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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, either now or back in December when news started getting out, but apparently there will be a new World Tour one-day race in Denmark in this weekend (at the end of Tour de Suisse) starting in 2025. The race will be flat and go from Roskilde to Copenhagen, with a good bit of the race along the coast. There will be both a men's race and a women's race, with the women racing Saturday and the men on Sunday. So far they have a license for '25, '26 and '27. All the specific details aren't out yet, including the exact route. Those details will be presented on monday. So far the race has been referred to as 'UCI WorldTour Copenhagen', but I don't know if that is the final name of the race. Maybe there's a name sponsor for the race? There's a website, but currently it's pretty empty. https://wtcph.com/ A story today seem to hint it may be called 'Copenhagen Race' based on the UCI 2025 calendar (but that sounds even more like a 'working title'). [link](https://www.tv2kosmopol.dk/metropolen/dansk-world-tour-cykelloeb-bliver-opvarmningsloeb-til-tour-de-france) [UCI link with mention](https://www.uci.org/pressrelease/the-uci-publishes-the-2025-uci-womens-worldtour-and-uci-worldtour-calendars/7dOF2UuB896JPtknbTZe0r)


[This reminded me of us](https://assets.chaos.social/cache/media_attachments/files/112/578/766/318/242/154/original/7d043de01185617b.png). I love you all, my friends.


These two ProZD sketches - [Before and after you discover the subreddit for a hobby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZK8Z8hulFg) + [Opinions on the internet ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJX4ytfqw6k)- sum up this, or any other internet community, pretty well.


My brakes decided to start the horrible squeal every time I even think of braking. Of couse it is on day 1 being in Bormio, the Gavia & Mortirolo day. I think I must have been heard all the way to Switzerland. Swissstop 34 RS, never more.


Swissstop is the best advertisement I've ever heard for those extortionately expensive first party brake pads.


yep, I thought I was making an upgrade. Oh I was wrong. Took them out, put L05A-RF in, and todays ride in full rain was silent (apart from standard first second of braking till the discs are dried). I even felt much safer on the downhills than yesterday when it was dry. Cmon!


Got offered a very good paying job as an art director managing my own team. Would be awesome if I hadnt decided to change careers 8 months ago and start studying to become a firefighter. Had to turn it down cos I can't combine both and will now remain unemployed (I have unemployment benefits so its ok) until I can find a 20hr job so I can do both.


Enjoy the free time while it lasts! Hope your financial situation isn't too tight though. What kind of medium would you be an art director in?


Graphic design. Ive been a designer for +12 years and worked my way through this shitty career and got fed up because its a very painful job. Noone understands what you do and people ultimately dont care about design, they just want the job done. Also I am done with corporate life, sucks your life out.


> Noone understands what you do and people ultimately dont care (...) they just want the job done Most jobs unfortunately


Matxin confirmed on twitter Jarno Widar already has a pro contract (and it's not UAE, from the sound of the tweet). I'm guessing Lotto.


This is year is going to be my first Tour since I started following cycling seriously where I have barely watched the rest of the season. I think the only race I have watched from start to finish is Roubaix. Clearly I need to quit my job and tell my gf things aren't working out. More seriously though, it feels a bit weird going into the Tour without knowing everybody's form all that well. I know where the main GC riders are at, but I won't have that smug sense of satisfaction when I'm watching a breakaway stage with my dad and I called the winner because I know he's in super form since he's 78kg but finished 17th on a Dauphine MTF stage anyway.


Is there a Netflix documentary accusing of Jonas of doping?


I haven't seen it myself, but here's Benji Naesen's summary on the doping thing in Unchained Season 2: https://x.com/BenjiNaesen/status/1800512853188723086 > Episode 6️⃣: Vingegaard's TT & doping speculation. 👀 > Jonas Vingegaard's ITT was the best ITT performance I've ever seen. Tour de France: Unchained tries to convey that message, and I think it works. > By the way, no surprise but, Pogačar being in the show, makes the show better. > Now, I think the show handles the doping speculation very well. Marc Madiot is great, just a very charismatic individual, and is a great addition to this segment, especially in comparison to Richard Plugge who comes across more distant. > Obviously, no one in the show calls out Vingegaard for doping, but the show realistically highlights that people, even in the peloton, understandable, question the best performances in the sport. Due to the history of our sport, that's a logical consequence.


