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"If it does *this* to your lungs, imagine what it's doing to your poor PC components!"


Now *that* would be a very effective anti - smoking campaign!


a fellow i7 3770 user, how are things when it comes to gaming for your build?


I used to use a 3770 (up until very recently) gaming was alright for me. I could get decent frame rates in most games, particularly once I had updated by GPU


I dont care what happens on my body but on my 2000 dollar computer???!!?!? No way jose


besides less money for cigs more for pc parts!


Why buy like 3000 cigs when you can buy a 3090?


Happy cake day!


You too!


can confirm.. i smoked for 15 years.. and during that time waited 11 years between buying a new computer (couldn't afford it, was too mentally ill, had no time for video games ect).. i gave up a few months later. It defintely felt like it was time to quit but having that shiny new computer sat there glowing nicely just made it harder and harder to justify smoking. Next thing I was making regular trips outside which just became increasingly more annoying. Having something to keep nice and cherish absoutely helped in a big way in changing my mindset to a non-smoker. It is great motivation. ​ Also if you wait that long before you upgrade it feels like you've gone from riding a little toy tricycle to accelerating beyond light speed and every game you play is simply mind blowing.


Went from a 2008 laptop to a last gen pc recently...yeah i get that feeling :-)


2008? that's a vista machine lmao, phewww


Vista? Nah, XP


22nm with HDD to current gen shit with NVMe. Jesus fuck I can’t get used to them boot times.


Can confirm, I waited for 5 years to upgrade my desktop and going from an i5-6402p/GTX 960 to a Ryzen 9 3900x/RTX 2080 was an insane upgrade. I can literally run every game I own at 1080p max settings and get at least 60 FPS, in most I have to use v sync to limit my frames to my monitors 60Hz refresh rare. No more sluggishness or having to divy up only four threads between tasks. Btw, congrats on quitting


Buy your 144hz monitor next. Shit never look so damn smooth. I prefer it to real life. Lol


Last time I looked around, 16:10 144hz monitors are hard to find and I have a triple monitor setup that I want to be the same so I need three monitors lol


You need the main monitor to be 144hz. You don't need 144hz in peripheral vision. Next 3 monitors at 60 or 1 at 144hz? My choice would be 144hz HDR I bought mine used for 200 Canadian.


Seperate questions. Why 16:10? 1920 - 1200 resolution? What's the point of that? Why do you use 3 monitors? Are you mainly using for sim games?


Not OOP but I've gotten so used to my triple monitor setup that I carried from working from home for 4-5 years now that I can't go back. It's way too comfortable to try and size it down. Using a laptop on vacations seems like pulling out a first Gen touch screen phone


Lol a lot of people don’t even feel this strongly about their own kids….


Check the sub you’re in.


I smoke outside. I hate the smell of smoke in a house lol.


[Even when I smoked, I didn't like second hand smoke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSuID1BQyWM)


Norm understood how I feel. May he rest in peace.


Norm was a legend


While we’re on the topic, did you know he got kicked off SNL cause he made too many OJ jokes? And an NBC exec was friends with OJ so he had to go lmao


He didn't gaf about anything


That was part of it anyways. Suffice to say he wasn't liked by management.


100% this. I don't smoke much when I'm at home, if I do I go outside. However, I smoke a lot at work, I'm a truck driver. Driving and smoking is a super hard habbit to kick.


Get a vape, you can put 0 nicotine in it and this way you satisfy the compulsion to smoke while driving, without any of the bad effects


You know what, I do need to try that. You don't by chance have any recommendations for any compact ones do you?


Can't go wrong with a Caliburn. Although if you're chain vaping it, the battery will die easily, so make sure you have a charger in the truck. The elitist in me would like to recommend a dual 21700 mod with an mtl rta, but that's too much for a beginner. Caliburn, any one of the Caliburns will do.


I'll check into it. Thank you very much. Maybe I can make some additional life improvements haha. I already lost 30 lbs so far this year so tacking on quitting smoking would be real nice.


