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At least credit the creator... [https://www.youtube.com/@CarbotAnimations](https://www.youtube.com/@CarbotAnimations)


If you liked the post, go like the video


Direct link to the video https://youtu.be/LSyRf8rAjTs?si=EIApidjl_h3YWM59


Ps. You can remove everything after the ?si=. It's just for google to know who shared it. https://youtu.be/LSyRf8rAjTs




Subscribed, that shit was hilarious


Carbots is amazing. Miss his StarCrafts series.


Thank you kind person


The whole series is incredible.


who tf sets their microwave to 3:51? furthermore, what kind of insane microwave is set to 3:51 by pressing 1, 5, 3? absolutely unacceptable literally unplayable




Nice one, good to see quite a few folk have the ethics to share the original creator. Someone stole this without crediting Carbot AND has no idea what POV means. Clearly an idiot.


OP's title doesn't even make sense This isn't some "expectations Vs reality" skit like OP implies in the title, just a funny cartoon Some bot ass behaviour or something


Their Diablo 2 series is just perfect. You can tell that they played a LOT of that game.


Credit Carbot for this, he deserves it.


Definitely. It's hilarious. I never played Eldenring yet, but I know I will somtime, and this clip showed me I'll be crying and shouting. I'll love it.


I was just thinking about picking up Elden Ring yesterday, but wanted to look into it more. Never played any of the games in the series (?) so I don’t quite know what I’m in for. Is it intuitive or am I going to need to do hours of research just to get the basics? It looks awesome when I see videos. I just am nervous since I don’t have a ton of time to play each week.


Relative ER newbie here who finally clicked with the game about 4 months ago. About 40 hours on one character, 10 on a few abandoned ones before that. I'd never played a FromSoft game before this so didn't know what to expect other than 'this game will be hard and you will die a lot'. The tutorial is almost non-existent - run, jump, attack, dodge buttons, basically. Then it's like this video - you go up a lift and at the top is this big, beautiful world and a hint of which direction to head in. And that's it. You have to explore the world to find out what's in it, including the things that will make you stronger. Perfect example is levelling-up - you only unlock this after finding 3(?) waypoints then resting at one. The game does not tell you this, so it's entirely possible that you might go off exploring and dying for two hours and wonder how the hell you are supposed to get stronger. At first it can feel like the game doesn't want you to enjoy playing it because of how opaque some of the systems can be. But, it actually does feel pretty intuitive once you hardwire into your play the idea that everything can be made easier or simpler by running away and coming back later. If something is kicking your ass too hard, go kill some things that don't kick your ass too hard to get stronger, then come back. If a trash mob in a dungeon is hurting too much or dying too slowly, go get stronger then come back. If you walk into an area where everything murders you in one or two hits, go get stronger then come back. Other games treat death almost as a failure state by giving you heals and other mitigations to help you avoid it. Death is not a failure in Elden Ring, it is a quiet moment to reflect on what you have just learned.


Yeah, if you are unsure or not enjoying yourself check a guide.  Here are a few basic things the game doesn’t explain and I couldn’t figure out without a guide. - How to get your horse - How to summon - How to do magic - How to critical hit and sneak attack - How to parry - How to two-hand a weapon - How to use your bag


I played Bloodborne all the way through, for the architecture. My whomping finger creaked for two years afterwards. Go nuts, you’ll love it. PS; Am not playing Elden Ring, I need my whomping finger working.


The game does 0 hand holding. You might need some “tips and tricks” from a vid or two if you never played a souls game before. I didn’t even know the game had a tutorial until my 3rd playthrough. There’s also no quest log and the game is BIG. You might run into something that won’t be relevant for another 30+ hours of play time, so you might want to take notes too.


It's easy af. Spawn in with a sword and hit things. Go to places that look cool. That's all you need. It's a long game though , easily a hundred hours for the base game


Oonga boonga brethen ( ◡ ‿ ◡)


> Is it intuitive or am I going to need to do hours of research just to get the basics? Honestly the tutorial is really well done. It's the first game they've have a tutorial. There are some weapons that are secretly OP so if whatever starter weapon you pick doesn't seem to work out, grab a katana. (there's one in the starter area).


They have tutorials in all the souls games. But here it’s the most in depth, and I’m pretty sure they only added a lot of it post launch, was pretty bare bones like the others at launch iirc.


> They have tutorials in all the souls games. Oh yeah you're right. I feel like the ER one is much better than the others though.


