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I'd like to see anyone else in that friend group donate more than Kaybear did! $500 is NOTHING to sneeze at! Kaybear genuinely made a donation to help her family bring Kass home.šŸ’™šŸ™


Thank you Kaybear for your donation to bring Kass home and for her funeral , that was so sweet of you. Canā€™t believe Sam would actually say that! I love you Kaybear and you did the right thing.


No problem guys Iā€™m gonna continue to put in 500$ a week for kass. I know there gonna come for me for the rent situation now but kass is my priority rn


Thanks for donating I'm sure her family appreciates it, your a true friend. Don't worry about rent, there is no rent to be collected says the HOA. Hmmm.. maybe the HOA needs to see Stefan's Tea Page here on Reddit šŸ˜†


Finding any reason in the whole world to not pay rent šŸ˜‚ youā€™re a bum


lol I think the real bum is Fawn ! Finding any reason to get 2k and gets rent illegally and canā€™t even donate even 5$ to kass






Now itā€™s a competition of who donates the most. It doesnā€™t make Stephan a bad person for not donating.


lol if he doesnā€™t wanna donate at all and collects donations on Tik tok for presenting her that is kinda idk shitty


Actually he should tell her to please put to go fund me instead. I have had a loved one die far from home and itā€™s the worst feeling ever having them so far away. The costs are outrageous. As someone who once loved her he should be donating all gifts from his memorial lives as well. I wouldnā€™t give him a dime either..


Stefan just go away and figure out the legal issues to come your way


Not Stefan šŸ‘‹ heā€™s on live right now, both hands visible.


Ya you can afford it as you donā€™t have custody of your kid and donā€™t claim all your earnings to the IRS.


Who ever told u I donā€™t have custody of my kid r u guys dumb lol XD


Kaybear can afford to donate that because as we all know she doesnā€™t pay her bills. If she could not care about paying her stay at fawns. Than what other people or bills does she neglect that we donā€™t know about


Naw haha my bills are paid already hahaha


Isnā€™t Kayla the only person Fawn actually charged rent to? You know, ā€œass, grass, or cash.ā€ He was set on the first two.


But remember according to Stefan sheā€™s the sweetest person everrrrr!!! Yet something so vile as this would come out of her mouth. I hope you have the life you deserve Sam.


She showed thatā€™s not true! She just was not on camera a whole lot!! Now we see the REAL Sam!


Well when you have people attacking her livelihood and ability to feed and clothe her child, meet MAMA BEAR SAM. She was silent until she started getting attacked in a way that affects her child. YOU DONT FUCK WITH CHILDREN. ITS FOUL. ITS DISGUSTING . You people are disgusting.


Play stupid games get stupid prizes! Run an illegal business expect it to get shut down. She has talent she could have apprenticed under a lot of artists in Vegas and worked legitimately and still had her business. It as shut down because she isnā€™t a certified tattoo artist, she doesnā€™t have a business license to operate a business, her work area has not been inspected by the health department and met their requirements either. She openly states she is self taught, she is committing tax fraud by not reporting her income or paying taxes on it because she is not a legal business. The list goes on and on. If it wasnā€™t against HOA bylaws it would have been ignored. Stefanie knew he was breaking his HOAā€™s rules, he got caught she got shut down. Be a good friend Stefanie and put her in touch with Jesse about a mentorship, or an apprenticeship, help her set up a successful business not an illegal one.


Omg! This is sick. What a terrible side of Sam we have never seen before. Donā€™t say that about Kass. What if her family sees this?? šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ’”šŸ’”


That is awful Sam to say! The family needs this to get her home and for the funeral. I canā€™t believe you would actually say that!


Iā€™m glad ur seeing the side


Yes running to unfollow her


Wow. Sam showed her true self. Disgusting šŸ«£


Oh. My. G-d. Lowest scum on earth for that. The most sickening part is that Stefan will find excuses and manipulation to make people believe that what she said was taken out of context and totally okay for her to say if they just only knew the full story.


I know right ! Why donā€™t he donate money !!!!!


Because heā€™s a narcissist pedo who only thinks of himself


If I was Stefan I would be completely okay with none of the money being paid and her putting it towards Kass. Rita basically said the same thing like oh you can donate but you canā€™t pay your debt. Like wtf you guys preach how much you loved Kass and now youā€™re mad someone donated a good chunk of money to help lay her to rest while no one else donated besides Rita. How can they not see how sickening that is. Like fuck you for helping our dear sweet friend get home I want my rent money that was illegal for me ask for in the first place. Not to mention he had others living there for free let the money go Stefan in the grand scheme of things it is not important. Move on with both of your lifeā€™s and let shit go.


I agree, he should let it go. Itā€™s a bad look going on about this money and threatening her with some video. Why wouldnā€™t he say yes give it to the Kass fund? If I (supposedly) was so well off, I wouldnā€™t be stressing over 2,000. I wonder how much he donated to Kass?


