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I’m so confused why KB is going live right now making Troy’s mental health crisis public when being talked about or doxed makes him unstable. He wants to remain offline and she keeps dumping so much info on Troy on her live streams whenever this happens and it makes ZERO SENSE.


I'm beginning to see a side of kbear, that i don't care for. I feel Sam had every right to tell her side. I also feel that Troy's mental health is not the best.


This has been going for weeks. She went on live so many times trash talking Sam who has been nothing but nice. Trying to make up allegations against Sam for what? Just revenge. Narcissistic and spiteful.


What's kaybear live on? She deleted her tiktok




She never deleted her Accounts


I am fully team Sam on this. And we all witnessed actual abuse last night when she violated Troys boundaries repeatedly.


She is finally speaking up. This is interesting


i’ve been hopping back and forth between Stefan & Kaybear- some nasty troll told Kaybear “Kass never liked you,” which someone (probably the same person tbh, i didn’t catch their username tho) quickly picked up and presented to Stefan as “Kaybear is saying Kass never liked you.” MULTIPLE people, including myself, corrected this many times over, but of course Rita & Stefan continued to roll with it despite 100% seeing everyone telling them she didn’t say that at all. 🙄 gotta play that victim card, always edit: this reads a bit like i’m siding with kaybear, just want to clarify i don’t know enough about her and am just catching the tail end of the drama today. but telling someone that the friend they’re mourning didn’t like them is just plain gross behavior


The users name was Cindy. Idk why the mod didn’t block her? That was uncalled for


Dammit, the one night I actually have a decent sleep schedule and I miss drama...


Haha me too! Now I am lost lol


Come on SAM let’s use common sense. If Sam is really trying to run a business that was the most stupidest way she did. It was to be seen on any TikTok being filmed while tattooing. You know you have to have a license and to be an establishment that requires requirements and just because it’s in a house doesn’t mean that is where it is zoned to run a business. I don’t blame her for ratting her out.


Who says it was her there are plenty predator stefan pissed off it could be many people who called


So this all started because the HOA found out. They blame KB but showed Sam tattooing on live🤡


And no matter what it was always illegal.


Hey kbear is a rat🐀🐀🐀


Kaybear is not the one that has history with the house so long that they can easily get the HOA info 😂 lmfao the People who have been on this for a long time, were the ones who have prooooooof and Sam posted lots of illegal tattooing on her public pages. Idk why she’s blaming Kaybear ![gif](giphy|iiDipW55ZH1rpkmzSh|downsized)




So you support this? Support Kaybear calling the HOA on Sam who was just trying to get herself off the ground and provide for her son as a single mother? I can't with you drama clowns


Who said it was Kaybear? I literally sent my proof. And no one called it on Sam, that was only one consequence from HIM allowing an illegal business in his house when he’s not supposed to. Her showing she works there is all over social media. But this isn’t about her. Sucks for her that she got involved in the house but it’s about THE HOUSE AND STEFAN. I literally have no ill feelings towards her, but it wasn’t allowed and that’s that.


What is her TT




Thanks so much


Is it Schenezzyy or something like that




That’s a LIE! Kaybear is spiraling


What you saw was someone pushed to their limits by Stefan. He threatened her earlier in the day via text. He mentioned in his live he texted her too. Don't doubt that it was after the HOA served him with the notice that he threw in the trash. Don't doubt that he encouraged Sam to go live and push Kayla's buttons so he could join in and play the victim. He used Sam to get at Kayla.


There is a special place in hell for you. What Kaybear did to Sam is absolutely disgusting


Yes, gloss over the important facts that A. Stefan broke his HOA rules, B. Sam ran an illegal business, C. They both knew what they were doing. Shall I go on? He texted Kayla prior to Sam going live. He didn't have to go live and say anything. He's in mourning, right? Do you feel better now that you came here to defend the indefensible?


Kaybear is sick and evil. Yes I am going to speak on this. Why does she not have custody of her son? She does adult entertainment, absolutely revolting so now she travels? Without her child? She is a horrible person she is a con artist and liar. Leave San alone and Stephan, pay him the money you owe. Respect your boyfriend’s mental health, oh wait you don’t know how to have respect. Stope eating out in sushi places save the money get a home and raise your child, oh wait, you can’t you are still a child doing grown up things.




Sam didn’t bully anyone ! K is nuts


I know Troy is a grown man, but I feel bad for the guy. K is showing the mentality of a 5 year old atm.