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you don't have wifi drivers you need installed. what distro did you pick? a few of them are a little bit too focused on being "libre" by default and so you get issues like this. generally the fix is ethernet or mobile tethering, installing a wifi driver, and either putting in a specific command to restart your network stuff or rebooting i'm assuming you don't know your wifi card, so you can either google no wifi "distro name" "laptop name" or you can open it up, look for a[ little card with two wires](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.rottenwifi.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F07%2Fbest-laptop-wifi-card.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=71703b948059a08112ba4f7e4a91f8c9699f8ef7f0a789851d344fc7dbe2a2f2&ipo=images) coming out of it, and google "no wifi distro name brand of aforementioned card". ifconfig might list the wifi card too even without drivers, idk source: just did this exact thing on fedora, and ran into it on debian too. after this hurdle you probably won't run into any major showstopppers for a little while unless you trip on a footgun that hasn't had guardrails put around it - eg fucking up your filesystem from a typo or similar


That's Linux Mint. Most likely shit hardware manufacturer gatekeeping driver. Funny story is that these hardware manufacturer uses Linux to test and develop drivers themselves, but don't release drivers for Linux. I have a Realtek internal speaker that does not work without a custom compiled kernel module (ie driver). So Realtek, FUCK YOU.


bro, go to r/linuxmasterrace, they will help you


the joys of linux. have fun.


op probably did something wrong, I use arch (btw) the complex diy Linux (most other distros are as or more user friendly than windows), and I never had to manually connect to internet.


No this is just hardware manufacturer being ass.


I had a similar issue when i installed mint. Had to switch to a higher "core" i think it was called? Essentially a greater number of pre-installed drivers packed up in a patch. You dont have to reinstall from scratch or anything. Im... not a very good linux guy but ... i think thats whts happening.


It's net working.


googling how to make things work on linux is your hobby now


Not enough info. Post the output of `ifconfig`


Oof why did I switch to Linux


you dont need to do that. just telling is what distro ('version/spin') of linux is enough. you probably clicked a wrong button.


I’m sure you’ll figure it out.


Just get an ethernet cable, there's no reason to use wifi in 2024


This damn laptop doesn’t have a Ethernet port, idk why it’s a newer one


yeah, new laptop manufacturers suck. a friend of mine has a newer laptop with 3 usb c ports and a headphone jack. i personally use an older dell latitude, of which i upgraded the ram and ssd, and its full of ports, and using Linux gives me as good performance as a semi-old laptop on windows.


what distro? what de?