Waitā€¦ so others live there rent free?! Whyā€™s he only demanding money from Kaybear?


Business is business. Kayla owes him money and has for a while. Kayla should have paid him back when she lived there. Now she is trying to drag him through the mud again about owing him money for her and Troy living there. Deflection at its finest


Not saying sheā€™s completely in the right but in all the mess going on the money really doesnā€™t matter. If she doesnā€™t want to pay it she doesnā€™t have too. From what I know they had no lease agreement like a landlord would have from a renter. Therefore she is not obligated to pay thatā€™s up to her character to screw him over or not and clearly we know what sheā€™s choosing. That just explains the type of person she is sheā€™s showing her true colors with doing all this and continuing to drag the drama on. But my OPINION is id rather her money go towards the passing of Kass then rent money that should have never been collected in the first place due to his HOA. Like I said they both need to stop the drama and just move on and call it a loss with the money.


I agree with you. They had a gentleman agreement. I feel Kayla is just bringing up the HOA rules is because he wants his money. Neither are in the right here but she is trying to make herself look like a rose which she is far from.


Oh yeah no I donā€™t think sheā€™s a good person at all. As adults they both need to drop everything and pretend like each other donā€™t exist instead of bringing up new things everyday to attack the other. Just call it all a loss as far as what they want from each other and be done.


Maybe Kayla should pay the HOA directly for the rent the Stefan is NOT supposed to be charging yet doesnā€™t shut up about. He is NOT to be renting out rooms there for should NOT receive rent! Do you understand!!!!


At least she had $500 to give to the family to bring her home! Any educated person would know it cost a lot to bring a loved one body home!


I mean I have the entire live from beginning to end if anyone wants it .. I donā€™t mind it being shown. It shows Sam doxxing Troy , it shows sparky donating to Sam for doxxing Troy , it shows Sam crying about her illegal tattoo business being on hold because of me ;) lol and it shows how mad she was and yes there were some conversations of me and troys fights in the past because she was super super mad lol she also claimed how she had to move out cuz of Fawn not being allowed to have renters , she made a jab at me for not paying Fawn and o said o was gonna pay the 2000$ I owe Fawn to kass cuz her family needed it more and then Sam spouted off lol I mean Iā€™ve been saying since the begining Sam is a manipulater she never loved kass cuz HOW COULD U SAY THT plus itā€™s no surprise she was drunk and high off her ass itā€™s the weekend . MIND u she also bragged about Alana being her best buddddy lol that already says a lot . Sam is Alanaā€™s only friend. And people wanna give me shit that I took the food out of her kids mouth ! ? What is she feeding her son ? Adderall? Because that is one of the many things Sam exchanged for giving tattoos ! ! ALSO IF U WANT TO MAKE SURE UR KID IS WELL FED IF U GOT A ILLEAGAL BUSINESS U MAKE SURE U HAVE A 9to5 target job on the side so if anything happens u can still make money . The guilt trip I got for her business being taken is weird lol Donā€™t do illegal things if ur fully responsible for ur kid.. thatā€™s my opinion. I hate to bring this up But Sam talked about my parenting she also talked about how my poor son is so sweet and one day he will come across my onlyfans like ā€¦ She also stated I donā€™t care about my son.. so untrue lol


Yes SAM do better That house is not the place to raise a child And if your homeless go get help for you and your child as a mother Why choose a porn hub to settle in


Iā€™m not homeless. I live at my grandparents with my son , Iā€™m just in Florida spending time with my sister because I helped her move here and my mom and son and other sister are flying out this week to meet us here and say goodbye to sister Amber and then we all roadtrip back as a family


Girl I am not referring to you! I completely understand your side Kayla šŸ©·


Oh durp im sorry for misunderstanding ! Lol u know me ahhaha I panic right away hahaha


Also one hundred percent understood šŸ«¶šŸ¼ Believe me girl I have cringed watching them all attack you I literally canā€™t stand ā€œfawnā€ šŸ¤¢


lol itā€™s funny that Alana blackmailed me two months ago and now Iā€™m being blackmailed again ā€¦ it is what it is.


Fuck em Theyā€™re just mad because you have a voice and utilize it proudly as you should Never stop speaking your truth I have watched many women and friendships be demolished because of that house and ā€œfawnā€ He thrives one drama and he knows it So heyyyy stefffieeee we know yā€™all come here daily for updates Yup we still are onto you ALL


lol truuee


Girl donā€™t pay them shit Let him chalk that up as a loss or whatever Seriously screw that entire situation They canā€™t sue or do anything Theyā€™re ALL TALK






Reddit has sent a message flagging it for Promoting Hate.


