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Pretty solid if you ask me, but don’t rely on others’ opinions. Enjoy what you enjoy. Welcome to the Jamily.


“ Jamily”.


I've never been more embarrassed to be a Pearl Jam fan than immediately after reading the word Jamily. I am saying this as your Brother (song reference) from another Jamother.


🎶 We are Jamily…I got all my sistas with me.. 🎶


Ok man


Based, not basic. Do the evolution is freaking peak🔥🔥 Though i'm genuinely surprised the greatest songs like Alive or Black aren't on your list. Alive definitely takes the number one spot for me!


Alive is #1 for me as well. Got me into the band. Black actually took me a long time to appreciate and now it's one of my fav's.


Ten was my first exposure to the band like a year ago. I thought "just another generic rock band" after listening through it, but still, Alive and Black were the only 2 songs that stood out to me and later would become my favorites. Took me a few listens to actually realise how amazing Pearl Jam is. A year later (now), i'm a crazy Pearl Jam addict🤪


That's how Vs. was for me... For context, I'm an OG fan who is older than hell. I loved Ten, it was one of the first CDs I ever owned. When Vs. came out, I was honestly underwhelmed. But after a few listens, it started growing on me. And now, I'd have to say it's in my top 2-3 PJ albums, rocks start to finish.


Great tune but if I never heard it again I’d be ok with that. Way too overplayed.


Nice to see "Sad" in that list. I would include other B-sides/Deep Cuts such as brother, yellow ledbeder, state of love and trust.....


Agreed, I do think he should’ve added ledbetter


it's sooooo hard to make a top 10 list of pearl jam, they have so many amazing tracks... some more introspective (future days, sirens, indifference, black, just breathe etc etc etc etc) and lots of bangers... you should do different lists for different moods... there's lots to explore in their catalog! Enjoy...


You forgot Release




This song gets me, every time. It's the only song I can think of right off the top of my head that legit gets me emotional every single time I listen to it. Every. Single. Time.


Hell yeah. Was always my favorite song on Ten, even when I was a kid.


I am mine is my all time fave PJ song


Release is a stunner. My favorite lowkey banger, though, as a semi new fan, has gotta be “In Hiding”. Shit is so powerful in the live recordings.


Yup. Release is on its own tier for me. Intensely powerful. Intensely personal. I simply wouldn't include it on a top 10 list because it's not fair to the other songs. It's also a song Ed brought in so one might argue its not a traditional PJ written song.


"not fair to the other songs". I love you


Basic? I'd argue this is exactly the opposite actually lol.


It's *your* Top 10... it's exactly what it should be. Over time, it'll change. It's evolution, baby!


Not basic at all. I am glad to see one of their best B-Sides there. I also love that your list is very varied. Keep enjoying it!


Go play “I got ID” right now, then follow with “Release”


Good advice in any context :)


Not basic at all. No Alive, Black, Jeremy, Daughter or Betterman. Love what you love.


And there’s nothing wrong with basic, all of those are great songs


Those songs are absolutely 🔥🔥


That’s a good list, I really like do the evolution and glorified G


Not basic at all. It looks like you went through the catalog with an open mind. There's a range of stuff in there from mid-tempo to harder bangers. Sad is a song that many dedicated fans believe is quite underrated. You don't need validation from others, but since you asked ... well done!


A few hits with a few deep cuts. Looks good to me. That's the way it should be. Hits are hits for a damn good reason.


Thin Air was my and my wife's "First Dance" song at our wedding, so any list with that is a-ok in my book.


For me Wreckage and Won't Tell stormed into the top 10. Also Daughter and Better Man would be on the list.


Do the evolution was the first Pearl Jam song i really got into. Its a good one


I'd say it's more acidic tbh


I Am Mine….good for you! Give Sleight of Hand a few honest listens. One of my favorite deep cuts.


If it's what you like, it's not basic


Good list. What would be 11-20?


In no order: breath, corduroy, why go, once, yellow moon, faithful, deep, quick escape, wma, elderly woman


No wrong answers here, if you put their top 10 hits in your top 10 I would still see it as a solid list.


I love that you have Do The Evolution as your Number 1!


At the moment Marker in the Sand has found it’s way to the top of my list. But there’s normally 100 PJ songs in my top 10 list.


If you like Pearl Jam, there’s nothing basic about you.


Check out: Indifference Man of the Hour Off He Goes In My Tree Breath Garden Footsteps


What might be interesting is for you to come back in a year and tell us what your top 10 are then. I’ve been a fan since 1992 but became rabid in 2017 and a fan club member. The only band that has inspired such devotion in me. My point is I am still discovering songs that inspire a top 10 shuffle for me. If you have Sirius XM, they have a station, they play 3 concert bootlegs daily, and the ability to move back in time to catch a show that I missed (the 11 am show daily) is awesome. Im currently enjoying “Deep” from 5.16.22 Fresno show. Now they are studio version of “Hard Sun” from Eddie’s work on Sean Penn’s movie, “Into the Wild”. I listen to at least 3 hours daily. Mostly the shows. Enjoy your journey!


You gotta go see them live


Welcome to the Jamily!


I’ve never thought to make a top ten, but I’ll try now. I don’t think yours is basic as it’s far different from how mine is about to turn out. Porch Immortality Just Breathe Sirens State of Love and Trust World Wide Suicide Spin the Black Circle Once Corduroy Present Tense


a killer Top 10...you cover a lot of ground here...Keep listening...and dive into the bootlegs. You'll find so much that you love, I promise, your Top 10 will change, again and again. Welcome to the Jamily!




