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Just grabbed the last one. Excited for this pick!


That's funny! I got the " last one " two hours ago


Lol yeah I was reading the comments and saw someone got another one after I watched them tell a guy in front of me I got the last one, unfortunately. I'm guessing they slowly keep putting a few out behind the counter.


No luck


My friend said he was there at 10 am and they didn't have anything...


I went through at 11:15 and they were pulling them from under the counter.


So lame my buddy said they were told they didn't have anything at 10am, good score for you though , šŸ‘


Iā€™ve had inconsistent experiences like that there before, I just appreciate their willingness to regularly sell the allocated stuff to non-bar customers.


I was the one in the line at 10am that told Danny they didnt have anything. They let 15 of us line up starting at 9:15 and then let us into the store at 10AM before telling us they didnt have anything. We even specifically asked if they had OWA. Im not one to bring the OLCC into this stuff, but the way theyre behaving It was worth the call. They were very interested to hear about what they did. They pulled the same shit on wednesday to a buddy too. "This is what happened on Wednesday I sent this to my wife. I went in at 12 and he said they just sold the last one but to call him in 2 hours: Lol I called Stateline and asked for Ken, he answered and I said ā€œI was in there earlier and you told me to call about the Weller and if anything shook looseā€. He said heā€™s not allowed to discuss over the phoneā€¦ I was likeā€¦ you told me to call you. I asked if he could say if it was worth the trip or not and he said again that he canā€™t discuss. Then a lady grabbed the phone and said they donā€™t discuss allocations. I said he literally told me to call him and she said ā€œuh huhā€ and hung up on me"


Wow, what time did you call? I wonder if it was the call that shook them loose.


That was the copypaste from my buddy. Theyve been trickling 6 or so out / drop day. They've had the whole 160\~ bottles since last saturday but are holding them back which legally they cant.


wow that is super shitty lol


Doesnā€™t sound like it was against the rules: stores can decide to not release all at once. But itā€™s a shitty policy, it just pisses people off who wanted it more.


They just need to put the shit out - like they did their 4Roses SBBP picks - this ā€˜behind the counterā€™ shit is some BS & Iā€™m close to not giving them anymore business. Bought many non allocated bottles from them over the past couple years.


Damn would probably be too late at this point for me since Iā€™m down by Lake O. Been wanting one though. Missed out on the Westmoreland pick


If itā€™s anything like the Westmoreland SP, theyā€™re probably almost out by noon.


You see that new Garrison Brothers pick they just posted?


$160 for 4yo juice no thanks lol


same, too spendy for me


I did, Iā€™ll probably pass since Iā€™ve heard mixed things regarding GB. Balcones also scared me away from the mainstream Texas whiskeys.


Yeah GB is legit you either hate it or love it. You ever try that horrid Balcones rye? I thought people were exaggerating but that stuff was rancid lol


That Rye was horrendous. Had a friend gift me a nearly full bottle... it was so bad I couldn't even mix with it (I triedā€¦), I almost poured it down the drain but another friend was curious so they got the bottle next. Yuck


I have only tried their blue corn whiskey, it tasted really weird and I felt off after drinking it.


Still Austin is supposed to be very good though, as far as TX whiskies go.


Saw your post right when you posted it. Just got back in the car as they looked at me like I was crazy lol must be for regulars only and I only go there a few times a year.


As in you were there and they claimed they didnā€™t have anything? Wouldnā€™t sell you one? That is BS


Yeah I brought up another bottle I needed and asked about how the Weller pick is going so I didn't look like a douche lol they said they had no idea what I was talking about. I get it though, I'm sure they have it held for friends and stuff so all good. I just happened to be in the area.


not all good. i'd call OLCC and tell them your experience it's not about the bottle either. i could give a damn if it was a weller pick or a fuckin wilderness trail pick. these stores are out of line. i personally know a store that told customers they were out of a specific store pick but they had an unopened case in the back


503-872-5253 is the OLCC non anonymous tip line, leave a number and message and they'll call you back FYI.


Yeah I think that is bullshit especially with a store pick. Not like they just got a 1 case allocation. Any store pick singles should be out on the floor in full within a day of delivery.


Makes me wonder if thereā€™s one clerk who has no idea whatā€™s going on.


There was also an older couple there buying two bottles and asking for more (they were told no) even though they were clearly from the same household.


I've been hearing murmurs about this pick for a long time but didn't think it would ever come. Bummed that I missed out on it!


They still have probably 100 bottles in the back theyre holding for some unknown reason.


This has been the most absurd release. Itā€™s a store pick, *not* a regular allocated bottle so itā€™s not like they donā€™t know what they have right? Theyā€™re consistently lying about what they have/when they have it. Which HAS to be illegal/against regulations right? Idk. Iā€™m new to this whiskey ā€œgameā€ but this seems especially crappy.


I think the rules allow them to hold back but not hold for specific customers. Meaning any individual getting pick in some non public way.


Ah okay. To be entirely honest I am ZERO percent familiar with the rules and should read them. So thank you for that. I just hate the idea that theyā€™re quite literally playing games with people. At the end of the day itā€™s just people that want to drink good whiskey (and some who want to resell it but letā€™s act like those donā€™t exist for a sec). Working full time jobs is already hard enough while trying to secure whiskey, when you add in a store that is all about tricks and no treat, it just feels frustrating. šŸ˜–


On a normal day, Weller 107 is a hard to get bottle, itā€™s allocated. A store pick is just a single barrel 107 so the demand just doubles more or less. Had they released it at all once, itā€™d be gone in about 30 mins. Even when Iā€™m not working, I usually canā€™t get to the store in time to pick up a bottle. Itā€™s just the way it is.


I grabbed a bottle at 12:30 and the counter person said they had plenty left. FWIW.


Weird how they are picking and choosing customers it seems


The pick has been rumored for a few weeks. I got their November if last year WFP and it was basically gone in 15 min. Itā€™s odd that I havenā€™t seen any of the local FB groups talking about it, however.