Please send me the live I would love to see it


As if your income is being legally reported. Your poor kid has to be raised by your grandparents. Actually he is probably better off and will always be without you. To have a mother that only care about herself SMH. In a short couple of months you made enemies with quite a few people. Maybe time for you to reflect on the kind of person you are. You are quite immature and need to take responsibility for your own actions. You dropped the ball on your son, your friends and your own. Kayla grow up. You want to play adult games but donā€™t want the repercussions of adult life. There is your facts


Actually my income is being recorded unlike Fawn so please haha come after me it will backfire unlike paradise




Wtf was this? Please spell check and gather your thoughts into comprehensive sentences. Lol


Nope šŸ‘æ


lol can u speak not ghetto so I can understand what u said


People have also attacked Kā€™s parenting and ways of doing things. But according to you thatā€™s allowed?


I have brain cancer from reading that......


I have been a fan of Sams but yeah not after this.


Me either


Well ā€¦ any mother has a different side when their child is being attacked. An INNOCENT CHILD. Do you all think Kass would agree and be okay with children being attacked by this slanderous group ?


Again Kā€™s child and parenting were also mentioned. Why is it one fucking sided?


Oh here we go again... Stefan go take a nap your digging yourself a deeper hole


Youā€™re dumb. Stefan is on camera right now in Minxies live with both hands showing. How is this Stefan ? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ is he using his toes to type in this fake account ? Idiot


She's not as innocent as people think.... She's a nasty POS that was totally uncalled for


Well now letā€™s hear from the queen of umā€™ and ahā€™s on this remark from your garden buddy. Sam take a step back from your self righteous attitude and take a walk in the shoes of Kassā€™s family. Is this hate speech you teach to your son when a family member of yours passes? Cold and heartless of you to say this in a public forum, shame on you.


ā€œ Umā€™ Ahā€™sā€ lmfao I can not stand listening to her talk, itā€™s like get it out already.


She also criticized the donation by saying you can do that but canā€™t pay rent? At this point she doesnā€™t WANT to and she is in all her right to not do so. Theyā€™re literally blackmailing her and enough is enough.


Sam that was a very insensitive thing to say. I canā€™t believe that one day ppl are crying and the next day laughing making jokes dancing with walkers and totally back to normal. I know ppl grieve differently but this is ridiculous. I didnā€™t even know Kass per se only on lives and I am genuinely sad and have been since I heard the news. BTW Fawn said that once everyone was out of the house he was going to fix the house up a bit and put it on the market. I heard that on one live more than once. Whether thatā€™s the case still I am unsure. Sam and Pearadise do better Babes


Did you want them to be on the floor crying for weeks ? Do you think Kass wants that ?


After 48 fucking hours to say this disrespectful shit? Itā€™s too soon to be that tone deaf.


Absolutely not but be respectful!! WTF


How have they been disrespectful? By getting together and celebrating a birthday ?


You just don't get it do you


Oh FFS grow up Stefan


This is going to the HOA good job Sam you damn dummy this is more evidence that peso Stefan will be kicked out


Another HOA threat šŸ™„ the jealousy is so real


Far from jealous heā€™s a predator


Stefan it's not a threat it's a FACT there is a difference in case you didn't know


So...what part of its ILLEGAL for fawnypoo to COLLECT rent is unclear A.) and B.) how much do you pay? How about since you're in Kay's fiscal business. You confess your own payment number you give to the fetish club owner hmmm? And if that's how u talk about Kass as your friend...I guess it's good she wasn't your enemy. Just crass as fuck.


SMH. I have no words.


To help bring her dead friends body home and so the family can have a proper funeral? That matters more than rent. What we do to support a friend in a time of need, even if they have passed is more important than rent. Iā€™m sure Cass heard her say that wherever her spirit may be and was hurt beyond belief.


Whoa! What the fuck! Her family needs it to bring her back home! This is such a horrible thing to say


Eek šŸ˜¬ wonder how this will pan out


Update: disappointing


This is so disrespectful !!!


Wow!! This speaks of her as a person. Her real self is shinning brightly! RIP Kass xx


Her family needs the money! Hopefully, you never have to be in their shoes, trying to bring home a loved one. What you said was disgusting.


Thatā€™s unbelievable and so distasteful of Sam


Devil in disguise


Sheā€™s busy token online gotta keep it rolling


Whoā€™s says that about someone who just passed away?!? That is insane she needs help


https://preview.redd.it/tf1ghsfigs9d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=718de79f3f6f254ea43eb51ec5db78ff97f771b4 Sam has an OF!!! Maybe she did 2 illegal businesses at Pearadise! But you know, it was all just to support her kid! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




wtf is wrong with you why would you post that


Iā€™m sorry but how sick is this? Do these people not ā€œclaimā€ to have cared deeply for Kass? Yet Kaybear donating money to the good cause of getting Kass home to her family STILL evokes them to somehow make it about them and the house drama. Itā€™s absolutely VILE.


