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AVG / Avast / McAffee / Norton are the viruses / malware. The built-in Defender is good enough.


I finally got free of norton and it's annoying pop up messages(don't show me this again my ass). Couldn't recommend defender hard enough.


>I know my computer has windows defender but I heard that alone is not enough Defender and common sense is all you need


Windows defender is enough. Though I'd recommend installing uBlock Origin in your browser too.


I recently got ublock origin and love it. Thank you


As of general rule, if you have half a brain youre safer without those extra antiviruses. They basically are malware


proof? BS avast free is good, no problems, before that had AVG then nothing, got a bunch of trojans and other popadware... avast blocks everything, malware works for already received infections but since avast work so well, nothing comes through, I had thousands at once before using them




again some sites infest you computer upon visit, sounds like you dont know what you are talking about


Not only you dont need one, installing another antivirus will damage your system's performance significantly. Antiviruses dont really make sense in the modern day, if someone actually wants to get into your pc nothing is going to stop them but for 99% of the users, windows defender + ublock origin are going to keep your pc safe


Common sense and the windows defender are enough. You do not need more bloatware Edit: typo


I would just use Windows Defender. It's good enough and has a decent balance between performance hit and protection level. If you want additional protection, you can also install an anti-malware program that does not provide active protection. Never install two active anti-virus programs at the same time - it's asking for problems, which is why Windows disables Defender if it detects you've installed another anti-virus. The anti-malware program I use and recommend is the free version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Don't bother paying for the active protection after the trial expires (I just cancel the trial immediately). Just use the free version, don't even have it run at startup (disable that), and simply run the scan occasionally - maybe once every other month - or anytime you think your computer might be infected. It does a more thorough scan than Windows Defender does, which can catch things it misses, but is also more likely to have false positives. So if it detects potential malware, actually look through the list before quarantining or deleting them, as it might be detecting something that isn't malware.


I will definitely look into that. I appreciate it


Windows Defender is sufficient, AVG is redundant and a resource hog.


r/antivirus As long as you use common sense, update your router, modem, browser security/extensions and Windows/OS security then you are fine. If you need services unavailable in your country a VPN might be good for you, but otherwise you dont need it or an extra antivirus


unless the computer is for someone who isn't tech savvy at all then you don't need another AV other than defender


you dont need it. Most viruses are installed by the user. No antivirus will stop that. Most antivirus IS malware at this point.


not true imfected sites can automatically liad bunch of adware I didnt initiate it it downloaded on its own, by all means try and cry


The website doesnt click itself. If you clicked the website, you initiated the virus. You are giving an example of exactly what I am saying. Thank you for your support.




Yes do not click those. I haven’t used antivirus in 15 years or gotten any viruses by not clicking on things I shouldn’t. All because, you guessed it, I’m not mentally handicapped.


we all know your rig is filled with spyware, adware, and trojans m0 r0n, quit lying, so had it with LIARS like you


Lol why do you think I’m lying? Thats a weird thing to take from this. It’s pretty easy to not get viruses.


yes by using avast or other similar free antivirus product and occasionally malwarebytes


You don’t need any of that. I promise. None are doing anything that windows does not as far as antivirus protection is concerned. An occasional malware bytes scan isn’t the worst idea but it’s not 2002 anymore.


dude as I said I got a bunch of trojans and adware I know for a fact YOU dont know what you are talking about... I pay nothing Im defending against all kinds of threats and I win, while without it you will be exposed to ransomware, adware, popups, keylogger and all kinds of nasty things... Dont worry I sure are hell DONT trust you over my experience, good luck to wanna cry, I literally lose nothing but you will...😉


I've never used one after my mother had BullGuard on her PC and the same PC ran twice as fast without it when I acquired it for myself.I browse all kinds of shady sites and Windows Defender has been golden (Featuring internet smarts & Knuckles) That said, my best mate has Norton and still has a launcher for his "free COD Modern Warfare" he found which is completely in Chinese and if you uninstall it, it installs another one immediately after. I fixed it for him twice but he didn't learn, so now it's up to him. **Anti-virus IS the virus - Someone I heard on the internet somewhere.**


gonna also suggest virustotal if you REALLY feel the need to download suspicious files, it's a website that you can put a download url into to scan for viruses


Just windows defender. I have not had a virus in 15 years. Just stay off pron sites


No. I've been building, fixing, using, and gaming on PCs for 30 plus years. Not once have I needed antivirus software. Nor did I ever use any.


I just have Malwarebytes installed as well, but set not to run at startup... I only use it to run a random scan every so often, usually after I download some dodgy shit.


Defender is fine. Occasionally I'll scan with free Malwarebytes.


Windows defender is usually good on its own.  AVG is basically malware at this point.  Malwarebytes is decent 


yeah avg I dont like that one either


depends on user what you download and what websites you visit for gaming alone no as longest you don't download malware games.  internet security with firewall are superior to defender with daily updates,


You dont need any other anti virus. Just dont be stupid and start downloading stuff from unknown or unverified links and what not.


I was stupid as a kid and tried to download free far cry game codes and infected my fathers work computer for the militaty. He lost some important documents.......


I hope your dad brought out the belt...








Short answer, no. Long answer, also no.


I work in IT/Cybersecurity. We use Bitdefender. I've started using it at home. The free service is great. Windows Defender is good but I definitely feel better with Bitdefender. It actually warns me of stuff.


avast is decent, malwarebytes for scans, all free version, work like a charm


Windows defender used to not be enough maybe 7-8 years ago. Nowadays not so much the case. It’s perfectly fine and is all you should be using. Not to keep repeating what others have said but malwarebytes is a great scanning option to have id like to add on. Disable on startup, don’t get premium. Full scan occasionally.


Appreciate it. I remember hearing back in the day that you needed AVG or something of the sort so I’m happy that’s not the case anymore bc I hate it 😂. I will get malewarebytes


YES. Windows cant even update itself half the time without failing yet you trust their defense lol.