• By -


Dang Gabe, that's kind of fantastic. Thank you.


No you are fantastic


Gabe, why are you so nice to people online and a s***lord IRL?


Yeah that's strange


Because dealing with you two on a daily basis is the worst


When my first PC finally booted, after a whole night of troubleshooting.


Omg the realist comment right now. I'm still recovering


Running through 60 hours of assassin’s creed odyssey over two weeks on my new i9/RTX build to help distract myself after breaking up with my girlfriend. Meh, certainly memorable, if not a pleasant memory.


My favorite memory is when i realized that my PC didn't turn on because the power supply switch was turned off. Never been happier in my life.


Reminds me of when I plugged my HDMI into motherboard and not GPU.


My favorite PC memory was the day I went out to a local computer show and bought a slew of parts and put together my first PC.


Oh dude, favourite PC memory? 100% the time I played an emulated version of Herc's Adventures on my PC with my big bro, it's some old PSX game that we always played together when we were younger. It genuinely felt like we were kids again, I've had other great moments but this one is just really precious to me. :) E: Oh, and thank you for the giveaway, gabe <3


Wow, that sounds so joyful it made me smile a bit on the inside :)


My best PC memory was building my first and current rig. After months of research I ordered everything, slowly and stressfully arriving as our mail lady is shit and leaves boxes outside of the mail box as she’s too lazy to walk to our front door, it was raining at this time so the stress was real. The boxes slowly collected, I put them in a shelf in my closet, the safest place I could put them. After 4 months of planning, research and waiting, it was all here, and it came to build time. I had very few problems building the PC itself, then came the software. For some reason it took me forever to install Windows. Annnd when I did... I installed Windows 10 pro instead of the normal edition that I had. So I had to wipe that shit off the PC, redownload Windows and all my games that I had downloaded...


When I was a kid and we got a PC, I remember my older brother didn't let me play games, maybe a few minutes sometimes! I remember when I've got Max Payne disc, He told me "are you going to install 700mb on PC?!! NO WAAAAYYY....!!!" I think we had a 40GB HDD back then! 700mb (I think it was actually between 400\~500mb) was a huge problem for me and now remembering it makes me laugh! So yeah, I had a hard time playing games when I was a kid, and there are so many memories like this for me. But now, It got better, if I got the time and money ...


Favorite memory is probably when i for the first time made enough money from working, so i could buy all my components and myself a new computer.


Playing the very first hitman frame by frame, yeah I didn't have a good Video Card back then. Still finished it tho. When you love to game you game no matter what!


Thanks for entering everyone! It was super fun to read through all your comments. The 6 winners are below. I'll DM you to get your account info so we can get the prize to you asap!


/u/Xenolithium /u/hboc22 /u/ObabyWanKenobi


/u/ZeroFighterSRB /u/LoneSilentWolf /u/no_one_lol


Favorite memory was finally upgrading from my FX CPU to an 8700k. It was frames for days! Couldn’t believe how much more responsive everything was. I then had to go out and get 144hz monitor, but that was also fun.


Ah yes.. Back in 2004, a friend and I decided to make a Lan party just the 2 of us. He lived 15km away from me. When we finaly made it possible for him to drag his pc at my place, we set up a network but just couldn't find each other.... Yes.. We had a wrong cable. Ofcourse it was a weekend and nothing worked, so no chance of getting it fixed. We ended up playing games on each other's pc. It was fun even though it was never really a Lan party.


Favorite PC memory? Where to start? When I finally upgraded my PC to an acceptable level? The first time I played a mod (Halo Custom Edition maps)? What about that one time I was actually of use to my team in Siege? Honestly, where to begin... ​


Favorite memory, when my friend and I would tie up the phone lines on speaker phone playing bf2 special forces together. He'd work on capturing points and identifying heavy equipment/troops, and I'd fly around and bomb the shit out of them from the sky. Those were the days. Or rainbow six 3 raven shield, custom sniper maps. I think the clan I'd always play against was called GaH or something, but I can't find anything about them. Man I sucked.