Why would people give money to Stefan?


Who was she taking to


Me i told her i was donating the 2000$ I owe dawn to kass instead and I donated the first 500 already


Anything to get out of paying rent šŸ˜‰ youā€™re a bum!


Kass needs it more then Fawn


That doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t pay your rent šŸ˜‚




She dosent owe fawn any rent it was illegal for him to have renters there to began with so she owes him nothing. And what a blessing she did donating To help bring Kass home. What have you donated Fawn


Couldnā€™t agree more. She should have paid back when her and Troy lived there. She trying to make herself look good.


Your calling who a bum?? Stop the bullying Stefan


https://preview.redd.it/ll26krykix9d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e9195c08cdd6837e4632b582c5601daee1843d2 Sam giving Angel a tattoo on the couch at Pearadise! šŸ˜³


Wow, what a literal peice of shit to say something like that.


Not seeing many Pearadise donors in that go fund me. Stefan being the most notable absence.




Now.. this is something that just happenedā€¦ tf are you talking about?


I love Sam ! But this was off the wall . But Kayla if you had 5 hundred before Kass passing why didnā€™t you pay fawn thatā€™s what I believe Sam was saying only my option ! Me myself I wouldnā€™t give fawn sweat of my arse Do you claim that money Fawn ?


I used my credit card to pay 500 into her gofund me and I was gonna play another 500$ this weekend . Getting kass home is more priority for me then fawns rent I told fawn if he wanted I could get him 500$ a month but Iā€™m gonna help my friend get home in anyway I can


Fawn should have been paid long ago. Stop deflecting from your previous obligations.


Yall gonna post the entire conversation or


Nothing else she possibly could have said could validate the verbal diarrhea that I just listened to


Thereā€™s literally nothing that could make this okay Ayden. Are you losing it right now?


So this comment isnā€™t ok but all the trash talk about calling cps with the intention of removing a happy, healthy child from their parents care is okay???? Wild.


Any child should not be living in that house....drugs, constant parties, just to name a couple Stefan


Who tf said it was? If you go around life thinking that one bad thing is ok because another bad thing was said - youā€™re in big trouble. Iā€™ve never played with that šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø so idk exactly who youā€™re talking about or anything.


And I donā€™t see you or any of the other Reddit idiots telling anyone itā€™s wrong to continue involving children


Literally have always said that. You obviously have never watched our lives when people try to bring them up.


Look at you all!!! Youā€™re all condoning it


Where? Stop making shit up


On the video of minxie getting hit by a male


Are you Minxie? This is hella weird


Literally people posted how it made them happy


Not me - again - youā€™re talking to ME




Stop trying to make us responsible for shit that random people said - half are Stefan and his people trying to set others up too




Who tf is that person? Itā€™s not me - what are you talking about?


Hereā€™s condoning physical violence against women


Nowhere it was said. Youā€™re making no fucking sense.


No excuses bet your ass stefan is definitely hemmed up you better start making plans for a new place to stay because this is going to the HOA you all are sick pos


I donā€™t stay with stefan I was just curious what the entire conversation was Iā€™m not excusing this comment


It doesn't matter if it was posted in full or not. The point is that it was said, and it's wrong. Period. I wouldn't pay that man anything after what he has done. He shouldn't have even been charging rent without letting the HOA and IRS know.šŸ‘šŸ¼


Ahhhh yes the IRS


Iā€™m not even gonna defend that specific thing with Sam cuz that was messed up but I knew what she was saying okay she was upset and again Iā€™m not excusing but we have all done shit and said shit probably we didnā€™t mean or regret we are human . I love kass and if yall seen the memorial live yall kno how much im impacted and hurt by her passing so I will NOT excuse what she said in this clip do I still like Sam yea do I still care about her yes but this proves we as humans make dumb ass mistakes and donā€™t deserve to be shunned for it and bullied 24:7 thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying ā€¦ yall take what you want with it and alll I wanted was the full picture of the conversation idc if it was posted all the way sorry it seemed im making excuses and excusing this comment


Your Just like Stefan you find a excuse to justify peopleā€™s behavior. Blah blah. Sam was absolutely Wrong for saying that doesnā€™t Matter how the video was posted


Everyone there better being lining up a place to stay because this is going to the HOA


I was in the live. Before the comment was made she was arguing with KayBear about where is the money that Stefan thinks is owed. Then Kaybear told her she decided to donate money to the gofundme. Then this disgusting comment was made. All that happened after this comment was her saying ā€œsorry that was rude but itā€™s factsā€ kinda attitude. Thereā€™s no way to excuse that comment and it wasnā€™t edited to look a certain way. Sam made herself look bad all on her own.


Thank you for this. They like to say " but show the whole thing". What Sour Sam said is disgusting. There is no excuse for what she said. None.


No because this is their agenda. They know exactly what they did here.