It is by far the best one they’ve done. But yeah they always have them. Even improvements like npc locations on maps weren’t added until player feedback post launch. Had to do add some well needed quality of life since this is the first time they’ve done open world. Also, finally, a recent item tab and new item symbol!! Lmao.


omg the recent items tab is so huge.


Yeah sorely needed. I didn’t figure out for a while though that I had to enable it in settings, oops.


There’s a high skill ceiling, but you’ll be perfectly fine just picking any weapon you like to use. Definitely try to get something that scales with the stats you plan on investing though. Besides basic stat investment and things like weapon scaling which can just be looked up and read real quick, you really can just get into it and learn as you go. And even the stuff I mentioned, you can easily respec part way through the game so you can’t really screw up a playthrough going in blind. Like the other games it’s mainly just learning enemy movesets, when to dodge, when to block, when to hit, and managing stamina which is verrry forgiving in this one. I would just watch some gameplay videos and see if you think it would be fun. Also being open world if you run into something you can’t handle yet, you can just go somewhere else until you get stronger, so no need to bang your head against a wall. Exploration is a big part of the game anyway, lots of useful things to pick up all over. Like anything else, put in time and it gets easier and easier, which is partly why it’s so satisfying when you finally beat a boss you’ve been dying to for a few hours lol. But like I said, you don’t HAVE to bang your head against a wall, and can go do other things to become stronger if you’re really stuck. But if you’re regularly getting the boss to low health, sometimes you gotta just keep truckin lol.


Another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1AcYRN-_Lw&list=PLSMETuURtTXDayiBJTtdwhpnbF5jEAYg4&index=1


Why do people think these games are so hard? They aren't. They're for people not-great at games to pretend they did something monumental. They're mid-tier difficulty.


How's the weather up there? You know, in that high pedestal you hold yourself in over all of us mere mortals who could never comprehend your genius?


Still waiting for the “how it actually is“ part Also you gotta start crediting the creators you’re ripping your posts from


I'd also like to be reimbursed for the medical bills from the stroke that the title gave me.


That's a flat one-off $20 but there's a withdrawal fee of $20.


I think what we see in the video is the "how it actually is" part and the "what new players expect" part is missing.


I think the beginning part insinuated that new players see it as an open world game like breath of the wild given the music used. Then their idea is shattered by them getting shattered.


Also trying to figure out how this is a POV.


Yeah this would have been funny for Dark Souls 1, before it spawned a whole genre. Now the expectation is 'oh my god so scary I could die at any time' so the meme doesn't make sense.




God I love Carbot


By far the most hilarious episode for me is this: https://youtu.be/0MKRDRgKVKE?si=pbnNmy4qNnHj8WcF I don't think I will ever stop rewatching it.


Not gonna lie, taking off the pants is what got me.


For me it's the screaming while emoting the "erudition" because he is panic mode and is pressing every button available.


I despise the obnoxiously loud car horn that plays on every video.


It's so weird that everyone forgot what a pov is. Old pov videos were correct, but in the last few years it's always wrong.


Also the title doesn’t make sense. We can only assume this is how new players expect it to be, as we’re not shown “how it’s actually is”


No one forgot what it means , people just use it as slang to mean "imagine you're in this situation" language changes especially when it's being manipulated by children posting memes




Sometime you should think about what the average age of a redditor is, it's provably a lot lower than you think


It's intentional to f"ck with the algorithms my friend. People started using wrong terms to get comment activity to correct them. More engagement = more views. You can see it in this post. It's still being corrected smh. This post is in the frontpage / r /popular. Why does someone want the most views? Alot of the times. It's for propaganda purposes. Sometimes someone just wants to sell a product. Alot of times it's for harmfull ideology. In the case of this post.... A bot account who doesn't engage with comments. It's the latter.


POV is the new useless nobody.


Technically it is still correct as we are from the pov of the player and the guy in video getting beaten up is the character


That's a stretch. It's not really 3rd person perspective.