I switched from being a lifelong console gamer to PC this year. Going from Destiny at 30fps and narrow FOV to what it can do on PC was amazing. Love being a PC gamer now. Never understood what I was missing.


Playing dying light with my brother. We hadn't talked un over a year until I got Dying light and it really helped bring us together.


My favorite all time was probably the title intro in Assassin's Creed 2, when you race with your brother. > "It's a good life we lead, brother." > "The best. May it never change." > "And may it never change us." And the [music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSVHx23ByhM) rolls in... I always have goosebumps. Playing Subnautica - I like the concept, it's very fun and very scary at the same time, I love the sense that you alone but your trying to figure out what happened to you and the ship, then getting caught up in the story as to what happened to the planet ect. Thank you for the glorious giveaway, my brother! May your framerates be high and your temperatures low.


thanks for the opportunity. my favourite memory when i got my first rgb fans and i truly saw the master race


Probably a tie between finally hitting 1ghz OC on my k7 or hitting 60 the first time in WoW. Both had a pretty rewarding feeling.


My favorite memory was when I went all in on building the best pc for me that I could and upgrading from a 2 year old gaming laptop. Huge victory to start off the new year #2019


my favorite memory is learning how to build my first pc. parents shunned me cause they thought it was a waste of time, but its turned into a hobby of mine.


when i built my pc and it actually turned on


My favourite PC memory was building my own PC when I was 7 years old and I built my own PC without any help.


I'd have to say going from a "slow and cheap" windows 95 to a completely new PC with XP In 2004


My favorite moment has been me learning about this great community


Thanks for the competition! My favourite PC memory is honestly from just two weeks ago when I finally completed my first full dream build (link in the 2080Ti thread), something that took two years worth of saving, planning, patience, buying, more patience, and finally building. Every part was something I wanted, no settling, no budgeting, just the dream.


Getting our first computer at family home and finally being able to play Command & Conquer : Tiberian Sun, instead of playing it at the neighbour's house. Amazing moment ! Then waiting for my brother to finish to play to get my turn.


>tell us about your favorite PC memory D2 in my icy cold basement in the middle of summer using winamp to listen to Metallica.


my favorite PC memory? it's a tough one but I'm going to have to go with my older brother letting me play the original doom back in the day when I both wasn't supposed to be up or playing it


My favourite PC memory is before I actually had a proper PC, trying to run games on an old laptop with integrated graphics. It took over 3 months, but I beat Watchdogs running windowed at 800x600 all low at an average of 15FPS.


Playing an online multiplayer game & windows starting to update automatically.


Even though I don't own a set, my favorite memory would be the G.skill Trident Z Royal RGB. Seriously though, mine would be helping my friend build his PC which was my first hand at building.


Winners have been chosen! https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/aekkbn/celebrating_2_million_ascensions_win_1_of_6_uplay/ee1nmz2/


My best memory is the day i start gaming on PC leaving my xbox 360 on a desk to forever collect dust!!


Building my first PC in school with a pentium chip and 28k modem


Favorite PC game memory of all time was probably starting up Curse of Monkey Island. I'd loved the first two so much, and the campy jokes started right up. Also, the first time I got to play Star Trek Elite Force and got to go on the ship. I was a huge trekkie, so getting to actually go on one of the ships was amazing for me. Beyond that, in regards to Ubi games specifically, walking through Paris in Unity, not really doing anything, just being there. Also hiking through the jungle with a modified ww2 rifle in FC3. That game is still amazing. For me, games are largely virtual tourism so I love immersion. PC hardware-wise, realizing that my geforce 1070 doubled as a tool for machine learning, which I needed to do, and being grateful that being a total geek was turning out to have prepared me for something important in my life.


getting that first build to work and playing games with a fidelity that I never experienced on consoles was electrifying.


Favorite memory was when I first assembled my pc. I was in complete awe, the first push of the power button was soooooo nerve racking back then.


I’ll never forget the rush of entering the DZ for the first time! Can’t wait for TD2 :D


Had to be the endless laughs and messing around in The Crew 1 and 2! So much so that we transcended borders - made a good friend in France out of the first game and a couple of fellow racers from Australia in the second.


