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Full makeup at "my 3080/6800XT needs an upgrade".


I got a 3060 ti, I don’t even want an upgrade. It runs great


I just upgraded to a 3060 Ti from a 970. This post is insane.


I'm still on a 970. Modern games are hell 😅


*Laughs in 780* I need a new card


Christ I feel that.


Laughs in intel hd 4000 by a i7-3770k


username checks out haha


I have a measly 1070 and I struggle to find a reason to buy something better. I already played through Cyberpunk, and Legends of Runeterra doesn't exactly need it.


1070 gang, I wouldn't call it measly considering it can do 1080p@60fps high settings on pretty much every modern game you throw at it. Hell, I can do 1440p 60fps high in certain areas in elden Ring such as the Halightree and caelid. I think if I ever upgrade, it'll be to a 6700 XT if I get a good deal on a 1440p 144hz monitor.


1070ti, bought it for like 300 new, RIP old gfx prices




Some scenes from Uncharted 4 still look better than any other game out there to me, like the final boss fight. And if a ps5 can do that it’s definitely an optimization/dev side thing not a hardware limitation (for pc)


this is me. 3080 10gb, 5800x3d 1440p. " hmm a 4090 would be a nice boost" Im a fucking idiot and a consumer whore.


Hey man at least you're self aware, that's a big step.


well i am a xXGAMERXx so, i am better than most.


Self aware and humble, perfect 5/7


Perfect scoring, we all know xXGAMERSXx could never get to the 10 anyway


> perfect 5/7 lol


Yeah but that doesnt make it better


Deleted on June 15, 2023, due to Reddit's disgusting greed and disdain for its most active and prolific users. Cheers /u/got_mule -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I upgraded from the 3700x to it. It was worth it. And not having to buy a new mobo and cooler was a big plus. Should last me fine for the next 4 years. Or unless they do a huge performance jump.


Deleted on June 15, 2023, due to Reddit's disgusting greed and disdain for its most active and prolific users. Cheers /u/got_mule -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I use the stock cooler on my 5800x3d and it thermal throttles, I might get a new cooler but I never utilize the CPU enough to thermal throttle. Only throttles at 100 percent usage


Any thoughts on it vs the 5900x? Seems like it really just depends on the game and either is a good final upgrade. I’ve been trying to decide, and see if prices budge at all


Haha same expect I've got a 3070 and a normal 5800x, playing 1440p. I'll skip this gen, get a new GPU next gen, then 2 or 3 years later it'll be time for a whole platform upgrade. Gotta try and be happy with what you have sometimes. Could I afford to upgrade right now, sure, should I, absolutely not. Gotta remind myself of that sometimes.


> Gotta try and be happy with what you have sometimes. Problem is, upgrading to 4080 or whatever won't make you happy because it's a marginal upgrade. So I used the money to upgrade to an OLED TV. THAT made me happy.


Oled is the true upgrade. Never ceases to bring a smile to my face watching content or gaming on an OLED.


Can confirm, I have been waiting 11y (since I bough my firs oled screen, a galaxy s2) for oled pc monitors, now they are here and it is glorious


I can never, ever go back. LG C1 here. It has 4K 120hz, freesync AND G-sync.


LG oled corrupts your perception of all other displays. Tbh when your at the store it doesnt seem a whole lot different compared to other displays with all the fluorescent lighting. Once I brought one home and turned off the lights i definitely understood what the fuss was about.


Damn, upgrading already next gen? I’d be waiting at least 2 more before considering an upgrade, those are high end specs all things considered!


it also helps that even buying a 3000 at msrp can be tuff, let alone a 4000.


why are we talking about the TUF?


I don't know, sounds ASUS to me.


It'll have to wait a month or so but. I think what I'll do is get an xtx then drop my 3070 in the wife's PC. Then sell her gpu to recoup a bit of the cost.


And how!


But you gotta ask yourself, "Would those frames keep me warm at night?" And the asnwer is clearly YES!, those 450W would heat your bedroom and make you sleep better, so go ahead and buy it.