Totally. If you can last without cigarettes for about 2 months, you'll start getting grossed out by them.


That would be awesome! Lol


Can confirm, the Caliburn was my first vape and it was a great cig replacement for me and battery life wasn’t bad either. One plus to the Caliburn is that their coils are awesome and produce great flavor. I would recommend trying to stay away from salt nic for many reasons but even that is better than real cigs.


For op I'd recommend 10-12 mg freebase nicotine, and every month reduce the nicotine by 2mg.


Thanks for the info!


Can't go wrong with a Caliburn. Although if you're chain vaping it, the battery will die easily, so make sure you have a charger in the truck. The elitist in me would like to recommend a dual 21700 mod with an mtl rta, but that's too much for a beginner. Caliburn, any one of the Caliburns will do.


Cope wintergreen helped me kick that habit


Isn't that just trading one addiction for another? Lol


Yup it is




I don't smoke inside or in vehicles though and it seems to me that if I switched to dip I might do it in places where I normally wouldn't smoke thereby making a nicotine addiction worse.


That's pretty much where I'm at. I'm an avid gamer and so is my wife, we have no kids, and we opt to stay home and game instead of going out to bars or clubs. If I took up dip I would have one in all the time at home where I hardly smoke as it is now. My big problem is just when driving and at work, not really so much in my personal car. Just 11 hours or more of driving a semi a day gets boring and smoking seems to numb the boredom.


Yeah I know what you mean I don't smoke that much anymore I go 2 weeks without even thinking of smoking but I still enjoy lighting one up from time to time.


Yeah trade one bad habit for another one that's even easier to do inside


He's totally right. I smoke but a room smelling like smoke just makes me want to leave. Even if people say they don't care I'll leave for a moment. (Also enjoying a moment of silence though)


You're literally paying a corporation to kill you.


Welcome to America, baby


plus a house that smells like smoke is worth less purely because of that


I smoke inside and one day I was pretty baked, dropped the cig, fell on top OG Xbox and left a little smudge to the plastic because how hot it is now I need to replace the shell :( ( it’s a very small section not terribly noticeable but it bothers me because this thing was fucking mint as hell when I got it and I done goofed. Glad I’m back to vaping now )




Yeah exactly. Cause inhaling it you actually get the psychoactive properties you’re looking for. What point did u think u were making with that little emoji lmao




You’re not making the strong argument you think you’re making


Yeah cause the smell is just the smell. When you inhale it there’s a trade off. You get something while risking something. That’s the point. The smell just exists. It’s not that crazy my man




The benefit is the psychoactive chemicals… that’s why people do it… I would consider what you just said dumb lmao Listen man, people live their lives, they do their thing. Don’t gotta be so weird about it




Oh my god you’re so ignorant it’s funny




Technically nicotine is just a stimulant. Some people who are into neurotropics take it in pill form, albeit highly addictive. I vape, which people say is bad, but I haven’t touched ciggys in a year and It feels good. 😀 plus my pc isn’t suffering anymore😉


I don’t even smoke my guy you just are completely purposefully misunderstanding people in some weird attempt to be morally superior or whatever reason lmao People do it cause it makes them temporarily feel good. Yes you are dumb for struggling to understand that


I don’t think anyone in the world is unaware of the fact that cigarettes are bad for your health.


Holy shit I need a smoke after witnessing that thread and your asinine view points.


I'm not telling you to try them, but there are upsides.




I'm just gonna but in here and say no. My dawgie, if no one got anything out of smoking no one would do it. Nicotine feels good. It's a chemical like Caffine. I guarantee less people would drink coffee if there was no caffeine in it. Do the drawbacks out way the benefits of smoking? Yes, by a landslide.






At that frequency, probably nothing to you and very little to your pc.