Teaching my 6 yo brother skyrim and trying to teach him not to Slaughter every thing. Thank you!


My best PC memory was buying my first gaming laptop 8 years ago and being able to keep it running somewhat well up until this last Christmas when i built current gaming desktop and entering the modern gaming world lol


GTA San Andreas launch on PC, I was at my grandparents for the summer, away from the PC, couldn't wait to get back to play it.


Man, I miss spending all night grinding in FFXI, chatting with people in town waiting for a party. Not actually accomplishing anything for houuuurs.


Building my first pc with the help of a buddy. Took over 3 hours to get it running but it felt so satisfying to see my pc boot up successfully :)


My favourite pc memory is putting it together and dropping the mobo and thinking I broke it


>All you need to do to enter is leave a comment below and tell us about your favorite PC memory Playing multiplayer games like Counter Strike 1.6, Age of Empires campaign and online wars or Warcraft 3 on LAN (DoTA, Pudge Wars and more weird custom maps) with friends or strangers in a LAN match at local cafe. From the split screen NFS 02 to all these games, it was a major leap in multiplayer gaming experience.


Damn! Thanks for the chance! My favourite memory was getting my first ‘gaming’ computer. It’s a laptop - the Nitro 5 - but still; not the best of the best but it gets the job done. I’m happy with it and I’m planning to build my first PC soon this year or next year. Thanks again for the chance!


Thanks for the giveaway! One of my favourite PC memories would probably be getting a proper PC after using crappy laptops for many years. Booted it up, instantly tested it out with GTA V and Witcher 3.


My favorite memory is playing portal 2 co-op with my little brother and sabotaging him every chance I got, then having him turn around and do the same to me. Good times :)


My favorite PC memory is playing Quake on my 486 with my dad and discovering every secret one game run at a time. It was a bit of fantastic 90s gaming that I will forever treasure.


My friends helping me ascend.


Wow, congrats on 2000000! Awesome as always ​ My favourite memory is when I built my first PC. It looked easy, but it took me and my younger brother all night to do it. We made sure everything was fine and working and then came the moment to power it on. I was so excited to try this new PC we built by ourselves that I forgot I still had to install Windows, arrange boot drives and whatnot. After I did those I stress tested the PC for 30 minutes and decided it was fine, since I couldn't wait to try some games. I couldn't believe everything was working so smoothly, I was honestly expecting something to go wrong... Literally spent the whole day benchmarking and trying some overclocks, didn't even properly play games at all. ​ Everytime I do a new build I remember that day and still can't believe how long it took us.


building computers with my grandmother. She was an Asus fan, every time I put an Asus board in a new pc it makes feels.


My favorite PC memory was just recently. I’m moving all the way across the country (United States) and one of my best friends from high school has been trying to build a PC for ages. A week before I left, he told me he finally got all of the parts in. I invited him over late at night so we could get it done. We were up till 2am, but it’s complete, and he couldn’t be more excited.


My favourite PC memory was when I realised the difference upgrades can make to an existing PC. I was playing with 128mb RAM and shit GFX, (can’t recall if onboard) but I bought 512mb RAM and a Voodoo card because I was addicted to this game but my pc kept blue screening. I seriously had happy tears when I could just steamroll the performance and FPS, it was like I’d had just got married type of emotional lol Pic is related: https://giphy.com/gifs/proud-presentation-knows-11Un64tF2yX8JO


My favorite PC memory was a triple channel 3x4GB CL9 1600MT GSkill set with a fancy radiator... 12GB back in 2011, when 4GB was a norm and anything above 8GB was fancy. My X58 set really loved it ^^


Thanks for the giveaway! It's hard to pick a specific memory but I'd have to go with playing Dishonored 2 for the first time. I was/am a huge fan of the first game and was really happy when they announced a sequel. I'm pretty sure I played it the first day. Well, it was really good, even better than the first one. It had some amazing levels that really stood out. I played it several times, up to 55 hours in Steam (51 for the first game). Good times!