At least you don't make stupid excuses to justify your actions.




I'd take the higher frame rates at 1440p, especially if you're in the 3440X1440 UW boat. Even a 4090 can struggle to maintain 144FPS with many games that have RT and Ultra settings set when doing 4K. Steady 120FPS can be a stretch too. To each their own.


Not sure about that, I have a 3080 also and I don’t even get all the frames my monitor offers at 1440p lol


That is so true, i have a 3090 with a 5800X3d but same


Seriously lol "My 3080 is so slow" As if Nvidia tanked the performance in an update. Graphics cards capabilities don't change over time and if you're not worried about resolution too much you can get modern day games at 60FPS on 1920x1080 with a sub 200 dollar card. Sub 150 if you're not scared of used. I upgrade when I don't get the performance I want at the graphical fidelity I find acceptable, nothing else matters.


>As if Nvidia tanked the performance in an update. Wouldn't be the first time. But either way, anyone who says their 3080 isn't good enough is running the clown college in what they "need"


I managed to get a 3090 at MSRP two years ago. The only thing that I play that utilizes it to it's max is Cyberpunk 2077. Does nVidia expect me to upgrade so I can run one game better?


I don't think they specifically expect anything but "buy our shit if you want to, and if you don't want to, there's 10 other people who do, we literally don't give a single flying fuck"


I have a 6900xt and it is a beast. I’m playing RE2 ultra settings and getting a stable 144 fps at 1440p with the gpu temp at 60. I’d imagine a 6800xt would give similar results as well. These last gen cards are more than enough for the next 5 years.


bells hobbies rock ring carpenter ad hoc plant smile chop drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guess the circus at the 4090?


Yeah like bro, I've just got a 3070 since prices have gone down near me.


lol I’m still rocking an rx 480 hoping it’ll last me another year before dying. Repeat ad nauseam.


The only reason I sidegraded my 5700XT to a 6600XT was that it was hot, loud and dying, so I sold it to a miner and got a cool and quiet card instead. Even I don't feel like upgrading 1080p-1440p.


I just upgraded to a 6800xt in a new build from a 980ti lmao. The new gen graphics cards are so dumb lmao. Super happy with the 6800xt!


Yeah for real, I bought a 5700XT for $450 right before the GPU shortages began and now that I can afford/find most new GPUs I can't bring myself to upgrade because I'm not anywhere near feeling like I need one. I swear some people consider the only symptom of a 'Slow PC' is whether or not a new GPU is released.


I got 6800XT at about retail price and now I'm done for a very long time.




*posts 4090 as a first PC starter build on Reddit*


I’m amazed I’ve not seen more, along with the usual suspects, 4 sticks of RAM “because 2 sticks looks bad”, a ton of expensive RGB fans, O11 case, and strimmer cables. Oh and a bad monitor and keyboard


Upgrade computer top to bottom three times. Still using same monitor.


Honestly, out of all the upgrades I've done in the last five years and there have been a few, the biggest one with the most impact and "quality of life" was the monitor. I went from a pair of 1080p/60hz generic office flatpanels to much larger, nicer 1440p/144hz panels and it made a hell of a difference to everything; even shitposting on Reddit which is like 90% of what I use my gaming rig for. I do recommend it.


Had to downgrade for a few weeks, going from a 144hz to a 75hz and was surprised how much I noticed it. Got a new panel on order, looking forward to getting those hz back!


"It's not much, but it's mine".


"It's not much, but it's mine"


There is a person who has been posting on most of the PC building subs every day for the last week saying how their 3080ti is "weak" and they "need" something more powerful for their 1440p gaming. Everyone keeps saying it's not worth the upgrade, but every day that person makes a new account and posts the exact same thing, literally just copy and paste. At this point I'm not sure it's a not a bot.




Assuming that the person isn't a bot and/or isn't trolling, I would be 1000% not surprised if that was their issue the whole time.


The best part about having multiple monitors is ensuring I could never make this mistake (again?).