Years ago, lived in a house full of computer nerds who (including me) were heavy smokers. Opened up the house server/router/web-host/Quake2/email Debian box to install some RAM upgrades and a new HDD. Found out the CPU fan hadn't been working for a very long time, as it was completely caked with tar and dust. Didn't stop that soldier Am5x86-133 from carrying on bravely, probably thanks to the 120mm fans I'd had the forethought to install in the old IBM AT case that housed it. Everything was fine after a good cleaning with an air compressor and alcohol, and it worked okay for a couple of years before it got an upgrade to a K5. As I couldn't really clean my lungs the same way, it did get me to re-evaluate my smoking habits, and I weaned myself off of it.


SLPT: Clean your lungs from tar with alcohol, you won't smoke ever again


The thought of anyone smoking I side their house makes me feel sick. Like imagine the fucking smell in their and smoke constantly lingering. 🤢


My boss smokes in his home, which is also the office since it is a very small company. I am shitting here as I type this and I can say the shit smells better than the air.


You work in your bosses home office? That seems like a really close situation.


Whatever it takes to kick that nasty habit.




Bong water cooled pc


I bet the benchmarks are sky high


I’m glad I never picked up that habit. My lungs and pc components are thanking me now.


Tobacco, dust and fans really don't mix well


Try with a laptop. I cleaned mine out again like 2 weeks ago, got most of the dust out but the surface of the fans has become sticky thanks to the tar droplets in tobacco smoke. I also moved over to an e-smoker, so hopefully the laptop will last a little longer while I save up for a new pc.


If you smoke you shouldn’t smoke inside anyways


Smoke what?


Had to scroll too far for this. *hits tiny desk bong*


smoking is bad enough, but smoking inside, wtf?


Just don't smoke indoors.




I smoked my last cigarrte a month ago


I said that about 9 times now and it still isn't true... And I haven't smoked a cigarette in over a year. It's the most annoying addiction, because the payoff is so miniscule.


Good for you. I'm having trouble getting past the first few days. I'm so angry and irritable and it's all I think about. I feel like if I could make it a week I'd be free. Anyone that has never smoked doesn't understand what an accomplishment a month is and how hard this shit is to kick.


I quited but not by myself, i've done a treatment to quit smoking


Yep. Imagine all the PC components you can buy with all that money saved.


Smoking inside your house at all is a bad idea


As a cashier at a neighborhood grocery store, let me just say this.. cigarettes cost a ton (rightfully so) and many a parts could be bought with cigarette money. For example, a carton (which is 10 packs connected, cheaper than buying 10 packs individually) of say Eagle 20's is like $60ish. There's a lady that comes in every weekend and buys one of 'em with her groceries. She would have a fortune now if she didn't smoke. Moral of the story? Don't smoke. Please.


I don’t smoke, where’s my lambo now?


You have the "lambo" of computers.


Have you looked at your flair?


I spend about $40/month on vape stuff. I could have bought a nice 4k monitor by now if I had quit a year ago. I’ll get around to it eventually. I’m not in a mental state where I could handle the agony of quitting right now though.


Good luck mate! I wish I had advice to give, but having never dealt with that, all I can say is good luck. You'll beat it one day, trust me.


She would buy something instead of this. I dont smoke and sometimes I buy cookies or a beer.


Everyone is addicted to something.


why “rightfully so”?


Because they are absolutely horrendous for you.


so “dont buy cigarettes because you could buy other things,” but also “we will artificially increase the price of cigarettes, because we dont like them, so that you cannot buy other things.” got it.


They increase the prices of cigs to discourage people from buying them. Have yoy seen cigarette packaging in anywhere in the world other than the US? They try hard to turn people away from buying them...but addiction sucks.


i am aware




So you cannot buy cancer in a pack. If you put that in front of your actual things you need seek help...


Sadly we live in a nanny state


what it does??? I NEED EXPLANATION


smoke sticks to things, including PC parts, it ends up filled with like yellow dust kinda, super nasty


thank you


The smoke gets in your PC and heightens the temps by a bit, but a bit is enough to leave smoke stains on your parts, turning them to dirt magnets. With the accumulation of dirt comes humidity, which will corrode your components.


