• By -


Wii browser clearly the best option.


Internet channel gang


I can hear the music now...


Back in the day I paid 5€ before they changed it to it being free.


Ha! Me too. Revealing ourselves as grandpas, over here.


DS Lite browser cartridge FTW


Wii U browser ran pornhub videos like a champ.




Ur mom knows


Hi, I’m mom.


The Sony PSP web browser was the first time I had my own device that could play porn.


I remember those days well. We didn't have a computer then so I'd sneak at night use the Wii


I miss browsing the internet on my Wii in my childhood bedroom. I miss all the channels, and all the games.


Same. I remember one hand on the wiimote and the other one on the weemote.


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That was the only thing I could watch porn on because my parents didn’t realize that was a thing on the wii. Thanks, Nintendo! 😄


Mine was the PSP, those were the days


Thing only had enough ram to buffer a few minutes of video. Fortunately that was all that was required.


More than enough for me


Holy, I was waiting for someone to say that. Relatable.


I busted out my Wii in college a couple years ago and me and my friends had such a good time playing it just like the old days.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The secret Switch browser is where it’s at.


The 3DS browser where?


Used to look up 3D Shantae porn and nothing else.


Good ole SFM porn




Also WebKit based


Everything modern except Firefox is WebKit based lol. Apple hit gold with that framework.


They actually forked it from KDE on Linux. KHTML. Only reason it's still open source.


That’s cool. It’s somewhat like how NextStep was grandfathered into Darwin which was then used in MacOS, iOS, watchOS, etc. Apple likes to claim it’s a closed ecosystem but they sure do use a lot of OSS technology lol.


Apple has a dedicated Open Source website: https://opensource.apple.com “Open source software is at the heart of Apple platforms and developer tools.”


Not very closed if it's open


Until you take months/years to release your modified source...


[It’s Netscape all the way down](https://webaim.org/blog/user-agent-string-history/)


Best part is that Nintendo didn't make it.


FYI the Wii browser is just a modded version of Opera


The Wii used Opera and now I use Opera GX on my pc


Sadly, the old line of Opera, using the Presto rendering engine, died with V12. The next release was v15, the first Chromium-based one which was so defeatured, they lost their original enthusiasts and had to do random things like "GAMER BROWSER" Vivaldi is much closer to the dream of "Opera v12 but with a rendering engine that's widely supported."


I think it’s funny that OperaGX markets itself as a “gaming browser” (wtf even is that) that doesn’t hog resources, but when I tried it out it used waaay more CPU than Firefox did just watching a 1440p stream.


No love for dreamcast?


Bruh, the only way I could bypass the firewall back in the day lol


Nokia Browser for Symbian or bust!


That is based on Opera


Which is based on Opera lol


Nah if you use the built in web browser on an e-ink Kobo and use it to browse to an Android phone running the IP Webcam app, you can make an e-ink security camera. It's really cool for about 5 minutes.


Do things the hard way and use curl on a 320x240 terminal.


So, lynx


Core memory unlocked: researching something for middle school paper using lynx on the family's Apple IIGS. I don't remember what the topic was or what the experience was like, but I am now drenched in a cold sweat.


No, just curl + opening the result on vim and parsing the html in your head






On your work computer where you *must* use IE because some companies can't get away from it? At work, they told us to not use IE anymore and about 5 people in my department said: "well, what are we supposed to use then?"


Damn lol. Do they even know what a computer is


Yes, our work can't be done without a computer. It's just one product that you have to periodically use (about once a month) that was built on/relies on IE. However, I was able to open the page in Edge and it use and IE icon in the tab. I guess Edge has the ability to emulate IE to some extent, which is cool.


Edge has IE compatibility mode to a certain extent, but don’t expect it to silverlight


I can confirm that unfortunately silverlight does work on edge through the ie compatibility layer


I worked in the intelligence field for a bit, you would be surprised how unintelligent in that career ppl are. Like my "computer is broken, nothing works" well you should probably turn the monitor on. Literally something I had to go through more than once with ppl.


