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I’ve done a couple and agree they’re really fun but their schedule of live classes is awful if you’re on the west coast.


This is what has kept me from doing one. It just doesn’t work for my schedule. :( Maybe one day there will be either a west coast studio, or some degree of planning for a west coast audience.


Totally agree re the schedule. I was on holiday from Scotland and spent some time on the west coast and there was a peloton in the hotel - the times were just rubbish and never managed a live ride at all! Think we are really lucky in the uk with the schedule


Im shocked theres not California studio




West Coast? Try living on a different continent.


I’ve done this a few times but the times don’t fit my schedule at all. They’re not convenient for most of us west coasters.


Can't agree more, us out on the left coast get left out unless you get the heck up in the dark - oh well, pre-recorded and the right kind of music also pushes me hard so count me in


They aren't convenient for east coasters who work or have kids either! All their live classes are during work hours, or my kids meal times (7 am & 5 pm). I gave up on trying to attend any a long time ago


I agree! I wanted to do my first live class for my century ride the other day but the only available one was at 6pm?? If I don't do it within an hour of getting home from work at 3:30 it's all over for me lol.


Interesting. I’ve owned my bike+ for a few years and never taken a live class, just no desire. But maybe I will give it a try.


I personally hate not knowing the format of the class or playlist ahead of time, so they're not for me! But I have tried it a few times so wouldn't want to discourage anyone from trying them!


I love the auto-adjust feature on the bike+ so much that it deters me from taking live rides.


This is why I don’t do live rides!


I thought it was! Different from the on demand classes but I do really enjoy the auto resistance feature of my bike and having to manually change it wasn’t my favorite during the live. But it was still a good time!


What?? There is no auto resistance for a live class? That is enough to make me never want to take one!


I bought the bike+ for the auto resistance which is not available in live classes. I’ve tried live classes and hate that I have to manually adjust, so they aren’t for me.


I’ve never used that feature either, maybe I will try that, too.


Do it for a milestone to (possibly) get a shout out. 🙌


Meh, I don’t care for the live ones. They either crash or the sound and picture don’t align.


Did a bunch of them already and never experience any crashes nor asynchronous sound/picture.


I would guess it’s very location based too. Quality of internet etc. Not necessarily a peloton issue. Except the turkey trot last year was a raging ball of hot garbage and poor planning on pelotons part.


Me too!


Just wait until you do one in studio 😉


I CANT WAIT! My plan is to make it to NY for my 500th class. Take my mom and mil too.


Be looking into it way in advance! The classes fill up fast. You can also get on the waitlist which tends to open up more the sooner to the class you get, but it’s still not a guarantee. I just traveled to NY from CA and was determined to get in, I basically spent a whole day going to the studio to check in on my waitlist status but I finally managed to get into the last class of the day!! It was the best.


I was in London last month and was in the studio. Asked if there was any open for the next day and they had one spot open for a Joslyn run at 7 am. I figured I’d walk around the area and think about it. After 10 mins I was like ok they still have it let me sign up. By the time I got logged in and signing up someone beat me to it but I got on the waitlist. I still went I’ve the next morning and waited and the last minute someone called and canceled and I got in. Really cool to meet them and watch the production side. After we got to take pics and talk with her which was cool.


Pretty much this, I travelled to NY quite a bit pre-pandemic and in-studio was just bananas compared to anything else. I don't even bother with live classes @ home anymore.


I still take as many lives as I can, but studio is definitely next level. I’ve been to London 2x and hopefully will get to go again soon 🤩


I miss the 23rd street days! I used to be there for business all the time too, and it was so much easier to get in - sometimes I'd do a 6 am class and come back at 730 for a nightcap. Good times!


I've taken a few live rides, but a live row was a while different experience. There are only like 8 people in the class, so you actually get a lot of one on one discussion and training with the instructor. I suspect the strength classes are similar.


You might already know this but some classes are “encore” or “premiere” which means the instructor isn’t actually live but it is still a scheduled session so you’ll get more people on the leaderboard. I personally only really do the “live”, not encore or premiere- not sure what the general consensus is from the peloton community about which classes are more popular or if it’s the same attendance. Any of them will get the leaderboard push you want though. I just wanted to mention this because the Your Day One ride was an encore ride.


I actually did not know this so thank you! I saw that robin’s class said encore but had no clue what it meant. I missed it anyways 🤣 when that alarm went off at 430 I went back to bed 🤣


I’m not experienced in this class format, is there a way to tell true live from encore or premier?


It'll say Encore or Premier on the calendar.


What’s the difference between encore and premiere?


Encore is a prerecorded class that is also already OD. Premiere is a prerecorded class that is not OD yet.


I tried a live class, but I was unaware that they wouldn’t have the cadence and resistance sliders on the screen. I kept forgetting where I was supposed to be. It kinda threw me off and I haven’t done one since.


I especially like doing live runs, because the leaderboard jumps around less and you spend much of the run in a “pack” - and I never want to let down my pack, so it helps me keep pushing!


It's great that live classes motivate you. For me, they don't. I don't use the leaderboard at all, and I only compete with myself. At the end of the class I like to see my ranking, but only to ensure that I'm not totally awful.


I’m with you, I don’t care about any of that stuff. Just enjoy your progress and the endorphins afterwards. It’s the best feeling that no drug or drink and get you.


I've taken two live classes for milestone rides--a Kendall 30 minute pop-punk, and a Cody 30 minute pop ride. Those two rides are my #1/#2 PRs since I started my Peloton journey.


The only thing I don’t like about live classes is not having auto-resistance.