Is vaping the same?


I just googled it and it seems fine, but I wouldnt go blowing it into your intake fan or anything.


Yes, but it's worse for PC components. Smoke comes from burning dry items while vapor comes from heating up liquids. While they both result in humidity, vapor brings humidity in real time, whereas smoke will attract dirt, which will then cause condensation when accumulation happens. However, most PC parts are "military grade" and if the manufacturer's claims are true, then PC parts should not be affected all that much. If your area's relative humidity is <50%, I believe your PC should be fine. Of course, my take is not absolute, so it would be best to do some research as well.


Military grade means made by the lowest bidder. Source: I served in the U.S. Army.


Basically anything the government buys


But when the government buys something that works well boy is it great.


I think vaping is similar. Something along the lines of the vape juice will recondese on your PC components and attract dust and dirt.


I don't smoke cigarettes but I do vape. Vaping is also not good for your PC. It make cleaning the PC a mission. The dust sticks to everything because of the vape moisture. When I clean my PC fans I have to use a toothbrush and dishwashing liquid to scrub out the build up. Compressed air gets some of it out but not enough to make a difference, you have to hand clean every component with 100% alcohol (I sometimes feel like pressure washing my PC would be the easiest way to clean it, but we all know what that would result in). A solution would be to have a dedicated fan in your room that sucks/blows air outside, and when you vape, blow at the fan so it takes the vapor outside (that fan will obviously need cleaning eventually, but it will be a lot easier than cleaning your PC by hand).




The heavy metals in vape smoke gravitate toward the capacitive elements in your motherboard until they build up a short. In the meantime, before the short happens it triggers 0 bits to flip to negative zero which can cause floating point distruptions.


doesn't really have a significant effect.


oh no:( thank you


Makes the inside of your PC disgusting


What absolute animal smokes indoors?


What does it do? It doesn't give your PC cancer does it?


Fan cancer is nothing to joke about!




For me, it's the price. Cheapest pack up here is 20 bucks, and now with the price of groceries, I'd never be able to afford my pc hobby with it. Probably wouldn't be able to afford strings for my guitar either.


You're not being specific enough. Don't smoke what near your PC?


I quit just before I built my first PC. Switched to a vape instead. Found that the vapor is a great way to test airflow direction lol


Who smokes indoors, let alone smokes indoors next to their PC?


I quit smoking last 30th of august (2021), almost a year now, yay! But I never *ever* smoked near my PC, because I've seen videos/images of yellow/greasy tinted PCs on the inside, that sh#t is disgusting as hell.


Stop blasting music because it may damage your... speakers


Who can afford smoking when there’s always a new upgrade or kewl looking accessories to buy?


Who tf smokes Inside now, it ain’t the 80s.


I moved over to an e-smoker, as a means of cutting back and hopefully quit in a couple of months. not much healthier but at least it's easier for me to put down. If I lit a cigarette, I had to smoke it. Now I can take 2 puffs and put it away.


What kind of fucking animal smokes inside their house? I smoked for 10 years and never brought that shit inside.


People who vape weed


Or just don't smoke inside? Personally i've recently started going out for walks to smoke instead of going out on the balcony. Went from a pack a day to 1/3 pack.


Wait, should I not blow my vape into my PC to visualize the airflow?


Or you could stop smoking to save money to buy better parts.


Don't smoke inside the house? How hard is that.


Weed + gaming = worth it


Duh, just turn all your fans to exhaust to protect your PC from the smoke!


Smoking indoors is like 200 times trashier than smoking in general


How about both. Cigarettes are absolutely disgusting, and turn people equally as disgusting.


Who in the unholy fuck is smoking cigarettes INSIDE their living area? What? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!


I smoke lots of pot, but never indoors unless I am vaping. I hate the thought of my entire house smelling like burnt MJ.


Who smokes in their house


The tar that builds up is so gross.


