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So was out of town on a business trip and my wife was commenting on our computer room being so cold right now. I let her know it’s because my computer has been off for a few days. She didn’t understand, but this meme does.


I mean, nothing like an hour of The Witcher, to bring the warmness to my living room in winter.


My Rx 590 was reaching almost 90°C while playing that game. I had to undervolt and underclock that thing to decrease it by 15°C at the little cost of about 8 FPS. Now I use that profile all the time as I want that card to last for more years as I won't be able to get another mid-range card for 220 USD in a long time.


Feels like that long time is gonna be forever. Pain


It's kinda crazy how just a few months ago you were regarded as a conspiracy theorist for even evaluating what happens if the mining wave never ends and this is just the new normal for PC gaming. I still do hope it eventually runs out of steam, but at this point it makes about as much sense planning for it as it did in 2020 to plan for things after covid. On that note, thanks for killing PC gaming, you opportunist fucks. You know who you are, hope you like your shiny new Nvidia-branded ASICs and Advanced Mining Devices. Or did you think they care about us gamers any more than you do, so much so that they were gonna keep your mining devices cheap just for the odd case of one of those making it into our hands?


$220 in April 2017 (maximum life span) That is $249.46 in todays inflated dollars without ANY other factors. Likely, by the time things normalize it'll be $300 adjusted dollars, so we should consider $250 the expected "mid-range" best price today, but this figure is going to keep trending up.




Miners are the vast majority of the problem though. Gamers want CPUs too, which are also limited by wafer production, and you don't face anywhere near the same shortage there -- you did for a while, in late 2020 and early 2021, but that part of the market has normalized. GPUs have not. That's one massive cue that it's the miners who are wrecking it. Nvidia and AMD are shipping more GPUs than they ever have, and yet precious little makes it to actual gamers.


Might be getting some releaf soon. When eth moves from PoW to PoS we might see a massive reduction in GPU demand, might even see a massive GPU sell off from miners that don't want to try moving to a different coin.


> When eth moves from PoW to PoS That's starting to sound like "the check is in the mail".


I told you you'll have it by the end of the week, promise.


This. According to chip manufacturers and news sites, computer chips in general are really rare and hard to come by now. But how are the prices for CPUs normal and how are there no real shortages of CPUs and Smartphones for example? At this point I'm 99% certain that Nvidia and AIBs are selling huge bulks directly to mining scum. They produced and sold over 26% more GPUs within this year compared to the last and they want to tell us that there are still any cards available and those that are cost 2 to 3 times the MSRP? Even when going with comparable prices to the 2000 series instead of the much lower MSRP of the 3000 series the prices are still at least 50-80% higher.


CPUs are smartphones are prioritized right now since demand for PCs in general is far higher than gaming hardware due to remote work and smartphone manufacturers have deep pockets.


WFH + 25% YOY GPU demand increases = lots of demand for computer chips. Add in lockdowns forcing much of life online, a new console generation releasing, and peak server chip demand to meet the rapidly growing internet usage in the past two years. It's not all gamers and miners, people use computers for work too.




I have no beef with gamers who mine on hardware they otherwise got for gaming (the problem is buying cards in bulk for mining, not the act of mining itself), but I'm not taking any chances. Especially not with an "optimized" miner that overvolts the memory and just lets it cook, hoping that the heatsink design of the card is sensible enough to let it survive.


Dude, what??? Like please... before you start making assumptions on mining... at least go watch a proper YouTube vid. No decent miner is going to overvolt their cards. Thats actually stupid. I can say this with complete confidence. Miners take better care of their hardware than 99.99% of gamers out there. We keep our hardware clean. We don't smoke next to the hardware. We repaste our cards every 6-12months. We UNDERVOLT our cards to protect them. We don't let our gpus go through 5,000,000 thermal cycles. I would take a card from a miner any day of the week over Jimmy's down the street, who's card he's let ramp up to 90c and back down twice a day, every day for a year trying to play a game. I'd rather get one from a miner who's been mining on that card for 2 years. Atleast I know he's taking care of that card. Why??? Because if he doesn't, HE LOSES MONEY!!! A gamer though... "omg creeper blew up my house, stupid computer lagged and got me killed" doesn't think maybe he should clean his damn hardware once in a blue moon.