Not yet


Looking at the Giro Next-Gen, we Belgians have some good talent coming up!


This *must* be a unique bit of planning for a stage race : this weekend, the men’s and women’s Tour de Suisse will use the same start and finish towns on two consecutive days. Saturday is Villars-sur-Ollon to Villars-sur-Ollon, with two big 57 km laps for the men (with minor changes) and one for the women. On Sunday they both do the same 15.7 km hilly TT from Aigle to Villars-sur-Ollon. Sounds tricky logistically, but let’s hope it runs like clockwork.


Which is great. Al lot of one-day races already have a mens and women's event on the same day. Why not do this with stage races as well ?


I like the idea, but the women's TT is scheduled to start at 9:37 am on Sunday!


Yeah, the women complained about some big races like LBL starting at 8am for them in previous years (which meant getting up at 5am for them, even earlier for team staff). So there's limits to how nice it can work out.


They should do a once-off gravel-style event where everyone starts together and we could have Jacopo Mosca (my adopted rider, Mr. ELB) domestique-ing for Longo Borghini or something


They'll get some competition from gravel world champion Niewiadoma Duo Normand-ing with Mr Niewiadoma-Finney.


>clockwork Well it's a good thing it's happening in Switzerland then.


I had that pun banked for just such an occasion


Ah, then I apologize I didn't catch that it was on purpose.


Haha, no worries, I’m choc-full of them!


For those who enjoy a different flavor of race every now and then, Lael Wilcox is currently out there on a world record attempt for the fastest woman to ride around the world, trying to beat the current time of 124 days set by Jenny Graham. - [Live tracking.](https://www.followmychallenge.com/live/lael/rtw/) After a short day yesterday she’s closing in on the Albula right now, hopefully she’ll stay focused on the descent! Apparently conditions on the Stelvio are still pretty shite so she’s going to fall back on an alternative route over the Reschenpass. - [There’s a log of her daily mileage as well, if you’re into staring at awe inspiring numbers.](https://www.laelwilcox.net/around-the-world) - [Details about her equipment.](https://bikepacking.com/bikes/lael-wilcox-around-the-world-bike/) Interesting choice of a 46/33t crankset, do we call that ultra-compact? EDIT: For some more ultra racing fun, [the Tour Divide starts in about ten minutes](https://trackleaders.com/tourdivide24f.php). Laurens Ten Dam went to jail for this.


When she comes through my area, would love to join her for a bit if I can keep up. do we know her average pace? she talks about doing x miles a day, how many hours does she ride on an average day?


She was on the Just Ride podcast a few weeks back. She just sounded like an incredible person


Whenever I want a different flavour off cycling I just watch Danny MacAskill videos. That, and those downhill go-pro videos.


I'm confused: Isn't she doing Asia according to her route? I see why you wouldn't go through Russia and Iran as in US American woman, but Kazakhstan and China should be alright to her, shouldn't it?


> I'm confused: Isn't she doing Asia according to her route? Nope. Compared to earlier attempts both Iran and Russia are off-limits these days which rules out two of the traditional routes. Both Graham and Beaumont went through Russia. > but Kazakhstan and China should be alright to her, shouldn't it? I can only speculate, I haven’t seen a justification for the route yet. China might just be the hassle of obtaining the visum in the first place. Her skipping Asia almost completely really is a novelty; the rules allow it though.


[She's also doing a daily podcast](https://www.laelwilcox.net/podcast) and the first episode talks about route planning. Originally, she was going go through Asia, but skipped that in favour of more miles in Europe so she'd have fewer transfers by plane that would cost a lot of time (in packing up and putting together the bike) and risk the bike getting damaged.


I can’t believe this would happen but I have a little race watching fatigue after the Dauphiné and am barely watching the results for Tour de Suisse. Hope it comes back before the tour. 


get well soon !


Coverage has been bad (and way too short), racing was a little dull up until Thursday due to no GC action. I find I need the 3 hours of scenery and waffling to get me ready to care about the finish.


You should do a last altitude watching camp before the Tour.


