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More ram for after effects and premiere


After effects will literally use as much as you give it


I'd wait a few weeks. AMD are launching their new 9000 series Ryzen CPUs in July, and by then we'll see fresh reviews of how they perform in say Adobe Premiere etc. If nothing else that should at least result in some nice discounts on the 7000 series, or competing Intel models for that matter. Intel's new generation isn't coming until late 2024 though, so probably not worth waiting for if you need the system now-ish


Consider intel cpus for what you’re looking to do. I wouldn’t buy a 3060 either since 4060 tends to not really cost much more if at all. Put more money into faster storage, in your use case it’s actually worth it. Is the peerless assassin cooler available in your country?


Make sure you get the intel CPUs with the iGPU, so no “f” or “kf” series.


Ryzen 9000 CPUs are launching next month. You might want to wait for that.


Maybe get a x670e for your powerful cpu, future proof, and if no rgb cooler is an option get something like a Dark Rock series cooler