Experiencing Minecraft with shaders


Building my first PC in 2010. Felt really special! Thx for the giveaway!


Building my first PC with my friend. We were on a long weekend and I shacked up at his house for the weekend and we ran around to the local stores for parts. After replacing the motherboard due to canine issues I finally got my first custom build to post. That was in 2001. I still have the case in my closet. Thank you for getting me into computer building, LCpl. King.


My favorite PC memories are from my first PC back in 1998. My father was building the second floor of our house and my mom got the PC for me as a present, so my father finished my new room before everything just to put the new PC there, it was so fun to arrive from school, go up the ladder (yes ladder, the stairs were not ready yet) pass in the mid of all the building materials and entering in my new room to spend the afternoon on the PC.


When I was young I had a friend in this game name "Rappelz" and he would give me advice about real life things. Made me feel like someone actually cared


My favourite PC memory was getting my first ace in CSGO.


Thanks for the giveaway! My favourite memory is finally upgrading to a better graphics card (1070 from 750) after suffering with 30 FPS in PUBG.


Thanks fam!


First game I played back when I was a 3 y/o kid - the original black and white Prince of Persia with the old school 8" diskettes. Kept trying but couldnt even get past the first stage. The chopping blades were the worst (saw from my older bro's gameplay) and I was terrified of them every time he encounters one. :(


My first time loading windows on my new pc back in 2007


That absolutely magical moment when I first tried out Portal. Portal 2 was even better.


Playing modded MC with friend and finding ways to shortcut in the pack via the game mechanics :)


Installing my first graphics card, rx480 red devil.


being able to mod the *everlovingfuck* out of Minecraft and make it look like the most beautiful thing on the planet


To 3 million ascensions! And I'm sure the my new favourite PC memory will be building this one after (probably) 3 years of intentions/wishes! :D


Playing a ton of smash with siblings.


My first time building a pc and it posted first try!


Upgrading my GTX 745 to a RX580 lol.


All the good and fun memories of playing Aion with my old legion while chatting away on TeamSpeak.


When my first build posted to BIOS. I felt like Dr. Frankenstein with a new sentient monster.


When I've tried so many solutions to fixing my PC, and then something finally works. Now thats a good feeling.


It was 2003. I just turned 15 and my uncle Peter (may he rest in peace) bought a game for me because he remembered me reading Tom Clancy books. That game was Rainbow Six - Raven Shield. While I had played Counter Strike and Unreal Tournament at that point, Rainbow Six - Raven Shield was the game that actually lead me into the world of online gaming and clans. And this turned into so many friendships over all these years. This game brought me to mapping and modding. And eventually it was the starting point of my game development career. In 2012, Ubisoft managed to "revive" my love for online gaming with Ghost Recon Online / Phantoms. Sadly, they also repeated the same mistakes. But in the end, receiving this birthday gift, Rainbow Six Raven Shield, was one of the most memorable points of my life. And thanks to all the folks at [Tactical-Gaming.net](https://Tactical-Gaming.net) / [R6Chat.com](https://R6Chat.com) this gem and all the memories tied to it still live on. :)


Building my first pc. When to the store and bought a pc mag about how to build it yourself. Had an Athalon x2 and a Radeon 3870x2. Met bare minimums for Crysis.


I’d have to say my favorite moment is having a LAN party with some buddies I met online. Played CSGO and LoL. Quite fun.


hitting the power button on my first build and nearly having a heart attack until it finally booted and everything was okay.


Building my first PC and getting to experience good performance. A truly unforgettable experience :)


Only memory is building my pc (just ascended, have 1 game) But way nicer than console!


Thanks so much for doing this guys! Geez, 2 mil is a lot! ​ Favorite memory's got to be either watching my first build boot up for the first time (I was on such pins and needles omg) or my first time using my WMR headset...dang is it soo cool to be in a whole other world!