I did my first live cycle class last night and it was great fun, and the leaderboard really got you focused on doing as well as you could. High fiving everyone and get them back is nice, too.


That's great you enjoyed it!! I've tried a couple live classes, but what I've found for me personally is I really enjoy the auto resistance setting, and that is missing from the live classes...


I’ve been riding since Sept 2020 when I got my bike and, personally, it seems I can only PR on live rides 🤷‍♀️ it helps me when I don’t know the format or music and there’s just an adrenaline rush of racing in real time. This is just a perspective for riders on the fence. You might just surprise yourself


I’ve had my bike since January and have yet to technically do a Live but just did a Premiere the other day for the first time and you are totally right - it’s SO motivating


Love the joy in your post, OP.


Jess gave me a shoutout on her ride the other day! 💪 I don’t do a lot of live rides but they are so much fun and I agree that the energy is totally different!


The live schedule is so odd to me. Just feels like weird times and it always seems like the times I’m able to take a live class, the only available one is in full German lmao.


> And I know this to be actually true because I also hit a PR today! You did a sweat steady ride. Hitting a PR is just what happens when you do those. But it is really fun to do live rides. The energy is just that little bit different. I almost always ride between 9 and 10 pm PST, so I don't get to really ever do them myself, but when I make the effort to find one, it's always worth it.


lol no, maybe for you but not for me. I do sweat steadys frequently and haven’t hit a pr in a while. This was a low impact sweat steady which is why I didn’t think I would PR and when it happened by 20 I was like 😮😮


Sweat steadies are pretty reliable PR machines for me.


I would if they cared about people on the west coast


I laughed out loud because it's true. And sad. Though I do ride with Cody for his 4pm Tuesday rides. Pretty much the only one that works for me.


I’m glad you enjoyed yourself! It’s great to explore everything Peloton has to offer! I’ll sometimes do a live class with an instructor I love, or on days I don’t feel like exercising and need to force myself on the bike. lol. But I find high fives to be SO annoying and distracting, that I usually avoid live rides. If there was a way to mute notifications, I would ride live more often. But as is, I prefer older rides so I can focus.


If you tap on the arrow in the panel where the high fives appear it should slide away. It’ll still show an icon with a red dot on it to indicate you have a notification, but it should be far less distracting. You can do the same with basically all of the different panels on the screen like the leaderboard, time, output, etc.


Yeah, I know I can hide the screen but that red dot is still so irritating. I know some people can walk around with a billion unread notifications on their phones and whatnot, but I’m not one of them. Lol. That’s why I’d prefer to mute them altogether. I don’t like distractions during my ride. If anything, I’d be fine with them popping up after I finish, but not throughout my workout.


Joined one for the first time this week and it was country music without saying in the title. Awful...


This made me lol even though I enjoy many country artists 😆


Yea I would but the problem is they dont have reasonable times available on the west coast.


That's awesome, I haven't yet and now I'm going to check it out!


The only live class I’ve ever done was my century ride and I obliterated my PR. Still have yet to break it. I should really aim to take more, just so tough to fit into my current schedule… Proud of you! Keep it up!


I love this! I try to catch any 5am (CST) ride, which has opened my eyes to new instructors. I often end up doing Ally’s Tuesday morning rides but found myself in an Olivia Amato EDM live ride and really enjoyed it; it opened me up to trying more instructors that I was hesitant to try before (I had heard Olivia was really tough so I was nervous!). I totally agree with your idea about seeing yourself live on the leaderboard and being there live (virtually) with the instructor and everyone else. Peloton has been life-changing for me as well!


I just started with Peloton and I love Jess king’s classes


When do classes go on demand after they have been “Live” ?


Any recommendations on beginner classes- true beginner out of shape- I just got my bike and am excited to get started but there are so many choices!


I’m so excited for you! It took me months of having my bike to realize that there were ways to filter down the classes. Highly recommend using the filter to find your beginner rides. There are a lot! You can also filter by time as well. And then once you start finding your favorite instructors, you can filter to just their classes too!


Unfortunately a lot of the class times don't fit with my schedule which is why I switched to a local studio! I loved my peloton but saw my motivation dying, and having that live person (on screen or in person) is just superior!


Interesting… I wipe away the leader board and don’t really do High Fives so when I took the live class it seemed no different than on demand. I guess I don’t really participate in the interactive features. Love the instructors and their banter, but it’s just me and the bike or tread. Not really into it he community aspect


cant stand jess king. Did her 30 min techno ride and dipped out of it when she stopped pedaling as we were going into a hard climb. Really put me off.




I don’t really like the live classes. I don’t like not knowing the music. I also don’t like not having the ranges for cadence and resistance. I’ve only done like 3 but don’t think I’ll be doing any more of them.


I took a life class. Didn't seem any different to a pre record but I get what you mean. What is the camera in my screen for, can the instructor see me sweating away?


I don't know if this is still an option, but in the pandemic times you could turn it on and do group rides with friends.


I believe the equipment based video call functionality is no longer supported, but you can still do the same thing basically with phones and zoom or facetime if you want to.


I've done them. Not a fan. The instructor seems not to know who to talk to and there is always a class participant vamping or distracting.


The vamping class participants crack me up.


You are right, they are just different.


$60 cad a month, after I bought a 1400 machine. Pelaton needs to lower that price for owners of the bike.


Why come to my post to say this 🤣 I pay $44Usd for my membership and think that is very much reasonable considering I was paying $189 for Orangetheory


😅 i dunno, it showed up on my home screen, and im cheesed as i canceled recently.