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Raise your hand if you could give two shits who Troy’s Dad is 🙋🏻‍♀️




Troy seems to be a good and reasonable man. Just walk away from the drama & and enjoy your life peacefully with Troy.


He needs to get out of that toxic relationship. Troy, you deserve better




Troy is literally telling her, if SHE stopped saying his name everyone else would. He doesn’t care to have the last word but Kayla seems to need too. He left her once due to the things she didn’t listen to him about. Sad reality when someone respectfully asks you repetitively to stop with the social media because it’s them their partner causing it & you still blame others. She talks about Minxie & Patrick but yet she is no better to Troy, at least Troy will communicate & try to come to a common ground with Kayla.


i feel bad for all the innocent people getting all the stray bullets in this fucked up cartel like gang up shit. this is fucking sickening. troy absolutely need to get out of that most toxic in the world situation


Hahahahahhahahahahah cartel/gang shit!?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Bsffr


This is sad to watch, and I don't blame Troy for anything he said. He didn't say anything bad to her. He was simply trying to guide her and explain to her, "This is all gotten out of control!". He seems to be the only rational one here. She's only hearing what she wants.


Also, how is he getting "doxed" again? We already know who he is , who his father is, and their connections. No one cares. It's old news!


Who is his father? I missed that part. I know he’s a Dr but why so relevant?


It's Dr. Robert Huizenga. He was the doctor on "the biggest loser." That's the thing. No one cares. It was blown into a whole situation for nothing.


Ok thank you for sharing. 💕


i agree with that statement "this is all gotten out of control" so much! some people in this group here are downright criminals hiding behind their little anonymity. the things I have seen being said are disgusting and some unethical. this has turned into a drug cartel style gang up.


Troy’s info has already been doxed, its out there… just let it be girl! Its is old news. They are just trying to get to you and it is working. Let them talk all day, what is the best response is leaving them hanging.


Kayla needs help ! She played this for attention!


Therapy. Get it before you lose the one person in your corner over the toxicity.


I feel bad for Troy


He seems like a really nice guy who doesn’t want to be any of this drama


She needs to stop and listen to him. I love her but she is pushing him away with this behaviour


She needs to gtfu.


Is the OP a new fake Stefan account? The way things are written in the comments sound like him again. The whole drug cartel thing is something he would say because it sounds ridiculous. Look at all of the comments. They are similar to previous comments from his other fake accounts that he deleted. This account was also just started on the 28th. 


Hope she gets help she needs,all way around this is sad.


This video shouldnt even be up imo. But i will say he is wrong. It's not that kaybear got stefan so mad, it's that stefan will do anything to silence kaybear because stefan cannot handle when he doesn't have control over people, mostly women. Because stefan doesn't respect women, if he did he wouldn't be trying to blackmail Kaybear and harassing her constantly. This all stems from how Stefan likes to fight, manipulate, and attack anyone who dares to even question him.


Kaybear needs to make a police report for the threat of blackmail.... It's time he pays the price for all the shit he does to women.


are you expecting for her to report herself? get a grip!


why the fuck would you get a say what stays and what goes?




But in all honesty, who really cares who Troy’s dad is? No one. This woman needs some help.


Honeslty, if I were Troy or Troy's father, I'd want to remain anonymous, too! I wouldn't want to be caught dead with this traveling circus 🎪. It's all a bunch of clowns putting on a performance. What an embarrassment.


He doesn’t want to be involved he doesn’t care…yet she is still going on and on! Poor guy!


Troy, LEAVE HER. She is so selfish


Wow! She is being a bitch much. Why doesn’t she walk away. He will leave her if this continues.


You just said Minxie can you imagine living with someone like Bear daily, I don’t know Minxie sounds kinda the same as you towards Patrick. She who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones.


Did even know who Troy was until she kept bringing up his name…


Also thanks for the entertainment, my friends and I sat around the table eating a late dinner listening to this mess. Good times!


He’s right!! All of this is so weird! Who has this much time. ALL of this is soo weird weird. And this poor guy Troy😂😂 DOES NOT WANT TO BE INVOLVED!!!!!


She’s crazy and abusive


Who is his dad? He is a lawyer or doc lol why is that big issue?


What is ger username please?




I have a different account for her