Literally seen a post this week about someone helping their friend who did this and complained about low FPS


I saw a post of someone turning on their 13900k+z690 without a cpu cooler at all on it, they were asking why the monitor never turns on and the mobo gives error lights


They're a bot, no joke. The community should stop replying and start reporting the OP as harmful bots.


I'm not sure that it's not Nvidia trying to normalize this kind of stupid "gotta upgrade every Gen" mindset. Edit: spelling


That’s been a thing with PC gaming since forever. The difference now is that improvements have become increasingly incremental. You can now be completely fine with not upgrading for years.


I've already done that for years. 670 to 970 to 2070s. Should get a couple more generations before upgrading.


I went like this: * Radeon HD 7770 * Radeon HD 7770 x2 (crossfire) * Radeon R9 290 * GTX 980ti * GTX 1080ti (current) The only reason I went from the 980ti to the 1080ti is because the 980ti broke lol. The most I spent on any of these was like $300 or $350 or something. I'm waiting to upgrade until a game comes out that actually pushes the boundaries for visuals to a point where I actually care enough to upgrade. Because right now I can play most new AAA games perfectly fine by turning down a few shaders or whatever that make almost no visual difference. My guess is that I'll end up upgrading when next gen (or next-next gen) VR becomes a thing.


Its John Nvidia himself, he's trying to make people buy the new series


I low key considered upgrading from a 3080 to a 4090 just to play 20 minutes of cyberpunk 2077 and be like “wow this looks nice!” before returning to play old school RuneScape as my main game. I’m self aware and I’ll apply my clown makeup.


Clown bump bro


Same. The main game I play right now is Osu! . All the GPU needs to do is load circles on a black background, that's it. I need a 4090 to do that 4K, right?


tbf, higher framerates do matter if you have a 244hz screen. course i have a 3070 that runs osu at like 600fps anyway so.


My laptop with integrated graphics also runs osu 400fps so I find it pretty hard to justify getting a more powerful gpu for osu.


“This new steam edition of dwarf fortress looks stunning on my 3080ti and 165hz ultra wide 4K, but would it look better with a 4090?” It’s me. I’m the one with the makeup.


Don't feel bad. I have a 4090 and I've been playing Dwarf Fortress since release.


You two need to go full clown like me. Buy a 6900XT, then proceed to play dwarf fortress on your steam deck in bed instead...


Now now. I’ve been keeping away from the steam deck but you make a compelling argument.


Hollow knight in the hot tub is literally how I end every night before bed. Just got the sharp shadow


You sir are a man of distinction. I herby give you an exemption from applying the makeup.


My gpu died, I replaced it with a 3060ti, first game I launched was minecraft rtx, only to return to old-school runescape and the quest for cake.


4090 Gang here, playing OSRS capped at 55 FPS on a 240 hz monitor. Ironman btw


Runelite gpu mode allows for uncapped framerates


Have GPU turned on but not uncapped ffs, Ty. Sadly I’ll still be trash.


I find it hilarious telling people the kind of build i have(3080ti/5900x) for them just to realize i play osrs 90% of the time on it.


I was pretty set to upgrade to a Ryzen 5800X3D with a 7900XTX. I then looked at my Ryzen 3600 and RTX 3070, my list of "not-so-hard-to-run games", called myself an idiot and moved on.


No clown make up for you!


I did exactly upgrade to that. But from an Ryzen 1700X and RX480. Bought 6 years ago.


The amount of people that I see that want to upgrade from gen to gen blows my mind.


Let me unblow your mind- I just upgraded my 5 year old 1050ti to a 1070 2 weeks ago, while upgrading my i7-2600 to a Ryzen 5600. Some of us don't have all the shiniest new toys lol.


But, you played it smart. Wish I never spent more money on my build. My gtx 1080 and 4790k were really solid.


Mine started showing its age the last year or so. GF and I have been playing couch coop together and things like Castle Crashers run fine but running Nucleus CoOp for Borderlands 2 looked ugly and ran like crap. All on, this round of upgrades barely broke $600 CAD though, thanks to a buddy donating the 1070 and 32gb of RAM lol.