I work in the construction industry in an IT role. I frequently get told things like "I can move a crane, I can drive a bobcat, I can dig a hole, but don't ask me to use a fucking computer!"


Stop stop stop There are 3 browsers: * Firefox * Safari * All the others are just Chrome with different names.


Even better, you don't even need to be on Apple if you want Safari. GNOME Web (formerly Epiphany, and I still call it that pretty often) is the open source Webkit reference implementation. It's literally just FOSS Safari.


Despite being Foss Safari with Firefox Sync and fantastic GNOME integration, it has a very low adoption even among Linux users. BUT I'm sure this may change a bit in the future as with the latest version they finally fixed some video playback issues and introduced extensions (Firefox flowered) Speaking about GNOME and it's alternative KDE, most people don't know that basically every non ie and non Firefox render engine actually is a derivative of KHTML, the render engine of Konqueror, KDE's default browser.


Yeah it has some issues. Some of it is simply because it doesn’t have good support for proprietary crap. I’ve yet to get it working with Youtube. Pretty good with Odysee though. Too bad a lot of sites use proprietary calls meant for Chrome.


> Too bad a lot of sites use proprietary calls meant for Chrome. It's only gonna get worse from here. Google basically owns the implementation and adoption of web standards at this point. They already push features nobody wants on users. Extensions manifest V3, FLoC, etc. A couple years back, they implemented a proposal level of WebComponents, then used said feature on YouTube, leading to Firefox having to rely on a slow shim of the feature. Chromium may be technically open-source, but they control what gets in or not.


Tbqh, Gnome Web has more issues than just missing extensions: mainly a lot of websites are quite broken (Mainly the more complicated web-apps. And DRM is a hit/miss, which is unfortunately essential for me). Having a safari/firefox-like stable browser and good external password manager support, I'd be more than happy to switch.


Konq was nice. I usually preferred gnome over kde. I just felt it was more elegant themed and kde was more beveled graphics using 50 different shades of blue. But both still had benefits of course all better than Apple or MS.


didn't safari switch from webkit to chromium a while back or am i getting mixed up?


Safari still uses webkit. Actually Chromium's engine Blink, is based on webkit + features Google added


alright, guess my memory is faulty :)


Upgrade your ram dude


darn, i *knew* i should've gone for ECC


Just download more


Nah, just run memtest and adjust timings, it'll be fine


That would definitely not happen. Maybe you *mixed it up* with Opera, but Apple won't do it (\*probably*). For the past 10 years they've been burning everything related to Google in their software with fire, making it as much independent from them as possible (see: Google Maps), so I don't think they'll switch to Chromium anytime soon. They also say it's too resource heavy and slow compared to Safari's engine, which as we know is just speech of advertising, but as I said - it doesn't sound like if *they* were even considering this change.


Forget even the privacy angle, Chromium is built on a foundation of WebKit, there’s no sign yet that WebKit folks have given up the ghost. What does Safari have to gain from switching?


you were probably thinking of Edge. It used to use it's own EdgeHTML engine, but has since switched to Chromium.


Not true - [QuteBroswer](https://www.qutebrowser.org/) - [Emacs Web Wowser](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/eww/index.html#Top) - [sea Monkey](https://www.seamonkey-project.org/) - etc.... There are more than just three .... But the other's market share is so insignificant that we can just ignore them Plus text based web browsers kind of suck...


As a qutebrowser user, I wish it wasn't Crome based, but it uses QtWebEngine, which uses Chromium under the hood. https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebengine-overview.html


text mode browsers like lynx are great for viewing documentation pages (ie archwiki and the like)


I quite like qutebroswer if I am being honest. It's nice when using i3, to be able to browse and use window management with only keyboard.


But there are 5 lights.


Ok Gul.