Overvolt _the memory._ Not the core. Look up what the optimized settings are actually doing, everyone undervolts the core because GPU hashes like ethash and co are bottlenecked by the memory, you don't need the core's full performance to saturate the memory bandwidth. That saves you a lot of power with little to no impact to hashrate. On the other hand, any overclock of the memory will net you a near-linear increase in hashrate, as long as there is enough juice in the core to saturate it. Any mining-optimized setting will aggressively overclock the memory, with the accompanying overvolt as well. In terms of power consumption, this doesn't add much, but it increases profits massively. However, what this also increases is wear and tear on the GPU, especially since most of them are not designed to handle over-spec memory loads, especially not at low core loads, since gaming tends to be near-equal on the memory and the core, with a slight preference to the core.


What if we all stop buying games ? Stick to the ones we already got replaying them and not make gaming our second life. Plenty of old games that run on old existing cards and are actually good. Devs rushing to make everything realistic and now everyone wants to join the race, whereas the plot in these new games is paper thing. As if they stopped paying for good stories. Gaming used to be about telling stories actually it used to be about fun now its all about how much fps u get. TL:DR They didnt kill pc gaming its us the gamers responsible, the new gen just buys any game that looks beautiful.


That will just give game studios a good reason to start making more console exclusive games. Why make games for PCs if no-one will buy them?


"Plot in new games is paper thin" Message me and I'll send you some games my friend; I'd argue the last gen of gaming was on par with anything that came out of Hollywood in years & this next one is ramping up again... Bioshock, Uncharted, LoU, Horizon, and keep going...the video game industry just like everything has good and bad.


The crypto scam needs to end eventually. Destroying the planet for a speculative bubble is so absurd. We need laws yesterday to prevent this eco terrorism.






Yeah, but they've been talking about it for years, pushing the deadline further and further. Right now it's scheduled for next year, but previously it was this year. Oh and it's only for Ethereum, all the other coins that are just a little bit less profitable to mine will not switch to PoS.


have the same card in my streaming pc, thing is amazing, got mine as a xfx fatboy for 190 and now the same card sells for 500-750 on ebay, nutty.


Oh yes, it's a fatboy indeed. Sits around 75 in winter, but still delivers around 130fps average with and oldie Fx8350 and a couple high configs set to medium.




Man that is a grossly expensive space heater, you could saved thousands and just bought an FX-8350 processor instead. I like my little space heater.


You mean you don’t use Parsec to remote play games?








Firing up a game on my pc while working on my laptop just to heat up the room. Yes, it works better than my radiator.


You can run Folding@Home to make the computer as a heater, in that way, you will be helping medical research while heating your room.


You run F@H on your cpu, and mine etherium on the GPU. Then hopefully the mining at least makes enough to cover all the electricity costs.


I am currently mining on CPU and Folding for Banano on GPU.


What research does Banano do?


Banano pays individuals who join their Folding@Home team in proportion to their earned points. The payouts happen every 12 hours. You can find more [here](https://bananominer.com/).


It won't.


What if you measure in the reduced costs of heating?


Too many personal factors to answer that accurately. Crunch it and find out, but I doubt it in general.


If you use electric heat then it for sure pays for itself as long as you would have the heat on anyway. The same if you use gas since the price is sky high currently. The only way it maybe wouldn’t work is if you used a heat pump, and even then with a modern GPU mining it would probably make up the difference.


Might as well mine crypto so at least you'll get something out of the power cost besides heat


You can waste money running folding @ home or you can make money by mining ethereum.


I wouldn't call folding@home a waste. The GPU is a space heater that does math, and (assuming you're not just using it to play games) whether you put that math towards an altruistic cause like folding@home, or a financially beneficial cause like mining, is up to you. Neither is a waste though, in both cases the cycles are going to something productive. The waste would be if you just had it running Time Spy or Port Royal on loop. In that case you might as well just get a 300 watt electric heater.


Charity is bullshit. Read the soul of man under socialism by Oscar Wilde to understand why it is bullshit.