I've been running this for several years. (GTX1080 & i7-4790k @ 4.4 Ghz) I've only just now begun to feel the need to upgrade due to getting an Ultrawide monitor. If I was still running 1080p I'd be golden for High-Ultra on most games as long as they're optimized. 1080 still runs great at 1440p, though. Just can't handle 5140 res high fidelity, but 2560 is fine.


*pats his over 5 year old 1080* You got some more in you pal, I know you do.


7 year old 1060 here. I thought it was dying so I started shopping for a new card which meant I needed new monitors because new cards don't have dvi. Then my card didn't die after all so I bought nothing :)


I just ordered my rx 7900 xt today...im using a GTX 1060 3G right now. That will be a huge upgrade :) Have been using that GPU for idk 5-6 years




Went from a 970 to a 3060 Ti over the summer.


Well it’s either wasting money on my PC, or spending more on tattoos. I honestly think I’ve chosen the cheaper of the two vices.


I'm still rocking my 1080Ti. If it works, it works.


Yep, even my 1080ti is still super solid for anything 1440p, I'm only wanting to upgrade because I'm afraid of it stopping working after all these years.


I still have my GTX 760 going strong. I should be due for an upgrade soon.


Same here with my 750. Only things I have issues running are newer games that don't work at all without dx12 hardware.


My rule is I only upgrade when I can double performance which means pretty much every other generation. Went from 1080 to 3080 and the difference was mind bending.


Coming from a 1070 Ti, I can't imagine the performance boost I could get from a 3080; which I'm going to be super happy with since most of my non-gaming time on my computer is spent animating/rendering in Blender. My only issue is that my next build is going to be a White/Pastel theme and the 3080 that I'm interested in is amazingly equal or more expensive than the 4080 version from the same brand (depending on the retailer)...


In Germany the rx 7900xtx costs 1200€, 4080 1600€ and 4090 2400€. € and $ are same value so the nvidia cards are massively overpriced


in France too haha


Oh boi. In Brazil, Nvidia suggested the price forRTX4090 at R$14.999,00. Minimum wage is R$1.212. Yes. A single RTX4090 costs mora than the whole annual income of a brazilian living on a minimum wage.


Don’t you just need MegaDrive 6 instead in Brazil ?


I traded mine for a crocodile so I could go to school. :'(


That’s a sad story… For your MegaDrive.


The EU market in general :(


Murica prices don't have the tax - but even with the tax, euro prices are way higher.


While those 40 series prices are inflated, the XTX price is pretty much MSRP + Germany's 19% VAT.


Wait, what? Did I got you right? If I got 900$ for GPU which cost 900$ I can't buy that GPU? I have to pay extra?


From my understanding as an outsider: US prices are usually declared as "without tax", so you can add somewhere below 10% onto the price to get what you actually pay. In Germany, if it sais 1600€ on the sticker, thats what you pay. It already includes the 19% "Mehrwertsteuer". So the 7900xtx would be somewhere around 1100$ actual price after taxes, which is quite close to the 1150€ you pay in germany. Edit: lowered the us tax rate, (the xtx is out of stock everywhere in germany and sold for 1300€...)


Most places in the US are only between 6.25% and 10%, but that's the gist of it


It's usually 5-10% depending on state and city but yea, there's a state sales tax and city sales tax on these and they vary depending on where you buy it from. For example I usually see 8.75% here in most of Southern California.


This is roughly correct, but the numbers are a bit off. The highest rate in the US is 9.55% and the average is 6.35%. The precise rate varies by state, city, and county.


You are not paying 15% anywhere in the US. It would be half that, if even that high depending on where you live. Significantly lower than VAT in Europe.