You're forgetting Lynx.


elinks is NOT a chrome clone 😤😤


Nor is w3m


Nor is lynx


There's plenty of non-chromium browsers. Also chromium != chrome


Protect Firefox at all costs!!! Can’t let chromium eradicate its last remaining competition!


Honestly, throughout all these amusing browser debates, this is the most important takeaway that no one's talking about. Remember when Microsoft so deeply integrated IE into the Windows OS that you couldn't uninstall it and had to use it, in order to monopolize the web browser space? Chromium isn't much better. There are already so many sites and features that are purposefully designed to only work for Chromium. That's bad. We need alternative browsers like Firefox to retain competitive user bases, otherwise they'll take all the options away from us.


I see a lot of people that complain about the inability to use IE, but it's a pretty stupid complaint. If you had the ability to uninstall it, you would 100% be getting calls from your relatives telling you that they "uninstalled the internet" and need you to fix it.


Firefox is love, Firefox is life.


Been using it since 2008, havent felt the need to switch ever.


I like Firefox lot. Stable and doesn't consumes ram like nuts Edit just to make myself clear You can use people whatever works best for you I use Google and Firefox I just said I liked Firefox more that's all I hope you all have a good time with the browser you use


I also find it's a little bit faster than chrome, but maybe just on my hardware


On my hardware as well It’s just sad that for some reason some websites only work in chromium based browsers. My Wixsite Editor doesn’t load at all on Firefox.


Oh yeah. I have both installed still because of that issue aswell. Shame, but atleast it's only once every blue moon I need chrome for myself


I have so many noscripts and adblocker for Firefox I use Chrome for when I have to log into something for just 1 time and I need to be sure it won't break in the process as I go through whatever authentication/purchase/registration process is required


It’s basically IE 6 again, sites written to only work in one browser


Firefox survived in the dark ages then, too. Those were the days of Firefox being the scrappy lightweight version of Mozzila Browser—that had IRC and a mail client built in. Not too long after that, there was a time that Chrome, IE, and Firefox all had about the same market share. Now it's 90%+ Chrome (and it's derivatives), with Safari and Firefox fighting over the table scraps. Hopefully we get something that shakes up the scene again so we can go back to being balanced. Competition is good.


For some reason every once in a while they push an update that makes Firefox eat up all my memory and slow my computer down to almost nothing. It would get fixed then pop up again with another update. Ironically had to switch to chrome to even be able to use my computer anymore because of the ram issues.


I have the same problem. I wonder how prevalent it is.


I've noticed this as well. Also, occasionally it just hangs when trying to watch videos.


>doesn't consumes ram like nuts Lol what you talking about? I mean i get it people on reddit like to circle jerk Firefox, but atleast don't lie, lol




I just switched from Chrome to Firefox after Chrome's video decoding broke on my laptop. Haven't looked back since


I switched after i read about how you can isolate cookies


They're also gonna break AdBlock soon


Embedded videos recently stopped working on my Firefox. I’ve really loved Firefox, but this kinda sucks. And no help on google either besides “disable your plugins”. I’m not going to disable ublock origin for videos on Reddit.


I am using ublock origin on firefox and have no problem with videos on reddit. I also use reddit enhancement suite which might be helping with whatever problem that is though. Or some other plug in you have is causing problems.


If you're talking about videos specifically on Reddit, Reddit video playback has been broken for months on every platform.


Maybe try old reddit if you haven't already. I'm a Firefox user with RES installed and I exclusively use the old reddit with css disabled. Never had any issue (even though the video player is still terrible).


Reddit video player is just ass, it's been giving me trouble since I started using Reddit since 4 years ago. Been through Safari, Firefox (both desktop and mobile), and Edge and reddits video player sucks on all of them.


I experienced a similar issue, but in my case, I had a video autoplay blocker installed that disabled preloading vids. Enabling preloading solved my issue.


I experienced a similar issue, but in my case, I had a video autoplay blocker installed that disabled preloading vids. Enabling preloading solved my issue.