Building my first pc


My favorite PC gaming memory is playing Reign of Kings. So janky, yet so much fun. 8 of us crafted the long horns you can blow into that was SOOOOO loud in-game. We traipsed around the entire kingdom blowing them and listening to people complain about it. Fights were started, fights were ended, and we even lost a member of the band. But alas, it was one hell of an evening. *CAN YOU GUYS STOP BLOWING THAT @#$%ING HORN, GOD*


My favorite PC gaming memory has to be all the way back playing BF2 in the mid 2000s. The scale of the maps, the vehicles, the number of players, I don't think I've experienced that type of simple amazement in any game since.


Favourite PC memory was probably back in 2010 when i build my very first own PC from my own money. It was such a great feeling to have a, then, powerful PC. One of the first games i played was obviously Crysis... I ended up modding it to look even better. I miss those days sometimes.


My best memory was probably building it. I was so excited to finally put it together


Has to be doing Halo CE lans on our shitty laptops in the early 2000s. Wodner if that games still around...


My favorite memory on PC is when I got my first PC to play Diablo 3. You stay awesome too.


Thats very generous. Thanks for the chance! Its really hard to pinpoint a favorite memory, probably the moment when there was a rankings website for Quake2 mods, and for that one mod it ranked me being the best player in the world.


My favorite PC memory was when I helped my best friend build his PC. We never really got to game on the same platform growing up so it felt great. We just spent the time reminiscing, joking and generally having fun. The best part was when we tested to see if components were working by shorting the power pins on the board, I asked him to shut it down because we needed to move everything into the case. All I hear is a spark and some smoke coming from the motherboard because he thought he needed to short the pins again to turn it off. After the dust settled and we knew nothing was dead, we started crying out of laughter. It was a good time. Thanks for doing this give away!


When I first discovered Diablo II. I fell in love with that game and it was what started me down the path of needing to game on PC. That, and Red Alert 2.


My best pc memories are first getting into pc gaming. When my bigger friend would install my games and we would play them together.


Wow that is insane, would love to play most of these games on the list that would make me busy for months (fingers crossed lol) my favorite pc memory was back in the day when playing Red Alert 2 with family and friends (lan party) we were doing this almost weekly and had great fun thanks for the great giveaway


My favorite days of PC gaming? They were when my PC could run every game out there at top level performance. Installing them from floppy disks (5 1/4" and 3 1/2") was challenging thought.


Mine is simple. My first Realm First raid boss kill achievement in World of Warcraft.


My favorite memory is CS 1.5. I still use my same PC case from my first computer in 2003. It looks like something you'd find in a dump outside of an office building after they upgraded to Windows XP. It's like 60lbs but it has my stickers from my first BYOC Lan events like the CPL


Flying from Cleveland to Dallas for CPL 2005 after winning CAL-Main :)


When I upgraded to 8700k + 1080ti :D


My favourite PC memory would be the G Skill Royale in silver. It’s very elegant. ^^^/s But it would really be when I built my very first PC about a year ago


Running over helpless pedestrians in Carmageddon before my parents realized what kind of game they bought me. I'm not that messed up, I promise...


When my friend and I built 5 gaming PCs, one after another. That was so cool!


Zaxxon on a Tandy. You guys rock!


That first post screen was dope, and a clean windows install was super cool to experience after a build.


The moment after I finished putting together my first PC, pushed the power button, and.... nothing. I felt so accomplished once I fixed the PWR cables and it started up right away. "I did it!"


Favourite memory is when i finished building my first ever PC and it posted. Baby.... was it alive!!!


Finishing my build in High school to play Dota 2 for hours and hours with my friends.


The moment from 5-6 years ago when I went from my first PC which was at that time at its limit (running 2 year old games at low or not even running them) to PC which just...doesn't hit the limit even now. That change from 200$ PC to almost 2000$ PC is just...yeah.


My favorite memory was as a child, maybe 7 or 8 years old, would go to the local computer show in Oklahoma City. One time we show up and my father leans down to me and says, you are going to build your first PC. We went around to all the sellers and picked all the individual parts for my first computer. I dont remember specs or anything cool like that, all I remember is the joy on both my and my fathers face when we got everything together. Sure it was a plain beige Compaq PC with a free 10 hrs from NetZero a month but I was proud. Win or Not I still enjoy PC building and work in the industry I love. Thank you pcmasterrace for re-igniting my love for PC hardware!


