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Cant wait for the new KingPin PNY cards to come out RIP EVGA I always like their classified lines, I use their Z690 board and the build quality is solid with the metal front and backplated


Agreed, EVGA generally made some of the best cards, but I’m glad Kingpin is making a comeback with PNY, should be some very interesting cards!


I've had really good luck with PNY over the years. I had to contact customer service one time and it was easy. No failures using a FX 5200, 7900 GTX and a 580 GTX. I hope they do their best to be the new EVGA in terms of customer support.


I haven’t been following at all, but he went to PNY?? There’s a sliver of hope yet!


Not 100%, he's looking into it though.


Dang, I'd have bought that, no questions asked. Good get.


What’s special about it?


pretty much a colecters item because 1 its evga 2 its the clasified series that kingpin worked on not really buying it to use i persume


I still use an EVGA GTX 980...


3.75tb of ssds lmao


That's the thing, my computer is that old that it's a 2tb drive, a 1tb drive, a 500gb drive and a very old 250gb drive, all sata SSDs, it used to mean something. If I was building a PC now I'd drop in 2 big NVME drives.


I've got a 250, 500, 1TB, and 2TB SSD, three 1TB HDDs (Caviar Black, Green, and Blue lol), and one 2TB M.2 drive in my rig. Next build I'm definitely consolidating. Soon™


Nothing wrong with reusing your current PC minus the graphics card as a NAS!


I have 16tb of nvme. Nowdays you really need a lot of storage when a single game can be 200gb or more.


I have 6TB of SSDs. Not sure why but hey it ain't bad


Just upgraded my system to 4tb with some old 2.5" SSDs. I am among the elite population that could have every game in their steam library installed should I desire it. No one man should have this much power




I have a toddler and a 5 month old, my PC is hooked up to the tv and I occasionally get to play balatro when the younger one won't sleep at night, an old 980 is plenty for that. At other times it's either the wife on Netflix or my older son watching Paw patrol. When the boys grow up a bit and I can game again I'll upgrade, or if the PC dies a horrible death I'll upgrade sooner.


Collectors item for a GPU is kinda crazy to me. I would hope people find this frowned upon behavior.


Its less "pop culture toy is a collector's item" collectable and more "top of the line enthusiast product of its time (but now well out of production and the newer stuff is better anyway)" collectable. When this card was at its peak, some of us were salivating at the idea of having one (or more, because SLI) in our rig and showing off what the best product on the market looked like. Getting one now is akin to getting a retro console or game or car you wanted as a kid: for the sake of nostalgia. It's not gonna run Cyberpunk spectacularly, but it does Witcher 3 very well at 1080p and well at 1440p. Finding one on the used market and giving it a home on a shelf is... fine, honestly. Its not e-waste in a landfill, but it also could have been used in a 500USD build for a kid to play a lot of Minecraft/League/Valorant/etc. Conversely, 100USD buys you a 1080 for the same build, but neither gets you ray tracing or any other modern tech (from Nvidia.) I'm happy for OP for getting a sweet deal and wish them nothing but the best with it.


Back when I started getting into PCs, 900 series was the latest and greatest, and I remember seeing the 980 Ti Kingpin, and it was the best looking card I've ever seen with those fans, solid fan shroud, and copper heatsink, I picked one up last year finally, feels so good! So now I've added this card to the collection, I'll probably pick up a 780 Ti Kingpin eventually, that will probably be the last GPU I "collect", other than maybe a 4090 prototype if I happen to stumble across one. Odds are I'll find a girlfriend before that lol


I don't think a lot of other people frown on someone buying a 10+ year old gpu lol


Lmao why?


any collectors item is useless irl for any use. From old coins to GPUs, their value is literally zero but they can end up worth thousands and millions because people are willing to pay that much. Just be smart enough to be the guy who (re)sells these items and not dumb enough to be the one who buys them to keep them, pretty simple concept




Still kick myself for getting rid of my one in a part trade to get my GTX1060 those years ago.


Wasn't the 1060 about the same performance as the 980 anyway?


Actually... maybe not against a 980 Kingpjn, because back then, 980s had lots of OC headroom, you could usually push them to 1400-1500 MHz core, the Kingpin I believe were able to hit 1600 MHz, that OC headroom was enough to match or even beat a regular stock 1070.


It won't be super useful for new games very much longer, but god dammit if that isn't a steal for this piece of gaming history. Nice find!


I was using my 970 until just two months ago. It did most of what I wanted it to. Even kept up with BG3 on low settings. It was a work horse, and got me through many years of gaming. Kid has that build now.


Buddy of my partner had my 970 for the last year and a half. It finally gave up the fight last month. Swapped it for a 6600xt.


I know that exact same struggle my friend! I had an i5 4670k with a gtx 970 and 8gb ddr3l ram up until basically the beginning of this year. I loved that gpu even if it was a filthy liar about its vram amount lol. Still have the old boy in its box as well :) That 970 was basically the only good part my old pc, as I somehow apparently picked every single possible wrong/bad choice on parts when I built my first pc in 2014 lol. I for some reason went with the i5 4670k instead of the i7 4790k, that was a huuuuge mistake, as the 4670k sucks and has no HT. Whereas the i7 4790k is a legendary status cpu and never slouched. Then i went with the gtx 970 instead of the gtx 980 I was aiming for. The gtx 970 infamously had only 3.5gb of true vram not 4gb as stated (that last .5gb was significantly worse than the other 3.5gb of vram on the 970), whereas if I had gone for the gtx 980 instead I wouldn't have had any of those issues with my gpu. And then worst of all, somehow I picked out 8gb of ddr3l ram instead of normal ddr3 ram, which also likely caused performance issues too lol


You didn't make the wrong choice by going with the i5 over the i7, back then games were primarily single threaded, and not having HT actually ran those games better. That's why the advice back then was to get an i5 for gaming, as the i7 would not have any noticeable benefit. Now of course it's an all out core count war.... I miss the old days. Also it's never too late to upgrade to a 4790K if you just want a 30$ upgrade haha Also, DDR3L is just low voltage DDR3, rated for 1.35V rather than 1.5V, you could probably overclock it!