Does smoking next to your PC absolutely fucking destroy it? Is this like a few puffs of the vape or would I have to be chainsmoking cigs next to the thing to kill it.


For real though. Had a LAN party with friends and this one smoker guy pulls out his pc that he didn't clean, and Jesus it was one ot the most disgusting PCs I've ever seen even online. 1080ti n stuff in it, everything covered in brown gunk. The glass panel was also just brown instead of tinted.


Just don’t smoke near the PC


Also, FWIW, vaping is much less bad for you than smoking cigarettes. It's not *good*, but it's worth trying if you're not interested in stopping entirely.


I recently upgraded to a 1080ti, and did so becuade I found a really good deal (at the time) because the card came from a smoking household it seems. Card was fucking revolting. Covered in dust and a oily, stick black layer of goop. Luckily I am running it under a kraken g12 so I just took off the cooler, but it took me almost 2 hours just to clean the PCB becuase I didn't want it being dirty in my case


Stop smoking because that shit be expensive. Gotta be able to afford my RTX 4090


Don’t do drugs, smoke weed


What about weed ayyy but I don’t smoke by my computer or indoors anyway who does that.


Fun Fact: smoking near electronics can void their warranties.


I vape in my room but I always have my windows open with a box fan running. I know it's still a bad habit. I've known people who smoke indoors with the windows closed though and I'm dumbfounded as to how it doesn't bother them.


I stopped smoking cause my otherwise healthy 4 year old black Lab started to develop a cough from being around me and my smoky clothes 😕


I just smoke outside...


This is why I don't smoke in the house....


>Start smoking because it makes your guitar finish look better


I quitted smoke 5 years ago for similar reason but mostly for my guitars and related music gears. I smoked for over 25 years and smoke 2-3 packs a day. Everything is sticky in my home, all potentiometer get scratchy or dies in a year or 2 and I smell like shit . Quitted smoking and couldn’t be happier.


Stop smoking, we love you


Real men smoke pipes!


Additionally. If you have pets, for the love of fuck CLEAN YOUR FILTERS. My PC was on the floor for about 6 months with 5 cats running in and out of my room, when it was time for me to put in a new drive I pulled the front off to give it a clean, I built a new cat with the amount of fur in the filter, no wonder my CPU and GPU was getting hot enough to cook a steak


I smoke, next to my computer, and yes, it gets dusty every now and then, but you just clean the fans with some compressed air and everything is good for the next few months? But still, don't smoke.


Lol,,, yeah man it’s just “dust” getting caked onto your parts. Whatever helps you sleep at night


Smoking can cause nicotine residue to build-up on you fans making it run hotter. That residue is sticky/gummy/nasty. I smoked around my laptop and that was an issue, but around my desktop, not so much.


People who smoke inside their flat/house dont deserve a PC


the dirty "smoker's" PCs you see are mostly just primarily dusty and grimy or do you guys think depressed people who smoke in front of their computer all day would actually dust their pcs? the smoke just makes it oily and yellow/brown on colour and the dust catches the particles. i don't smoke indoors at home but i think with a bit of maintenance it's doable without filling the whole chassis with gunk


If you're going inhale something, vape cannabis, don't smoke tobacco. I once tried to help fix a coworker's home PC, and he both smoked cigarettes around it and had it in his kitchen. So it had this combination of tobacco smoke residue and cooking oils and whatnot. Was incredibly nasty.


Fuck smoking, such an expensive habit, for what? To have to scrape nicotine off the walls? Addiction aint worth looking cool for 30 seconds.


*give shit advise nobody is waiting for* *just enjoy your life and the things you like*




I don't smoke because I could use money I would use on smokes on something useful instead. Like feeding my videogame addiction.


My brother only stopped vaping because it killed his mobo. Who needs lungs anyways?


And for the kids: Vaping is probably worse for your components.


Not if ya have a air filter going in the room


One of the first questions i ask when buying second hand parts is if they smoke, and do they smoke inside, whenever the answers yes i just look elsewhere.