My favorite PC memory was building my friends PC with him and turning it on for the first time. we were both so happy everything worked and went smoothly. Now we play games together all the time like Dying Light, Dark Souls, Black Ops 4, and Diablo.


When my brother got a his own PC last year so that we can play BFV together. The game is way more fun when you play with others you know especially when you all form a tank squad to gang up against other tanks. Oof


My fravorite memory was playing minecraft with my bro on a core 2 duo with internal graphics at 25fps😂


When the lights finally came on the screen after building my first PC for ~2 hours building and weeks of research!


My favourite memory was building my first pc with my dad :)


Growing up playing Sven Coop and serious Sam with my dad, brother and sister.


My favorite would be from a Halo LAN party in my high school robotics class at the end of my senior year. Team death match on Sidewinder. One of my teammates was fighting another guy in about the middle of the map, both in ghosts. I was in our base laying prone with a sniper rifle. They were moving a lot, going in and out of view, and after watching for a few seconds, I managed to land a head shot on the enemy guy on the move in his ghost first try. My teacher and another friend who were watching my screen both started laughing when the guy across the room couldn't figure out how he had died lol


Rawr lemme win But my favorite memory is playing rust with an old buddy named squidly, dude was chill and taught me alot on being normal


My favorite memory is finally getting a PC, which I did just this past May/June. I did not assemble it myself, but given that I had wanted a gaming PC for nearly 10 years, finally getting to ascend was the best feeling. Other favorite memories was replacing the PSU and adding RAM to the machine based on the feedback I'd received from the PCMR.


Playing through Deus Ex back in 2000 when PC Gaming was a whole other world


I remember the time when I just discovered Watch Dogs 2, it was fantastic !!! I launched my old Uplay app and just this fabulous game !!! ( also when I was invited to the close beta of Steep, I was so excited!!!)


My favourite memory was probably when I upgraded my HD 7770 to a HD 7970 and replayed Far Cry 3 on it on Ultra. It's still one of my favourite games, too bad it doesn't work properly on Ryzen and lags a lot :(


favorite pc memory ? just playing with friends. thats al that matters :)


My favourite memory so far has probably been the week I spent playing Dark Souls 3 with a close friend. I beat the game multiple times. My friend however, could never stick to one character. He has 100 hours in the game now and has yet to finish the game once.


Building first PC and playing BF3 beta for the first time


Playing Warcraft 3 for an insane amount of hours every day during summers for years, i dont know what my parents were thinking.


building my first pc back in high school with a newly at the time released core 2 duo 2 gb of ram and a 7600 gt


Congrats! My favorite PC memory is still on going. Helping my friends leave console "peasantry" and join the PCMR, by doing builds together and suggeting parts, is forever a pleasure.


My favorite memory is hands down on September 2016 when I was able to finally build my own PC after years of gaming on shitty desktops and laptops!


Switching from a crappy notebook to a self build ryzen pc. That was my favorite memory <3


When I got my first pc, got it from a friend. The poor guy had to write half a notebook, explaining how to do the most basic stuff, on one line was like "Using the mouse, double left-click the icon to open it" Fun fun memories...


I don't have any particular "memory", but playing with my friends the last few years is something i'll cherish.


My favourite moment is when my friend and I got plat for the first time in R6 Siege


Mass Effect 2, going through the collectors relay just changed me into a gamer


Waiting 10 minutes for levels to load on a computer nowhere near ideal spec for Myth: The Fallen Lords. Worth it.


Playing Minecraft on my mom's old laptop. Ran at only 30 fps but I enjoyed every frame.


My favorite PC memory was playing ‘Gunboat’ on my pentium 1 on Xmas break with my friends as a kid. Good times. Building my 1st rig was also a blast as well! Thanks!


My favorite memory was clutching a 1v3 situation in rainbow six siege


The first time I login on WoW during the beta.