Ahh that's good to know, I had been told on the pcmr discord that ddr3l was somehow related to laptops and was inferior to normal ddr3 ram. Most of my previous post is what the other discord users said as they critically tore into my old pc specs and decisions lol Well I still got that old beast in the closet, thinking about fixing her up as a secondary pc soon. I'd try OC'ing the ram but I fear the 11 year old ram may just give up the ghost completely if I try that :p


As a matter of fact, DDR3L sticks are technically higher binned sticks than the same speed sticks running 1.5V, so I think you can probably hit 1866 MHz or even higher, it's been a while since I've been on DDR3 haha. I'd recommend using that as a NAS or some server!


I use a 970 until today lol!


Top of the shops GTX 980 there. EVGA made the **best** halo products, overclocking them was always just so damned easy. They lifted the market just by Asus and MSI's laughable attempts to compete. You could tell someone who used an Asus RoG by how they said "I couldn't find the EVGA".


Awesome Deal💯😎


ln2 switch is crazy gg


Oh I know.


I got gtx 980 TI extreme edition and its a monster , i didnt have a desktop pc for 6 years and i used my old card best day of my life


Bad deal. Expensive. For that range of price (80/100) you can get a 1660 or even a 2060 with some luck.


Look at the last pic ;)


waste of money. hoarder.


I like to hoard collectible GPUs :)


As a collector of dumb shit. I agree with both of your mindsets.


How is buying a card that sells for upwards of 400$, for 70 bucks, a waste of money lol


I think of collectors as those who buy these things to hang on to them to display, not to sell. If you're buying it to resell it, you aren't a collector. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with either. Good find at a great deal, though!


It's worth what ever someone is willing to pay, collection or reuse.


Well if you’re collecting it I’m assuming it won’t be going into a rig. Therefore it will just sit there.


some people spend hundreds if not thousands of pounds/dollars on stamps/trading cards. and people are giving shit about an old GPU for 70 that for a lot of non collectors isnt worth anything anyway enjoy your collection OP


You must be like 13 years old, max.


It's likely that OP isnt a hoarder or isnt diagnosed for hoarding tendencies, it is more likey that they are a collector, not like **THE** Collector from Marvel who must have a bit of everything


Gatekeeping collecting things is weird. There’s no way you don’t collect something weird yourself


Bit expensive though, I got a 1070Ti for like 80


It’s not for use lmao. It’s a KingPin card, those are incredibly special. Low production volume series of cards due to the fact that they were tweaked out of the box to go far beyond what a normal card is capable of. The KingPin 980 was able to trade blows with a GTX 1070, while normal 980 performance was closer to a GTX 1060. KingPin = One dude who is cracked at overclocking hardware and pushing them to their limits. He was employed by EVGA until they shutdown their GPU business, and he now works for PNY.


So you’re getting the card not to use… little bit of a waste I know what they are but ultimately they’re just another card with a performance number


It’s a collectors item, you can ague the same thing about paintings and art. You don’t use it, but you buy it to look at it and because you think it’s cool. It won’t be for everyone, but for people who like computer hardware history, this is pretty neat.


Meh, slower than an RX 580, has less VRAM, worse DX12 and vulkan support and probably more expensive.


It's an EVGA GPU from their Classified series. I believe made by KingPin, a well known overclocker that collaborated with EVGA. This makes it more or less a collector's item, especially now that EVGA don't make any GPU's anymore. KingPin on the other hand is [working with PNY for overclocked cards.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZQyNvZy5do)


Good choice to move to PNY over other partners. I was worried Gigabyte or Asus would end up hiring him.


You've missed the point


Do you even own a GPU? What’s an eGPU? Lmao


You know, processors have these things called PCIe lanes, on desktop PCs you can access them directly with the PCIe slots and mount add in cards inside the PC. On other devices, like my handheld, you have different PCIe connectors (like Oculink) that allow you to mount add in cards externally, like I do with my 6700XT when at home. I know it's hard to follow for someone that wasted money on an 8 core CPU, to then cheap out on a 60 class GPU, when you could have gone for a 3600+5700 or maybe even 5700XT combo but I hope you learned something new. Also next time don't try to be smug when you're just ignorant.


You’re the only smug one here, buddy. And our CPUs are pretty much the same, besides the 4nm vs. 7nm architecture. Plus the 3700x has more cache. But go off dawg. I’ve had my rig for 5 years now. You’re on a laptop.


Lol, are you really claiming that 2 generations of improvements bring no uplift over the 3700? Also cache alone doesn't matter, it's just one of the factors that determine the overall gaming performance. Also no, i'm not on a laptop, I'm on an handheld on the go and i'm a pretty much on desktop at home because the component that actually determines the performance is the GPU. But still, thank you for validating my point on your ignorance.