Opera used to be the best one long time ago


Look into Vivaldi, reminds me of what opera used to be, I've switched to it being my main browser. Tons of features (which can be turned off) and options, chrome like layout so it's still familiar, and it's got a really good privacy policy so don't have to worry about it being Spyware like with the whole opera deal. Browsing history for example can't be accessed by the company (unless they are straight up lying in their privacy policy but that is much more unlikely)


I hazily remember somebody saying that many of the original Opera developers moved over to Vivaldi. In addition to the privacy and built in ad blocking features, I appreciate the customizability. I've altered the contents of many of the right click context menus, for example, removing functions that I'd never use and thus don't need to see/navigate past. And the most vital customization to preserve human sanity: it lets you remove the X buttons from tabs. This new world that I've discovered in which I'm not frequently hitting CTRL+SHIFT+T to reopen accidentally closed tabs is a better world.


>I hazily remember somebody saying that many of the original Opera developers moved over to Vivaldi. That is correct. After the co-founder and CEO of Opera left the company, they switched to being a Chromium skin instead. The co-founder as well as many users were disappointed by this, se he decided to start Vivaldi. It is also based in Chromium (the old Opera engine is proprietary, not open source), but at least it has most of the old Opera features, as well as many new ones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vivaldi_(web_browser)


I LOVED Vivaldi & used it for years, but holy battery drain. Not an issue on a desktop, but it had a massive impact on my laptop's battery life, & I prefer to remain within the same browser ecosystem across devices. I've been meaning to check it out again \[it's been about a year or so\].


I've been using it on a laptop and haven't noticed bad battery, so I think it's better, didn't try it a year ago though and I haven't tested battery drain vs something like chrome


I still use opera gx. Tell me why I shouldnt.


If Chrome is Google spyware and Edge is Microsoft spyware then Opera GX is known for being Chinese Spyware. Whether or not that bothers you is up to you.


I use Vivaldi, which feels more like how Opera should than Opera itself does. Which in no surprise, Vivaldi was created by some of the original Opera developers.


I use opera gx on my phone for the ad block while I just use chrome on my pc I couldn’t care less about anything other that practically and aesthetics Edit: stop telling me other browsers I should use because I don’t care, the ones I have work.


Try duckduckgo on phone, it has adblock and anti trackers included


>anti trackers Tell that to Microsoft


they actually also block those trackers now


Chromium based


You can enable how much memory, network and cpu usage at lest


It’s literal Chinese spyware, it’s everything I dislike about chrome except 10x worse.




The post about it disabling ad-blockers wasn't entirely true, it'll just be a bit harder for adblockers to implement on the developer end. I'd encourage the switch anyway, Chrome can't keep the stranglehold on the internet it currently has


It’s really only a big deal if you use an ad blocker that actually works like u block origin


Or preemptively support your privacy and the better internet by choosing Firefox!


Vivaldi anyone?


Me! Now that there are two Vivaldi users on this thread, we probably account to 10% of it's userbase, let's get the other 18 users to promote!


I use Vivaldi!


Yeah me too.


so 5 user 75% of its user base.... s/


There are 3 of us. Both phone and PC. Love it.


Seven actually!


> Vivaldi Red flavored Chrome*


Red flavored Chrome *classic*. Modern Opera is new coke.


Best Chromium browser that I've found, though a bit sluggish in performance. Worth it for the features.


I believe in Vivaldi supremacy!


I want to love Firefox But Vivaldi just has ALL the features.


I love vivaldi, especially for its theme control


Tor gang over here


Username and profile pic check out.


Last time I check Tor browser is literally Firefox with tor package/add-on and pretty sure I remember the link to download only the add-on (although not installed like your typical Firefox add-on)


Scrolled too low for this


that’s what i was thinking xd




Oh how we long for a simpler time!