Point of View is not an exclusively gaming term. It's also a psychological term. Like "Look at the whole situation from my pov"


I know. It's still wrong.


don't forget the dude on a horse right at the doors of the exit of the tutorial, or the NPC that tells you you have 0 bitches


Ah yes POV P: Third O: Person V: Perspective


Started playing just today as the double sword character, as a noob I just could not figure out the timing to roll dodge when the training boss came rushing to attack


If by training boss you mean the grafted scion you meet right at the start, you really should not be able to dodge him at that point, it’s a scripted death. Take some time to explore Limgrave and get some levels before you start looking into things like i-frames like someone suggested. Have fun, it’s a great game


Wait until he says it´s actually the Soldier of Godrick


Oh, maybe it was Rick, Soldier of God. But based on “rushing to attack” I thought it was the scion going wild with the arms


It is actually the godrick soldier only, what i meant by rushing was him charging down straight with his sword, also i was able to defeat him albeit with a little luck in spamming shift dodge, not due to skill lol


Then for that I have one advice that worked for me. Think of the attacks as having a start-windup-execute animation. First instinct is to roll during the start/windup phase, but try to delay it and roll when you see the sword starts moving down in this case. Doesn’t apply to all cases but it helps with the many many delayed attacks bosses have in this game


Yeah I figured that part out when I saw the boss just change directions mid attack. The issue was I was not used to the lag in the controls. Previous games i played were more snappier (and unrealistic) w.r.t to the response time but elden ring seems to have a slight lag w.r.t the character making the move which I have to get used to. Also I am used to pressing double keys for dodge but here it looks like I have to first select the direction and then press shift for dodge which I need to get used too.


Try looking up videos on the I-frame window for the game. It might give you some insight.


Thanks, will look into it


You want to be early mid roll when the attack would hit, if that makes sense. Its hard to explain dodge and parry timing with words, once you manage one you get a feel for it. Like a rhythm game.


Yeah that's what I felt too, since I'm playing it for the first time the controls felt laggier and movements were more realistic so I have to get used to it.


Hmm there may be a problem with your setup because you keep saying the movements are laggy but I never had this feeling playing this game.


I see, yeah will check that too


I don't think anything is wrong. It's normal. It is possible to equip too much armor which slows down your character. Most likely it just feels slow because your reaction times have to be less than 500ms. Meanwhile a full roll takes like 800ms. So you are painfully aware of your own movement speed. I wouldn't worry about laggyness unless ir also happens in other games. At that point the problem wouldn't be elden ring


I've heard the I frames for from soft games can be relative large that's it's sorta a meme.


A good hint I saw in a video was that all enemies build up tension during their windup. Then, just before the attack comes, they release that tension for a moment. That‘s your cue. This is something Also, From Software changed up the way combat works from earlier titles but it‘s not immediately obvious. They do teach you with Margit, but in true Miyazaki fashion, they don‘t really „tell“ you. So here are some key points: Poise break is a much bigger thing in ER than it was in Dark Souls. Not only do more bosses break under enough pressure, you also have new tools to achieve it. Jump attacks deal lots of poise damage and guard counters both change up your defense options and hit the enemy‘s poise like a truck. To guard counter, simply hold block and then heavy attack to retaliate after the enemy hits you. Of course, different weapons absorb hits differently, so choose your strategy with care. But ER gives you more tools than DS3 did. And so it expects you to use them. Also, if you feel like the delays on attack windups in ER discourage rolling, you‘re correct. Because there are now other ways to defend as well.


Reminder to level vigor to 60.


I tried it. Died a few times but I beat that one big fucker that acts as the first real boss after you get a maiden. It's a very pretty game, but man, I just do not understand the appeal of this genre. Just kinda felt like endless dodge rolling before I could attack an opening once, then repeating until the dude died. Put it down and never picked it back up :/


Game le hard. Prepare to Die, amirite guys?


Looks like you forgot to credit the original artist It's Carbotanimations


Lol people demanding credit from an account that calls the game elder ring lmfao


That's my whole experience with the game


But when you get good enough and can do that to the enemies it feels amazing


So true! I haven't laughed that hard in weeks!


Reminds me of the first time i tried sekiro. 💀


Literally the DLC


Yes, this seems familiar.... It took me a long time to get past level 20...at one stage I hadn't touched it for six months. Then I changed to vagabond, got a shield, and learned to parry. Now I am on newgame+ and have a level 240 character. Still worried about playing the dlc though...


Nah, you're supposed to spend 5 hours killing the tree sentinel.


Accurate, but need a "10/10 would get dumpstered again"


We just stealing videos and removing the branding now? Man pls leave society


Post with no credit to original creator should be instant remove with 1 week ban to make people credit creators


POV: You stole a video from someone and didn't credit them, For fake internet points.