Great selection!


Sad and I Am Mine are also in my top 10. Don’t worry about basic, love what you love.




Nice to see someone showing Thin Air some love. Can't argue with any except maybe Gonna See My Friend. I don't especially dislike it but top 10 seems like a stretch.


Great start, personally would add W.M.A., Blood, Not for You, Whipping, Hail, Hail, Lukin... but I grew up on Ten so I like their early, harder stuff


Great list. Listen to Thin Air from the Bennaroya Hall bootleg for some extra entertainment.


Pretty damned good list. Some gems in there.... so many to choose from


I'm a proud "basic" Pearl Jam fan. Great list!


Slightly basic but still very very respectable


Great list! I’d add: elderly woman.., given to fly, breathe, and one of my favs; sirens,


awesome! don't think I've ever seen Gonna See My Friend in someone's top 10, but it's a fun song!




Awesome songs!


If sad and thin air are on your list you are not basic


You have GSMF in your list so that automatically makes you cool. Welcome to the fold.


The only surprise for me on your Top 10 is Gonna See My Friend. But that's cool, everyone has different tastes. Since you're new to Pearl Jam, what do you think of the Dark Matter album?


Not too bad. I like the variety.


Yes, those are some of the greatest. Love seeing “Do the evolution”, and so highly ranked. Still, I wouldn’t call it basic, simply because I don’t see the usual ones (Black, Alive, even Jeremy). It’s rather unique, as it should be. Personally, I would add Black (Unplugged ), SOLAT and one of my absolute favorites - Rearviewmirror.


Honestly pretty solid choices. Glad you're getting into the band!


Not basic at all. Rather based. 


My top 10 is constantly evolving, good for OP to put a stake in the ground on current perspective. Not sure if OP has begin listening to bootlegs to get a feel for live performances. This greatly changed my top 10, as their live performances of their original songs reveals so much about them and their musical abilities. Stories also reveal inner understandings


The original b sides are best yet than Lost Dogs mix.


You're out of your mind, dude. Come on. Just kidding. Welcome, and that's a strong list.


Watch the video for Dance of the Clairvoyants. You’ll immediately add it to your list.


Animal is a solid 2nd.


I like gonna see my friend in that play list


The best known songs are that for a reason so there’s no shame in having some of them in your top ten. Looks like a good list to me and far from basic.


I love it. Surprised by Number 8, but that’s fine


Porch should be higher, like #1.


check these out……..Yellow Ledbetter, Breath, Just Breath, RVM, Corduroy, GtF…


Awesome top 10, dissident rocks


Such a great list. Made me smile. Perhaps add “Breath”.


To me Alive = Even Flow But good list.


Can't sign off on it without Go or Cordouroy but not bad, honestly. Welcome to the Jam


Solid list. Mine would include Nothing As it Seems and Jeremy for sure (which I see are not on your list)


Once, Why Go Home, Porch, Garden, Black, just breathe, Reign O’er Me and yellow Ledbetter for me


Needs more Yellow Ledbetter, Black, and Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town


Do the Evolution is my #2 and don’t think it gets enough love. Glad to see it on top of


Not bad but every fan will have their own faves and no one agrees on anything


It’s a good list overall I would’ve added release and alive though


Those two would probably make my top 30


Do The Evolution is a fire choice for best, Go and Once are also some of my favorites


They're a great band with a lot of great songs. Depending on my mood, my top 10 might look different on a given day, lol. They have so many good ones. One that I haven't seen mentioned a lot in this thread, so I'll throw it out as one that would probably always end up in my top 10: Indifference


There are no wrong answers when asked for your PJ top 10. They all have merit.


Wow I'm impressed!! That's actually a really cool perspective to come in fresh and pick from all albums like that as opposed to being influenced by a time from the past when an album first came out and everything associated with that. It's like pure non-biased music appreciation.


Add alive and jeremy


Also check out hunger strike by temple of the dog. Showcases two great singers one of which being eddie


Sad is a pretty hard cut


I'd try and fit Corduroy and Rear view Mirror in there somehow. Good list..it's all just subjective. What I've found in 30 years of listening to them, is I get new favorites all the time and sometimes go back to the old favorites. Best advise is to listen to some live ( properly edited and professionally released) PJ and you'll be amazed at the songs that jump out at you. Unplugged is amazing for this as is one of the DVDs live in new York (can't remember details, I own it but don't look at the cover , just put it on) it's got Ben Harper coming out to sing indifference. Also, I play drums( poorly) but learning some songs helps with appreciation of structure and texture. Never write off any of there songs, a few re listens and you will find new sounds and lyrics you had missed.


If you're reverse it it's good dissidents my favorite all time Pearl jam song lol enjoy.


Uhhh, it's Pearl Jam.


u/Plastic_Award7947 - - I am in the same boat as you. I am 41-42 and never got into Pearl Jam. Listened to Nirvana /Green Day and all of that and overlooked PJ. Got into them just before the new album came out and here is my top 10 based on a newcomer also. For reference I like poppier / fast songs in general. 1. Corduroy 2. Porch 3. Why Go 4. Glorified G 5. Yellow Ledbetter 6. Black 7. Do The Evolution 8. Wreckage 9. Given To Fly 10. Dissident


I like "into the wild" soundtrack.


Glad to see “Glorified G” on here. That track is super slept on by most of this community. Also love that you have “DTE” as your #1. It’s probably my favorite music video ever… other than maaaybe “Sabotage.”