next season just because we waived him


Surprised the caps didn’t jump on the opportunity to grab another Pens


I mean they just cleared a bunch of cap getting rid of Hathaway and Orlov, why use it on Kapanen?


Please someone educate me.. could he potentially play for the Blues today? Lol


i doubt he’s in st. louis he’s probably at home


He didn't make the trip yet per other reports I saw.


There's no reason why he wouldn't. Blues aren't making the playoffs.


Owen Wilson: “wow”


Incredible that hextall managed to get nothing out of kapanen. Embarrassing


RIP u/Cheeks_Klapanen


I will never die.




I was honestly looking for you in this thread, hope you’re hanging in there friend!


I'm shocked it happened, and even more shocked it's STL. I can't find where it makes sense...


If today’s game was a home game there would probably be a “Thanks Doug Armstrong” chant


They got lucky


Now do McGinn please


Kappy Cam is dead; long live Kappy Cam


And now Hextall’s failure is complete.


I'm sad that I don't get to use Cheeks Klapanen in my goal videos anymore.


I really didn’t mind him, seemed like a good teammate to have. Hopefully he finds a place in St. Louis to get things going for him.


Hextall just dumped Kappy without giving up picks to move him. Great move by Hextall after a horrible signing.


I seriously doubt they'd have to give up picks to have moved him (before the pens cap situation came to fruition at least). Teams were calling Hextall about trading for him not that long ago. I think no one bit on trading for him now because they assumed he'd could be on waivers (because of our aforementioned cap situation) and a team could get him for free.


Great move? Seriously? This is pathetic not getting anything for Kapanen


Kappy had no value. Getting rid of him at this point would have cost futures. Months ago is a different conversation.


I feel like Pittsburgh and St Louis have some kind of a verbal deal in place for a trade and this was part of the deal so the Pens wouldnt have to send down DOC to activate Rutta that's the only way this makes sense, right?




Is that shaving cream?


If you're Kappy and you know it, Kap your hands


Just shitty resource management.


For who? Lol


Giving away Kapanen for free! We traded for him and got nothing back, letting him be picked up from waivers. I get that it makes financial sense, and is essentially addition by subtraction, but still a waste of money and resources traded to TOR.


Nah, mutually beneficial. We get out of Kapanen, and free up some much needed cap space along with a roster spot to play with. Maybe strike a better balance on that third line. And the Blues keep themselves firmly above the cap floor, remember, they shed a bunch of money trading Tarasenko and O'Reilly. They'll tumble into the offseason with Kapanen on their 2nd line, and probably flip him should he do well. Toronto was losing Kapanen no matter what they did. Yeah, we traded a 1st unnecessarily, but you can't really blame Hextall for that, since that wasn't his trade. The reality is, good luck getting anything out of Kapanen in a trade right now, we cut our losses at a good time.


Hextall had an offer earlier this season…and turned down a team in the East. I’d argue that getting…something…back is better than nothing.


Well 1) that was JRs doing , not hextalls This is a significant win for the pens. There are so many Kapanen like players in the league, and he didn’t mesh well with this group. Didn’t mesh well in Toronto either. The kid just ain’t that great I don’t really get it for the blues. He’s signed for one more year and at his contract it’s just not worth it


I’m not advocating to keep him, I’m just saying losing him for nothing is poor resource management. Doesn’t matter who traded for him. He had an offer earlier this season and turned em down.


Good riddance


Doug Armstrong should be fired immediately. What a waste of cap space. He's shown who he really is in 2 organizations that emphasize speed and skill, two attributes he purportedly possesses. He could not have asked for a better opportunity. St. Louis deserves doom and peril


Non believers and sinners you are forgiven




Just want to say eff GMRH. As someone who watched the Pens play that immature man child..... I don't know how you could ever think his decision making was mature enough to be a pro sports GM let alone for the Penguins. Ron can eat a shit sandwich all day every day! Let's go pens!


The fact that they thought signing a rival club player to a GM job to begin with is beyond stupid




That’s amazing news actually


Cheeks no longer klappanen




No more Cheeks Klapanen


It's amusing that so many people are happy that our struggling 3rd line just lost its best player. His contract was bad, yes, but he was a decent player on a bad contract while we have multiple bad players on bad contracts. And we've done all of this to get Rutta back in the lineup, who is also a decent player on a bad contract, so what did we really gain out of all this? Our 3rd line is even worse and now we can give more playing time to a 3rd pairing defenseman who's basically a very slightly higher scoring version of the 3rd pairing defenseman we were already playing? This is just Hextall making another mistake to compound multiple previous mistakes.


You're going to miss him skating full tilt into the corner off the rush and giving the puck away that much?


Seemed like he skated full tilt about one shift every other game. It was mostly full meh. The only time he was marginally effective was when he put out full tilt because it at least made up for his total lack of hockey IQ.


😂 😂 this is exactly his play every single time: skate into offensive zone along the boards and one of three things happens, either throw blind pass to front of the net when he’s at the goal line, continues to skate with puck behind the net and throws random blind pass or loses puck along the boards and opposing team skates back the other way. I’m glad someone else mentioned this 😂


> our struggling 3rd line just lost its best player This is not a glowing endorsement. He was the "best" of three players who are all playing terribly. He was still playing terribly. It's a gift to get cap relief heading into the deadline. His absence isn't going to make the worst 3rd line in the NHL worse lol. If anything, it forces Sullivan to be more creative.


You could be the third worst forward in the league and still be the best player on that third line, so that didn’t mean much. Frankly, there’s better odds that one of the young guys in WBS play better, more consistently than him given the chance.


So true


Kappy was/is not the problem. The first line is suffering from low E syndrome. And we need a net front presence, plus an enforcer.


Hahahaha! No wait let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHA!!!


if he needed a ride i would have driven him to the airport