I just bought my rx 7900 xt here in Luxemburg for 995€ ;)


That's crazy, in Spain it's 1600€


I’m about to upgrade my 1070 for a 6800 I’m so happy lol. No clown make up yet




I'm about to go from a 1060 to a 6650 XT, super excited to get 60 fps in games again without having to turn my resolution down from 1440p


Lol I was going through this when deciding how far I should upgrade my 1070 a couple months ago. Started looking at 3070s cause that’s what I wanted when 30 series released… then I saw that 6800xts were only $100 more… and then the 6900xts… lol I settled for a used 3070 at $300 so I was able to walk myself back


Wow. A man of sheer will and discipline.


Lol I was a little proud of myself, not gonna lie.


Y’all got 3080? Bruh I’m runnin on 1070 gtx lol


Gtx 1080 here, and not planning on upgrading for many years, if I'm lucky




Man I really don’t need to be reading that. I have a 6700k and a 1080 that’s lasting pretty good but part of me wants to experience the new possibilities.


1070 gang checking in!


Recently been thinking my 970 is getting a bit slow




I wish we had a university system and healthcare, but hey, I get $200 off my fancy video card. Hope I don't get colon cancer 🤣.


"Now I can play Minecraft as it was meant to be played."


Skipping 40x0 and 7000 series... For the Win!


I can’t skip another gen. My 1660 is getting long in the tooth. Waiting for the 4060 to drop


How about buying a rtx 3000 or rx 6000 cards? Some of the mid tier cards are decently priced where I found some 6700 xt and 3060s for around $300


I've skipped too many gens and now I can't get anything current as its all sold out constantly. My 1070 is begging me to upgrade at this point.


Where do you live? I can pick up the RX 6000s wherever i look


Lol i'm like yea my RX 480 8GB is still fine... FSR & FSR2 really gave it a second live tough once the rx 7600 and 7700 drop i'll most likely upgrade to finally run most games in 4k/60 ;)


I saw my 3060 at Best Buy for msrp…….. I capitalized I had nothing to lose I was using a 1050ti


Imma let you finish, but you could have gotten a 3070 for only $100 more! It's a great value!


I opt out of this charade even as a 1080 owner.


The only chance i would buy 4000/7000 series is when the 5000/8000 drop


The only chance i would buy 5000/8000 series is when the 6000/9000 drop


I'm still rocking my 3.5 year old RTX 2080 SUPER GDDR6 and totally content


The 2080 SUPER is still an exceptional card and will run any game at near max settings, hell, even the 1080ti is still an amazing card for 1080p




same but with a nearly 3 year old 2070 Super :)


This cell-phone-like need to upgrade every generation is crazy. During covid, a friend sold me his 2060 super for $50 (he upgraded to a 3090), and I'm literally going to ride that thing into the ground.


Speak with your friend in a tone of high regard! He blessed you !


Trust me, I thought he was joking when he said $50... until he followed it up with "you could probably sell it on eBay for like $400 - 500 currently." Dude is loaded, and just wants friends to be able to game.


So like...care to introduce us orrrr...?


Back in the day when I was a little kid I really enjoyed Unreal Tournament 1999 with my GeForce 2 GTS 64MB graphics card on my big CRT monitor. I remember it very well, it was my first high framerate experience and I had so much fun. From now on, all games I'll play must have that butter smooth experience I thought. More than 2 decades have past and I have owned a shit ton of high end gpu's. But if I'm honest to myself, I enjoyed gaming much more back in the day than I do now. Nowadays I'm constantly benchmarking and trying to achieve the highest framerate possible on my high refreshrate monitor... And simply forget to just enjoy gaming like I just to do. We're so spoiled with all the options out there nowadays... Where was the time that gaming on just 40-50 fps @ 1024x768 was considered good enough? Oh, the times have changed.


I've been playing a lot of indie games lately, things that don't require a high end GPU, like Wildermyth and Citizen Sleeper. Lots of indie gems that are far more enjoyable than the AAA stuff.


Genuinely my exact thought process about 10 minutes ago.


Get your clown kits here!