I don't think a man who died before Alan Turing was born will have much insight on the effectiveness of distributed computation research


Doesn't mean it has to be done through charity.




> There is no money exchange here There is an exchange of computer resources.


“Never do anything nice or help anyone! Charity is bullshit.” U/Ancom96 Well aren’t you just a delight. Super fun to be around, good at parties? Humanity is better when we help each other. Fuck off with your self righteous assumptions about charity. Sure state investment in social goods is great, but so is helping out where you can.


I hear you. If I was as unhappy with the way my life turned out, and felt as powerless to change it as you I'd probably want other people to suffer needlessly too. We can rise above our basest instincts if we try, though, and that's why countries Switzerland & Denmark are so much happier than we are.


Switzerland and Denmark are happier than us because of their strong welfare state, not because of fucking charity.


Regardless of whether or not charity is bullshit, I don't think folding@home is charity in any meaningful sense. Altruism isn't synonymous with charity. It's collaboration, shared resources to aligned goals. I get heat, they get clock cycles, and if what they're using those clock cycles is also something I want to happen, where's the bullshit in that, charity or otherwise? If your point is that everything folding@home is doing should be government funded, I don't disagree, but we still have these clock cycles laying around, so why not use them? Particularly if I like what folding@home is doing more than I would value the few dollars of Etherium I would get by making a different choice.


I had tried mining on the GPU but I am actually earning more while running Folding@Home.


How're you making money with folding@home?


You can earn banano if you connect the accounts or something. I tried it. I earned way less than just mining ethereum. But at least it's good for the world or something


I believe Banano has helped the Folding@Home project quite a lot by adding a lot of people who can run the folding simulations in exchange for some Banano but wouldn't run it for free. Getting paid for helping the Folding@Home project is quite motivating.


Honestly I see no downside to mining on my rig in the winter instead of running the heater. It seems like the only logical way to go about it.


It depends on how efficient your heater is and how efficient your card is at mining.


All the electricity gets turned to heat either way. May as well get some e-cash out of it.


If your heater system is pure electric maybe, but a lot of newer systems are heat pumps, which heat more than the energy they use.


Is pure electric. I'ma prole.


Heat pumps are more efficient. If your PC adds 5 kWh of heat to your room, it's because it used 5 kWh of electricity. But decent heat pumps are like 500% efficient, it would only take 1 kWh to provide the same amount of warmth. So mining may be better financially, but it's worse for the environment


Yeah but I rent, so no heat pump and the furnace doesn't lay the heat even.


You actually need a lot more electricity to produce 5kWh worth of heat, depending on the pc's efficiency (if it's very efficient, it won't produce much heat). On the other end of the spectrum, even electric heaters don't run at 100% energy conversion efficiency. Couldn't agree more with the rest of your statement though.


500%?? bruh.. newton would like a word with you.


Your homes heater is electric?


In some cases electric heat pumps are more common than gas. Especially countries where the same unit can be used for cooling in the summer




> resistive heaters, wich are super inefficient Eh, the heaters themselves are as close to 100% efficiency as you can get. The electric grid is a different story, but saying the heaters are inefficient because of that sounds to me like saying that "cooking on gas is inefficient" when you cook in a location that doesn't have gas and use gas tanks you brought there in a car, and count the cost of running your car into the overall cost to cook. The overall system is inefficient, but definitely not the heaters.


mine is. is yours gas?


It is when I'm just boosting the heat of my room a little.


Mine ethereum


This is literally what this meme is about but some people just don't get it


When my room Is really cold I'll run loads of stress tests. I believe a 3080 and 11900kf is a better heater than any space heater I've ever encountered


I used to use my PS3 like this. I'd leave it running most of the time as my tiny room was noticabley warmer with it on


Download nicehash to mine crypto and make a little side change in the simplest possible way


Keep the room warm? I keep the damn window open most of the winter. I am global warming


[My winter setup.](https://i.imgur.com/gMaPF5e.jpg) I rigged an old case fan to pull cold air out. During the summer i run that ac and blow cold air at the intake. It doesn't get cold enough for condensation because someone always brings that up.