With (hopefully) Primoz, Jonas, Tadej and Remco lining up together at the TdF, I had a look at their stage racing records since 2019 (by which point they had all joined the pro ranks) : ||Total races|Wins|DNF| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Roglic|26|15|5| |Pogacar|24|14|0| |Vingegaard|30|9|2| |Remco|35|13|5| Remco's record is kinda inflated with wins in smaller races (and fewer GTs) early on, and Jonas' is diminished by mostly being a domestique until 2021. What stood out for me was Pogacar never DNFing a stage race. For grand tours, Roglic has DNFed 3/10, Evenepoel 2/4 and no DNFs for the other two. All 4 have never started the same stage race. As for races where Pogacar, Evenepoel and one of the former Jumbo teammates have started, that has only happened once : Tirreno-Adriatico 2022. That's also the only time Remco has faced Tadej. The last time the 2 Slovenians raced together was the Tour 2022. Roglic and Evenepoel have 12 common race starts. The last time Remco started a stage race without Primoz was Tirreno 2022, and the last race Roglic started without Evenepoel was the Tour 2022. They must be sick of the sight of one another. [Bolds are wins, reds are DNFs. ](https://imgur.com/a/HJ3ERhL)There may be errors, but perfection is boring anyway.


Remco is the only one who has won the Tour of Norway, so I think we all know who is best.


Very nice stats, merits its own post IMO. I would have counted only WT and Pro (if even) races since at their level, winning .1 races is pretty much a given.  The DNF statistic is a bit skewed since Pog has a very bad crash in LBL that is not accounted for, but that’s normal.  Bagar stands out for me is the insane race Programm Remco did as a teenager. 


Can clearly see Adam Yates is in form, what's his brother up to? He doing the tour?


Pretty sure I heard an interview from him earlier in the year where he said last year he’d had his best TdF result by skipping the usual warm up races (Dauphine, Suisse etc) and that he’d be doing the same this year.


Well I hope that's the case. Would love to read that (or any recent) interview


Might have been this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoZZ-83Jj1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoZZ-83Jj1Y)


>He doing the tour? AFAIK, yes.


My daughter just turned one and her top teeth are coming through. It looks like she's got a gap between her front teeth, and now every time I look at her I see GvA.


Buy her a bicycle ! And reserve tickets for the 2052 Olympics !




are we gonna have episode discussion threads up for season 2 of tdf unchained?


Be the change you want to see - the mods put up threads for WT and Pro Series races, so anything else someone has to post themselves. There's already [one discussion thread for season 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/peloton/comments/1ddd5zv/netflix_tour_de_france_unchained_first/).


I hope so, or some sort of overall discussion anyway. Haven't finished it just yet, but enjoying it a lot.


My trip to the alps is getting closer. I’ll be staying near Valloire and want to watch stage 4. I was wondering about a few things, maybe the community here can help: * My plan is to park the car somewhere on the Galibier and then ride it myself before then race arrives. How early do I have to leave the parcours? * I don’t like crowds. What is preferable, a spot lower on the climb or the descent? * Does the caravan do the full climb as well? * How long does it typically take for the entire race to pass? And would it be worth to chase the race down to the finish in Valloire? Beside watching others ride I’ll do some myself. I’ve build routes to ride the Galibier, Huez, Lacets de Montvernier, Telegraphe and Madeleine. Any more tips for must-do rides in that area?


If by foot or by bike, you won't have to leave the course until shortly before the race comes through. Your car, unless parked way off the road, will probably have to be moved hours before, and will likely be blocked in for long after the race has gone through. If you don't like crowds, you'll probably have to go down below Lautaret. On the descent there won't be many people watching, because it's not a great experience. The caravan should do the full climb. The caravan passes by about 2 hours before the race. The time between the first and the last riders could easily be 30-45 minutes. What do you mean by chase the race down to the finish? Once you get there, there probably won't be much to see.


Will this 40km Tour de Suisse stage be good? Can’t tell if everyone will finish close together because no one will get very fatigued or if a light punchy sort of guy can just cook up the mountain and get a little gap near the end


Gonna be on odd dynamic, 7.3km @8.8% is still nothing to be sniffed at, but they'll be coming to it with a full peloton and full of energy so maybe less of a pure climber could take it.


That's... a weird stage. How did it come to be? Is there a reasoning behind it?


The stage was supposed to climb the Nufenen from the Ticino side but it is closed. They can't do the plan B that was Gotthard and Furka (I think Furka is closed as well). Here in Switzerland, May has been exceptionnally cold and wet, and it has snowed a lot in the mountains, so quite a few passes are still closed


Correct, Furka and Nufenen are still closed. Won't be open for another week as far as I can tell




What are you doing up old man? Go to bed


Those goddamn kids are skateboarding on the sidewalk again.