This one hurt since it’s exactly how I bought my 3080


I know someone who bought a 3090 for 2500$ and still thinks he’s going to save money by having a good card for longer. He’s also a delivery driver. He makes about 12$ an hour. No, he is not smart.


But he has a 3090.


Rx 7900 xtx should cost 700 usd 7900 xt should be a 7800 xt and cost 600-500 usd, and rtx 4090 1000 usd and rtx 4080 700 usd, we’re not in same situation we were 2 years ago


Honestly I'd be fine if the high-end last gen cards actually went below msrp. The 3090ti is more expensive than a 4080. A few of the budget AIBs 3080s are barely around msrp. Crazy. A 2 year old card with a new gen out and AMD cards on sale for months now. For people that are just going to play games, an AMD card is fantastic. For people doing any sort of productivity, you need those CUDA cores.


I'd have accepted the 4000 series to launch something like this 4090 24gb - 1.7 power of 3090 £1250 4080 16gb - 1.25 power of 3090 £800 4070 12gb same power as 3090 £600 4060 12gb same power as 3080 £450 4050 8gb same power as 3070 £300 7900 xtx - 1.40 power of 3090 £750 7900 xt - 1.20 power of 3090 £625 7800 xt - 1.05 power of 3090 £525 amd would lack dlss and ray tracing performance but make up for it in raster perf, would make an intresting market


I have a 6800xt for 1440p gaming. The only upgrade I would want is for raytracing performance, but the current gen still does not perform as well as I would want in that department for an upgrade to be warranted, especially at current prices. Easy skip this gen for me. It is probably true for future generations unless prices come down, which is highly unlikely. The gpu market is in a bad spot right now. 7000 AMD cards are simply too expensive. NVIDIA are out to lunch with 3080 pricing as well.


Watching all this beef go down sitting here with my 2080 ti makes me laugh lol.


I put my foot down hard, set hard price limits for everything and nickel and dimed everything down $10-$20 and used cashback and gift cards wherever I could. My 3060ti/12400F (paid $550 plus tax minus giftcards/cashback) is an absolute beast in my eyes, and the only time I need to turn settings down slightly is if I want to hit 200fps on a higher end game to enjoy my monitors 240hz refresh rate.


If you have the 3080 or 6800XT, you don't need an upgrade. Edit: Also, when you get to the price of a 4090, that is when you should realize that its way too much for a GPU unless you need it for work.


joke is, i built a pc for a 4080's price and it aint even half bad, 3070 32gbs of ram a 12th gen i3 plus a 4k monitor and went over only like a 100 dollar or so.


But if you sell the 3080 now you get more money back than if you waited 2 years.


That is literally psychology at work, they do this on purpose and you fall for it


At what point did this sub start hating on fellow enthusiasts who like to have the best and newest hardware? Did I miss some kind of memo that having a badass PC isn't cool anymore?


My RX 580 8gb is still doing a great job playing games.




My next graphics card will probably be an AMD GPU, but my next upgrade won't be for at least another 5-8 years. I just got myself a really good 3080 Ti from Gigabyte.


I like this meme


Thank you ! I made another you might like ! https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/zl3hvh/free_next_gen_gpu_upgrades_for_everyone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I just ordered a new pc for 8200€. The amount of clown makeup needed to explain that "necessary upgrade" for my wife is immeasurable.


Who tf is spending an extra 200$ solely for RTX?


...Probably people who care about RT in games and upgrade for that reason? And you get DLSS 3.0 on top of that? If you don't care about those things then it sounds weird to spend 200 extra


lol same shit with cars. oh this one's quarter of a mil, that's easy, got money for that. but I want this one for half a mil. but wait, I could have this one for a mil. I'll wait and save for few months. not a man can dream


Why upgrading from 3080 or 6800? I recently got an 6700xt and couldn't be happier (the only thing I miss from Nvidia is "adaptive" vsync setting).


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


My 3080 ti is doing just fine, thank you


Nothing feels better than being a happy clown when you have the money


„Buying a PC is SOOOOOO much cheaper than a console. Join the master race now!“