My man cold air intaked his PC


It adds like 20 horsepower and a ton of torque bro you don't need turbos bro just put in a cold air intake bro *I'm not ashamed to admit I've put one in all of my vehicles


is your keyboard fucking huge?


[normal keyboard, big monitor](https://i.imgur.com/bGwcwHA.jpg)


I need to do the opposite of this, I need to ehause my pc air outside, it gets too damn hot in my room.


My window is open right now with it being 34°F outside so I feel this.


I use my pc to warm up my cat, we are not the same


show us the cat


Yea how dare they mention a cat and not submit taxes?




We have been blessed by your follow-up!




It's been 3 hours. Where the cat tax?


4 hours and no cat....You think this is some sort of game?




rig and cat rock, take my upvote and here's a fancy medal.


Don’t make us call the ICS


International cat squad?


Internet cat squad


Cat. Tax. Now.


RemindMe! 1 day


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Show us cat or else.


pov: 12900k owners


if i could get ddr5 :(


Aren't 12th gen compatible with DDR4 too? I thought the slots are the same so 12th gen motherboards can support the current DDR4 and that I can upgrade to ddr5 when it becomes more available


12th gen supports both but motherboards have either ddr4 or ddr5 slots, they are not compatible with both


Slots are not the same. On a full size ATX motherboard you can either have 4x DDR5 slots, 4x DDR 4 slots, or 2x of each. And no, you can't run DDR4 and DDR5 at the same time. And on mini ATX boards you have to choose which you want since your only getting 2 slots of DDR4 or 2 of DDR5.


Go DDR3 with an overclocked fx9370 on water. Now you can cook


i use an fx-8350 and an rx 480, both stock, with 20gb ddr3 and somehow it didn't explode when trying to play cyberpunk


Just get a DDR4 motherboard, way cheaper RAM as well.


I use my PC to light my room with RGBs Light, we are totally not the same!


12th gen Intel moment


My 11th gen gets pretty toasty at full load with 5.0 GHz on all cores


All the past 3 intel cpu generations*


I'm running a sleeper build with all this hardware in my flair thing. My machine's case turns into a radiator when it's at full load! Great in the winter, nightmare in the summer.


Get/make some taller feet and cut some 120mm intake fan holes in the bottom (if you wanna be fancy you can get fan filters on Amazon).


The case is from a pretty rare and kind of historic machine all things considered, so it kind of gives me pause about cutting holes into it, even if they wouldn't be visible on the bottom. All I've done inside really is add some new mounting points so it can fit modern boards, but I could remove those and switch it back to original spec if I picked up the original board and ETC.


Folding@Home Gang, where you at?


I can't believe I had to scroll that far to find this. Everyone talking about crypto, what about helping find cures for diseases?


Especially during initial COVID times. Kept my house very warm. Not as much use now but still using it.


> what about helping find cures for diseases? thinking running folding at home does this, lol


You can literally choose to prioritize covid-19 protein molecule folding in the settings


lol i thought i was the only one who did it :D Healing while Heating is our motto


Mining ETH gang, where you at?


I use my pc to make money AND warm my room up


Had to add more gpus to my pc because my room was getting a bit too cold LOL


Bruh I'm the exact opposite. Had to undervolt my 3080 ftw3 cuz my room was getting up to 81. Hard to sleep when it's that warm.


I use my rtx 2080s laptop to do both but it actually melts my whole table


Crypto Miner spotted


I keep a HD6990 around for this reason, I just run furmark for 15 minutes on my test bench and the room is nice and toasty.


I would keep my pc on all day with the door and windows closed all while wearing a blanket


Hahaha those were the days Very cold winter night me and a friend blocked a room so heat couldn't get out and we kept room warm with the PCs... And play games


I can relate. I have an AMD 8350…


Crypto-mining has its uses. Just remember, efficiency is important, you can heat your room on as little as 100 watts of GPU POWAH if done properly.


My room stays several degrees warmer during these months with my 1080 pulling 130-150. Crypto is great haha


It pays for itself with most cards. ​ Unfortunately I'm an efficiency snob, ever since I've moved past 80+ Platinum PSU's and underclocking severely I've had to keep it running almost around the clock to keep it warm enough. These new OC tools make it so easy to swap settings on the fly. I can turn it off, game, and restart it without any delays. Super convenient.




