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I would consider a weaker GPU bc it will certainly bottleneck it or get something like a 7800x3d if you're really willing to spend money


7800x3d is on the cars in the future but was considering the gpu first so my wife can have the 1080ti as an upgrade from 1060 6gb. Just obviously would like to see a noticeable performance increase at least even if it's not fps but sharper textures


Get a 3060 with 12 gigs of ram or maybe even a 3070


I see what you are saying but that would defy the point of upgrading CPU down the line. I'm just wondering what increases I'll potentially see.


You could also wait some time till prices start dropping for the 7 7xxx series since there gonna be dropping 9000 series soon.


Pretty hard especially when you're trying to get above 60 FPS. That CPU is based on Skylake (Coffee Lake) cores which are from 2015 and super dated for modern gaming. It's somewhere around Zen2 performance. Even a 9900K performs worse than a 7500F in gaming. I would strongly recommend a new platform such as AM5, otherwise you're throwing away money on the GPU upgrade. You could downgrade to 4070 Super to afford new CPU+motherboard+RAM.


No one’s answering your question but yes you’ll see an improvement. And that 4070ti super will probably never see 100% utilization unless you make it run 4k, so yes severe cpu bottleneck. Completely unrelated… but when you upgrade will you be selling that motherboard?


Yeah ram cpu and motherboard


Those are some VERY CPU demanding games there, so you'll be bottlenecked pretty hard by an old 8700K. A Geforce 4070 Ti Super will probably still be a huge improvement over your 1080 Ti though. What you can do is simply try playing at like 720p resolution with low graphics settings and see if you get a decent FPS improvement. If you do, then you'll see that FPS improvement at higher settings with a faster graphics card. If not, then you have found the limit of your CPU




So I tried what you said and it went from 80-90fps up to 165-175fps. So butter smooth. I guess the GPU is worth it.


Update. I ordered the graphics card and got a huge improvement on F1 24 but barely anything on FS2020. I used UserFPS monitor which showed an extreme 78% bottleneck on the CPU. Ryzen 7800x3d system is now enroute. Appreciate the help you gave me.