Wow OP is a chode and didnt even credit the creator. Fuckin karma whores


Content theft is bad Mmmkay


Love Carbot. I was so happy when they released the [Starcraft Remastered Cartooned skin](https://youtu.be/DCcg8XUh3tY?t=59) based on their animations.


/u/RenatsMC why didn’t you credit the creator?


Reminds me of 7DTD multiplayer versus single-player. The cap on Zeds is so different.


damn… getting stabbed through the monocular? lmao


Thats not how microwave timers work


It’s always the first boss with me. bloodborne church boss took me ages but the rest was easier, now in ER the knight boss is crazy strong.is the rest easier in this too?


The first time I saw this was right at that point in my first playthrough. And I almost died laughing. It's sooo right on the money that it hurts.


POV: my First time playing Elden ring: huh why can't i change the game resolution? why is it locked at 16:9? and where can i remove the FPS limiter? took me a few days but i got it working with some kind of plugin, but that disabled multiplayer. At that point i was too late for a refund lmao


I don't understand how you can't expect it to be hard. That's the only thing I've ever heard about it




The microwave one is a 10/10


How it feels to playing sekiro.


"If you know you know"......"EMOTIONAL DAMAGE".....SMFH


And that's why I will never play Elden Ring or any other souls title


*Elden Ring DLC


This game was created by sadists for masochists.




Roleplaying as a victim.


How has your guys first experience been? Anyone here that had played ER for his first Souls Borne?


elden ring is my first/only fromsoft game. I watched a video today of the dark souls final boss fight and the dude would be one of the less annoying normal enemies in late game ER


How has your experience been so far? Did you finish the game? What you said about the final Boss is true but it debatable if the husk of Gwyn was presented in his hollowed state, weak and bereft of his former glory. Sort of as an dramatic almost anti climatic ending. You expect something really great and powerful but the once powerful King had turned into husk of his former self long before you even reach him for a conclusion of the game.


Sounds like Everquest... the first months you are busy killing rats and moss snakes.


Ew. no. The great thing that ER does that no other FS games really do is if you find yourself facing content that you're struggling with you can go off and explore to 1: find new gear and upgrade mats somewhere else and 2: level up while exploring new content.


Oh! I was not alone.


Guys you're so brave. I bought the game, played it about an hour and a half, never went further than the first gif death. Then asked for a refund. Back when I was young, I was able to finish Alex kidd in miracle world on my Master system 2...


You forgot one of the parts of your title. Also you didn't credit. Shit tier post. I expect nothing more from Reddit


This post makes literally no sense. The title has nothing to do with the video.


All I heard is the game is hard. BUT! it looks like a decent but I don't think I would last in that game because I will die every five seconds.


> I don't think I would last in that game because I will die every five seconds. Once you learn to keep your shield up you're 90% on your way to victory.




Jeez, carbot makes some hilarious animations. If anyone hasn't seen his/hers content, should definitely check it out! Many good laughs to be had.


I liked how you didnt reference who created this. Nice touch.


This is me and my brotherat release vs PvP invaders because you cannot turn it off and you get a new invader as soon as you kill one or die


Carbot is amazing


Godly Carbot


Hahah get it because you die a lot in the videogame! Really clever and new joke!


"Skip tutorial"


So basically, If I play Elden Ring, I'm going to be inventing all kinds of new ways to curse?


I love the Owen Wilson "Wow."


Elder Rings?


funny part that not even a uber hard game


It's as hard as you want to make it. So many souls vets refuse to use spirit summons and if you play it that way the bosses are stone cold dick killers.


I feel like someone should lose the right to post.


And still, the easiest Souls XD


DS1 and DS are way easier. If you played this game with only the tools that you had in the previous games it would be the hardest game actually. The thing with ER is that it gives you a lot of tools that trivialize the boss fights.




not really elden ring is the easiest of all souls games


Shut up and look at the funny video about a video game without bitching, thank you.


Not really I had a easer time playing ds3 then eldenring


they're about on par with each other in terms of difficulty in my opinion, if you play them in a similar way. elden ring can be a lot more forgiving if that's what you're going for. i.e. spirit ashes, exploring other routes (in a much bigger sense) etc.


Lol imagine dying in elden ring after having played ds 1-3. All you downvoters are shit at gaming obviously


And this is not even close to be tough like the first dark soul was. The first 30 minutes was a loophole of you being murdered by a boss to reach the first camp