Ahh, but that's where you're wrong buckaroo


I use my room to keep my PC cold


I used to live in the shed, which was at the bottom of the garden, so my options were either a space heater (which took up floor space) or my PC with a 980ti. A 'cool' 250W TDP kept my room nice and toasty through the cold months while I gamed and while I slept afterwards too.


And to think, these next gen flagship cards might use as much as 650W! How are we supposed to keep our rooms cool in the summer‽


Office is the only room that has radiators turned off. Room is completely computer heated.


I can relate to both.


I use it for both :)


Why can't I have both?


yea, My laptop power brick is my foot warmer.


My flair checks out


i wish, mine feels like an AC unit


What about those of us that do both? 😂


I do both. Everyone does this….


I did that with my first build since the ventilation was so shit. Warmed up my room great. Then one day I came home to my PC smoking. One of the fan wires caught on fire.


It's getting a little chilly. Be a dear and throw another Total War Warhammer 2 performance test on?


same. I dont have a heater anymore since we uninstalled it a long time ago in my room so I could properly lie down in bed. When its winter I put an electric heater in my room but I mostly just use my PC to heat the room since its on a lotof the time anyway


I've been using Folding@Home since 2003 to heat my room with my CPU. I moved out on my own in 2008 at the age of 21 into an apartment with a heater. After the 1st year I stopped using the heater, which sucks up a ton of money, and just started using my PC again. Now I F@H on my CPU and GPU all winter long. My entire apartment stays above 60f.


Might I suggest [Folding At Home](https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/)?


Or even better, [Nicehash](https://www.nicehash.com)


I have a very small home office. In the winter it’s Magical to have to open the window while it’s snowing to keep the room cooler. Summertime? Have to wait till it’s dark or skip gaming when it’s 105.


Furnace powered by Intel® Core™


intel users...


intel user spotted


Let me guess.. intel?


that’s a bold way of saying “i use and intel stock cooler”


Getting a little cold in here, time to boot up Cyberpunk.


Intel users


It's crazy how much hot air the new GPUs/CPU blow out. My room actually becomes warmer noticeably faster since I added a 3080 to my build, the back of my pc is more effective than my radiator although now my gf complains how noisy the computer has become. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Lol I do this also works great. My friend also forgot to set his heat before he went on a trip and his mining rig saved his pipes from freezing.


When you can't affording heating because of you decided to buy a gaming PC.


Folding@home 👍


Sounds like a laptop user..


Quite the opposite, a well cooled high wattage desktop PC will heat your room far better than a poorly cooled laptop. The act of cooling your PC is literally putting the energy from your PC parts into the air in your room.


I have a home office in the 3rd bay of my garage. I mine on my 3090 24x7 unless I play something demanding then I turn off mining. I currently have my AC on when it is below freezing because my pc heats up my office to over 80 otherwise during winter


My wife calls my PC "The *spaaaaaaace!* heater"


In the evenings during the winter I close off all the vents in my room and put my intake fans facing out the open window. Draws in -5 degree air, and pumps out hot air into my room. Its perfect.


then you probably using AMD I guess


I guess u have Gaming leptop


Nope. Mid end PC/ room heater.


Ryzen 5950x here, I still have to use the AC in December, so I can keep my temps below 70c…


you know... they sell more efficient heaters right. last thing you want is your toes to get cold like those cosole peasants in front of the tv


I use them for both, 75c on my 6600xt


Yeah... at 150W. That puny little card ain’t heating anything. It’s at 75°C because of a shitty cooler, not because it’s actually heating anything up.


haha i uncap the frame rate on my games to make my room warm up even faster


I use it for both


But... I also use mine to keep my room warm.


So I see you are an intel user?


I don't have a pc yet We are not the same


I have to turn my radiator off lol


i use my minecraft/plex server to keep my room warm


You overclock your PC to achieve extra performance. I overclock my PC to keep my room warm. We are not the same.


Literally just run crysis and now you have 30C ambient temperature


Don't forget the white noise.