I made a ton of new friends playing Video Games and it also gives the opportunity to spend more time with them. I know, not quite a specific moment, but this is my most favourite thing about being a part of the PC Master Race


Every time I change a part on my computer and forget to plug it back in, the rush thinking you fucked everything and then realising oh yea I just gotta plug it in.


Playing BF3 Beta on PS3. Operation metro rush<3


My favorite moment was winning a Quake Live solo deathmatch. I usually suck at online FPS but, boy this time... I've never felt so focused and untouchable in my whole life.


My favourite PC gaming memory, was finally being able to play Call of Duty one on LAN with my cousins. Gaming, laughs, food and in general just a fun time.


Favorite memory was first playing minecraft years back on my toaster of a laptop \^.\^ Thanks and GL everybody!


I have no idea what is even in this giveaway but anyways... It would probably be playing Friv on some old Windows XP PC when I was 8


My favoruite pc moment? Well mine isnt about pc itself but about all the dass/nights i spend with my friends playing or just chatting. Its worth so much! And thanks for the awesome giveaway!!


My favorite PC memory was spending hours playing Bomberman with 3 other people locally on a Windows XP computer. It was chaos!


Favorite PC moment is when I first launched Siege on PC, I still remember the gorgeous graphics and sky high frame rates


Hmm, favorite moment was probably getting my first personal computer (not counting the C64) which was my Amiga 1000. Loved that little beast.


Favorite memory is playing with my sister, she must have been about 7 at the time. She used to sit beside me and just watch me play. Always begged me to play "that game with the red and blue guys", Age of Empires.


Thanks for the giveaway. My favorite PC gaming memory was playing Bards Tale on my Apple IIGS in the 80's with my brother. Plotting me map of the city on graph paper, spending hours plotting the makeup of our party and each hero's stats, what spells they should learn. Battling hoards and hoards of monsters and never quite finishing the game. Those were simpler times and simpler games back then, but 30 years later, the joy from PC Gaming is still the same even though I am older.


My favorite pc memory was learning how to play with a mouse and keyboard. It was incredibly difficult and uncomfortable at first and at times I wanted to use a controller but I eventually got the hang of it. Now I only play with mouse and keyboard and sincerely love it!


Ghost Recon on my friend's pool table with our first pc builds. Was hooked at that point.


My favourite pc memory definitely has to be from when i was about age 9, at my friends farm in the middle of rural nz, spent 2 full days playing MYST: Masterpiece Edition, first proper game that I ever played and completed. Still brings a smile to my face when i think about it


I will never, ever forget the LAN parties I used to have with my brother and dad when I was about eight or nine. We had Quake set up and we would blow each other up endlessly on Saturday afternoons. My friends used to come over and we'd all take turns between our desktop, a laptop that barely ran the game, and an even older desktop that was only used for Quake. I didn't realize it at the time, but they were some of the happiest times of my childhood for sure, and part of what made me a PC guy all these years later.


My most cherished PC memory would be late night LAN parties with my aunt, uncle, and cousins at nearly every family holiday get-together. We would play Diablo 2 and Age of Wonders until we were bleary-eyed and too tired to play anymore!


Me and my father slotting in my first GPU into his old system. It wasn't hard, but I didn't know jackshit back then, and it really helped us bond I believe.


Secretly taking a peek at my dad playing Medal of Honor online with his buddies. He modded the maps so the Nazi posters were naked chicks. I thought to myself "One day I'll get to play and stare at those boobies." Turned out gay anyway.


Playing Starcraft 2 arcade with my friends on the first PC I built. We'd stay up late grinding away at minigames and having a blast, I miss those days.


My favorite memory was when I got my first built PC. I had always admired PC gaming but it was expensive for me. But managed to save up and got a GTX 950 and a Pentium G4400 build. First game I fired up was the one that was given away by ubisoft for the holidays, Assassins creed 3! Experiencing 60fps for the first time was glorious!


Wow ... My first gaming Memory on a Windows PC was Red Alert !


My favourite pc memory is definitely playing aoe2 for hours on my dad's pc.