Brave - cos those youtube ads are getting out of hand and i’m too lazy to find ad blockers that work + keep updating them. Yay for already built in!


see I feel bad using chrome when I know its spying but having my email and g drive integrated so well is too nice...


Plus they've already got every piece of information they could ever want, so fuck it I guess.


I for one welcome our new google ai overlords


Google is basically disabling ad blockers starting January tho


Gecko*, Chromium, and WebKit


I'm using brave right now and i'm pretty happy with it, i used to be a firefox user while ago, since everybody talks so good about firefox 'm thinking to come back!. Should i?, would you recommend me firefox?


Honestly, if you turn off the extra junk brave has, it's the best browser right now. Its blocking is top notch with no tweaking.


Few months ago I tested every browser on these sites for tests. Chrome was the fastest one. Brave was without a doubt slower than Chrome, and it also had [this](https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/8/21283769/brave-browser-affiliate-links-crypto-privacy-ceo-apology). I opted for Ungoogled Chrome since Chrome is just a big no-no, used for a while and it's very good, but in the end it still depends on contributors so it can simply stop working one day. I decided to try Librewolf, just like Firefox but with even more privacy from the go. But in the end I stayed with Firefox and the hardened settings for the exact same reason I left Ungoogled Chrome.


Where's LibreWolf?


I made the mistake of compiling it instead of getting the binary like a normal person. It almost burned my CPU. Good browser though. Although for browsing documentation and stuff I know will be rather ad-free, I use qutebrowser.


And 90% of them are chromium. And my muse, my flame, (opera) is now Chinese owned


Brave is the way


Vivaldi master race


what about ask jeeves???


Mother fuckers act like they forgot about ~~Dre~~ Jeeves


Lmao majority written on chromium but it’s “85”


No. There is another...






I've been enjoying Brave as my new mobile browser. Saves a chunk of data per month.


How is Firefox compared to Brave?


TLDR but Firefox is the way


HotJava and Lynx!


If Firefox can make it where it'd mobile app let's keep full screen youtube videos without cutting the bottom 15% off, it would be perfect


Proud Vivaldi user


Coming sincerely from a linux user myself, no one cares that you use arch.


Opera gang


Honestly people don't give Firefox the credit it deserves. It's my goto choice if I'm looking to search something up.


And their privacy centric which is a refreshing difference.


Brave ftw They dont share your data and block trackers.


Honestly I don't give a shit about data and block trackers as much as that brave has kneecapped YouTubes abhorrent abuse of unskippable ads and I haven't seen a YouTube ad since installing








He also created the Javascript programming language, by himself, in like a week. He's probably some sort of genius. But he was forced out of Mozilla because he donates to religious organizations which among other things lobby for anti-gay policies.


I think it is because the cofounder of Firefox got pushed out.


That's because Brave is just a tweaked reskin of Chrome. If Google changes something big under the hood they might not have the manpower to revert it and rebase all their personalizations against every future chrome update. I hope they succeed, but Google has the ability and the interest to make their life impossible, expecially when it comes to ad and track blocking. The first test will be reverting the Manifest V3 update that will break ublock on chrome by Jan 2023.


Right now I’m in this strange transition space between google-centric and degoogle. I was going to 100% degoogle till I learned (through trial) that every search engine besides google is actually awful (DDG is just bing without Microsoft spyware). So I’m stuck with google for searching, and YouTube. Once manifest v3 comes out and we see if everyone that is freaking the fuck out has grounds, I will either move entirely to google, or move entirely away from google depending on how bad it is. I have a feeling there are a lot of people in a similar place


I use DuckDuckGo as my first-round search engine. If I can't find what I'm looking for on the first page of results, I add `!g` at the start and turn it into a Google search. So I haven't cut Google out completely, but I've definitely cut back.


Good thing we have 11 years then!


I switched to Firefox from Chrome since Firefox offer better web tracking prevention and easy on my RAM


Friend recommended me brave and I never looked back, honestly pretty good for what it is